Cut &Paste Based On Condition W/ Macro

Feb 18, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that I need to cut and paste data from one tab to another but only from columns B:K (as the spreadsheet has formulas that can not be alterred after column K. It must also paste that data for the hidden columns.

The condition on the data to be pasted in based on the tabs along the bottom.

So for example, anything that says Corn Products needs to be cut from the "standard customers" tab and moved to the Corn Products tab, and so on for the additional tabs.
I then need to un-check (hide) Blanks from the filter on the Standard Customers tab.

If possible, I would like run the Subtotals function in this same macro; the conditions for that are as follows

For each change in Shipper, Subtotal Billing for <<month>> (Column S)
Page break inbetween each Change in Shipper, then I would also like each subtotal figure bolded.

Also, this is something I must do every month, and each customer may have more or less lines or no lines at all in any particular month.

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Copy Paste Based On A Condition

Nov 7, 2011


I have run into a problem which is quite unique. I have data for 40000 football matches. The Sheet "Raw data" has the raw format of the data.

Sheet "Goal Difference (Home - Away)" is pretty important. This sheet is the goal difference between the home team and the away team. "A5:A95" has the number of minutes in a football match and we are trying to track the way a team progresses throughout the match. Lets assume the score is 0-2 for the 1st match and the goals were scored in "39, 76," minute by the away team. So the data will read 0 from 0-38, -1 from 39-75 and -2 from 76-90.

Sheet "Red Cards conceeded_Home" tracks the number of red cards as the match progresses through 0-90 minutes for the home team. The catch here is if the score reads Red Cards : "1 - 2" and the Red Cards Time reads "26, 15, 18". The red card was issued to the home team at 26th minute, The away team received it at the 15th and 18th minute. So the data will read 0 from 0-25, 1 from 26-90.

The same applies to the other tabs.

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VBA - Copy And Paste Rows Based On A Condition?

Apr 19, 2013

I have tried to write some VBA to copy and paste rows based on the condition in cells A:A in sheet one. So far I have managed to put something together which will paste the first row and insert a new row below but keeps on pasting the same row. But not much else! Not sure I have tried to make it more difficult than what is it.

I would like it to copy a row based on a certain condition ("WRW") in A:A sheet one and paste it to sheet2.

Function DoOne(RowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim Key
Dim Target


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Code: Copy And Paste Based On Condition

Jan 25, 2010

I would like a code which looks on the worksheet “Racks” and if Column A is "Y" then copy the entire row and paste it on the to sheet “Summary Racks”. I would need it to then find the next instance and then continue to copy and paste. I have attached the file I am currently working on.

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VBA Copy / Paste Specific Cells From A Sheet To Another Based On Condition (reference)

Nov 7, 2012

Basically, I need to copy and paste upon certain condition (references) and paste related-datas in another sheet corresponding with these references. Every references are organized by lines with indicators on columns.

In attached file, see:
- worksheet ANALYSIS:
* datas in E2, G2, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22 that needs to be copy based on reference in C2,
* then need to find this reference in worksheet called GROUP SAVE,
* and based on this reference, paste above cells value in corresponding "Indicators" column number

THEN, I will have to do pretty much the same with subgroup data. But I can figure out for this second step that request same manipulation.

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Macro For Enter A Value Based On Some Condition

Mar 4, 2009

Currenty i am designing accounting related excel design. In that i need one macro for entering the value in a table based on some condition. I explaine the concept behind this, could some one able to help mean please share the information

I have a xls worbook with two sheets.
in the first sheet contain the column for entering the values.
in the second sheet having one small table withdate and Numbers.

i need to enter the values in the first sheet S.NO, Date and Value. when i enter the value in the first sheet, the date and S.No is compared to the second sheet table Date and the S.No and the value should be placed in the appropriate cell.

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VBA Macro To Send Email Based On Some Condition

Jun 21, 2014

I need the VBA code to automate my repeated task. I have the range of 100 rows and has the date field in a column and i need a macro to extract the rows for three previous days starting from today.

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Copy A Row From One Sheet And Paste It In Another Sheet Based On A Condition

Mar 5, 2009

i want to copy a row from one sheet and paste it in another sheet based on a condition.

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Condition Paste Formula In Column N Based On Column A

Sep 7, 2009

I am wanting to paste formula from N1 till N X (X = varaiable row) where X reliant on Column A Row X. If Column A Row X has character "=====" it should paste N1 Formula all the way down till N Row X which is equal to A Row X containing "=====" .

I might be sounding complicated over here but it is a simple equation.. I have tried to approach this in the capacity i could by condition if Column A row x is blank delete the row.

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Running Or Bypassing Code In A Macro Based On A Certain Condition...

Feb 17, 2010

I want to be able to run a certain chunk of code in the macro if a certain condition is true, or if that condition is not true then I want to bypass that chunk of code. It doesn't matter if this is accomplished with an if... then... else statement, or some other way.

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Macro: Copy Data Based On Criteria/Condition

Oct 16, 2006

Attach is a sample of my project. I have to loop through B9:B80 in sheet("Raw Data") and capture the value of each cell. EG:

* if Value captured is 120A --> check with sheet("SP14F") from the row which contains the same value.

* i have to check that the aperture, outer and inner values of Layer 120A and so on..of the Raw Data sheet is the same as that of in the SP14F sheet.

* if the values are not the same, change the font to red

i understand that this task requires looping and arrays.

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Macro To Segregate One Column List Into Three Columns Based On Condition

Nov 21, 2012

Lets say we have data in Column A, B, C and D and no row left blank. In the column A no cell left blank however in B, C, D any one cell only contain a value in that row. If B10 has any value in it then C10 and D10 are left blank (not empty). I want to segregate the data in Column A based on the value in B, C or D. So this one column data ( that is Column A) will split into three column. this segregated data to be put in E, F and G.

Wherever Column B has any value that's greater than zero content from the column A from the same row should copy to the E, Wherever Column C has any value that's greater than zero content from the column A from the same row should copy to the F, Wherever Column C has any value that's greater than zero content from the column A from the same row should copy to the G.

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Macro Code Automatically To Hide Rows Based Condition

Apr 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that calculates percentages and then outputs the results to a pie chart. There are 9 different percentages being graphed in cells A41 to A49. The chart looks weird if any of the percentages end up being 0, so I have the formula set to add 0.00001 to each calculation (so they show up as 0% and display on the chart as 0%, but truly are 0.00001). I would like it so that if any of these 9 percentages ends up being 0 (or really 0.00001) that the row automatically hides and thus won't display on the pie chart. How can I create a macro that automatically runs to accomplish this, and automatically updates as percentages are recalculated.

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Macro For Copy And Paste Based On Date

Jan 30, 2010

I have a spreadsheet with a number of sheets.

I need to extract a number of cells, based on the date of another cell and then past these values into a column on anther sheet.
Example: Sheet "Name1" in Column "G" is where I want the values to be pasted.

Sheet "Name2" has the dates in Column "B". I wish to extract the entries in Column "K" into Column "G" on Sheet "Name 1". I also have another Sheet, "Name 3" which has the the date field in column "B" and the entries I wish to extract in Column "K"and pasted in column "G" on the "Name 1"sheet.

The date range I'll be looking to past is by Month and year. The date fomat is dd/mm/yyyy.

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How To Count Condition Based On Having Another Condition

Apr 12, 2014

So I have one sheet that needs to pull data through to another sheet (which is a stats summary)

I have a drop down list containing 4 options all of which have to be counted separately on the stats summary sheet. However I only need them counted when a value is input in another cell in that row.

For example: I select option 1 from down down menu, but I only want this to be counted on the stats page when I enter a date in the "date" cell.

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Repeat Copy Paste Macro Based On Value Of Cell

Mar 4, 2014

I need to repeat the following copy past macro the number of times equal to the value in column B and repeat the process for rows 3 through 27. It would end up being a loop with in a loop. The data in C3:H3 will be pasted onto the "Fixt#" sheet as many times as the value in column B3. The idea is to create an individual entry on the "Fixt#" sheet for each row on the "Totals" sheet.

Sub Create_Fixt_SheetI()
' Create_Fixt_Sheet Macro
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Macro - Copy And Paste Based Upon Cell Formatting For Limited Time

Jun 27, 2013

Here is what I am trying to do in lay terms:

If A2 and B2 on Sheet("Master") are not highlighted, copy and paste them into Cell A3 and B3 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric"). Do this up to Row 50 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric"). Once Row 50 is filled, jump to pasting to D3 and E3 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric") and continue up to Row 50 and so on....

I need to do this on one sheet in numerical order based upon Column A and another sheet in alphabetical order based upon Column B.

Here is what I have in code so far:

Sub Final()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim c As Integer
Dim x As Integer
For Row = 2 To 145
Range(ActiveCell, Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column + 1)).Select

[Code] .......

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Macro To Copy/paste Specific Rows (and Formulas) Based On Drop Down

Sep 8, 2009

I have about 10 rows of data that have columns of information describing computer hardware and pricing. There are 10 rows, because each row represents a different country and different tax rates and pricing changes per country. So each column of a row has a specific formula to calculate information for that row's country information. All these 10 rows of formulas are kept as a reference at the bottom of the sheet.

At the top of the sheet I need to have a drop down menu to choose a country and then it will automatically copy and paste the row of that country to the current row at the top.

Is there any easy copy/paste macro for such a thing?

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Excel 2013 :: Macro - Paste To Column Cell Location Based On Variable?

Jun 16, 2014

I have data in E6-E67 on Sheet 1. Based on the date in A2 on that sheet, I need to paste to a column in Sheet 2. In excel, I am able to get the cell location through vlookup and get the correct column number/cell reference. When it gets to the paste location, I am stumped on how to format that line of code? Do I need sometime of variable? I tried to use the address/lookup code but it does not work.

I have excel 2013.

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Copy Paste With Filtering Condition

Mar 19, 2014

I need some code vba to copy & paste data with filtering condition....

See workbook : upload paste visible.xlsx‎

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Copy Range And Paste Data After Certain Row With Condition?

Apr 25, 2014

I am using below code to copy data and paste after a certain row. I want in below code first copy data Range("C4:R46") and paste it automatically 50 times after 43 rows but with this condition.

[Code] ......

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How To Copy Paste Specific Cells When Condition Met

Mar 13, 2014

I create a macro to copy cells for data starting from A4 to N4 from sheet - Register to 'Case History' when the cells in column N are 'Yes'. Also, would like to copy specific range from A-N and not the entire row. Please refer to the attachment.

Tracker Dept..xlsx

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Perform Paste Special As Values In Given Condition Using VBA?

May 16, 2012

create a macro to perform paste special as value function. First scenario.. IF cell A2 is equal to 1 copy paste special values in I2:J2 cells ( this cells are formula.. need to perform paste special to prevent it in updating)then IF A3 is equal to 2 copy paste special values in I3:J3 cells.same action till A31. Second scenario is if O2 cell has a value of 100% copy paste special as values formula in K2 cell, then if O3 cell has a value of 100% copy paste special as values formula in K3 cell.. same action till O31 cell. take note I manually input values in A2 TO A31 cells as well as on O2 to O31 cells. I want the macro to perform the paste special as values only when I put value in Cell A. and Cell O (CELL A and CELL O are not dependent to each other so they should function individually in the macro).

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Copy Paste Special Value Matching Condition

Jan 6, 2014

I have following set of data...

Row#2 Gets information from another database depending upon country and product code. In example Country is India and Proudct is brake. From source it will fetch info.

Starting Row#6, all the products are listed down. My requirement is what ever the data gets reflected in Row#2, should get copied and pasted to corresponding product code starting Row#6. In this example I have highlighted Brakes product data.

So when product in B2 is TEE, the corresponding Row#7 should get values only from Row#2..




[Code] ..........

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Copy And Paste Data From One Sheet To Another If Condition Is True?

Sep 17, 2013

I need to copy the row data from sheet1, if the DEPT is HR and paste the same into sheet 2.

data table ( Sheet 1)


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Copy And Paste Data With Imposing Condition From One Worksheet To Other

Feb 29, 2012

I need to copy and paste data with imposing a condition from one worksheet to the other. I also need a code to update an existing condition.


Dim rcnt As Variant, i As Long, j As Long
rcnt = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
j = 4
For i = 2 To rcnt

[Code] ........

The procedure does not update the changed condition ( I have pass/fail as condition). Once you run this macro, the data will be pasted but when you change a condition from "fai" to "pass". The pasted data in sheet 3 is not updated. I either need worksheetchange procedure or maybe a code to delete (refresh) sheet 3 data before running the existing macro.

I have Name, location, status (pass/fail) and comment in columns A, B, C, D in sheet 1.

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Excel Vba To Copy Positive Number And Paste Negative On Cell Condition

Dec 4, 2013

I am using the following code to update an invoice summary sheet from an invoice sheet but when a Credit Note is issued I would like the Nett� value copied across to be a negative figure. When a credit note is issued the value of Service Invoice Cell L2 = 2 and an invoice L2 =1.

Sub UpdateSummary()
' Updates Summary Sheet with Invoice Details
Dim InvoiceDate As Date, InvNo As Integer, JobNo As Integer, Company As String, Location As String, Nett� As Currency


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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another Based On Column A Using A Macro Copy Button

Jan 22, 2007

I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.

E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.

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Macro To Copy Rows Based On Moving Date And Paste Rows Into Identical Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)

e.g. 28/1/2014

I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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