Count Files

Jun 29, 2009

I need to find the .xls files inside a folder. I am just stuck in the midway. My code is:

Sub Test()
Dim fil As Object, fld As Object, fso As Object
Dim fldpath As String
Dim count As Integer
fldpath = "H:DesktopTestMacro TestTest Folder"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject")
Set fld = fso.getfolder(fldpath)
count = 0

For Each fil In fld.Files
If Files.Name = "*.xls" Then
count = count + 1
End If
Next fil

MsgBox "Number of files is " & count
End Sub
I am stuck in the text in RED. Please let me know how to get this done.

Also, I need the full filenames of all the file types in that particular folder in a new worksheet.

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Count The Number Of Files In A Specified Folder

May 28, 2009

Is there a way that I could monitor the number of files in a folder and its contents (including subfolders)?

Folder A: (total count of files)
Folder A.1 no. of files containing boy
Folder A.2 no. of files containing girl
Folder A.3 no. of files containing boys and girls

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How To Get Word Count From Several Excel Files

Nov 9, 2002

I need to get a word cound from 140 excel files.

I don't want to calculate cells with just numbers and they have to be words.

Better still If I could get all the text into one word document, that would be even better.

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List Subfolders And Count Files

Apr 22, 2012

I am looking for a macro that will list all subfolders (all levels) within a directory and count files in each of those subfolders. No file names, just number of files contained in each folder.

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Function To Count Files In A Folder

May 31, 2006

I'm trying to create a function to count the number of files in a folder then add one.

I'd like to refer to the function in my spreadsheet, so I can generate a new reference number for my sheet.

Here is the code I've used so far, which I've made reference to in my sheet by typing "=countfiles(Q3)" (Q3 contains the name of the folder I want to search in.

Function countfiles(ByVal foldername As Integer)

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Temp" & foldername
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
nooffiles = .FoundFiles.Count
End With

countfiles = nooffiles + 1

End Function

When I use simlair code in a macro, it works:

Sub countfiles2()

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Temp" & Range("Q3").Value
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
MsgBox (.FoundFiles.Count)
End With

End Sub

Obviously, I would prefer the function option, with reference to it in the cell.

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Count Number Of Rows Of All Files In Folder

Jan 23, 2009

a method of accessing all files within a folder to get the number of rows/records and contents of "A2".

The file could ideally look at the current folder it's in and collect the requested data.

Hopefully I can work and develop the code to suit.

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Count & Rename Files & Save Each To Array

Dec 12, 2006

I have used macro to ftped a couple of files to my desktop and save them in a folder but i have problems performing the following.

1) Count the number of files in this directory "C:Summary_Reports_from_VBA". Note that the number of files is not fixed every time.

2) Rename each files to .txt files. (intially files do not have any extension and we do not know the name of the file until it has been ftped over but all files will end with a term "sorts" eg renaming of "xxxsorts" to "xxxsorts.txt")

3) Save each renamed files in an Array such that i can "opentext" each file in an excel worksheet. So if there's multiple files, there will be multiple worksheets.

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Macro To Compare The Data Between 2 Files And Generate The Count?

Apr 25, 2014

Creating a Macro which compare the Customer ID's present in Column H of Sample1 file with Column B of both Sample1 and Sample2 files.

The Count of Sample1 file should come in Column I and the count of Sample2 file should come in Column J of Sample1 file.

After above steps macro should automatically pick the lowest value (value should be greater than 0, if value is 0 than macro should consider it as blank) from Column I and J and paste it to Column K.

In Sample1 file I had also shown that how the data should look after running the Macro.

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Count Number Of Occurrences Of Multiple Strings In Two Text Files

Jun 11, 2014

In Column A I have the list of strings that I need to search. I want to count the number of occurrences of these strings inside these two text files: Sample1.txt and Sample2.txt. For example I have the string "DOG". I want to search and count the number of times this string appeared in Sample1.txt, and Sample2.txt

See below:

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VBA - Carry Out Task On Set Of CSV Files - Return Values And Leave Files Untouched?

May 14, 2013

Trying to write a script to carry out a number of tasks but is there code to enable an Excel to look in a particular file for the list of csv files - carry out the tasks and return the appropriate values in the Excel sheet whilst leaving the original csv files untouched?

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Transfering Files From Lots Of Files To One Single Exel Master File.

Jun 26, 2009

Need a way to update a single master file. What happens right now is that the cost manager sends out one file to a lot of different project heads and then on having them return back to him he basically has to individually add in all the data. What i am trying to do is that he somehow carries on sending out the data as there are a lottt of projects and then on returning them they automatically update.

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Copy And Rename Files In VBA By Searching Multiple Folders For Files?

Jan 4, 2014

how I can loop through folders to select files starting with a certain word and copy all of them to a different folder and rename them. The folder structure is given below

Company 1(parent folder)
North South East(sub folder) West(sub folder)
Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec

In the above structure, the files are present inside each folders Jan, feb...Dec under the regions North, South East n west. note that I have to select files starting with "Sales" and copy them into a new folder(say results) and rename copied files as Sales1.xls, Sales2.xls etc. (Files are not present in the folder company1, north, south, east and east.)

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Open Files In Folder- Wait 30 Seconds Then Close The Files

Jul 5, 2007

I want to allow users to place files (.jpg, .tif, .pdf, .pps etc) into a network folder and then have my program open each file and display it for 30 seconds then close the file and the application before opening the next file.

1. Set up a loop to get a directory listing of the folder and write the listing to a text file.

2. Open up the text file and get the next filename in it

3. Open the file in the associated application

4. Wait for 30 seconds (or some period of time) and then close the file

5. Repeat steps 2-4

DoIt = 1
While DoIt = 1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for output as #1
Print #1, Files In Folder
Close #1

Open "C:TempList.txt" for input as #2
while not eof(2)
Line input #2, MyFile
Display MyFile on screen
Wait for 30 seconds
Close MyFile and MyApplication that opened it
Close #2

I can get the directory listing just fine with no problems

I can open the files in the associated application just fine with no problems.

with closing the application after 30 seconds or some period of time.

I need some code that will allow me to easily send it a filename and it will know how to close the file and the application that opened it.

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Files Saved To Program Files Folder, Open As Read Only

Feb 8, 2009

I have an Excel application (Excel 2003) which is stored in the default Program Files folder by the Installer; for example: c:program fileszxchello.xls. The problem I am running into is this file opens as Read Only in Vista and this is interfering with the running of the application. There is no problem opening the file normally in Windows XP.

I have been able to narrow down the cause of this to the User Account Control system in Vista - if I turn OFF User Account Control, the Excel file opens normally and my application functions normally. Is there another option to open the Excel file without turning OFF User Account Control because some users may find it unacceptable to turn OFF this security feature. Ofcourse, one option is to install the application in another location, outside the Program Folder, and the file would open normally, but the Packaging Wizard that I am using to package the application does not allow me to install the application in any other location and thus, the application installs in the Program Folder and I am running into this problem of the Exel file opening as Read Only. Is there a way out of this situation where I can open the file normally (not as Read Only)?

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Add Another Worksheet & Continue Importing The Html Files Until There Are No More Files To Import

Jul 13, 2006

I'm using the following code to import thousands of html files into my spreadsheet. The code is working fine. Since I am importing thousands of files, when there is no more space on my worksheet, the code stops with an error message. I want to make this code add another worksheet & continue importing the html files until there are no more files to import.

Sub Master_Importer()
Dim I As Long
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/c/Desktop/New Folder/"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktopNew Folder"
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
strFilename = Mid(.FoundFiles(I), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(I), "") + 1)
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & strPath & strFilename _ .......................

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Save Ranges In Multiple Files To Text Files

Dec 21, 2007

I have a excel file that I enter information into. I have code that saves the files to a certain folder with the name, date, and time stamp for the file name. At the end of the day I might have 3 to 15 excel files I have created that day and I would like to take information from certain cells (examle: L3, B6, B7, B8, G8, and so on) and create a txt file with all of the information in it.

Your Name
123 Somewhere St.
Here, OH 45111
Home Visit

Someone Else
345 Anywhere St.
There, OH 45211
Hospital Visit

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Convert All CSV Files In A Folder To Excel Files?

Apr 8, 2014

I is it possible to convert all comma separated text files in a single folder in to excel files. But the requirement is to have 2 sheets in each new file. first to be the full file - with all columns, and in the second sheet to keep only colum A B D G H K L M O P R S T V W from the first sheet. The second sheet name must be the same as the first one but without the first "wlist_" in the name.

One more thing. The third column in the second is called "COUL". there are short letters for colors in french

can they be converted with the sort in English like it goes:

NO = B
BA = W
RG = R
SO = P
JA = Y
BE = L
GR = G
VI = V
OR = O

Here is a link to the both CSV and an example excel file with the end result. In this example i haven`t change the shorts for the colors. It takes me too much time with the find and replace function. And at the moment i`m really pushed from time.


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Array Calculation From 2 Files Without Opening Files?

Apr 2, 2014

I have 50 files each with 1000 numbers in column A.

I need to compare every list with every other list and calculate the Pearson function.

I am ok with the vb code to compare every file with everyother.

I can do this by opening each file then closing but it takes too long.

Each of the 50 csv file names is in my destination workbook

I would like to define an array using the file name, then extract 2 lists without opening the files then perform the pearson function and place the value in the destination workbook. (The pearson function just measures the strength of correlation between 2 sets of numbers)

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Saving Comma Separated .txt Files As .csv Files

Sep 15, 2009

I have a large number of .txt files that are comma separated files (but not saved with the .csv extension) that I need to convert to files with the .csv extension.

Is there an easy way to do this for all files in a given folder? Ideally, the files don't even need to be opened as they are are quite large in size (70MB+) and there are a lot of them (500+).

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Convert Multiple Files To Text Files

Sep 26, 2007

I have about 100 Excel files in one folder that need to be saved as text files. They can keep the same name, but simply need to be converted to text files. I'd like to use VBA for this and I can't find examples that do exactly that...or ones that my limited knowledge can handle.

Excel files exist in C:Source and ALL of them should be saved as text files in C:Destination. Maybe there is an easier way, but I thought for sure there was a routine I could use.

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Search CSV Files For Word & Make .xls Files Of Them

Jan 23, 2008

I have 22 CSV files. I want to search each of those files for a specific text string (ie: "profile" or "description"). When the macro finds the word in any one of the CSV files I want it to copy that complete csv worksheet and paste it into an excel xls file.

how I can go about doing this. Not also that while vlookup is possible, its very time consuming if i have to do this 50 times over and each time the csv files have different file names. that is why i want to search within a file (each file has its own unique identifying text string)

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Want To Be Able To Open Csv Files And Save As Xls Files

Apr 21, 2009

I have the code below. It openes all csv files within a folder, then delete rows depending on the value of a cell. Now it needs to save the file as a xls file ....

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Convert Csv Files To Tab Delimited Files

Dec 21, 2007

I would like to be able to execute a command line that will convert an Excel csv file to an Excel file that is TAB delimited. In other words, replace the comma delimiter with a TAB delimiter without having to open the file in Excel. I am an inexperienced Excel user

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Search Folder For Files Containing "Temp", Delete Files

Jun 26, 2008

Is there a code that will search a pre-determined folder for all .xls files containing the word "Temp", and deleting those files?

In the root of drive M, I have several Excel files. Anytime one of the original tracking logs is opened, a temp file of that log is automatically created. I would like to automatically search the drive and delete all files containin the word "Temp".

I've attached a picture of the directory tree, in case that will help. The file will always be named "PO Response Tracking - Temp#######.xls", with ###### representing a series of either 5 or 6 numbers.

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Conditional Sum & Count: Count Request Matching The Crateria Of Date And Other Conditions

Nov 17, 2007

see my attached sheet cotaining the following questions. in a day report sheet how should i count request matching the crateria of date and other conditions. in a monthly report a heavy conditional sum calculation which make slower sheets how can i make it faster.

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Count Number Of Equal Cells With A Prefix In Col D And Insert Count In Col A?

Aug 7, 2013

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.

Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.

Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:

Category: Adversity
Category: Answers
Category: Assurance
Category: Blessings
Category: Build
Category: Change
Category: Children
Category: Choices

Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.

I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.

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Formula That Adds Count But Saves Count So Can Clear Field

Jan 20, 2008

I want is a field (e.g Large Parts Used) where I can enter in a number, then basically this number is subtracted from current stock field for Large Parts so I get an updated field of current stock on hand.

But what I want to do is once I've entered the number in the Large Parts used field, I can then clear that field but have the corresponding Current stock field to maintain what was last enetered.


Large Parts Current Stock = 50

(enter in) Large Parts Used = 2

Large Parts Current Stock = 48

(Clear field where 2 was entered into Large Parts used)
(Field still stays at Large Parts Current Stock = 48 although field where 2 was entered was cleared, so need it to save the information so can continually clear and re-enter amounts and have the stock continue to reduce)

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Count If Formula: Count The Number Of Nhew Stores Each Quarter

Aug 21, 2006

going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....

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Count If / Compare 2 Ranges And Count Where Cells In Same Row Differ

Apr 15, 2014

Column A has current building, column b has future building. Would like to count the number of changes without adding a separate column with an if statement.

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Count Formula (count Everything Excluding 1 In One Row, While Looking At Another Row To Determine The Group)

Mar 26, 2009

I am trying to come up with a formula that will count everything excluding 1 in one row, while looking at another row to determine the group.
The attached example explains things a lot better.

I am going to have 2 formulas. 1 for the "Big" group and one for the "Small" The formula needs to look first at the column that has the group in it. Then it needs to count everything is column A excluding "Snake" And return the value.

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