Combining Offset And Find Formulas

May 13, 2013

On Sheet 2 I am looking for a formula to find Dog1 in a cell on a different sheet and then to equal a cell 2 columns to the right of where ever it found Dog1. I cannot make it so that it simply equals a certain cell all of the time. It has to be able to move in sheet 1. For example sometimes Dog1 will be on row 5 and sometimes it will be on row 7. So the equation I am looking for needs to be able to work no matter what row it is on. I have tried a couple VLOOKUP equations but they are not working because like I said, Dog1 is not the only text in that cell.

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Combining OFFSET / Indirect And IF Functions

Oct 25, 2013

I roughly know what my equation should look like, but it keeps failing. Its all part of a wider spreadsheet but I will only put down that bits that impact this part of the sheet.

In my cell I need it to input a value from a different spreadsheet. The input value is text.

I currently use this formula and it works perfectly for what I need.


This would a return a variety of results such as "excluded","compliant","non-compliant".

I would like to arrange an IF function so that if the answer is Excluded to keep it as Excluded. But anything else to use this formula instead.


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Combining If, Offset And Range Of Cells

Feb 13, 2007

i need to get an equation correct for a scheduling application
assume $f24 is a task frequency and U24 is our current cell location


i am asking if (the range of cells to the left of current cells (range being task frequency -1 columns wide) are empty - and if so - put an x - if they are not empty - then leave it balnk.

i can get it to to work for a 2 weekly schdule but need it to work upto 52 weeks

i have a simple spreadsheet with the problem clearly defined for anyone who can help

- beer in it for anyone who can help - or can pay via paypal if required

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Find Value, Offset & Return Offset To TextBox

Nov 1, 2006

- Find a value on a sheet “ORM” in Column G5:G33

-Get the corresponding value of B5:B33 of that cell

-Place that corresponding value in a canned remark: “You have the number 2 in Block, 12, 14, 25 22.

-Place this canned remark in TextBox31

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Combining 2 VBA Formulas Into 1?

Jul 22, 2014

how to combine these two codes into one?

Sub DelTemp()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
Dim pt As PivotTable


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Combining Two Formulas Into One

Feb 9, 2007

I have the following formula... in Cell T4 =IF($Q4="",(M4&(IF(L4="","",(" ("&L4&")")))),(IF( ISNA(VLOOKUP($Q4, Lookup!$A$1:$B$5,2,FALSE)),Q4,VLOOKUP($Q4,Lookup!$A$1:$B$5,2,FALSE)))) But I also want to replace the 'R(space)' in the cell at the same time. I currently do that in a separate cell using: =SUBSTITUTE(T4,"R ",""). How do I combine the that it is done in one action ??

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Combining Multiple IF / AND Formulas?

May 26, 2014

Is it possible to combine the following three formulas into one formula?

=IF(AND(H5>59,(I5<5),(J5<15)),("Close Out"),(""))
=IF(AND(H5>59,(I5<15),(J5<5)),("Close Out"),(""))
=IF(AND(H5>55,(I5<10),(J5<3)),("Close Out"),(""))

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Combining 2 Formulas In 1 Cell?

Jan 13, 2014

I am looking at combining 2 formulas and have them in a single cell. Currently I am using this one =IFERROR(IF(S3-V3=0,"Completed within agreed time!",S3-V3),"") if the value =0 but need another one if there's no value in V3 it would say "Outstanding" I have tried to add IFBLANK to the existing formula but I must be doing something wrong as it doesn't work.

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Combining Columns With Formulas

Apr 6, 2012

I'm working on a project that spans three sheets. A2:A151 of Sheet 1 and 2 is a list of names. The names may repeat and they probably won't fill all 150 rows. What I'd like to do with formulas is combine Sheet 1 and 2 into a single list in Column A of Sheet 3 without repeating names or showing blanks. I'm fine with multiple formulas and hiding columns, whatever needs to be done to make it work. Is this possible?

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Combining 2 Formulas Into One Big If Formula

Apr 8, 2013

How to combine these two formulas into one big If formula..






[Code] .......

H2 is the resulting cell.

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Combining Two Formulas Into One Large

Jun 6, 2013

i was wondering if there was a way i can combine these two formulas into one large one



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Combining IF And Lookup Formulas Returning Zero Value

Jan 12, 2009

Here's my formula that gives me an answer of zero.
=IF(IF(L14="L",(LOOKUP(B14,data!Y1:Y14831,data!AO1:AO14831)),0),IF(L14="L+R",(LOOKUP(B14,data!Y1:Y14 831,data!AQ1:AQ14831)),0),0)

L14 is a dropdown box, selection is L or L+R
The L true result is 30 and L+R result is 60
It should be possible to combine these should it not?
I would do a screen shot but it's quite huge.

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Combining Formulas In A Cell And Concatenate

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to combine this formula with another formula but I cant get it right.
I have multiple worksheets that feed into 1 so I am using this formula to pull in the info.

=II.MissionCritical!C20. This info is a title like "Writing".
=II.MissionCritical!C23. This info is a yes or no.

So I need the =II.MissionCritical!C20 formula to also say if c23 is no add an *** to the front of the title. so the title would look like "***Writing". and if C23 is yes leave the title as is.

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Extending Formulas: Information About OFFSET And INDEX

Jul 8, 2009

I want to extend a formula like so- =Sheet2!M3

Basically I want it to go up in increments of 57 when I copy the formula down. Is there an easier way to do this rather than typing it over and over again? I looked on an older post and saw some information about OFFSET and INDEX but couldn't figure out exactly how that worked.

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Error On Linked Cells That Have OFFSET And VLOOKUP Formulas

Aug 7, 2012

Read about the Dfunctions and SUMIFS/COUNTIFS not working between linked objects and think my error is the same.

SYMPTOMS: Formulas wont work unless linked workbooks are open. Once open they work and as soon as the sheet is altered after they are closed, they links break.

My formula =OFFSET(('Linked Workbook'!$A$1),0,VLOOKUP(Range,RangeData,2,0)-1) or go to workbook and bring back a certain amount of cells to the right of A$1$ based on a lookup formula in the Main open workbook.

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Formulas In Offset: Run It The Cells Remain Blank But The Code Is Above In The Fx

Apr 26, 2006

s1. Offset(1, 2).Range("K4:K464").Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)),"""",(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)))"

How do you get code like above to work in Offset? When i run it the cells remain blank but the code is above in the fx.

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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VBA: Find And Offset

Aug 15, 2006

When I enter a number into cell E2, I would like this number to be searched from A5:A (there will only be 1 unique record, no repeats) and when found for the current time to be put into the corresponding B column.

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Find Min Value & Offset By 1 Column

Nov 20, 2009

I have a list of names in col A and a list of numbers in col B

How can I write a formula that finds the minimum value and returns the name next to it?

I was trying something like Offset(min(b2:b20),-1), but it doesn't work.

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Find Occurrences And Offset

Dec 18, 2006

I want to find a string Variables via Find Method . Once this string is found, it will output the offset cell string. For example, in the attached file. i would want to find the string "ggg", once found the code will output the string "xxx"

I tried using the below code but it didn;t seem to work.

If Cells.Find(What:="ggg", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False).Activate Then
File_array(1,1,1) = Cells.Offset(0, -3)
End If


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Find, Offset, And Update

Jul 22, 2007

Attached is a workbook that I am having a major problem with. Basically it is a stock management system for a hotel allowing purchase orders to be easily generated and receipted.

The purchase side is working as I want it to - so no problems there.

On the receipting side, however, I am having a lot of trouble. Here's what I want it to do.

For each item shown on the Receipt sheet that has a quantity in the received column, I want the code to find the appropriate line in the StockTotals sheet (using the UID which appears in column A of both sheets), then offset the appropriate number of columns, and update the numbers as follows;

Stock on hand grows by the number receipted.
Number on order drops by the number receipted.

If the number on order is now zero, then I want to clear the ordered cell as well as the ordered date cell next to it.

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Combining HLOOKUP AND VLOOKUP To Find Solutions In A Matrix Using 2 Variables

Oct 28, 2009

This was a snap in Lotus. Unfortunately, the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formulas don't translate to Excel on conversion. I need to estimate the weight of reinforcing steel in concrete based on 7 different sizes of rebar and spacing of the bar between 1" and 24".

I have created a matrix(lookup table) with the bar spacing listed in decimal equivilents in feet on the top row.Inthe row below, I have numbered the columns from 1 to 24. the next row is blank. Along the left side of the matrix, I have listed the bar sizes 3 thru 10. Within the table I have listed all the bar weights/SF of concrete. IE if the slab has 1 mat of #5 rebar spaced 6" oc. If you look in row 7, under column 6, the weight of weight of the bar in that sf of concrete is found. In the part of the worksheet where the caculations are performed set up as follows:.....

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Replace The Offset With Find Function?

Nov 25, 2012

I just want to replace the offset with find function. I have attached the sample file with the code. Just need a little change.

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Find 1st Cell With Numeral, Then Offset.

Apr 21, 2008

How would I find the first cell in column A containing a number, like HY42128PP, and then offset 1 row up from there to start my autofilter?

Also, to copy the worksheet headings, what code would copy all rows from row 1, down to 2 rows above the first cell in column A containing numbers, and insert those rows in another sheet?

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Find, Offset, Paste Variable

Sep 2, 2009

The initial code was from this forum. I modified it so it wont work
The code finds the first instance but none after, why?

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Find, Offset 0,-5, Create Formula

Jan 11, 2010

i'm working on an excel file that consists of 31 sheets one for each day of the week, the information about how much we make each day is inputted on the end of each day, i've consolidated all the sheets into 1 big sheet and now i want to create charts over the production, so what i would like is a code that searches the huge sheet for Machine name (Found in Column A and Column I) then walk 5 cells to the right and find the number of litre's made by that machine on that shift.

The different shifts are

Formiddagsskift - Morningshift

Ettermiddagskift - Eveningshift

Nattskift - Nightshift

I will include an example of the data. The data should be pasted to the "Formler" spreadsheet. It doesn't matter if you don't wanna do this i can simply do it later i just need the code to search, and go 5 cells to the right and remember which cell it is, and make sure it is in the right "Shift" ie, all the 282 machines for morningshift are summed in c7 and c10 has eveningshift and c13 has nightshift.

Quite time consuming to search through 31 days of production to find the correct machines on the correct shifts. And the data changes for each month so this would be a great asset to me.

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Lookup - Match - Find - Offset

May 2, 2006

on sheet 1
I have a list of race car numbers (20K, 15W, 2) in A1:A50 (may be more or less than 50)
Next to them in B1:B50 are the point values they earned for a night of racing. 100-97-94 etc.... these are points they have earned for a night of racing that week.
in C1 I have how many column over I need to write to (ex. 4 for Column "D" on sheet 2)

On sheet 2 I have all the total for each week.
A1 B1 C1
Car 4/22 4/29
20K 94 90
15W 97 100

What I need is some code to go down the driver list on sheet1 and write their points in colum D on sheet 2 when it finds the appropriate car number. If the car number does not exist then add the car to the bottom of the list (A50) or whatever, and write the points 4 columns over.

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Find Specified Values. Offset & Cut/Copy

Aug 2, 2006

I am trying to locate specific values in column a of a spreadsheet and I want to be able to move (cut and paste, offset, ???) only those values to column c of the same row. The values I am looking for are text and they all begin <@29>, <@33>, etc. (pagemaker codes). I want to move the cells with the pagemaker codes to column c. and leave the other ones in column a. Does anybody know how to do this using vba? Below is a sample of my column a.


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Vba Find For 2 Criteria- Then Offset Other Information

Jul 4, 2007

I have a code where I am trying to do a find for 2 criteria. If both criteria are found in the same row I want to then offset more data on that row. My find code is not working. Here is what I have:

Sub test()
Dim str As String
Dim str1 As String

str = Sheets("Pt2Filter").Range("Repair_Description1")
str1 = Sheets("Pt2Filter").Range("DateOfInvoice1")

Sheets("Invoiced Pt 2").Activate
Find_Range = ActiveWorksheet

‘search For items
Set found_range = Find_Range("str", Columns("D"), xlValues, xlPart)
For Each Cell In found_range
If Intersect(Cell.EntireRow, Columns("A")).Value = _
"str1" Then...
End Sub

Whenever I try to run the code the part that I have as bold returns a Type Mismatch error.

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Find Dates, Offset & Copy

Jul 7, 2007

My source data generates a sheet full of individual dates and condo rates. We'll call it the "Rates Tab". The dates are not sorted or organized into a single column and to complicate it further the data has blank rows periodically. The only recognizable pattern is: (example) the date is in cell b12, then the condo rate will be 2 columns to the right in d12. On a separate sheet, the user will input a check in date(date A) and check out date(date b). I need to find the rates for all dates from Date A to Date B located on the Rates Tab. how to find a Date across various columns and then return a value 2 columns to the right from the "target"?

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