Extending Formulas: Information About OFFSET And INDEX

Jul 8, 2009

I want to extend a formula like so- =Sheet2!M3

Basically I want it to go up in increments of 57 when I copy the formula down. Is there an easier way to do this rather than typing it over and over again? I looked on an older post and saw some information about OFFSET and INDEX but couldn't figure out exactly how that worked.

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Vba Find For 2 Criteria- Then Offset Other Information

Jul 4, 2007

I have a code where I am trying to do a find for 2 criteria. If both criteria are found in the same row I want to then offset more data on that row. My find code is not working. Here is what I have:

Sub test()
Dim str As String
Dim str1 As String

str = Sheets("Pt2Filter").Range("Repair_Description1")
str1 = Sheets("Pt2Filter").Range("DateOfInvoice1")

Sheets("Invoiced Pt 2").Activate
Find_Range = ActiveWorksheet

‘search For items
Set found_range = Find_Range("str", Columns("D"), xlValues, xlPart)
For Each Cell In found_range
If Intersect(Cell.EntireRow, Columns("A")).Value = _
"str1" Then...
End Sub

Whenever I try to run the code the part that I have as bold returns a Type Mismatch error.

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Index Match Offset

Jun 30, 2006

I'm having trying to set up a new
workbook to pull selected results from an existing one. I am trying to figure
out the formula/function for cells B2:D3 on workbook2:

(Col A is dynamic range 'name', Col B is dynamic range 'product', Col D is
dynamic range 'mtd')
Joe P1 7
P2 1
P3 2
Total 10
Jill P1 3
P2 4
P3 1
Total 8

P1 P2 P3
Joe 7 1 2
Jill 3 4 1

I entered the following as an array formula in cell B2 and it works fine to
return the proper result of 7:
This does not work to return the results for P2 or P3, I am assuming because
I need some sort of an offset for the different rows in workbook1.

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. First I want
to locate the proper name in workbook 1 and then the proper product under
that name and finally pull the mtd col D result for that product and name.

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Jun 27, 2008

below is my formula in one of my worksheets called "SS" which references several rows and columns in another worksheet called "CCA":


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Offset Index Match Array?

Jun 3, 2014

=INDEX('Data Dump'!$C:$C,MATCH('YTD Detailed'!B$2&A40,'Data Dump'!$G:$G&'Data Dump'!$D:$D,0))

I have to above array formula, i am looking to nest an offset within it. That looks up two columns to the right, but im having trouble.

Can an offset be added to an index?

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Nov 5, 2006

I am having a heck of a time coming up with the proper combination of functions to return data to my worksheet.

Attached, you will find a screen shot of the pages I am dealing with.
Here is what I am trying to do:

On the page named Update Master, I am trying to put formulae into the highlighted cells C2:C11. Each cell will contain a formula to MATCH the team name in UpdateMaster!A:A with a team name in the chart found on worksheet WEEK ONE. Then, I want to return the value found 8 cells down, and 1 cell to the right of that MATCH. Here is a specific example:

In cell Update Master!C2, I need a formula that will MATCH the value in Update Master!A2, , with a value on the WEEK ONE! worksheet. (In this case, 2EZ. After locating the match, I want to return the value found in the bottom right of that players weekly score box. (WEEK ONE!C9...in this example).

I can't make a direct reference to the data...because the value in Update Master!A:A will change after each week. The team names will be sorted in alphabetical order after being sorted by the value found in Update Master!AE:AE...(each player's accumulated score).

I have tried so many combinations of MATCH, LOOKUP, OFFSET, INDEX, ROW...etc., and I keep getting VALUE# or NA# errors at some point in the computation. Maybe one of you can point me in the right direction.

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Vlookup, Index, Match, Offset, What Combination Should I Use?

Sep 22, 2009

I have attached an example s/sheet. Basically this is an excerpt of the data that sits in a pivot table. What I want to do is from another sheet query this data. I don't want to use another pivot table as they are quite hungry in terms of memory and the data source we have is quite large. In essence what I want to achieve is in cell G2 the user enters a code. A function (vlookup?) will then scan column A to find that code.

The function then needs to look across and sum the total of Requests and Responses for all the dates. Whilst the dates may change, the number of dates will remain the same. Once it has summed them it needs to return the totals to cells G4 and G5. Additionally it needs to fill in the relevant total (offset?) for the corresponding week as detailed in columns H-AH. It seems quite a simple lookup issue but I am not very versed in nested lookups. I have looked around and it seems INDEX woudl do the job but I am at a loss on how to construct this type of function.

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Search Information On Pivot Table And Copy Value In Cells With Offset

Dec 5, 2011

I'm using a code to search some information in a pivot table and copy the value in the cells with offset(0,1) and is very very slow, I tryed another method with the using of Find but isn't working: error message: missing object in the with cycle.

Here is the working code:

Dim DataFine, DataInizio, UltimaRiga, Gg As Date
Dim NomeMacchina, Plant As String
Dim Cl As Object
Dim Pr As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .......

Here is the code who doesn't work

For i = 6 To 500
Giorno = Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 2)
With Sheets("01")
Pr = Range("A5:A500").Find(Giorno).Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 9).Value = Pr
End With

if I use this code on a normal sheet it works but when I try to use it on a Pivot table fields give me always the error message.

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Offset And Index Function With Dynamic Number Of Column

May 27, 2013

i'm running out an option, i must use offset or index function but there are problem found: 1.Offset function cannot use a dynamic height or number of columns and the result are #NAME?, here is the code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim k As Variant
Dim b As Variant
Range(Me.RefEdit1).Name = "item"


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Offset Index Match Formula Slowing Down Excel

Dec 28, 2009

I have the following formula in a cell:

When the workbook with this formula is open it slows down other workbooks quite a bit.

If I run code in another workbook without the workbook with the formula open, calculation takes 0.099 seconds. If the workbook with the formula is open, the same code takes 2.24 seconds.

How could I change/replace above formula to average the last n (cell M9 value) cells in an ever changing column.

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Combining Offset And Find Formulas

May 13, 2013

On Sheet 2 I am looking for a formula to find Dog1 in a cell on a different sheet and then to equal a cell 2 columns to the right of where ever it found Dog1. I cannot make it so that it simply equals a certain cell all of the time. It has to be able to move in sheet 1. For example sometimes Dog1 will be on row 5 and sometimes it will be on row 7. So the equation I am looking for needs to be able to work no matter what row it is on. I have tried a couple VLOOKUP equations but they are not working because like I said, Dog1 is not the only text in that cell.

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Using Index And Match To Get Specific Information?

Feb 4, 2014

I have a sheet that has 4500 items on it and want to create a new sheet so I can type in a part number and get the information on the row that number is on.

so in the (new blank sheet) cell a3 will be the input cell and cell a5 to a9 will show the data.

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Index Match Offset - Find Contents Of Reference Cell

Jun 21, 2012

How can I modify the following formula to find the contents of reference cell, for example if the cell reference (G$3) is equal to 9 I want it to use 8 instead.


I tried using G$3-1 but this doesn't appear to work.

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Formulas By Using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH Separately

Oct 8, 2009

I have this table




As you can see, the number I has a,d,and g, II has b,e,and h, and III has c, f, and i

I want to make formula that if I make the input g it would return I, f would return III, and c would return III, and so on

I want to make four formulas by using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH separately.

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Error On Linked Cells That Have OFFSET And VLOOKUP Formulas

Aug 7, 2012

Read about the Dfunctions and SUMIFS/COUNTIFS not working between linked objects and think my error is the same.

SYMPTOMS: Formulas wont work unless linked workbooks are open. Once open they work and as soon as the sheet is altered after they are closed, they links break.

My formula =OFFSET(('Linked Workbook'!$A$1),0,VLOOKUP(Range,RangeData,2,0)-1) or go to workbook and bring back a certain amount of cells to the right of A$1$ based on a lookup formula in the Main open workbook.

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Formulas In Offset: Run It The Cells Remain Blank But The Code Is Above In The Fx

Apr 26, 2006

s1. Offset(1, 2).Range("K4:K464").Formula = "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)),"""",(VLOOKUP(C2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1063,2,FALSE)))"

How do you get code like above to work in Offset? When i run it the cells remain blank but the code is above in the fx.

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Index / Match And Bring Back Information One Cell Above

Jan 19, 2013

I am running an Index, Match off of totals, what I would like to do is when the formula finds the column_index_num to move up one row and bring that value back.

For example: if I am going to sheet2 and my formula would normally pull back the information on row 7 with a column_index_num of 5 (or column E), I want to bring back the information on row 6 column E.

How do I add the variable to bring back the information one cell above?

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Offset / Index / Match - Using 3 Functions To Search For And Return Values From Data Sheet

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.

The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.

What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.

For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.

Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.

Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.

Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?

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Index And Match Formulas

Feb 16, 2010

Attached is a spreadsheet I am working on. The cells I am having difficulty with are I5 and I6. Cell I5 should be pulling a value from the 2nd tab based on C4 and C5 AND C6. Or at least that is my intent. However when I change C6 to 6 I get an N/A. When it is 5 based on 15,000 it enters $2,353.73 but according to my table it should be $2,710.23 I am having the same issue with I6. Based on 15,000 it should enter $190. Where did I go wrong.

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Index/Match: Populate Cell With The Information The Corresponding Letter Contained In The Table To The Far Left

Jan 7, 2010

I'm having a bit of a block with an index/match formula that I am trying to create for the attached spreadsheet. i.e. I need to populate cell J3 with the info the corresponding letter contained in the table to the far left. The numbers of reference to match are the 'zones' in H3 and J2.

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How To Create VLOOKUP And INDEX Formulas

Jul 8, 2014

I would like to create a spreadsheet with 3 columns: employee ID, last name, first name. Then on the 4th column I would like to enter the employee ID and have the last name and first name auto populate into the 5th and 6th columns. How do I do this?

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Copy The Information From The Row Directly Above The New Row And Paste (values, Formulas, Formats, Etc) Into The New Row

Dec 18, 2008

1. In whatever cell is selected when the macro is run, enter a new row.

2. Copy the information from the row directly above the new row and paste (values, formulas, formats, etc) into the new row.

3. Return to column P in the new row, i.e if the new row is row 11, then return to P11, for row 12 return to P12, etc.

I have tried recording the macro but because it is hard coded to specific rows, its not working. I have attached a sample copy of the sheet (had to zip due to the size of the file).

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Convoluted Sum Formula (formulas To Generate Commission Reporting Information On The Summary Tab )

Feb 27, 2009

I need 2 different formulas to generate commission reporting information on the Summary tab of the attached sample Excel file. The first is highlighted in green. For these cells, I need a sum formula that reports the total commissions (column H of the "Data" worksheet) for items Ordered in the month listed in column B of the "Summary" worksheet, but not invoiced until the month listed in the column D, E & F headers of the same worksheet. Date of item order can be found in column A of the "Data" worksheet. Date of invoice can be found in column E of the "Data" worksheet.

Now, the problem that I think I am going into is the way Excel handles dates and times. All columns and data highlighted in orange on the data sheet need to be maintained without being changed, as eventually I am going to have a report setup by our operating program drop in there so that it automates the information without any additional labor by our employees who have varying levels of Excel proficiency. Unfortunately, the report from our operating program cannot simply list a date without a time. Feel free to create any column or field to the right of the orange columns in order to complete formulas based on those orange columns. I will just lock those cells when finished so that coworkers don't accidentally blow the shizel up.

The second sum formula that I need is highlighted in yellow on the "Summary" worksheet. Basically, I need a formula that sums all commissions in column H of the "Data" worksheet for those items that are cancelled AFTER invoicing. Column D of the "Data" worksheet lists the cancellation date. There are explanations for each of these on the worksheets for quick referral.

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Sorting Of Results Using Index / Match / Large And Other Formulas?

Jul 16, 2012

how to return the top 5 results in a set of data.

In a nutshell, I have data that needs to be sorted but some intermediate to advanced (to me) excel formula needs to be used to sort the ranking properly. I've already used index, match and large but it does not suffice.

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Multiple Index Match Formulas Instead Of Static If Vlookup?

Apr 10, 2014

I attached a file containing two sheets. The first sheet is called Input on this sheet there are several categories of which I displayed the first three on. My ultimate goal is to get the Input per category broken down horizontally over the line-items on the Output sheet. Every category contains several line items to which costs are attached (f.e. in category 10, line item 4000, the costs are 33,000$ and so on).

The problem is that every month the costs are changing per line-item, but also the number of line items per category will change due to the fact that the line-items are only displayed if there are in a specific month costs booked to the line-item. In other words sometimes line-items are added due to costs booked at the line-item, but if in one month there are no costs booked at the line-item it disappears from the overview. A formula containing: '=if(category=10,vlookup(... is to static due to the changing line-items.

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CUSTOM SORTING Will Not Work On Table With INDEX Formulas

Jan 28, 2014

Problem we are having with sorting a table.

The table (A1:E10) was created by pulling data from another worksheet using INDEX and ARRAY formulas.

We inserted 6 columns to move the table over to G1:K10 (used column F to space the two tables).

We then duplicated the table: cell A1=G1, B1=H1, ...., E1=K1 and dragged the formulas down. We now have a duplicate table that we want to sort.

We choose CUSTOM SORT and choose 2 levels of sorting ... column A and column C.

PROBLEM: The ARRAY formulation evidently overrides the sort function because the table remains as it was when the sorting command is executed.

Is there a way to bring the data from table G1:K10 over to table A1:E10 in a manner that will allow sorting??

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Index With Multiple Match Formulas Returning Undesired Value?

Nov 20, 2012

I am building a tool for work, and in one of the sections of the main worksheet, I would like the cells to pull specific data from another worksheet that contains the results of a web query. The web query pulls a table of data, with a double header (rows 3 and 4). One column header is for the date and the other is for the time the data below corresponds to. There are also row titles along the left hand side.

I need a formula that will find the column that meets two conditions:

1) Today's date
2) A specific time (referenced from a cell on the main sheet)

It must then pull the data from the cell in that column that is in the row marked "Total".

Here is an example of the data set from the web query:



I have done quite a bit of looking on the web and tried out several different formulas/variations. I think I'm getting close, but just can't get it quite right. Here are a couple that seem close and their results:

=INDEX('Rodeo Data'!$D$5:$JS$50,MATCH("Total",'Rodeo Data'!$B$5:$B$50,0),MATCH(J3,'Rodeo Data'!$D$4:$JS$4,0)*AND(MATCH(TODAY(),'Rodeo Data'!$D$3:$JS$3,1)))

This one correctly finds the date and "Total" row, but seems to ignore the MATCH(J3,'Rodeo Data'!$D$4:$JS$4,0) section, which is designed to find the specific time in row 4. It returns either the "Total" row value from the first or last column with the correct date depending on which match type argument I use.

=INDEX('Rodeo Data'!$D$5:$JS$50,MATCH("Total",'Rodeo Data'!$B$5:$B$50,0),MATCH(TODAY()&O3,'Rodeo Data'!$D$3:$JS$3&'Rodeo Data'!$D$4:$JS$4,))

This one returns the standard "#N/A" error message.

I am using Windows 7 and Excel 2010. "Rodeo Data" is the name of the sheet that contains the web query data I have included. The J3 and O3 references are cells in the main worksheet that contain the time I want the match function to find.

The desired output from the formula would be if I referenced it to today (20 Nov 2012) and 19:45, it would return the value of 65,826.

It may also be worth noting that the number of columns and rows in the data set is dynamic.

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Extending IF Function

Jul 27, 2007

I have a formula IF(A2=A1+1;B1+1;1) that I need to develop further, so it can recognise same date for same patient, so it doesn't start back at 1.
e.g. ( see attachment) In column B are real dates( 01.09.10-01.09.12, trough my formula => day 1,2, 3). What I need help with is to make the formula linked to column C so that if there are more of same date in column B( because of several different analyzes taken same day of the patient-column E) fore example several 09.10.11 should be recognized as day 2 all of them for the same patient, and if a new date follows for a new patient it should start back at day 1.
This is so I can make a diagram of my analyzes taken at the ICU, the problem is that my research is during 3 years and because of that I have different dates of analyze, and I need them to be comparable so that the day that they arrive changes to day 1 and so on.
PS! I have made an example were I have changed the patients IDs and taken away unnecessary data.

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Extending Table Backwards

Jan 13, 2014

How can I extend a table backwards my table starts from column B and i want to make it from column A to make it start from column A that is, if its possible.

I have uploaded my workbook : Stock Request - Copy.xlsm‎

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Conditional Formatting- Extending To Whole Row

Feb 15, 2010

Using the oldest version of Excel (200) I have to insure all members of our squad can utilize this function. Trying to format a whole row based on one cell in that row that reports number of days till the next physical. My formatting works correctly for the initial cell, but does not extend correctly to the rest of the row. I am using the "Cell value is" option. I used:

Cell value is between 1 and 365 - color green
Cell value is between 0 and -30 - Color Yellow
Cell value is between -31 and -365 Color Red.

All cells with no value in it are yellow, even if the original formatted cell is another color and the cells that have other data in them such as the physical date, have no color in them regardless. read and tried several approaches from other threads with no good results. considering the results from those threads, I am curious if it has to do with it being an older version.

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