Crashes Constantly

Oct 19, 2007

Just recently Excel crashes about 4 out of 5 times. Any advice to where I should start looking and how to handle this please?

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Make For Loop Run Constantly?

Sep 9, 2012

I have this code:

Sub StaffDateFiller()
TodayDate = Worksheets("Program").Range("I8")
StaffName = Worksheets("Program").Range("I9")


Is there a way to either:

A) make this run constantly (as it stands now, the code works as I want it to, but I have to run the code for the operation to take place)

B) perhaps write it somehow using indirect reference (I am not sure how to do this), so that I do not have to constantly have the code look through a bunch of rows.

I simply want to check if an 8-digit value occurs in column 7, and take information from somewhere else and paste it into column 8 and column 9 of the same row.

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How Can I Keep A Cell Constantly Updated

Aug 13, 2008

I need to keep a cell (or sheet) updated second by second. is there a way to do this?

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FinalRow Constantly Changing

Feb 18, 2009


The macros I have written are used to help me format raw data reports into something more visually pleasing. When I start out with the finalrow code, it works great, but as the macro runs, it inserts rows and deletes rows, constantly changing my FinalRow.

SO..when I have "Do until activecell.value FinalRow" or something similar, it always either stops before the true finalrow, or in some cases keeps running past the true finalrow.

Is there a way to make it recognize the finalrow at any given time in my macro? For now the only way I could think to fix it was to just have my first macro add "End" to the row below the finalrow, and all my code just calls to look for "End" to stop.

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Constantly Running Macro

May 19, 2007

I am using

Sub FillColor()

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "K:Departmental FoldersAccountingMonthly Accounting Package20074_2007Green BookHighlights"
.Filename = "110 Summary Income Statement-Month, YTD"
If .Execute > 0 Then
Dim rFoundCell As Range
Set rFoundCell = Columns(1). Find(What:="110", After:=Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
rFoundCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End If
End With

End Sub

to highlight cells if a file is found in the system.

These files are saved by other users and I would like this macro to be "running in the background" while I have the file open so if someone saves a file it will automatically update. I don't want to start the macro every time I want to know if a file is saved. Can this be done?

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Torecord The Highest Value In A Set Of Constantly Changing Num

Dec 18, 2005

In Exel, how can I record the highest value (automatically) from a row of
numbers that changes each day. At the end of the year I still need to have
the highest number recorded over the whole year even though each previous
day's numbers disappear.

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Constantly Check Range For Values

Sep 25, 2007

At the moment I have 2 columns, A1:A5 and B1:B5. Normally A1:A5 and B1:B5 are all 0's. Every 5 minutes numbers will show up in column B and I do a procedure outside excel(feedback of DDE's) and they all go back to 0. Now sometimes the cells in A1:A5 are not all 0 after the numbers show up in B1:B5. I can reset A1:A5 to 0 with a macro button. I already built that macro, lets call that macro 'Mike'. So now I have to press that macro button every time when B1:B5 are showing zero's after the procedure and A1:A5 are not showing 0's. Is there a way a macro can constantly check if A1:A5 is non zero and B1:B5 is zero that the macro Mike is called?

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Copy Range Based On Criteria That Changes Constantly

May 7, 2009

I am trying to copy a range of cells, based on a set of criteria that changes constantly.

In Column A, I have numerical values that are present every 10th cell. In columns B through D, I have various text data that corresponds to the number in Column A. So for example, in A50, I have the number 46975. In the range B50-D59, I have text data that goes with the number in A50.

Each day I run a few calculations and based on the number I get, I want to find the exact match in column A, then copy all the data in columns B through D that are related. So if my calculations result in 46975, I want to automatically copy over to another worksheet the range B50-D59.

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Function: Constantly Adds The Numbers In A Column

Jan 25, 2009

I don't think there is such a function but is there a way that I can have a function that constantly adds the numbers in a column and when the sum of 240 is reached it adds 30. I need it to do this only once and not keep adding at every 240 point.

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Blinking Text Constantly While Workbook Is Open

Jun 27, 2013

Is it possible to do blinking txt,

Currently in each sheet in my workbook in Cells A3:D3 I have different text bolded in Red, I want this to blink constantly while the workbook is open.

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Macro - Worksheet Where Certain Cells Are Updating Constantly

Apr 15, 2007

I have work sheet where certain cells are updating constantly

the cells are D7, D10, D13, D16, D19, D22....... all the way down to D60

Now the values in these cells are changing every few seconds..... what I'd like to do is track the direction the cells are moving in a seperate sheet.

Lets say the cells displayed the following values for example:


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Actively Update The Date/time Information Constantly

Nov 15, 2006

I am currently using:

=TODAY() and


to enter date/time on a sheet that is used to create a printed form. I want to ensure that the date/time are current when the form is printed, but they will actually only reflect when the workbook was opened. So, if the employee opens the workbook, then takes a break or answers the phone, when he prints the sheet the date/time may be wrong.

I need to have the worksheet either:

1. actively update the date/time information constantly
2. update it before printing,
3. or possibly have the workbook "time out" and close if there is no activity for 60 seconds or so.

I already have code entered to prevent a "do you want to save changes" promt when closing. And I am using a command button for print which closes the workbook automatically once the employee prints the form (to ensure that all other data is entered fresh everytime the workbook is used).

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Make Chart That Will Constantly Change As Different Selections Made By Person?

Jun 18, 2014

I have created a spreadsheet which uses data validation to allow a user to select a company, start Date, end date, and projected months in order to output different figures. I have attached a spreadsheet to this post in case that was hard to understand.

Since there is data validation, indexing, and matching going on, as different selections are made, various tables change as a result. What I mean as you open the example sheet and start messing around with the data validation boxes.

The problem I am encountering now, is creating a chart that will also keep changing as the user changes their selections in the data validation boxes. I am unsure if this is even possible, but I figured it was worth a shot to ask. On the example sheet, I have included a graph similar to the one I want, but it only contains data in a certain range of cells, rather than dynamically changing to accommodate whatever data is outputted.

Here is what I am looking for in the graph:

1. Whatever dates are selected by the user in the data validation boxes, along with the projected dates will be on the x-axis.

2. The PMPM figures associated with the selected dates, and the projected dates on the y-axis.

3. Ability to make different selections from the data validation boxes and still have a dynamic chart that keeps updating itself.

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Crashes On 2nd Run

Apr 14, 2009

I have the following code which filters data in a sheet, and loads the numbers into textboxes on a userform. There are two multipage controls, each with several textboxes on them. I have commented out several lines because if I leave any of them in, it crashes excel.

It will work once. But if I close the workbook, re-open it, and run the code again, it crashes.

The thing I find really interesting is that all the 'problem lines' were added in as part of a retro-fit. The person I created this workbook for needed one more column of data. I followed the same programming pattern as what I used on the other, but only these ones seem to cause problems. Any thoughts?

NOTE: The message boxes were just to help me figure out which lines of code were causing the crash. ....

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Do Until And Crashes

Mar 5, 2007

My main workbook basically starts with, Sub macro1 (), Do Until, Web Query, many many many calculations in between and finally ActiveWorbook.Save.

After ActiveWorbook.Save it will start the same process with a new web query and works all perfectly and perpetually just as I would like it to....

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Listbox Crashes

May 14, 2007

I'm trying to use a listbox and wanted to have the data sit in a different sheet. When I do this, I get a message about low memory and then excel says it has an error and shuts down. When I move the data to the same sheet as the listbox, there is no problem.

I'm using excel 2000 and that's all I can get (at work). Any thoughts? Should I just put the data on the same sheet and hide it? Is there a way around this?

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UserForm Crashes

Jan 4, 2008

It is a simple form which has a Module/Macro to load the form on clicking a shape.
Although the form works fine for me it occasionally crashes for other user.
The Debug says that there is an error in the Module with the line "frmCallData.Show".
Below is the Code for the form and also the Module: ....

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Crashes Without Warning

Jun 6, 2008

On one laptop Excel crashes, without warning. It happens during copy/paste job (from one workbook to another). But not every time she copies something.

It is completly the same laptop like others in my company. My user has deadlines, and lot of copy/paste job.

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Open And It Crashes Down?

Jan 25, 2009

Whenver I open the Excel App it crashes down ? Why ?

I Deactivated all the add ins, but the problem still exists.

Deleted the registery of Excel and un- install the Excel App then Re-install it again, but the problem still exists......

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Crashes Logs

Feb 12, 2009

I wrote some VBA code detailed here. Is there any Excel Crash log I can look at? I have tested it on three computers. It worked on my computer just fine, but when testing it on the two other users of this spreadsheet it crashes when they click the mouse on a list box after about 5 to 10 clicks.

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BeforeSave Cause Crashes

Dec 3, 2009

I have the following code that (should) either save the file with a generic name if a value exists in a certain field, or else save the file as the contents of the value in the field, with a message box appearing in either case. The problem is, the message box appears twice (not once) and then Excel crashes! Can anyone tell me what's going on? The code is:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim FSR As String
FSR = Range("I7").Value
If FSR = "" Then
MsgBox "Service Report Number not entered."
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="Service Report Navilas.xls"
End If

If FSR "" Then
MsgBox "This action will save the file as the Service Report Number."
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FSR & ".xls"
End If

End Sub

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Crashes When Saving Workbook...

Jun 8, 2009

As I've learned to develop Excel apps with vba over the years I've noticed that, if the Excel app starts to get too large (over 1MB) saving it will often cause the application to crash for no apparent reason - the result being that I lose all the vba code I entered before the last save - with the worst case being that, on occasion I have lost all of the vba code in an applications!!!

So, I've learned to back up often using a third-party utility that I use to save my applications, which works wonders in allowing me to save my application without it crashing. The application is called Code Cleaner 97.exe. It was designed around Excel 97 (which I still use) but if possible I'd like to get an updated version for Excel 2003 and Excel 2007, which I also use.

Does anyone know of a more recent version of this utility, or another similar utility that allows large Excel applications to be properly saved, etc?

Code Cleaner 97.exe was a freebie that was available through one of the old Compuserve Excel forums. It was a very popular utility and was suggested as a means to save one's Excel apps without the app getting trashed, etc.

I'm not expecting a freebie solution so I'll gladly pay for something that allows me to save my large Excel apps without them crashing, etc.

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How Many Records To Sort Without Crashes

Oct 3, 2009

I have a column of data that is an 850,000+ list of phone numbers. I need to peridoically insert another 10,000+ at a time and see if there are duplicates. Using conditional formatting to highlight the duplicates with a colored cell, and then sorting those records to the top is what I want to do, but it's too much for Excel to handle, and it hangs. It looks like I need to break up the 850k records into smaller chunks. Anyone know what an average pc with Excel 07 can handle? It's a 2.8ghz w/2gb ram.

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Solver Macro Crashes

Jan 25, 2010

When I run a group of macros for some reason after the marcro runs and I hit F2 excel crashes.

I have figured out that it is one of the marcros that makes the excel crash. It is only when I run the solver application. The code is below. Any thoughts why hitting F2 after running this marcro would crash the machine?

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Crashes With Application.quit

Apr 2, 2007

I'm trying to close out excel through a user form (excel is hidden) button but excel crashes when it reaches the application.quit line of code.

I searched google and found one message that said that if you have add-ins that they can cause excel to crash when closing but there was no explanation or work around.

Is there a way around this problem?

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SaveAs Error Crashes

Dec 15, 2007

I have a very strange error at present. I am saving a sheet as a file using VBA from within Excel and when I run the program from the environment of my flash drive it works without a problem but when I run the same code on my main PC it causes an error :

Run time error 1004
Method SaveAs error ... and it causes Excel to crash and then recover the file.

The code that causes this is shown below : ....

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Macro Runs For A Bit And Then Crashes

Feb 15, 2008

I have created a macro in xl2000 which was working fine - although through corporate upgrades my machine has now been upgraded with xl2003 and the macro runs for a bit and then crashes on the code below, although it only highlights teh 'rnum'

rnum = ActiveCell.Row
Is there a difference between xl2000 & xl2003?

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Crashes When Inserting A Comment

Jun 17, 2008

I open Excel. I click Insert-> Comment. Excel crashes. I try to open an excel file with comments, Excel crashes. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled, Detected & Repaired. Nothing appears in the event viewer. I am at my wits end.

Any ideas on what this could be? My only guess is a windows issue vs. an excel issue, but I thought I'd at least ask.

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Vba Form Crashes Intermittent

Feb 6, 2009

I have written a fairly large spread sheet, and I have consistently had excel crashes when the first form initialises at startup.
However if I resave the workbook over itself or sometimes as another name it will then work. Once it works - it will always work while I dont restart my computer. The next day the same workbook will crash on form startup. Once this happens t always crashes on startup. If it works OK first up it always works. However if I edit it the process may happen all over again. I am 100% their is no error in the code as in certain stages it has worked for months. It seams like some bug in excel?
Has anyone ever had this issue?

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File Crashes When Opened

Jul 14, 2006

I run a macro which runs saves the active file to a different location to ensure that I retain the original like so -

If ActiveWorkbook. Name = "KEY_DATA_CFT77" + ".xls" Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"H:HOME imcEXCELKEY_DATA_2006KEY_DATA_2006_01KEY_DATA_CFT77_01.xls", FileFormat:= _
xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
, CreateBackup:=False
End If .................................

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