I am trying to build a sheet to track deliveries into the company I work for.
We book loads to come in at set times for production, I am wanting a sheet which I can enter the due time and the actual time of the the different companies and then produce a report in graph format to see which are the worst at late or early deliveries.
I want formula which can automatically populate the amount based on the number of months starting from the date vehicle is received. For Eg.
Nissan patrol Rent is AED 5800/- per month & we deliver it on month Sept 2011 for 24 months then i want excel to automatically populate AED 5800/- for next 24 months starting from Sept 2011.
I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the difference in times between specific times while working with a 24 hr clock. Please see details below:
E3 provides the start time of 4:00 H3 provides an end time of 15:30
If an employee works betwen the hours of 0:00 (midnight) to 5:59, this is considered DIFF hours and is therefore the number I am seaking. So for the data noted above, the total DIFF hours worked is 2 hours.
This is for employee time sheet and schedule. I have multiple employees work a specific shift on various days. I need the calculate the hours worked each day and then have them totaled at the end of the period. Here is and example:
Employee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Hours Total Cost John Smith 10-5 12-6 9-2 5-10:30 3-8:30
How do I get it to calculate the difference in the same cell, convert it to hours, add up all the results and place it in the totals columns then calculate those totals by their pay rate to get my Labor cost?
I need to calculate turn around time between two sets of data reflecting both a starting date and time and obviously an ending date and time. This should reflect work hours meaning a day that starts at 08:00 and end at 16:30.
That would be a start and would be great if someone can show me how to calculate this.
But obviously people don't work on Sundays and only work from 08:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays... Can't even imagine how one would take this into account.
I seem to have the worst luck when it comes to getting dates and times to calculate together. My logic just seems to go straight out the window.
What I am trying to do, the end result, is get a Time Worked (duration) that I have spent on a ticket, and a Total Time, the time a ticket was opened, to the time it was closed.
I guess we can try to do this one step at a time.
The first thing that I would like to know is if there is a way to calculate Date/Time in a MM/DD/YYYY, H:MM format?
IE: Ticket Opened ...................Ticket Closed 5/16/2008 2:54 PM..............5/19/2008 10:47 AM Total Time in Days / Hours / Minutes
Right now I have the Date and Time split into separate cells, simply because I couldnt figure out a way to subtract the combined date and time.
From the below example, I would need to know the difference between date & time of Received and Resolved in number of days. Meaning - time difference should also be calculated in days
CELL ACELL BCELL CCELL DCELL E - REQUIRED OUTPUTReceived DateReceived TimeResolved DateResolved TimeTurn Around Time - IN DAYS20-Jan-122:43:00 PM23-Jan-124:50:00 PMDifference between Resolved date & time and Received date & time
I have a huge two column spreadsheet. The first column is a list of times in the format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss and the second column is a status of either START or STOP
Every time there is a START, I want it to count the difference between that time, and the next STOP time, and display the results in column C
Sometimes there will be multiple START's in a row or multiple STOP's in a row, but I am only interested when the status actually changes from the first START to the first STOP. It then resets until there is another START.
How to calculate overlapping times. I have found a few formulas on here I have tried to reproduce with no luck. This thread is similar to my issue.(How to calculate the amount of overlapping time) I need a non VBA format.
I need to know what times are overlapping; I need to see when two people are working active cases at the same time and how much time is overlapping. This is a huge spreadsheet with several rows of data. At this moment I am dong it all manually.
Here is a sample of what is looks like. As you can see the first line is overlapping with the second line by 8 minutes into the next case.
I have problem to calculate the time which is more than 23:00:00hrs in a file. I need to compare the benchmark time and the difference of time(start time and end time) and show pass/fail depending on benchmark set time. For few of the times which is more than 23:00:00 hrs the format is taking different(example: for 49:15:48, it is showing 02/01/1900 01:15:48 in formaula bar) for which i am not able to use formula and know pass/fail.
I am working on an employee weekly schedule and would like to be able to calculate the amount of hours an employee is scheduled each day. For example; if you worked from 7am to 4pm, I want to have a formula that can determine that (7am to 4pm= 9 hours) then sum the total amount of hours for all employees scheduled that day.
Mon Tue Wed Thrs Fri Sat Sun Total Employee 1 7-4 7-4 8-5 off 2-10 5-10 off 40 Employee 2 8-5 11-8 off 7-4 1-8 off 8-5 43
I'm placing dsum on a table, and want to sum some criteria I've wrote, all I need is the sum of the 15 latest match of the event I've wrote - which needs to be Sum together , I can use "helping column" in the table, but is there is more elegant way to do this with a furmula which make dsum calculate only the latest 15 cases ?
I need to calculate billable hours.I have a start date/time and end date/time.Then I need to subtract out all time between 05:00:00.000 and 20:00:00.000. These are not billable hours.But I can include all weekend time.And I can include all holiday time.I need to accomplish this with formulas, no macros.
I got a problem with a time calculation, if it's even possible.
I want to calculate the amount of hours that have been woork in a slot.
Example: First slot is from 08:00am till 17:00pm, time cost 100% Second slot is from 1700am till 24:00, time cost 110% Third slot is from 24:00 till 08:00 am, time cost 120%
I'm working from 08:00am till next day 01:00am So my hours are: 9 in slot 1, 7 in slot 2, 1 in slot 3.
I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns - Start Date, Start Time, End Date and End Time. In the 5th column, I need to fill in the "Duration" which is calculated as follows :- Duration = (End Date,End Time) - (Start Date,Start Time)
I need to calculate the hrs between two date and time and deduct any time outwith the hrs of operation (09:00-19:00), if the date and time falls outwith these times. I have used the formula 24*IF(A2>G2,G2+1-A2,G2-A2), where G2 IS 21/04/2008 11:45 and A2 is 20/04/2008 00:22, but can't get it right.
I have a spreadsheet with Received Date/Time in C2 and Resolved Date/Tim in D2, Work Start Time in E2, Work End Time in F2. C2 and D2 are in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM format:04/03/2008 10:27 AM06/03/2008 1:06 PM9:00:00 AM5:00:00 PM
I need to be able to calculate the resolution time of each request in hours/mins excluding weekends and public holidays. I've tried using the NETWORKDAYS function but it doesn't seem to pick up multiple days between the Received and Resolved dates/times. I have put the Public Holidays in my spreadsheet ( attached) in AA2-AG2.
I have a large amount of data and I'm trying to count how many unique values I have in one column. I also want to know how many times each duplicate appears. I tried using a pivot table but it's not working for me.
I also tried the following formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(H:H,H:H)>0,1)) but it's not quite working.
Is there a function that allows you to read column A for an ID (these may or may not include letters/numbers/"?", are non-sequential and are of variable lengths) and, if it is the first time that it has seen an ID column B will read "sample_1_arm_1", if its the second time it has seen an id it will read "sample_2_arm_1", etc? An example of what I am trying to do on a much larger scale:
I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.
For example:
Entry: X | Y | Z Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1
Result: X X X Y Y Z
I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:
(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)
Dim A(1, 3) As Variant A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value
I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....