Display Matched Table Data In Another Sheet

Aug 30, 2009

I have a table with names in column 1 and the date as row 1. The corresponding cells contain the data I want to link to in another sheet and display them by the data/date


Name 01-Sep02-Sep03-Sep

bob A1 A1 "blank"
joe A2 "blank" A2
steve A3 A3 A3

I want it to display in another sheet with column 1 data and row 1 as date if the data has a match versus that date;



The data is in list boxes.

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Compare Column A In Two Worksheet If Matched Then Copy To Matched Sheet?

Aug 4, 2014

I need to compare column A of Original.test worksheet to column A of Supplier.test worksheet. If there is a match then copy entire row of the corresponding match from Original.test to Matched worksheet. If no match then copy that row into OnlyInOriginal worksheet.

I have included the workbook and what the output should be. Hope it makes sense. ozgrid.xlsx

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Cut Entire Row To New Sheet If Cell Data Is Matched

Feb 2, 2010

Macro that cut entire row to new sheet if cell data is matched.

For example,

Column A Column E
001 AAA
002 BBB
003 CCC
004 AAA
005 CCC
006 DDD

From sheet 1, A & C matched criteria, cut entire row and paste in new sheet with same header.

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Copy Entire Row To New Sheet If Column Data Is Matched

Jun 12, 2009

i need a macro that will allow an entire row from one sheet be copied into a new sheet.

so basically here is what needs to be done:

1. from my active sheet, look in Column 'D', select all rows in in column D if it has the word "Confirmed" in it

2. create a new sheet and paste all those selected rows to this sheet

3. delete this transfered data from sheet 1

4. in the new sheet, i need to add in titles as follows in columns A - O:

Event Status
Project Type
Project Status
Start Date
End Date,.....................

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Comparing Two Columns And Display Not Matched Entries

Jun 17, 2009

I've tried searching for an answer all over with out success. Here's my dilemma. I've got two columns (A and B) with over 1000 entries in each column with computer names. Most of the names are the same however some differ in the way that they might be in column A and not in column B and vice versa. What I would like to achieve is to compare those two columns and display the result in column C and D but keep the names of the in the retrospective column.

What I mean by that is that if a name was found in A but not in B I would like to have it displayed in column D and vice versa. If a name is found in B but not in A, to have it displayed in column C. If there is an easier of doing this, please by all means (i.e. highlight the name in A if missing in B and vice versa).

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Display A Table In The Same Sheet

Aug 13, 2009

I have a table with headers C1:I124, Columns E-H are hidden.

Col C = Agent (list of names)
Col D = #Hits (number of times the Agent's name appears on a list)
Col I = #Strikes (Number of times an Agent fails an Audit)

What I want to do is produce a Watchlist split into 4 sections:

1. All the Agents with 1 Strike
2. All the Agents with 2 Strikes
3. All the Agents with 3 Strikes
4. All the Agents with 4 or more strikes

So I want to display this in a table in the same sheet which has 4 columns as described about listing all the Agents who match that criteria.


Strike 1 Strike 2 Strike 3 Strike 4 or more
Bob Ian Larry Reggie
Tim Colin Stephen
Mick Robin
Andy Angela

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Using Offset To Display Data From A Table?

Jun 19, 2013

I have a dropdown list for data validation on the "display" tab. The dropdowns come from a named range on the "Parts List" tab. When you select a part from the data validation list on the "display" tab it displays the data along the same row from the "data" tab. What i am trying to do is create the logic that will allow it to also display the information below until it hits a new part.

For Example:

If I choose "part1" in cell A1 dropdown list on the "display" tab, it will display "a,1,2,3,4" from cells A3 to E3 (this data comes from "data" tab cells B1 to F1). I also want to include the information in the rows below until it hits a new part. The number of rows may vary. Something along the lines of IF(A1) show B1 to F1, then if A2=blank then show B2 to F2, then if A3=blank display B3 to F3, etc. I need this to be dynamic, if the cell below is blank then display row info.

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Display Summary Of Table Data

May 27, 2009

I have a report of 1200 plans (approx 2000 rows). Attached is just a small example of data that comes from the report. There are 3 plans in column B (Plan X, Y, Z). I want one row of data for each plan with the plan roles and Employee ID filling those roles listed horizontally instead of vertically. It is only the roles and Employee IDs filling the roles that cause the data to be more than one row. In this example, I’d want only 3 rows of data (one for each plan). I want to include all data shown for each plan but want it on one row per plan. Possible roles are Plan Owner, Plan Steward (there can be up to 10 stewards per plan), Plan SPOC, BU SPOC, Compliance Director, and Officer.

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Data Not Display In Pivot Table From SQL Server

Dec 6, 2011

I've come across an excel spreadsheet that has a pivot table which displays data from a sql server connection query. This worked fine before but recently the database it connects to was moved.

The connection string was updated to reflect this.

The main difference in the connection apart from a new server name, is that where before we were using a Trusted Connection, now we're using a SQL login.

Now only some of the data is shown.

The query still works - if I go into Edit Query (Data>Connections>Properties) the query runs fine. It just doesn't display properly anymore

I think this is something to do with the pivot table rather than any connection properties.

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Display Table Data In Related Groups

Mar 12, 2008

I have an excel document that contains two columns and ithe columns there are more than 50000 rows of data. The first column contains numbers and the second column contains text filled from only three values for example work, work 1 and work 2.
I want to see only the three identical same values from column A where the values from column B are diferent.Example of how to look the result criteria:

Column A Column B
123456 work
123456 work 1
123456 work 2

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Display Underlying Data In Same Worksheet As Pivot Table?

Jun 26, 2014

i want to be able to display the underlying data in a pivot table by clicking on the cell within the pivot table

ie, normally if you double click a cell within a pivot table, it will generate a new tab, and the data will be displayed in the newly created tab,

i want to be able to click a cell within my pivot table, and have the underlying data display beneath the pivot table..

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Auto Fill When Data Is Matched?

Jun 10, 2014

I have fixed data:

Michael = Resident
Joan = Intern
Patricia = Consultant
James = Nurse

what I want is every time the name (eg Michael) appears in column A, the title (resident) auto fills in column B. Do I need to put a data source for this?

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Display Data From 1 Sheet To Another Sheet Automatically

Apr 18, 2011

automating a excel sheet for me. I am actually doing this process manually copying and pasting, but it seems to be taking too much of my time.

I have attached a sample workbook below.

I have a Main sheet where my data is currently present. Right now the data has been sorted accordingly to Track Names.

What i need is I manually copy all the Data belonging to 1 Track into another sheet thats being named under its name. e.g. Aintree sheet will contain all the details found inside my Main Sheet for Aintree track.

This process is currently manual. Is there a way to automate it? Is it possible that my individual track sheets be able to link automatically to reference the mainsheet to display whatever values thats under its track?

Current my Data in the Mainsheet is sorted by Track Name in ascending format. Is it possible for the formula to pick up the correct track automatically without my sheet being sorted, since I have to add data in every data, so my excel keeps on growing.

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Count In Filtered List And Display Results In Table On Right Of Data

Aug 26, 2009

I have a long list of delegates attending functions on different dates and need help with 2 problems:

A) List has filters by date/venue etc but I will want the table to be visible even when list is filtered.

B) I am using the following formula to count "=SUMPRODUCT(--($E$3:$E$728="Thursday 3rd September 2009"),SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET($E$3,ROW($E$3:$E728)-MIN(ROW($E$3:$E$728)),,1)))" and this works but if I filter to another date then 3rd September shows 0.

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Populate A Cell From Data Matched From 3 Other Worksheets

Mar 16, 2009

I was able to use the IF function to match all of the sells in each work sheet but have been unable to figure out how to pull the SYSTEM# from each MASTER into the inventory sheet matching the CCSD row D.

I was able to figure out how to add the IF function to the individual worksheets but I have no idea what function would pull the SYSTEM# from the matching MASTER worksheet.

I'm attaching working document I have so far I was able to use the count function to add up quantities and the conditional format to set up the formats.

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Matching Header To Copy Data And Add New If Not Matched

Jan 31, 2014

I am trying to match headers of different files and copy data.If the one of the header is not matched then a new column with the non matching header should be created and the column has to be copied

Ex: file1.xlsx has AA BB CC as header
file2.xlsx has AA BB DD EE as header
file3.xlsx should contain AA BB CC DD EE i.e data from file1.xlsx and file2.xlsx

I have more than 300 files how can I copy all the files to one excel file by matching headers ?

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Retrieve Data In Row Based On Matched Value In Column

Jun 8, 2008

In a sheet from A:E, the headings on the first row are:
ID, Name, Gender, and Age.

I enter the data in sheet “DB” and I want to retrieve the data in sheet “Report”. I want to lookup the data range for each ID listed in Column A and retrieve all data from the matching row in a report form/look.

I have tried to use the vLookup formula, but when defining the range of the column (A2:A), it would return “0”. When defining only the range that contains data, it displays the correct information....

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Display Data From Different Sheet

Jun 10, 2008

I need to show on one page all of the people that are above a certain percentage for the day from largest to smallest, as long as they are over 4.5%.

Unfortunately the sample size will change daily.

on the second page i have the people's names, plus all their data, plus the % metric i'm using for the front page.

so the data page would look like this:

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Formula To Fetch Data Related To Matched Value In Separate Workbooks

Dec 20, 2013

So the problem is that I have two workbooks: one has a set of identifying values which are a subset of one of the sets of values in the second and I need to match them up. In addition I need to take the values two columns to the right of the matched values in the second workbook and put them in the first.

Here is what my formula looks like now.


Whenever I try to run it an error message comes up and highlights the match function name.

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Extract All Occurrences Of One Name And Display Data On New Sheet

Mar 26, 2014

I would like to extract from a massive list of names, all occurrences of one name and display the data on a new sheet.

For example;

Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
Jimmy 28/04 london
David 03/05 Belfast
Sarah 08/07 Glasgow
David 12/09 Birmingham
James 13/01 Manchester

So the output on the new sheet would be;

Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
James 13/01 Machester

I basically want to find where James has been and on which dates without having to scroll through 1000's of names.

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VBA - Search For Multiple Text Strings In Data Field And If Matched Return One Word

May 7, 2014

I have hundreds of records of customer info and I am trying to categorize the job titles so that I can conduct some analysis with a pivot table. My problem is that there is about 20 different ways and variations of "manager" so Instead of autofiltering for "mrg." "Manager" "marketing manager" ect. and then replacing the text manually and using the enter and fill process (to create some standardization to compare "manager" to "director" to "c-level" to "consultant", etc.) and repeating this process over and over again...

I would like to create a VBA that would search the column "job title" for multiple text strings at once and if the text string was true in the cell then the cell would be replaced by a new text string "Manager". I was thinking a series of if functions within one vba but I am not sure if this is possible.

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Deleting Rows From Sheet 1 When Table On Sheet 2 Does Not Have Data Anymore

Jul 3, 2014

Currently, Im running a button macro. When this button is clicked, the table from "315 Employee Data" will copy the names from column C to "315" sheet B12 onwards.

Now, what i want is when I update the employee data on "315 employee data" sheet, I want "315" sheet to automatically match the names from "315 employee data", delete and add names when I add or remove employees from the column the next time i click on that button again.

After the above is achieved, when i add new employees,run the macro and it displays the updated list of names, I want "315" sheet column A to do automatic numbering.

I have attached the file for your reference.samplesample.xlsm

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Display Data From Sheets Based On Value In A Cell On Main Sheet?

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to create a formula which will allow me to type a word in a cell on the Main sheet, and then pull any row from multiple sheets and display them on the Main sheet. For example, my sheet named Main looks like this:

1 Query:
2 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date

And there's a sheet for each month with the same format and different data:
1 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date
2 Apple Dominicks 1.99 Bagged 3/16/2014
3 Apple Piggly Wiggly 2.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
4 Banana Jewel 0.49 Bagged 3/1/2014
5 Banana Dominicks 0.57 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
6 Banana Costco 0.69 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
7 Cantaloupe Jewel 2.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
8 Cantaloupe Dominicks 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
9 Eggplant Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
10 Eggplant Dominicks 1.19 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
11 Eggplant Costco 1.29 Ala Carte 3/21/2014
12 Eggplant Safeway 0.79 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
13 Pears Jewel 1.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
14 Pears Dominicks 1.59 Bagged 3/1/2014
15 Pears Piggly Wiggly 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
16 Rhubarb Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
17 Rhubarb Piggly Wiggly 0.59 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
18 Rhubarb Costco 0.89 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
19 Tomatoes Jewel 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
20 Tomatoes Safeway 1.69 Bagged 3/30/2014
21 Tomatoes Dominicks 1.89 Carton 3/27/2014

... and so on. On my main sheet in Cell B1, I want to type a fruit name, such as Banana, and have every row in every sheet with Banana in column A,pulled and displayed on the Main sheet. Firstly, is this even possible with a macro?

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Formatting / Display - Field Not Display 0 If It Is Empty On WHITE Sheet

Mar 14, 2013

I have attached the spreadsheet for reference. All other sheets pull information from the WHITE sheet.

I want the columns for unit price, discount and total to be set to two decimal places but I also don't want it to show anything if the field has a 0 value (so if i only have a few items I don't get lots of o's).

To get the field to not display a 0 if it is empty on the WHITE sheet I have been using "0;-0;;@" which I found on the net. If I use this then it negates the two decimal places.

This also includes the WHITE sheet.

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Lookup Column Of Data Match Criteria From Another Sheet Display Items Vertically

Feb 5, 2014

(File is attached here)

I am trying to work on Sheet 2(Details per person). I want to be able to display all items in a row that matches the 2 criteria (Skype ID and Date) and the items are based from Master Raw file which is in another sheet. I would like to just use index and match.

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Import Few Data From Table To Another Sheet By Date Data?

Jan 22, 2014

i attach the file so you can look after you read

i have soccer table 1 sheet is "teams" which is the table of the league. 1 sheet is "games" which is the table of games of the league the last sheet called "import by date". in the end of every game day i sent email with the results of current day. for now im copy and pate all results and its not that easy and convenient. i want to make some formula that when i click in import data sheet the date its shows me all the results from that date. i try to do it with pivot table but didnt like how it displayd

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Copy Sheet Based On Table / Rename And Hyperlink Table To New Sheet

Jul 28, 2014

I've been working on a macro that makes copies of a template sheet based on a table in my Opps sheet. If column B isn't empty, make a copy of the template sheet, rename it to Opps column A, and then hyperlink column A's current A.row to the newly copied and renamed sheet.

I'm not sure what is wrong exactly, it keeps making duplicate Template(x) and stops renaming them, and the hyperlinks are not working. -This is my first go at VBA hyperlinks to internal workbook sheets

[Code] .....

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Pull Out The Data In The DATA TABLE Sheet

Mar 11, 2009

I've been playing around with VLOOPUP, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT... But I can't seem to get this one right..

See the attached Excel file..

I think it should be fairly explanatory.. I want to use the dates in SUMMARY sheet, to pull out the data in the DATA TABLE sheet. The numbers in Column A on the DATA TABLE sheet, is first date in each month, and the numbers represent the day of the month.. .



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Convert Table Data To Another Sheet?

Aug 21, 2014

I have a table in Sheet1 and it's about of student's name, lessons and class.

I want to create a macro which convert to all data like Sheet2.

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Extract Data From One Sheet To Another Table?

Feb 6, 2014

I have some data which is copied from our system in the format below, I then need to add only parts of this information to an existing spreadsheet on the network.

This is the information (there could be lots of these entries, but all need to be added to the spreadsheet)

Device ooo.1111111111111111111111555666663333 performance has deteriorated.

increased from average value of 2041 days to 44589 days.
2/6/2014 2:38:18 AM

Device ooo.11111111111111111111115556666633356kk performance has deteriorated.
increased from average value of 2041 days to 44589 days.
2/6/2014 2:38:18 AM

I then need part of the above data to be transferred to in Excel in the following column headers (see attachment for layout)

DateTimeHostDeviceLow ValueHigh Value

what is the quickest and easiest way of updating this spreadsheet..... I have to update the spreadsheet every morning and it is very time consuming .

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