run a spreadsheet for Vendor Deliveries and got as far as promised delivery date and actual delivery date with a late or on time comment. Im trying to get a percentage from this data.the excel spreadsheet that i have uploaded.Delivery Schedule.xls
I am about to apply for an entry-level job as a scheduler for a company that ships olive oil. But before I decide to actually do this I'd like to see what I'm getting myself into.
It is how Microsoft Excel is used to schedule shipments, monitor inbound shipments and keep track of inventory.
I am trying to project the delivery dates of my shipments which is sent via courier to different destinations from my Distribution Centre.
The courier company delivers the parcels across Monday to Saturday(Sunday being the off day for the courier). There are different transit days for different locations which works in deriving the project dates from the shipping date. I am looking for a formula which can satisfy all the following conditions and project the delivery dates accordingly:-
Condition1:-If the projected delivery date falls on Sunday and there is no holiday on the very next day(Monday) then the projected delivery dates needs to be on Monday.
Condition2:- If the projected delivery date falls on Sunday and the very next Monday is a Holiday then the projected delivery dates needs to be on Tuesday.
Condition3:- If the projected delivery date is a Holiday and the holiday falls on any day between Monday to Friday then the delivery date will be the next working day post the holiday(between Mon-Sat).
Condition4:-If the projected delivery date is a Holiday and the holiday falls on Saturday then the delivery date will be next Monday.
Condition5A/5B/5C:-In case there are more than one holidays at a stretch(2/3 days of holidays at stretch) and if the projected delivery dates falls within the holidays then the projected delivery dates needs to be on the next working day(Between Monday to Saturday).
I have tried to write a formula but it is only satisfying the Condition1,Condition2 & Condition3. I am providing a sample data with desired results based on the above conditions. Any single formula which can derive the desired results.
Sheet1  ABCDEFGH1Destination LocationDispatch DateTransit DaysProjected Delivery Dates(Desired Result)Remarks  Courier Company Holiday List2A29-Mar32-Apr Condition1:-Projected Delivery Date As Per Transit-Days Is Sunday(1st Apr) & There Is No Holiday On Next Monday(2nd Apr) & Hence REVISED Projected Delivery Date Needs To Be On 2nd Apr(Mon).
I have 3 different costs for an item, 15 different items. The costs very depending on the delivery state. Is it possible to write a formula that will retrun the right cost for an item, depending on the delivery state?
if ap10 = "CA" then look up in range AH2 to AH18 if ap10 = "GA" then look up in range AI2 to AI18 if ap10 = "ME" then look up in range AI2 to AI18 if ap10 = "PR" then look up in range AI2 to AI18 if ap10 = any other state then look up in range AG2 to AG18
cell AP10 being the cell that the state is listed in Cell U10 being the cell that item is in (a drop down menu)
This is the vlookup formula that will get one price.
I want formula which can automatically populate the amount based on the number of months starting from the date vehicle is received. For Eg.
Nissan patrol Rent is AED 5800/- per month & we deliver it on month Sept 2011 for 24 months then i want excel to automatically populate AED 5800/- for next 24 months starting from Sept 2011.
I am trying to build a sheet to track deliveries into the company I work for.
We book loads to come in at set times for production, I am wanting a sheet which I can enter the due time and the actual time of the the different companies and then produce a report in graph format to see which are the worst at late or early deliveries.
We have a weekly "On-Time" report that shows early, late, on time, or no data. Each week has a total percentage of early, late, on time, or no data deliveries. I now need a monthly total on a seperate worksheet, but for some reason I can not get the percentages to total correctly. I am attaching the spreadsheet.
I have a worksheet that has a sent date and expected delivery date I need create a macro that will alert me if today's date is within 5 days of expected delivery date.
I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.
For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.
I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.
calculating the percentage of a percentage and writing the formula for excel.
There are 295 people in a room, of the 295, 75 or 25% are mothers. (I know how to calculate 25% - 75/295 = 25.42) of the 75 mothers 35 have 3 children, 32 have 2 children and 10 have 1 child.
35 is what percent of 25% 32 is what percent of 25% 10 is what percent of 25%
I make our employee schedule at work, and so in Excel I have eight sheets for one workbook. (Employee schedule, then each day of the week) On each day is a table separating the shifts. Morning, Split and Night.
I was wondering if there was a way for Excel to look at the schedule sheet, and then automatically place each employee and their shift on the following day sheets. (example: Joe has 2-10 on Monday, 10-6 on Thursday and Friday) So the Excel puts Joe underneath Split 2-10 for Monday, and Morning 10-6 on Thursday and Friday.
I am trying to schedule a macro to run at 11:45 pm every time. I use system scheduler to open the excel file and when I use this command to run the macro nothing happens. The workbook opens fine but the macro does not run. I only wants to run the macro once day even if I open the workbook during the day I do not want it to run.
We have huge restrictions on hours, and to avoid inputting, then revising the schedule into my companies scheduling module, then having to change it again when the boss looks it over, it's just confusing.
Anyway, I'll get to the point, I want to add the hours up in a row of cells for the week sunday through saturday. Like so:
1100-2100 | 1100-2100 | OFF | 1100-2100 etc... I want it to add these cells hours up and have the total end up in the 8th cell.
Is this possible? I am a new excel user, or at least, setting up my own sheet.
The table posted above is the schedule for my employee. I need an input box which asks for a date. When the user supplies date, it should look for people who are scheduled for that particular date and who are on leave and put the result in the next worksheet at the last occupied row.
For instance, if I supply the date as 2nd Dec then the next worksheet should be filled with @ row # 2 (Row1 has headings)
EmployeeEmp IDSchedule A123409:00 PM - 06:00 AM B123511:30 PM - 08:30 AM C123602:30 AM - 11:30 AM E123811:30 PM - 08:30 AM G124009:00 PM - 06:00 AM
Then if I select 3rd Dec, the next worksheet should be filled with the following data starting fom row number 7 (just below the above data) A123409:00 PM - 06:00 AM B123511:30 PM - 08:30 AM D123705:30 AM - 03:00 PM G124009:00 PM - 06:00 AM
Excel is a new program for me sorry to say it but i have been try to figure out how to write a schedule on it and tally the hours for each employee i have them set up in rows right now and i hope i can keep it that way but i am tired of add hours up for each employee every week i'm sure it is really easy but can some one let me in no the little secret
Have a basic weekly schedule for 300 employees. Need to be able to identify the last day off in previous week so the following week isn't scheduled to work on the 6th or 7th day without a day off. For example, if schedule is Mon - Sun and employee #1 has Mon & Tues off this week, next week Mon would be the 6th day so I wouldn't schedule that person on Monday the following week. Calculate last column "Next Wk Mon" instead of manually figuring it out... Need to be able to identify last day off, count the days from that point to the next monday. It becomes difficult when days off are split...
Im having trouble with getting a macro to run at a specific time and day (Every Thursday at 7PM).
Here's what I have done so far..
1. I added my excel file to the task scheduler 2. created a class module and place the code below into it.
In testing the workbook opened but it asked if i wanted to enable or disable the macros - how do I get around this? And it does seem to kick off the macro (create_all).
Private Sub Workbook_Open() If Hour(Now) = 1130 And Weekday(Now, vbMonday) < 7 Then ' TheNameOfYourCurrentProcedureHere create_all If Workbooks.Count = 1 Then Me.Save Application.Quit Else Me.Close True 'save the changes and close the workbook End If End If End Sub
which is row D on my excel sheet. I need to fill into another form who works shift D, shift E and shift N. Is there a formula I can use to do this? I have given a small sample of my schedule below.
AB CD 252627ShaunD DDNicoleD EDEmilyE DECathyENEJohnNEN
Combing these two formulas. I have a work schedule spreadsheet. If the employee is Off I want the value to = 0 (zero hours). But if the cell has a start time I need it to calculate those hours. I know both of the formulas work individually. But I need them to work together.
Formula for when cell says OFF: =IF(C11="Off",0)
And the second
Formula to calculate hours (based on start time/finish time is the same for all employees) =($X$4-C11+($X$4<C11))*24
I am trying setup a maintenance schedule checklist for a large list of items. Each item has a cycle in weeks for the checklist. I set up a nested if statement to check if the item is overdue or done based on the cycle and the current date. The if statement checks when the last time the item was done or overdue and populates an "X" for the next due date. It works fine as long as the cycle is 4 or less. After that there are too many if statements and I get an error. I'd rather not have to use a macro to get this to work. Any ideas?
I have attahced an example of what I need to do. I need to project due dates for each of our 8 departments based on a ship date of the final product. Each of the 8 dept. have a number of operations (ops) and given number of hours for each op. These alocated hours change on every job plus I have 2 outside operations that may or maynot be added to the mix. I don't have a clue on where to even start with this formula.
I have made a work schedule for my local business and have set up a series of formulas that will fill out time cards that I could print out directly onto the paper time cards. The formulas that I have work except that if there are two subsequent entries that later will not return a value and result in an error.
If you could take a look at it that would be awesome. To use it you just need to type a name into the name column and a work time into the time column for that day. then in the other sheets( one for each worker ) it will set up the time card. The the error happens on Thursday, when Bob has an entry right after Fred. Then on Bobs sheet it gives me a #N/A.
I'm trying to automate the calculation of my prepayment schedule. The linked image shows the basic layout of how it will look. The yellow cells are going to be the only input cells but i'm unsure what formula will achieve the desired result i'm looking for across the remainder of the spreadsheet. Essentially I need the formula to look at the period (start and end dates) the invoice covers and apportion it correctly. The apportionment isn't a straight equal division per month though as it has to be calculated according to what element of the expenditure hasn't been realised yet.
For example in the car park rent line the figure of £8,000 in July is derived from the fact that that is how much hasn't effectively been incurred yet as it relates to the remainder of the invoiced period (Aug - Mar) and is calculated as 8/12 x £12000.
I hope you understand what i'm requesting, if not, let me know and i'll try to provide a better explanation.
I'm currently developing a model for a payment schedule. For example, lets say a customer purchases an item from a store, but the store receives that payment in the following month. I'm looking to develop a dynamic model so that if I change the assumption from 1 month to another term (2,3,4+ months etc.) the model will adjust accordingly.
I've started with a formula
But of course this will not work once the term is set to larger than 1 month. With B14 representing 1 month, and G11*B13 being payment information (price * quantity).