I have the below table of data and what I am looking for is a formula that will count the number for unique numbers (col E) depending on a several criteria. So far I have got this formula but it's not working!
I want to count the number of cells in column C with one forumla that answers the question, "How many of the cells in column C contain the words, APM, BPPM, CAPM, and NMS while exluding any results that have "OUTLOOK" in Column K?
I have a column with something like 20 thousand rows. I would like a formula that basically checks the column for duplicates and numbers the sets of duplicates. So if there are 5 cells that are all "Server10" I would like for the formula to place a one next to all of those cells. And for the next set of duplicates it finds I would for it to place a 2 next to all of those cells. Essentially my end goal is to sort the sheet so that all of the matching duplicates are all together. There might be some simple filtering method here that I'm overlooking but if there is..... I'm overlooking it lol. And to be clear I don't want to eliminate the duplicates, I just want them grouped together.
I've attached a very simple example of what I would like the formula to do. The cells in the right column would be the result of the formula.
I have data in two columns where column A is a name and column B might be a synonym or might just equal the value in column A. I want to count duplicates if cell A2 matches any other cell in column A or B, unless the only match is with cell B2. If cell A2=B2, but also matches cell A7 then it should be counted as a duplicate. I've searched through a lot of the threads and found a lot of useful information, but nothing that seems to do what I need.
I am trying to come up with a formula that will count everything excluding 1 in one row, while looking at another row to determine the group. The attached example explains things a lot better.
I am going to have 2 formulas. 1 for the "Big" group and one for the "Small" The formula needs to look first at the column that has the group in it. Then it needs to count everything is column A excluding "Snake" And return the value.
In short, I would like a pivot table to only count unique values, but when I click into the pivot I would like to show all instances of that value. For example:
I have a table of data that I am creating a pivot table from. There are fields for Customer ID, Task Name, Age, and Notes. There will be multiple records for a single Customer ID each time it has new notes.
I would like to create a pivot table that has Task Name in the Row Labels, Age in the Column Labels, and count of Customer ID in the Values, so that, for example, I can see how many accounts have been in the Design task for 2 days. However, when I do this it counts each record, but I would like it to count each unique Customer ID. Also, when I click into the pivot, instead of pulling up one line per Customer ID, I would like it to pull up each instance of Customer IDs in that Task Name/Age combination (similar to doing a DISTINCT in SQL).
I have a list of isometric drawing numbers ending with a [underscore]weld number e.g. 1692-SG-0040-04_05.
Some welds are repaired--in that scenario the amended weld number will be 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1, and even 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2 if repaired for a second time.
On occasion a weld may be cut out entirely and a new weld done. The weld number for that will be 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1.
And here's a wrinkle I've just verified...a cut weld may also be repaired so the weld number will look like 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1.
Is there a formula to count these as one weld: 1692-SG-0040-04_05 1692-SG-0040-04_05R1 1692-SG-0040-04_05R2
This as one weld: 6317-FG-1690-02_06 6317-FG-1690-02_06C1 6317-FG-1690-02_06C2
...and this as one weld: 1698-SG-0077-01_04 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1 1698-SG-0077-01_04C1R1
I am having trouble creating a function to count duplicates of duplicates.
An example of the data table 1 is:
Product 1 2nd Product 1 2nd Product 1 New Product 1 New Product 1 Flt Product 2 2nd Product 2 New Product 2 New Product 2 Flt Product 2 Flt Product 3 2nd Product 3 2nd Product 3 2nd Product 3 New Product 3 Flt
I created a new table (table 2) and made a list of all the Products on table 1 and removed the duplicates. I now have 3 columns with titles New, 2nd and Flt as follows:
New 2nd Flt Product 1 XX XX XX Product 2 XX XX XX Product 3 XX XX XX
I am trying to count the duplicates for each product (XX), but I can't seem to work it out. I've tried the MS help function, but unsure of the actual formula I need to be using.
I have pivot table that is pulling data from a page that is using the vlookup formula. I would like the table to only include fields that have data in the count. However, the pivot table is registering cells that have "0" (i.e., there's no actual data in the cell it is pull from) as having data. How can I get the pivot table count to ignore these cells?
I have a holiday and sickness chart for all of the guys in my maintenance department for the whole of next year (2014). The holidays part works fine. The sickness is split into two areas; the number of occurrences of sickness and the total number of days sick. To make the formula work for the number of occurrences it is necessary to enter sick in both Sat and Sun if the sickness spans the weekend. But we do not work the weekend and so I do not want to count those two days. The formula needs to cover the entire year (cells BL5:ZL5). The calculation that I am currently using is =COUNTIF(BL5:ZL5,"Sick")/2 (divided by two as we log a.m. and p.m. and the answer is in days). In the example attached, it would be 1 occurrence of sickness and 3 days sick, not 4 as shown.
For completeness, the formula that I am using for the occurrences is =SUMPRODUCT((BL5:ZL5="Sick")*(BL5:ZL5<>BK5:ZK5))
I have a list of courses that are run each month, I have a formula that counts the occurrences of these words to show how many times each course is run per month.
However, there are 'other' courses that will be run adhoc which I want to count the occurrences of. It basically needs to count if there is text there but exclude the normal courses which are run.
I have attached a spread sheet as an example, the list of the normal courses are on the right. I've highlighted in yellow where I need the formula.
I am trying to set up a sick leave list which will work out the cumulative total for the last 12 months (from last day of last sick entry). The problem I have, as the is is added to, I need a function/formula to work out 12 months from last date and then add up the no. of sick days from then to the last date. Hope this is clear. The next problem is I need it to work out total days and then without weekends. Below is the chart I have to work out.
Column 1 Start date of sickness column 2 End date Column 3 the number of days sick in period (column 2 less column 1 in days) column 4 the number of days sick in period above excluding week ends (column 2 less column 1, less weekends in days) column 5 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back a year including weekends column 6 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back a year excluding weekends
What function or formulas can I use to calculate column 3,4,5 & 6. I am a not very experienecd in Excel
Is there a function that will count a column of numbers where that will eliminate counting empty cells based on a certain date that will also capture any numbers that is added after refreshing the table from Access? I have attached a spreadsheet for an example. I need to count on the number in column V that equals 13 for the date of 12/22/09.
Here I come with yet another question in excel, how do I count/sum text in a column. E.g Column B Fish Eggs Meat Fish Fish Chicken this would basically be # Fish 3, # Eggs 1, # Meat 1, and # Chicken 1. Hope I make it clear,
On the attached spreadh sheet I have production costs that I wish to calculate. There are certain courses that are a constant each month and they are input via a data validation list, however there will be courses that are run that are not on this list.
on the cell with 'Other' I want to total the costs for the courses that exclude the normal monthly courses.
Ive managed to use the formula below to exclude certain text but I cannot do it for multiple keywords, or maybe there is a simpler formula. =SUMPRODUCT(--(G4:G31>0),L4:L31,--ISNUMBER(FIND("Suicide",G4:G31)))
how to count how many times a word or text is displayed in a column.
Say this is Column A Can any formula be used to tell me that T1409 was duplicated 3 times and T1527 was used 2 times. The rest of the numbers only triggered once so I dont care for those numbers. I only want T1409 and T1527 to pop up and tell me how many times it was used.
Column D lists a service offered by a business, such as IMC, TC, Respite, etc
Column M lists how long the customer has used this service for in weeks, such as 4,5,3.5,6 etc
What I would like to do in another column is to count the number of clients who have used the service for 6 weeks or more broken down by the service type i.e. Count how many people have used IMC for 6 weeks or more.
If possible I would also like to be able to count those who have used a service for between 5.1. and 5.9 weeks too, again by service i.e. Count how many people have used IMC for between 5.1. and 5.9 weeks.