Display Negative Time?

Nov 14, 2008

how to do that? In "mm:ss" format if possible

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Negative Time Or Date Display As ########

Apr 29, 2008

I have one service level sheet where i used data in time format. I am getting error while using this sheet. I will just explain it in simple way...............

Please find below mentioned details.

Cell C D F

1 23:04 23:13 00:03

In cell G1 i have formula to get time difference between cell C1 and D1 and its give me difference between these both time as 00:09.

Formula is =IF(OR(ISBLANK(C1),ISBLANK(D1)),"",D1-C1)

In cell H1 i have formula to get difference time between cell C1 and F1.

Formula is =IF(OR(ISBLANK(C1),ISBLANK(F1)),"",F1-C1)

But in Cell H1 i am getting Error as Negative time or date display as ########

Is there anyway where i can get Exact time diffrence between Cell F1 and Cell C1

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Do Not Display Negative Numbers

Oct 19, 2008

I have a very simple formula which is basically one cell minus another "=A1-B1".
When the values are equal, the cell this formula is in will display a zero. However, when the subtracted figure is greater than the first figure, i will then get a minus figure E.g. 10-11 = -1.

How can i make it that when the formula result is less than zero (i.e. a minus number) the figure displayed stays at zero but still using the minus funciton? Basically once it hits zero i need it to stop subtracting. This may be really simple but i cant figure it out.

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Display Negative Times

Jan 5, 2009

I am doing math on times and want to be able to SEE values of Negative times instead of the ########. This is happening in a time card because I am summing the weeks total and subtracting 20 from it (expected 20 hours per week) so it will ALWAYS be negative until the last day of the work week.

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If Negative Number Display It Differently

Jun 8, 2009

I currently have the following in a cell:

This currently displays as -32 pulling this number out of bloomberg.

I now want to write a formulae in this cell that will display this as 32c if it is negative... and 32b if it is positive.

So if the number pulled out is negative I want it to have a c after it (and please have it delete the minus sign) and if positive, then have a b after it.

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Display End Time Automatically Upon Entering Start Time And Time Usage

Dec 19, 2008

I have a worksheet which contains START TIME in column A, then TIME USAGE in column B and END TIME in column C. User enters start time, followed by the number of time usage in minutes, how could i possibly display the end time automatically in this scenario? how do you add the entered time usage to the start time to display the end time? Say if I enter 1:00 AM at start time and 00:15 minutes on time usage, how can 1:15 AM be displayed on the end time automatically?

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Custom Format Negative Values To Display With Parenthesis

Jul 2, 2014

I am formatting total dollars to millions using the custom format $0.0,,

It displays negative values such as $3,100,000 to -$3.1

How do I get the negative values to display in parenthesis such as $(3.1)

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Show/Display Negative Chart Values Above Line

Oct 9, 2006

I have a spreadsheet where I track income (positive) and expense (negative) items and compare budget to actual amounts. I want to create a simple bar graph comparing budgeted amounts to actual amounts for each item.

However, when I do this, I see all of my income items above the line (pointing up) and all of the expense items below the line (pointing downward).

Is there an option I can select to just use absolute values for the items so they all appear above the line?

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If Number Is Positive Display In D20 - If Number Is Negative Display In D19?

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to create a completion statement on where I will add up the money my client has sent to me and also add up the money I need to pay out in order for them to complete their transaction. The end result I want is I would like to display whether my client has given me to much money and I need to repay them. Or if they haven't given me enough then I need to invoice them. I need excel to display for me after all the figures have been added and subtracted if the end figure is negative then display in D19 (balanced owed to you). If the end figure is positive (Balance required from you) display in D20.

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Negative Time

Jan 30, 2007

i am tracking my working hours at night, so i type in the time i start and the time i quit like this:

A 1 start B 1 end

A 2 22:30 B 2 02:30

now i want to calculate the time between.
but since excel don't like the negative time i got a problem. i figure i must make a function something like

i have tried a few but i don't get the parameters right so i get errors,

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Negative The Time

Mar 8, 2008

I have a formula calculating time to the second (e.g HH:MM:SS). I am calculating the difference from the time something was scheduled to be done vs. when it was actually completed. What I can't get Excel to do is calculate the same time but listing the time in negative, as if the project went over and by how much.

I know how to do this in numbers view, but unable to do this in time view.

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Account For “negative” Time

Dec 9, 2009

I’m trying to get the difference between times, BUT I want to account for “negative” time. So if I project that an employee will finish a task at 2 am, and they finished at 2:30 am, I want the result to be -:30, not just :30. If they finished at 1:30 then it would just be :30. Hence, my dilemma. I can get the difference, but didn't think Excel could recognize negative times. Right now I am using =MOD((A1-A2),1) or =(A1-A2+(A1<A2))*24/24 and in cells A1+A2 I am using military time.

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Negative Time Formula

Dec 22, 2009

I can't use 1904. I have a formula that almost works.

I am doing everything in Military time. This is the finial peice of the puzzle.

Our shift begins at 18:00 and ends up until 7:00 (am) or so depending onwork

A1 I have a time (Projected-Estimate of when all work should be done)
A2 I have a time (Actual- Time the work was actually complete.)
A3 Will be show the difference in either a Negative or Positive time.

Three Examples: (The first two work as is and are perfect) ....

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Time Of Day As Negative Decimal

Feb 6, 2012

Data from a SQL database represents time of day as a string of x's when imported into Excel. With CLEAN, I found that noon is -0.5.

This means that the calculation being used for noon is (24 * -0.5), or -12, meaning "go to the end of the 24 hour day, then go back half a day to noon." Similar calculations work other times of day.

Time entries that start in one day and end in the next are not allowed, so there is no problem with a change in day,

How can I convert this to the AM/PM time that my users need?

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Handling Time Goes To Negative Using VBA

Jun 11, 2009

My worksheet takes a time feed in the format '00:01:05' and I want to trigger an event when it goes to negative (eg, -00:01:05). But I have no idea how to handle it.

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Negative Time Subtraction

Jul 18, 2006

Ecel 2000

If Ii subtract time
eg 22:00-01:00 I get ############### wrong
If I subtract 22:00 23:00 I get 1 HR correct

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Conditional Formatting Negative Time

Apr 24, 2009

Excel 2000. I am having a little problem getting the list of numbers detailed below to turn red if Negative and Green if positive, (0:00 to stay blank). These numbers will changed between a maximum of 120:00hrs and -120:00hrs....

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Negative Time Formula Variation

Dec 22, 2009

(First please don't send me a link on how to subtract time or show Negative time. I know about 1904 ect.. I can't use that. I need a variation on the formula I am using if possible)

A1 I have a time
A2 I have a time
A3 I have a formula subtracting A2 from A1

The times will vary in A1 & A2. Sometimes A1 will be earlier or later thus giving me negative or positive times. I have a formula that will give me a correct answer but will always show either Positive or Neg depending on what I put in the last part of the formula "-H:MM or H::MM" =TEXT(MAX($A$1:$A$2)-MIN($A$1:$A$2),"-H::MM") in A3. I want it to do the subtraction but say if A1 is > than A2 then "-H::mm", If A1 is < A2 then "h::mm". I don't know if that is possibly or how to incorporate that into what I have.

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Dealing With Negative Time Formatting

Jul 16, 2007

It seems that time (i.e. -1:00) will be default as #########, etc. This makes me very unhappy. How to get around?

I could be fine with converting time to a total in seconds (i.e. 1:00 converted to 60 seconds)... but I'm not sure what kind of formula could do that.

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Formula Returning Negative Time

Aug 9, 2009

the Times work fine 22:00pm to 5:30am or 6:00am to 5:30am









but if I try 22:00pm to 6:00am or later

The following is displayed

Negative Time in J4 and the wrong result in K4

this is not what I need

It should be showing the following

J4 2:00 K4 5:00 L4 00:00 M4 00:00

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Formula To Show Time In Hours Going Minus Instead Of Negative

Nov 4, 2012

I have devised a simple formula when a member of staff enters a date and time into a cell it starts deducting from todays date and time. ie:

Cell A1 - Date and time is entered by staff

Cell B1 - Is the above cell +24hrs

Cell C1 - NOW()

Cell D1 - B1-C1 Formatted in hours ( [h] :mm:ss (Like a count down clock)

The problem i have is that i cannot get Cell D1 to show minus ours it just goes to negative and shows continous #####. Is there any way i can get Cell D1 to show the hours it has gone minus by.

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Negative Time Values

Mar 16, 2013

I have a problem with adding time values. The idea of my spreadsheet is to count time worked, and then calculate any variance from the normal shift length (i.e. 7h 30m). My formulas work fine until I work less than 7h 30m in a shift.


A1=start time
A2=end time

When the duration is over 7h 30m, A4 correctly returns the value of extra minutes. But when the duration is under 7h 30m the return is #####.

PS A1:A2 are formatted in a custom format hh:mm and A3:A4 are formatted as h:mm, and I'm using Win7 & MS Office 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Rounding Negative (and Positive) Time Values?

Apr 24, 2013

EXCEL 2010. I have a column of negative and positive times (eg. -00:52, -03:07, 06:02) in custom hh:mm format, and would like a new column rounding these times to the nearest negative or positive hour (with just the whole hours displayed), so I need a formula that would give me (for this example) -1, -3, 6, etc.

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Time Display / Non Display.

Jun 1, 2009

I have 2 columns E and F that I am using, in Column E, I enter a time say 22:43:00, column F currently ads 15 minutes to what ever is in there with '=E3+TIME(0,15,0)' which is fine except if column E has no time in it when it automatically puts in 00:15:00, hov can I get the cell not to display anything in there is no value in column E.

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Formula To Make Product Of Two Negative Numbers Negative

May 12, 2009

I have a large dataset (24000 rows) that requires me to multiply two different columns of integers. In some cases, the two integers are both negative and multiplying them results in a product that is positive. I actually need that product to be negative rather than positive. I can't quite seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this.

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Convert Negative Numbers With Negative Sign On Right

Aug 1, 2007

I have data that comes from a subsytem that places the negative sign at the right of the number, so it is recognized as text. I can get around this using find and replace and then a second step to multiply that by -1, but is there a formula that can do this for me?

I was trying if(right(A1,1)="-",TBD,A1)

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Positive To Negative If Cell On Left Negative

Sep 1, 2007

I have data starting in E7. I want it to go down the column and find the negative numbers. If it finds one then I want it to change the number in the row to the left of it to a negative. So if E67 is a negative number, make D67 a negative and so forth down the line Sounds "simple" but how do I do it?

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Display And Calculate Time

Jun 23, 2009

I have a problem with a time card i am producing. I want to count hours and minutes worked and carry forward any surplus or deficit into the next week. I can do it if the hours do not total more than 24. I have attached the file and it is formatted in 1904 format.

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Current Time Display

Nov 9, 2009

I have the =NOW() entered in to a cell on my excel dashboard. Is there a code or other method that I could use to refresh the time every second so that the current time is always visible.

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VBA Time Display In Textbox

Mar 22, 2013

I have a bit of code that fills textfields etc in a Userform. The data is being pulled from the spreadsheet but in this case the TIME is displayed weirdly.

It shows as 0,46875 and should show 11:15:00 as in the spreadsheet.

the line that reads this value is

.STime.Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "V").Value

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