Check If Any Cells In Range Are Numeric

Nov 4, 2008

If I have the following cells and values

A1 = 0
A2 = 0
A3 = ""
A4 = 0

I want a vba if statement that makes A5 = "Numeric.

If I have:
A1 = 0
A2 = 0
A3 = A
A4 = 0

I want A5 to = "Non Numeric"

Similarly if:
A1 = ""
A2 = ""
A3 = ""
A4 = ""

I want a5 to = "Non Numeric"

Is there a way to do this without looping through each cell in the range?

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Clear Cells In Range That Are Not Numeric

Mar 28, 2007

I am trying to write a macro in excel to clear all cells within a range that are non numeric. I seem to be going round in circles trying to find out how to do this.

I assume I have to use the IsNotNumeric(Target) argument but I can't find how to specify the target within a range.

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Count Cells Between Numeric Range

Dec 29, 2007

I am trying to total the number of cells in a column that are 0 or greater but less than 365. I use countif for for a specific digit but cannot compute a conditional range using it. I need to count the number of positive digits btwn 0 and 365. The column is a computation of the difference btwn today and past and future dates. A plus digit means we missed sevice and better be ready for an angry customer.

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Color Cells Within Numeric Range

Jan 10, 2008

Trying to make an excel macro that changes the background of a cell dependant if the value is between one number and another or equal to another number.

Cell values =
a1 = 250
a2 = 475
a3 = 715

vba Example:

Case Is > 200 and < 400
colchoice = 4
Case Is >450 and < 550
colchoice = 5
Case is >600 and <700 or = 715
colchoice = 6
If i run the macro the cell background should be
a1 =4
a2 =5
a3 =6

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Clear Numeric Cells In Range

Jan 19, 2008

I am trying to code a command button to clear a range of cells if any of them contain a numeric value. For example. If any cells of cell range A1:C10 contain a numeric value then they would be cleared. Not all the cells in the range but only thouse contaiing numeric values. I have tried various methods with not-so-good results.

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Color Cells Within Numeric Range/Scope

May 27, 2008

I'm trying to do some sort of a league table

I have something like this with data in around 1000rows there is text in collums A B D and E.

2 100
3 60
4 30
5 20

and i would like to do this:
if value in cell x in collum C is over 80 then background color in Ax,Bx,Cx,Dx,Ex is yellow
if value in cell x in collum C is between 60-80 then background color in Ax,Bx,Cx,Dx,Ex is brown
if value in cell x in collum C is between 40-60 then background color in Ax,Bx,Cx,Dx,Ex is blue
if value in cell x in collum C is between 0-40 then background color in Ax,Bx,Cx,Dx,Ex is red

Obviously i cant use conditional formating because i have more then 3 conditions.

Does anybody know what code to use for VBA?

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Validate Cells For Numeric Range Of Consecutive Numbers

Mar 19, 2008

I would like to " Validate Data In A Vertical Column To Not Allow Non Consecutive Numbers Less Than 100"


The above is a valid list. Below would be an invalid list:


This part of a larger scope, but I have a macro that will crash if the data entered is entered by way of the invalid list, it works perfectly with the valid list. I am limited to one column user's will input the data via a Barcode scanner that after it recieves input it enter's a "Hard" return. This is a warehouse pickticket program, user's scan their ticket id's (numbers greater than 100000) and then the number of lines on the ticket (usually not greater than 15)

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Percentage Of Total For Cells In A Range Equaling A Specific Numeric Value

Aug 4, 2009

I am trying to create a formula that shows a percentage of cells within a range that contain a particular number. This percentage is based on another cell, which is the total number of all audits. Each audit has rating columns, with a numeric value indicating it's rating. I need to count those cells within the range that equal the numeric value assigned to the rating, and then divide that total by the total number of audits to obtain a percentage of calls with each particular rating in each category.

Here is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:

A1 = 2 (Total audits)
B1 = 07/31/2009 (Date of first audit)
C1 = 3 (Rating of first category)
D1 = 1 (Rating of second category)
E1 = 2 (Rating of third category)
F1 = 08/03/2009 (Date of second audit)
G1 = 0 (Rating of first category)
H1 = 2 (Rating of second category)
I1 = 2 (Rating of third category)

The percentage of audits within the first category that have a rating of 3 would be 50%.
The percentage of audits within the second category that have a rating of 3 would be 0%.
The percentage of audits within the third category that have a rating of 2 would be 100%.

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Check For Numeric VBA

Mar 3, 2007

in excel when im writing a vba macro is thier something that i specify to only find numerical, or only find alpha characters? what about in excel when im doing a odbc query?

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To Check 102 Fields If They Are Numeric

Mar 26, 2009

I have got 102 quantity of TextBoxes in my form.

Each field represents the number of "SALE QUANTITY" , "FREE GIVEN" , "RETURNED" products. We have got 34 PRODUCTS range. (34 x 3 fields = 102 textfields)

The name of the TextBox fields are as follows :

PR01S , PR01B , PR01K

PR02S , PR02B , PR02K



PR34S , PR34B , PR34K

All of the fields are required to be numeric data only. How can i check this fields to be numbers on the same time of the data input (or when jumping to the next field. There will be a message box mentioning that the field can only contain numbers + SetFocus to the wrong input field) ?

I dont want to write same code for each item, its too hard and long..

If i can solve this problem, then I will need help to enter the values from this fields to the worksheet because I must find a way to enter the values with a for next loop or something.. I dont want to do it one by one.

Here is how the form looks :

I dont know if there is a possibility to exclude the product to be entered in the worksheet if all 3 boxes are Zero (0) for that specific item.

Example : If all fields are "0" for item "Coke" then I dont want this products information entered in the excel worksheet.

0 Sale , 0 Free, 0 Return

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Check If 1st X Characters Are Numeric

Aug 10, 2007

In my column of text strings, I have a multiple format of strings make-up. Below is just one of them I have to check that the first 6 are digits from 0 to 9, and it is followed by a hypen. If condition is true, the first 6 digits is the output (ie. 345678).


=IF(ISNUMBER(--(MID(A1, FIND("-",A1)-1,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-2,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-3,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-4,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-5,1))--(MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)-6,1))),LEFT(A1,FIND("-",A1)-1))

However, if I were to continue doing this for other strings, I would soon run out of characters limit that is allowed in a cell. I wonder whether a formulae such as below is valid? Any suggestion or help for a shorter formula is very much appreciated.


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Check If First 5 Digits Of String Are Numeric

May 23, 2007

I have some code where I need to check if the first five char are numbers and not letters.

I have in a column for example
12345-someone is here
23456-someone else is here
someone is here too

I need to get all of the ones that have 5 digits and not pull in the other into a new list.

I have tried Left(CPHierAll. Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) which will get me the fist 5 char. and then i need to check to make sure that they are all numbers and not char.

if Left(CPHierAll.Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) = "#####" then
But this does not bring anything in.

I also tried if CPHierAll.Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) = "#####" then

I have 3 column that i am checking for different thinks the first two work just find and seperate out on the check but the last one with the numbers is being a pain.

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Check If Range Of Cells Contain Certain Value?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a range of cells which contains one of two text values (Ok and Not Ok). I would like to check my range of cells for these values. If this range have one cell that contains the text "Not Ok" I would like the formula to say "Not OK". If all cells contain "Ok" I would like the formula to say "Ok".

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Check Range Of Cells For A Word?

May 28, 2014

This does not seem to be working and I do not know why.

If Range("T3:T999").Value = "Duplicate" Then
MsgBox "It did work"
MsgBox "What happened??"
End If

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Check A Range Of Cells For Empties

Dec 11, 2008

Upon deactivation of a worksheet I am trying to check a range of cells("B8:M8") for empties. If any cells are empty I want to generate a MsgBox that asks the user to remedy the situation. It is not necessary to tell them which cell is empty but it would be nice. Can anyone help me format this code?

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Check Range Of Cells For Data

Apr 12, 2009

I am using the following code to check data is entered in certain cells...

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Check For Colored Cells In A Range

Dec 13, 2011

detecting if a range has colored cells. What would the correct syntax be for the line in red?

Sub CheckForDups()
Dim ColumnNumber As Integer
ColumnNumber = 1
Selection.FormatConditions (Selection.FormatConditions.Count).SetFirstPriority
Selection.FormatConditions(1).DupeUnique = xlDuplicate


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Check If All Cells In Range Are Empty

Nov 3, 2008

I have an if statement as follows:

If IsEmpty(Range(Cells(iCurrentRow, iFirstDataColumn), Cells(iCurrentRow, iTotalCol)))


i did a select to make sure it was selecting the whole range I want and it works fine:

Range(Cells(iCurrentRow, iFirstDataColumn), Cells(iCurrentRow, iTotalCol)).Select
Inside my range I can have cells with 0s in them and cells with nothing in them. What I would like my if statement to do is return true ONLY when ALL cells have nothing in them. At the moment, even if I have 0's in some cells, it's returning false.

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Check For Blank Cells In Range

Aug 25, 2007

I have X amount of cells (formulasheet) , these are used to input data, which is then summarized into a sheet on the same file. I'm trying to find a code that forces the user to fill out all the fields. If the user do not, the "submit button" will not proceed, at least not work. Almost like a forum registrating, where it is required to fill it all some mandatory fields in order to proceed.

The cells datatypes are mixed, some are Integer and some are String.

Is there anyway that are code can be written "if the cell(s) is FALSE (nothing in the cell) then display message.

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Check If Cells Are Empty If So Delete Range?

Jul 25, 2012

im having a little trouble writing a macro to :

check if a7:t7 is empty, if so delete a6:t7 and change cell colour of a6:t7 to 'no fill'

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Check Non Contiguous Range To See If All Cells Are Filled

Feb 17, 2008

Is there a way to prevent a workbook from closing or being submitted until information has been entered into the following cells? B78, B80, B82, B84, B86, B88, B90, B92, B94, B96, B98, B100, B102, B104, and B106?

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Check For Empty Cells In Non Contiguous Range

Aug 13, 2008

The application reads in a file, whcih can have various formats. To check which format it's in, I plan to look for certain empty fields/ cells. I can successfully detect a group of empty cells by explicitly testing each one, but when I put them all in a range and test that, the check fails. So far I've reduced the problem to the following example code.

Sub check_clear()
If IsEmpty(Range("a1")) Then
Range("g2") = "A1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("b1")) Then
Range("g3") = "B1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("c1")) Then
Range("g4") = "C1 empty"
End If
If IsEmpty(Range("d1")) Then
Range("g5") = "D1 empty"
End If..............

The result is that each individual cell check results in the relevant "XX empty" message. However, the test that the range of multiple cells is empty never produces a result. I'd really like to understand the underlying reason - as well as find out how to perform an isEmpty test on a range. I'm looking more for guidance and insight than a canned solution

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Macro To Check If Range Of Cells Values Are Balnk.

Jan 8, 2009

I am looking for a macro that will check 2 things....then do something.
The first is if a range of cell values in are blank. lets say

Next is if a particular cell contains a given value ,
Sheets("sheet1").Range("E5") should equal "Year 1" if true.

If both these are true then I want the macro to copy a range of cells from
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("H6:H48") to Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D6:D48").

I tried to use IsEmpty but it seems to return a "False" if a range of cells
are being tested.

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Check If A Range Of Cells Matches Specific Text

Dec 19, 2008

How to check if a range of cells matches specific text.


A1 - dog
B1 - cat
C1 - mouse

I want the formula to give me "yes" if dog is present.

=IF(A1="dog", "yes", "no") is for one cell. However if I do it this way:

=IF(A1:C1="dog", "yes", "no") I get an error.

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Check For Values In Range & Compare 2 Cells On Different Worksheets

Aug 22, 2008

In Worksheet 1, Cell B63 I would like to create a drop down menu, with two options for the user to select - 0.05 and 0.01. I would like each selection to then control the formula in the cells C63:L63, for example;

Where 0.05 selected it computes for cell C63:


then cell D63


and so on

Then if 0.01 selected it would compute for Cell C63


then cell D63


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When Typing To A Cell Check If This Number Exist In A Range Of Cells (in Sheet 2)

Nov 28, 2008

I need help to this : When i type a number to a cell and press enter , i want to check if this number exist in a range of cells (in sheet 2) , and if exists , excel show me a message. Actually i use it for my *** club. Number is the client code. When i writte 50 in a cell , i need from excel to check if this client own me money , and show me some message..

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Formula To Check Range To Make Sure All Cells Are Either Blank Or 11 Characters Long

May 8, 2012

I need a formula that will search the range D8-D100 to confirm that all cells within that range are either 11 characters in length or blank. I will use it inside of an error message that will look something like this:

=IF(****formula that checks to make sure all of the cells in that range are blank or 11 characters****=TRUE, "", "Please make sure that all cells are 11 digits or blank")

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Excel 2010 :: Use Range Of Cells With URLs To Files And Check It They Exist - If False Delete To End?

Oct 24, 2013

This is Excel 2010 on Windows 7

Trying to figure out a VB Script but don't know where to start.

I have a sheet for each month. lets take September 2013

A Column with 200 Servers (A1:A200) on the Intranet listed as server-1/, Server-2/ Server-3 ... Server-200/
Each Server lists a location of a file for each day (31 columns per row)

I am trying to check for the existence of the files on each server (The Cells contain the URL and File Name in Range B2:AF201) starting with server-1 check the URL in B2 if it exists, go to C2, Continue with that row until the file check is False (The Page will show a 404 error) if not found delete cell url and continue. do this for all 200 rows

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VBA Check If A Cell Is Empty - Move 7 Cells Over And Check Again (Loop)

Aug 10, 2012

I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.

Sub Tester()

Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range

Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)

[Code] ......

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Validate For Numeric Range & Alphanumeric Range

Dec 20, 2007

Can anyone help me to get a validation to check that what is entered in a cell, lets say A1,
has to be number between 100000 and 899999 (this I already have) OR a value/text from I100000 to I899999. So it only acceots a vlaue betwwen 100000 and 899999 and it is also ok to have the letter I at the begining.

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