Compare The 1st 9 Digits In Two Columns Looking For Duplicates
Mar 22, 2006
I have two columns of data. Each row cell is 27 characters long. I want to
find any duplicate matches between the two columns on just the 1st 9
characters of each cell. Is there a function that can do this?
So here I have two columns Column 1 with repetitive values of some 10000 records Column 2 with unique values of 100 records I want to compare Column 1 and Column 2, identify the values in Column 1 that match with Column 2 and highlight them. Conditional formatting for duplicate values doesnt work because Column 1 has repetitive values.
Columns A, B, and C have data (first name, last name, state) - 125k rows. Columns F, G, and H have data (first name, last name, state) - 5k rows. Some of these individuals are bound to appear on both lists, and I need to know which ones are indeed on both lists. So in other words, let's say I've got "John" "Doe" "TX" in cells F1, G1, and H1, respectively. I want to search through columns A, B, and C to find out if there are any instances in those columns of "John" "Doe" "TX" in the same row.
I'm thinking there will be multiple VLOOKUP formulas involved, but I could be way off.
searching between 2 columns (A:B) and finding duplicate emails using some type of formatting that will highlight duplicate emails?
For example? A B
I am using MS Excel 2007 and not very experienced, but this is for a marketing golf tournament my company is hosting.
I am comparing sheets of informaton and looking for email address duplication. Comparing sheet 1 to sheet 2 using MATCH and Using "NEW" or "DUPLICATED" as the results.What I would like to use is sheet 3 and extract the "DUPLICATED" data together with all the information in the same line of the duplicate data. In effect changing "DUPLICATED" to a line of information including the duplicate data.
I have a sheet which contains more than 8000 names (in 1 column), & another sheet which contains around 600 names (in 1 column), is there any way wherein i can compare both the columns & find out duplicates if any?
Sheet which contains 8000 names contains duplicate cells as well, but dat doesn't matter, i jst need to compare & confirm the sheet which has 600 names should be unique (Not included in 8000 data)
I receive a daily spreadsheet which contains (amongst other information) a column of postcodes. I'd like to run a macro which compares these postcodes with a list of other postcodes, and then to colour highlight each instance of that post code in the daily spreadhseet.
I have been able to find and modify a macro but that searches for one post code at a time and then adds a comments box to the cell.
Instead of copying that piece of code and editing it for the several hundred post codes I need to "look up" against, I'd like to know how to create a list of post codes in the macro, so that the macro searches the first post code in the lookup list, finds and highlights each cell instance, then moves onto the next post code in the lookup list, until the end of the lookup list. I would like this as the editing of the lookup list would be much easier than editing paragraphs of code.
I have two lists that I need to compare and remove duplicates but the two list are not identical, ie. one list has four columns and the other one only has two columns.(Using Excel 2007)
The Master list: Sheet1, Column C has unique numbers, i.e, 0608-211-1093-2.
(can have thousands of entries)
The Comparison list: Sheet2, Column C will have duplicates of some of Sheet1, Column C numbers.
(Sheet2, Column C will have the numbers but other columns will have different data than Sheet1 and may have a few hundred entries or less)
I need a macro that will that will compare the two sheets for duplicates based on Column C and then write the entire row of Sheet1 with the duplicate number to a new Sheet3.
Need to find a column of numbers from one worksheet and delete them from another.
Example To be deleted is below: 83221 83223 83232 83233 83236 to be deleted from is below: 83221 83223 83226 83227 83228 83229 83230 83232 83233 83234 83235 83236
Another issues is that the worksheet that needs to have the numbers deleted from has 3 columns total so the whole row would need deleting, or if its easier I could replace the numbers with 0 and then sort and delete.
I'm trying to compare values in 2 separate columns to see how many times the same value appears in both columns. Ideally I would be able to insert a range function to compare the values in the column "ID 1" against the values in column "ID 2" and return the count of times that a value appears in both columns. For example 2122, 1112 and 1718 appear in both columns and I would like the formula to return a count of 3.
In my actual project I'm comparing 2 columns in the same worksheet. The column are column B with data in cells B2:B10266 against column C with data in cells C2:C18560.
I have the following working great, but would like to see it refine a little, as the data vlookup is 6 digits, but i only needs the last 4 digits is enough for me to work, my question is how do i go about adding that to the following function i have implemented and working fine.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell. Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...). Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below: De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07 De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07 Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002 Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01 Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07 Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994 Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007 Tokara Red 1976 St Emilion 03 Tokara rose Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05 DuToitskloof Pinotage/Merlot/Ruby Cabernet 1999 Tradition Juracon 375ml
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in: =IF(ISERROR(VALUE(LEFT(B2,SEARCH(" ",B2)-1))),B2,MID(B2,SEARCH(" ",B2)+1,LEN(B2)))
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell.
Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below: De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07 De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07 Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002 Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01 Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07 Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994 Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007 2003 Tokara Red 1976 St Emilion 03 Tokara rose Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in: =IF(ISERROR(VALUE(LEFT(B2,SEARCH(" ",B2)-1))),B2,MID(B2,SEARCH(" ",B2)+1,LEN(B2))) As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
Does anyone have an idea on how to help with this?
Ideally I would love to cut the vintage year, whether 2 or 4 digit, whether on right or left of cell and paste it in another cell, so to avoid manually doing it.
However, this is surely too complicated to do, so iwould settle with just deleting the vintage year and manually typing the vintage in another cell.
I have two columns of data, I and M and need to find the cases where duplicates occure in I but the data in M does not match. If the data in M matches then it's ok. I have column I sorted A to Z.
I have a list of numbers in column A of my Worksheet, and a list of names in column B. There are duplicates in both columns:
A B 234 John Smith 253 Charles White 461 Mary Carlsson 876 Erica Alvin 954 Joe Brown 234 John Smith 461 Mary Carlsson
The duplicates in column A and in column B are correct, because the same names correspond to the same numbers. I would like a formula or VBA macro, if possible, to detect when there is no correspondence, for example, if the last row above were
A B 461 Ben Wayne - where it should be Mary Carlsson.
Is it possible to check all the rows of both columns and identify errors?
Fist I want to compare ColB=ColH, if TRUE, compare colA=colG, if TRUE, again compare colC=colI, IF all this conditions true, then give (colD-colJ) on colL.
all the unmatched rows in 2 tables to populate with different for each table
I have columns from A to AA and need to count the duplicates in at least 2 columns and accordingly need to give them values on the basis of their ratings (A, B, C, D) and type of work (book, article etc) given in yet other columns.
I tried COUNTIF, but that does not work for multiple perimeters I tried SUMPRODUCT, =SUMPRODUCT(($G$4:$G$3000=$G28)*($AA$4:$AA$3000=AA28)), but that only gives a multiplication of my input without the possibility of giving new values to the output.
I tried AND(IF( but that did not want to work either really...
I think the solution is ifsum, but I do not know how to use it in this scenario...
I know this all sounds a bit blurry, so let me attempt to make it more concrete.
Author Title Year Rating Type Desired outcome P Marx I 2005 I A I Book I duplicate A Hegel I 1923 I B I Article I - B Kant I 1674 I D I Book I - A Derrida I 2005 I D I Monograph............................
I have got a very big list in worksheet "1" which contain of only one column, the column D. There are over 150 000 cells in column D and each cell contains of many members seperated by ";". Some cells in column D have many dozen members. Now i want to generate two new columns out of D in another worksheet "2". The two new columns in "2" should be the colulmns A and B.
I want to search Column A in sheet1 vs column B in sheet 2. If there is a match, i want copy Column B in sheet 1 and PASTE it to Column E in sheet2. I have a macro (helped by those on here ) that will find the duplicates and copy cells from the cooresponding row only to another sheet.
The tricky thing is, the macro I have makes a complete new sheet. I want to copy the data to column E on sheet2 ONLY if there is a match for that cell. If ther eis nto a match i dont want it to put anything.
I have two columns of B2 and C2 data in the same worksheet and want to identify duplicates in the columns and return a value of true or false in column D. The formula I have been utilizing is:
I'm trying to condense my email lists in order to stop people receiving the same email having signed up to several lists. How do I compare 5 different columns to find email addresses which appear in more than one...
sorting duplicate e-mails across three columns in an Excel spreadsheet.
Precisely, I have three mailing lists (Column A, B, and C) that I would like to sort.
I would like to know what e-mail addresses appear in more than one Column (Mailing List), and I would like to highlight/flag them somehow.
I have attached an example spreadhseet that contains fake e-mail addresses for test purposes. As you can see, some e-mail addresses are duplicated or in triplicate across the 3 Columns. In other cases, an e-mail address may be unique to a specific Column.
In my real spreadsheet, I have approximately 3,500 rows and 3 columns.
I'm running a football competition for my business where customers are required to guess World Cup football scores via Facebook. I'm storing all their entries in a spreadsheet.
In the spreadsheet column a is their name, b is the match (e.g. England v Italy), c is the home tame (England), d is the score (1-1), e is the away team (Italy)
Across from, that I have the actual fixtures taking place at the World Cup. So column I is the date, K is the home team (England), L is the actual score (2-0) and M is the away team (Italy)
What I need is a formula that when I enter the result on a game into the right set of columns (Columns I:M) it will highlight those Columns (Columns C:E) that have entered that correct score.
It needs to compare 3 columns and not just one because for example if it highlights the score (1:1 for example) it could be highlighting someone who picked Spain v Holland 1:1 where the correct result would be someone who picked England v Italy 1:1.