Copy Worksheet Data By Condition/Criteria To Respective Named Sheets
Jun 2, 2008
Now what I am looking to do is search my spreadsheet for specific criteria and then copy and paste these rows of information to a new sheet.
In my first spreadsheet that I am using as a database, I want to be able to select any entry from the month and copy it to another spreadsheet named for that criteria.
In other words, I want to find every entry for January, copy just that data's rows and paste them to the January spreadsheet, February to February, etc. My date fields are in column A.
I also want to do the same with representatives names found in column B.
This will break down the data for each rep and each month. Using the filter, then copy and pasting would be cumbersome.
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Oct 16, 2006
Attach is a sample of my project. I have to loop through B9:B80 in sheet("Raw Data") and capture the value of each cell. EG:
* if Value captured is 120A --> check with sheet("SP14F") from the row which contains the same value.
* i have to check that the aperture, outer and inner values of Layer 120A and so on..of the Raw Data sheet is the same as that of in the SP14F sheet.
* if the values are not the same, change the font to red
i understand that this task requires looping and arrays.
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Feb 29, 2012
I need to copy and paste data with imposing a condition from one worksheet to the other. I also need a code to update an existing condition.
Dim rcnt As Variant, i As Long, j As Long
rcnt = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
j = 4
For i = 2 To rcnt
[Code] ........
The procedure does not update the changed condition ( I have pass/fail as condition). Once you run this macro, the data will be pasted but when you change a condition from "fai" to "pass". The pasted data in sheet 3 is not updated. I either need worksheetchange procedure or maybe a code to delete (refresh) sheet 3 data before running the existing macro.
I have Name, location, status (pass/fail) and comment in columns A, B, C, D in sheet 1.
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May 13, 2008
I have a bunch of data (by date) on one worksheet and I want to output results to another worksheet (in the same workbook). I want to be able to alter the rolling period for some financial calculations (thus the rolling period countdown). The code I've written doesn't suck the data from the second worksheet. The first worksheet is where vba is launched from. I've attached all the code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rowworking As Integer
Dim rowoutput As Integer
Dim rollingperiodcountdown As Integer
Dim Date1 As Date
Dim expectedreturn As Single
Dim returnwithedc As Single
Dim trackingdifference As Single
Dim returnwithbetamodulation As Single
Dim betamodulationtrackingdifference As Single
Dim improvement As Single
Dim x As Integer
For rowoutput = 5 To 500
Worksheets("Rolling Period").Activate
For rowworking = 3 To 15000
rollingperiodcountdown = Cells(rowworking, 9).....................
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Feb 10, 2013
I have a worksheet called "Lookup" with several dynamic named ranges (each is 1 column wide) including facility, department, shift, etc. On a summary worksheet in the same workbook I want users to use a dropdown or combo box (don't care what type) in cell B2 to select a facility and then based on their selection, copy the department named range data and paste it into the summary sheet beginning in cell A5 and paste the shift named range data into the summary sheet beginning in cell B5.
Example: user selects "AR Plant" from the dropdown or combo box and the data from the "AR_Rpt" named range is pasted into cell A5 and the "AR_Shift" named range is pasted into cell B5.
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Apr 18, 2008
I have found the following code on this forum that has really worked well. This code matches the first two columns of two worksheets and inputs them into a third worksheet. But I need to be able to copy up to five more columns, a total of seven columns and have it input into the third worksheet. I am not sure what it means "For Each c In Sht1Rng". look at the code and advise me of what I need to do.
Sub FindMatches()
Dim Sht1Rng As Range
Dim Sht2Rng As Range
Set Sht1Rng = Worksheets("Data1").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
Set Sht2Rng = Worksheets("Data2").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each c In Sht1Rng
Set d = Sht2Rng. Find(c.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not d Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = c.Value
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
Set d = Nothing
End If
Next c
End Sub
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May 12, 2008
I need to copy all the work sheets into one single work sheet (mastersheet). The source work sheets are having same column structure. The condition which i need to take care of is that after column 3 if at all there is any data till column 10 then in the destination mastersheet these should be copied in different rows with first two columns repeated. I need to do this using VBA macro.
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Mar 9, 2014
I have problem to copy data from other worksheet. yes, i can do Vlookup or IF function, but it will copy only when key in the formula, and it is not practical to do that if the columns are more that 10.
Situation is like this:
Worksheet 1 - > A1 Customer Name, B1 Amount, C1 Details.
Worksheet 2 -> A1 Customer Name, B1 Completion, C1 Total Cost, D1 Amount, E1 Date, F1 Details
I want to create a formula which will copy automatically all the data 100% completed in Worksheet 2 into Worksheet 1. What i have in mind is using something like this for Worksheet 1:
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Sep 28, 2006
Data exists in a workbook's sheet name "0293" in columns A, B, C, & D. If a row's value in column B exceeds zero, the entire row & formatting needs to be added to the bottom of data in a sheet called "Comprehensive" of the same workbook and put 0293 in column E of the same row. What would be the simplest VBA code to copy sheet 0293's data & add it to the "Comprehensive" sheet with the sheet name in column E of the same row?
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Sep 26, 2007
I have eight locations that appear on a single spreadsheet/Text file. I need to separate based on the Property ID for each location and then paste the result into a separate sheet for each one. I have arrange the code to look for each property ID and then copy the found data, but I am having a problem. The first find and Copy drops the first row but adds two to the end, so I am getting data for the next company. The second problem is that the second set of found data is appended to the size of the first found set. ( The first set is 3,570 rows, the second set is 2,646 rows. When Resized 6,216 rows are copied ) I can't seem to figure out how to reset the found range.
Sub Test()
Dim RngSize As Long
Dim srtHere As Long
Dim endHere As Long
'Find The First company
RngSize = Cells.Find("337x2", [B1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
'Select columns to copy by resizing the found area to include additional Columns
Set b = Range("Test").Find(what:="337X2").Resize(RngSize, 9)
'Copy Found area to the destination........................
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Oct 17, 2012
I have a workbook with 3 sheets
Sheet1 - TeamList - Column A is a list of all the team leaders which is used to create a new worksheet for every team. Col B is blank. Column C, D, E are the team lists where teams can consist of anywhere from 10-25 employees.
For example
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Column E
Team Leaders
Team Leader
TL 1
TL 1
Emp 1
[Code] ......
Sheet2 "RawHours" A raw data sheet that contains employee hours information
For Example
Employee #
Emp 1
[Code] .......
Sheet3 - Template
Basically what I want to be able to do is create a sheet for every team leader and copy and paste there team into the appropriate sheet.
I have the sheet create done by simply copying the template and renaming each sheet using the Team Leaders list from column A from the TeamList sheet. And then I copy the page setup information using the template as well but when it comes to pulling over the appropriate team members in to the appropriate sheet I can not seem to wrap my head around it.
Below is the current code I am using:
Option Explicit
Sub CreateSheet()
Dim LR, i As Long
Dim shCount As Integer
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Cell As Range
Dim CpySht As PageSetup
[Code] ........
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Nov 16, 2009
I have VBA code that copies over several sheets from a workbook, but I'd rather not have all the named ranges come through. Whenever I run the macro it gives me this notice: "A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name 'rngRegion2', which already exists on the destination worksheet..." The destination sheet doesn't originally have this range already, it runs into problems because the sheets I'm copying have rngRegion2 defined on different sheets. I'd like to try and avoid this problem all together by not copying named ranges if possible.
If thats not a viable option, is there code that I can use to tell it to automatically select "Yes - To use the name as defined in the destination sheet" as opposed to prompting the user to select yes/no?
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Oct 18, 2013
I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.
I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.
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May 24, 2008
In a data table, I need to sequence down a criteria list in Autofilter to the end. The list contains may contain either numberic or string dat, but no blanks. At each criterion, I need to copy the range and paste to another workbook. After reviewing many posts, I beleive I can create a VBA macro to do everything except sequencing.
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Apr 27, 2014
I need new workbooks based on category name in the below list. Respective sheets should be copied from the existing workbook with items as sheet names. List can be updatable.
Vegetables carrot
vegetables brinjal
meat chicken
meat Fish
meat Mutton
grains Wheat
grains Rice
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Nov 20, 2012
I have multiple sheets with the same format.(all columns have same format) in column "A" i have a value lets say "B1-1".
What I need to do is to copy from all sheets the rows containing in column "A" the same criteria("B1-1") to a new sheet and skip the rows that have a blank cell in Column "A".
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May 5, 2008
I did a search to find a question similar to mine and I found this:
Copying data matching a criteria into another spreadsheet
This is exactly the same concept I am trying to accomplish, but don't know how all. I couldn't follow the thread either.
I have a schedule which is constantly being updated (simplier version attached). I want to create a schedule, which will:
1) First ask which region to display the information for (I would like to create the same pop up menu to choose from)
2) Then, it will select only that region's information (all rows & columns) and copy them into a new worksheet and lists it all
-if you go back to the Master List, you can again choose another Region and it will create another new worksheet with that region's information
3) Don't know if this is making things more complicated, but at the bottom of the attached file, there are 3 lines under "Land".
Is it possible to list these under the same spreadsheet as the region it is pertaining to but classify it separately under "Land" (ie leaving space, so it is clear this is separate
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Mar 12, 2002
I haven't mucked about with Excel in quite a while now and have been asked to do a module in Excel 2000.
When given a workbook (tej-exit.xls) which has one worksheet of thousands of rows with columns from A to AS, i would like to copy all rows which have a zero in column N to a new worksheet.
Is this difficult?
Would i have to have one workbook with the code module in, load up the tej-exit.xls file ?
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Mar 24, 2014
I am working with a worksheet that has some cells merged e.g. A1 and A2 are merged together as 1 cell. I am using cell offset to reference values from the worksheet assign them to variables then populate another worksheet with their respective values. I noticed that cell.offset(row,column).value is not retrieving a value when merged cells are mixed with non-merged cells within a given row. Is there another method/function I can take advantage of here?
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Dec 22, 2011
I have a workbook that contains budgets for as many as 50 divisions. I don't always know what the names of the divisions are going to be. I need a macro that will go through each worksheet and copy aa1:ao200 and paste it to a worksheet named "upload" in the next available row.
Here is something that i found here but i cant make it work.
Sub Macro4()
' Macro4 Macro
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA("B:B") = 0 Then
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Aug 13, 2013
If I copy worksheet in Excel, the named ranges are copied too. If I copy in VBA, they are not. Is the only solution to loop thru the named ranges or is there something smarter like some "fullcopy"?
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Mar 23, 2007
How can I copy the Named Range definitions from one worksheet to another in the same workbook? In case it matters, the Named Ranges refer to cells in a third worksheet in the same workbook.
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Sep 18, 2009
I have created a worksheet which contains seven columns of data and many rows. I need to copy entire rows into nine separate worksheets depending on the data in column G.
I know nothing about VBA but have read enough to realize this is the way to go with this. Would someone point me in the right direction on how to set this up? I've attached the file so you can better see what I'm talking about.
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Jan 27, 2012
I looking for a macro to look in a list in worksheet "Map_Ref", and take the Range Name of column "A" and copy that range in the corresponding Tab and range as specified in Columns "C" and "D" (i,e. take range name "BB Staff Counts_Tenured" from cell "A2" and copy that range in worksheet "Sheet2" (as specified in cell C2), range "A2" (as specified in cell D2). And so on.
List of worksheet "Map_Ref":
Column AColumn BColumn CColumn DTable/Range Title/Name:
Range in Tab "CMD_1"Copy to Tab:To Range:BB_Staff_Counts_TenuredA126..Q156Sheet2A2Branch_Counts_BBmarketsA35..
[Code] ........
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Oct 14, 2006
if there's a macro that can be run to check one worksheet. In this worksheet there is a column where the value should be "true". If this value is true, I'd like to copy the entire row of data into another worksheet.
There can be multiple rows of data where this condition is met.
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Apr 17, 2008
"copy cell range based on conditions" and it didnt really get an answer. There was one that copied the info the next blank cell on that line, but im not smart enough yet to figure out how to copy it over. ( getting there though with lots of staring at code).
2 sheets. I have already created auto modules to fill in data and code,and sorted the columns so they are in line.
Sheet 1. Info : has 9 columns. So if column = 9 and the value = new.
Then i want to copy the range on the columns (A:G) and then paste it on the other sheet ( Card info) as long as Column A is empty ( as in next available blank cell) ( something like a DO while worksheet("Card info").column(A) <> ""
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Feb 4, 2010
I am self-taught (arguably by a pretty shoddy teacher), and am determined to figure *some* of this stuff out. I need a code to look at the rows on one worksheet and based on the value of column A for each row, copy cells A through E in that row to cells A through E of a blank row on a corresponding worksheet. I found a code from another post that does just what I need it to with one small exception. The code was posted by DaveGuggs and is as follows:
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Mar 31, 2008
1. I need a script to retrieve data (member number) from "Search List" worksheet and then to search it in "Members List" worksheet.
2. Once the search result (member number) found, e.g. 00311, it will copy the entire row to the "Only Selected" worksheet.
I have also attached a sample excel for better understanding.
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm a novice Excel 2007 user and appreciate all the help I can get. I have a workbook with monthly worksheets in it. When a certain data Type is selected from a drop down menu in that monthly worksheet than I would like to have it automatically enter specific data (Name, Date, Eval, Type) copied to another worksheet (CC) in the same workbook. I have been manually entering the data so far. Another thing, some of the data will be entered into the Monthly worksheets and some will only be manually entered into the CC worksheet so it would need to accomodate both methods of data entry. Please let me know if I need to clarify. I have attached the workbood, too.
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Feb 7, 2014
I am looking for a code that would copy the data from each worksheet in a given workbook and then paste to just one worksheet within a different workbook. The Sheet names are auto generated when I run this canned report but the naming structure is always the same...the first worksheet is named Repair Details and then the next sheet is named Repair Details_1, the next sheet is named Repair Details_2 and so on for every sheet in workbook. So I would like to copy all of the data(Headers to last cell) and then paste in a worksheet(ex: Master Repair Report.xlsx and the worksheet could be titled Master Repair Details) on a different workbook, then the next sheet would copy from the one under the header to the last record and paste to the same workbook. This process would repeat for every worksheet in the Repair Details Workbook and paste to Master Repair Details worksheet in the Master Repair Report workbook.
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