I am putting together a spreadsheet and I want to loop through a series of columns (G to L let's say) and in those columns I want to look at a range of rows (4 to 17 let's say). And if that range has no values in it, I want to hide that column and then move on to the next column. I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to determine if the range is blank and then building that into a loop.
I've recorded a macro that selects a bunch of cells so I can work with them. However, it's hard-coded to the bottom cell of H1551, and I need it to work no matter how large the range is.
Code: ''' Concatenate column H with B & F Application.Goto Reference:="R2C8" ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CONCATENATE(RC[-6],"" "",RC[-2])"
Let's say you have a named range, Rng1, which consists of cells A1 & A2. In vba how would you report back what, if any, named range the following cells resides:
Code] .....
here are multiple named ranges so using intersect is not feasible. Essentially, through code, I will be given a range and I need to determine if that range if part of a named range.
I have made a league table which pulls data from another table - in this example. The actual one i am using pulls data from a different workbook. Any way...In one of my columns i am using the countif formula to count how may times an advisor's name appears. Eg - =COUNTIF(A:A,"Sally A").
Is there another formula i can use to carry out this function. The reason i am asking this is there are multiple links in my league table to the other workbook. Once i open my league table all the data is updated - as the other workbook data is changed. However, for this to work i need to open up the other workbook where the data is , otherwise i will get the VALUE# error. I do not want to open the other workbook just to pull the data over, i need this league to automatically update once opened.
What i would like to do is Hide Rows Based on Cell Value in Multiple Sheets & Multiple Columns and i need the macro to be fast
Sheet1 If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row If the value is 0 or then hide the row Sheet2 If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row if the value is 0 or then hide the row Sheet3 If the value in Range BE11:BE160 equals 1 dont hide the row if the value is 0 or then hide the row Sheet4 If the value in Range O1:O150 equals 1 dont hide the row if the value is 0 or then hide the row Sheet4 If the value in Range B1:B150 equals 1 dont hide the row if the value is 0 or then hide the row
Let's say I have thousands of employees, but I need to determine who worked for me during a particular date range, and all I have to go on is their start date in one column and their end date in another column.
A1 contains beginning date of employment B1 contains ending date of employment C1 contains specified beginning date (criteria) D1 contains specified ending date (criteria)
Is ther any way around not being able to do this - I read that if u make the ranges an array it shoul work - Shift, Control, Enter - or something but I can get it to work. I was hoping to use copuntif for this :-
How do i create a formula for countif with range name
I did create a formula =COUNTIF(C2:C868,"NS") but it show 0 NS range name contain working shift NS 0:00 - 9:30 7:00 - 16:30 7:30 - 17:00 7:45 - 17:15 8:00 - 17:30 8:15 - 17:45 8:30 - 18:00
I have column A fill with dates and column B with customer code. I'm looking to count the number of time the customer code (column B) is repeating but ONLY in previous year. Meaning that the count range must be adapt for each customer code. Will a countifs is able to work with this request?
I am trying to solve a a problem that I am having.
I have a list of projects in one column and start dates in a different column.
I want to create a dashboard that breaks down projects by month, quarter and year to date.
I have tried various formulas centered around CountIf. Bottom line is I want to review a column of dates and determine how many projects started last month, etc.....
I am trying to use the COUNTIF function but over a selectable range. in other words instead of a fixed range like =COUNTIF(A1:A11,"=yes") I want to be able to choose the range Axx:Axx selected by drop down menus.
I am trying to determine how many times a value occurs in each quartile in a data set, with the range of my quartiles changing for each row.
Above is a simplified sample of the data I am working with. What I would like to do is calculate the length of a quartile for each row, then determine whether "Red" is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quartile
Right now I have two output tables. The first is a "Quartile" table, which for each row counts the number of values entered, divides by four, multiplies by the appropriate quartile and rounds down. For this I use the function
=rounddown(counta(range)/4*(quartile)) For Q1 in this dataset, that is =rounddown(counta($B2:$I2)/4*(1))
Then I have a table which calculates whether "Red" occurs in each quartile, with references to the cell values in my quartile table. My formula for Q1 here is
Where Q1 equals my rounddown formula noted above, returning "1" in this case. For subsequent quartiles, I change my reference in the Match formula to start with the previous quartile +1, and end with the current quartile.
I want a conditional format change to happen when certain criteria is met. I have a conditional formula in column F Let's say F173 If the value in A173 value is found anywhere above cell A173, then make a blue box surrounding cell F173. I want to be able to copy this conditional format down column F
When I apply the countif function to a named data range, it evaluates to #VALUE. I'm trying to count the number of entries in the range (Belgium.Data) that are strictly greater than zero, to calculate a y.t.d. average that won't be biased by incomplete data. The range-name is well-defined - the arithmetic functions like sum, sumproduct etc work and evaluate correctly across the range, but countif always refuses to return a value. I've also tried
Even the last didn't evaluate, even though "=SUM(Belgium.Data)" evaluates correctly. I can't seem to use the actual cell-references either, since the range is non-contiguous - I miss out every 11th cell to compute an average on the last 11 cells - and Excel doesn't seem to like the comma ("union") operator, insisting the 2nd component of the union is COUNTIF's "criteria" argument.
I am trying to take a large spreadsheet with 2000+ rows of data each with its on unique date associated with each row (its a dump of invoices that need to get paid). I need to count how many invoices are each of the seperate 52 weeks of the last year using I believe a Countif function. My problem is I cannot seem to get the criteria written correctly. For example I want to count out of the 2000+ rows of data, how many invoice dates fall between say, Jan 1 and Jan 7. I would think it would be as easy as using the Countif function and then writing the criteria as a forumula to count invoices that have a date that is greater than or equal to Jan 1 BUT less than or equal to Jan 7. It is that precise formula that is giving me much frustration.
I have a similar Sumif forumula problem as I need to total the $ of the invoices but I think if I get the criteria to work for Countif it will work for Sumif.
I am using the CountIf function (in column B) to count the number of events called "EVENT1" from columns C (Time) and D (Events), but the range needs to include all cells which, at the current B row, have the same value as in row A. I want to use a dynamic range so that I can account for the repeats.
I have a start date column and column for status. Status is either "in-progress" or "complete". I want to count the number of "complete" items that fall within a specific date range. I have tried countif but I can only seem to get a count of all items that fall between the date range. I do not want a pivot table for this.
I have a column of values in "£"s and i need to count how many entries there are within a range. I have been able to do it with text but not money values with £ signs!!
I have 2 columns, one containing a piece of data and one containing dates. I want to count how many times the data is in the first column, based on a specific date range in the 2nd column. I have attached a sample SSF with a better explanation inside it.
I have a range of numbers between 1 and 25 in 50 cells.
How could I use the countif function to look at that range of numbers for values between 5 and 10 and count those values that meet the criteria of between 5 and 10?
Or if there is another function to use, let me know.