Duplicating Information From One Worksheet To Another?
Apr 15, 2014
I'm trying to automate some documents we use on a regular basis so that we don't have to re-enter the same information over and over again. Basically I can get some cells to work and some will not. My first sheet is a contract. So I want Customer and Contractor info to show up on the rest of the sheets. I'm assuming something is messed up in the formatting of the cells but I can't figure out what.
So on my Job Book Cover Sheet I first want the GC's name and the code =Contract!G8 works perfectly. In the cell just under this one I want the Customers Name, but =Contract!C8:D8 (the cells on the contract with the Customers Name) returns #VALUE!
That said, the code =Contract!C8:D8 on my project detailer sheet returns the customer name like I want it to.
I have a worksheet (Morning Reports) that has a running macro on what I need is how do I get this same code to work on a different sheet titled (Afternoon Reports) This afternoon report will be a scaled down version with slightly different range:
How do I modify this code to do the same thing just on a different sheet
[Code] ....
Protection password is "Financial3" and sheet and VBA
Attached File : New Morning Report - Master_Copy-NO DELETE.xlsm
As a simple example, I have three columns (A,B,C). In both Column A and B they have single word text in them, but in Column C it is a paragraph of words that I format the cells to 'fill' so that it is all tight and concise when viewing the worksheet. Afer I have saved the document and have closed it when I reopen the document. Cells from column C have randomly duplicated themselfs throughout the entire worksheet,but only onto columns A,B,C (where there is pre-existing text). As the random cells get duplicated it overrights the original text (results) as it does it, so once I open up a document and see this it is to late. this is a continual problem that I cant find a resolution for.
I wanted to see if it were possible to combine multiple worksheets into one new worksheet, but without duplicating columns with the same heading, enabling the data to fall into the correct column if it's shared in multiple worksheets, and adding columns if their unique. Furthermore, if there are a few "leading" columns, i.e. ones that are shared in every sheet and never move from where they are, to include those as the leading columns in the new sheet. I'm unable to post an attachment, but I'll try to paint a picture. This is on a much smaller scale than intended, but I want to combine Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to form Sheet 3 (which I've manually copied to look how I would want it to look if the formula/code works properly). Columns A, B, and C are the "leading" columns I was referencing, whereas any of the following columns may or may not be shared in the various worksheets, but should still be included and combined if they're the same. There also might be a different number of columns depending on the sheet. I consider myself somewhat of an intermediate user, and I am familiar with using VBA codes for formulas should that be the proper remedy.
I am trying to create a simple ticketing system, just using the excel with no other PL.
I am trying to transfer the other in formation that I have create from 1 worksheet to another. If I input a particular number that I assigned I want that the other info along side with that number will automatically transfer to another worksheet.
This is a simple question but I just cant get the right format. I have a userform which saves info entered into the form into a worksheet. I have one cell in anoth worksheet (sheet2) which I would like include in the info from the form.
I already have the column entered in the database I am now trying to figure out how to include this in the save.
If column F, G, H says PAP then I want it to return information from column A, B, C, D, E respectively into another worksheet. I have attached a sample
I want to create a macro that will take information from one worksheet to another. The problem is that the first worksheet has an autofilter and i do not know how copy information only from the cells that were filtered with the correct information without copying it manually.
I want to setup an excel spreadsheet that will list employees and when exams were completed on them. The exams need to be completed once a year. I want the excel spreadsheet to send out an email to their corresponding supervisors when is within one month or so of an exam needing to be completed so their exam can be scheduled accordingly.
I have searched this forum and read through some of the other posts regarding exporting data from excel to outlook. This seems like what I need to do but I wanted to see if anyone has an advice on what way is better than the other?
Also, if excel is setup to push the data to outlook, does the excel file need to be open? In other words if Jimmy comes within one month of his exam but no one opens the excel file will it send out the email to outlook?
Is it a better option/ or possibility to have Outlook pull/check to see if the condition exists where an employee is within a month of his exam and then let the supervisor know?
I'm using a v-lookup to pull information from one worksheet to another. I know that each of the cells has a match on the second sheet, but the calcuation is resulting in a Value Not Available error. The only way I've figured out to get past the error is to go into each cell, hit F2 and then enter.
For some reason I need to display quite a few computer's installed software from system information in to separate worksheet.How can I copy all installed programs and paste into new worksheet with a code?
I'm trying to fish information from one worksheet to another.... Here's my sub, what's my SUBcranial problem?
Private Sub bt_PopulatePage_Click() ' Inventory Data Transfer to Report Structured Page Sheets("Liquor Data").Select 'Switch to Liquor Data Sheet Dim x 'Line Numbers x = Liquor Data Line
For x = 2 To Last_Row("B") 'Start at the first Liquor Entry Line Sheets("Liquor Data").Select t_liq = Cells(x, 2) ' Liquor Name in Starting in B,2 t_Class = Cells(x, 4) ' Class starting in B,4 t_type = Cells(x, 5) ' Type Starting in B,5 t_dist = Cells(x, 8) ' Distributor Starting in B,8 Sheets("Inventory Form").Select 'Select Inventory Page Cells(x + 7, 1) = t_liq Cells(x + 7, 2) = t_Class Cells(x + 7, 3) = t_type Cells(x + 7, 4) = t_dist
In one worksheet there is a code for every customer and their details e.g. Name, medication they are on, what they are alergic to etc then in another new worksheet can we just type in that code and their individual information comes up automatically?
I am a complete amature at Marco's and formulas. I have been trying to create what i need but i am unable to get it to work. I have a worksheet named "Course dates incl. pursuit" which has a table which runs from B7 to J144 in the table it has date, number, name, location, job, area, notifified, on system and passed?. in that order. I want if the passed column which is in J if that has a Y in it to copy and paste into another worksheet on the next avaliable line, worksheet name "Master."I would like it in a slightly different order if that is possible they have the same titles on the table but would like it to go number, name, location, job, area and date. Running from B5 to G(end of spreadsheet). That is the main part i would also like to to copy and paste into another worksheet if the answer is "N" but the above part is the most important part. Due to the computer settings i am unable to attach it
when I reference the information in worksheet 1 with worksheet 2, and I have no info in worksheet 1, I get zeros in worksheet 2. is there a way to have the cell show up empty until there is information worksheet 1?
how to reference cells in 1 page from another and understand basic formula's, and would appreciate any input on how or if i can acheive what i'm trying to accomplish.
I have a worksheet with say 100 rows of information, it is a list of materials to go into a construction job. the columns to the right of the description calculate volume/quantity etc and produce a cost for the item. what i want to do is have a summary page that only lists the items that are being used, not all 100 items are in every job and i dont want to have to print the whole list with a bunch of empty values, which will just waste paper and ink. I'd like to enter a value in a cell or setup a check box or something that i could somehow use to then list that row or a part of that row of information on a seperate sheet, for a nice concise, easy to read list of job materials. i would like to do produce 1 sheet with the cost associated with the item, and one without cost.
Is there a simple way to duplicate a number according to a given value? For example, i want the input to be 8 and the number is 1 so the output would be 11111111.
I've been given an excel file with 75 addresses (1 address entry per row) and I have to make 150 copies of each address while also numbering column D for each row 1-150.
So in the end it would go from: (sorry for the periods.. extra spacing didn't work!) A........B................C.......D AAA...123 Street...City...<blank> BBB...456 Street...City...<blank> CCC...789 Street...City...<blank>
I don't mean to be lazy and just ask for a macro code, but I'm a complete excel novice and just looking for a quick and easy fix rather than copy/pasting these entries manually.. edit: this file has a deadline for it, which is the reason for the quick fix not to just get out of learning how to do it
I've tried to make a macro consisting of inserting a row, copying a row then pasting it, but that only worked for the first row that I'm duplicating.
I am trying to make an inventory cover page - that shows data of separate products on different sheets with the following;
Product Date Previous Total Amount Taken New Total and occasionally there is a Re-issue of stock to the previous total.
This is at the moment an historical record as anyone can see the usage across the dates for any particular product by looking at the sheet. Each time there is a change to the inventory it is recorded on a new row. But what I am trying to do is to copy the last row of data from each sheet to the cover page to show an overall inventory.
The part where I get stuck is making the selection of the last entered row of data [from each sheet] automatically updating the coverpage, when each sheet will get new data added frequently.
I thought about somehow making a duplicate of the last row and locking it in place and linking that to the coverpage - but I still do not have a clue on how to get it to automatically select the last row of the data.
I have attached a spreadsheet here showing when people have had squash coaching. What I would like to do is have a summary section at the bottom showing how many sessions each person has had throughout the month, at which club. So where a club code such as the "C" "N" or "NO" is used I would like to insert the person's name in the summary section at the bottom. If the same person's name occurs again I would like to simply (that's the hard bit for me!) use one cell to continue to count his number of sessions - rather than duplicating his name over and over in a list, as would be done by using COUNTIF. I'm well lost on how this might be done but am sure that it must be possible?
I am working on a project that I feel should be relatively simple but I seem to be stuck. My Goal: To add information to specific rows of data in the worksheet. I want to use a user form, and eliminate as much typing for the user as possible. I have already designed my user form, and written the code to identify the row in which I want to edit. Nonetheless, I do not know how to code the insertion of the new data. The data I want to add will be in empty cells at the end(right) of the data table.
I have attached a portion of my data set.InsertQuote.jpg
Here is where I am. The words in red are just colloquial words that I cannot seem to put into code.
Private Sub CmdInsert_Click() Dim Company As String Dim PartNumber As Variant Dim Condition As String
I am in need of duplicating a current workbook for others use such that when I update information in the original all those who have a copy of the duplicate will get the updates I have made. I have searched all over for linking workbooks together and I am familiar with linking cells and other small bits of information from other workbooks but in this case I want a duplicate workbook that is updateable from my source workbook.
I'm creating a KPI spreadsheet which utilizes named ranges to allow for Dynamic charting. I've created the first data input sheet for one of the 10 areas being KPIed. The sheet has 60 named ranges in it.
The goal is to duplicate the existing sheet (Area 1A) 10 times and adjust the named ranges and formulas within the named ranges according to the sheet names.
Is there a way to accomplish this without having to manually recreate or edit every named range for each new sheet?
I am attempting to duplicate data from the first cell in each row in Sheet1 to the first cell in 6 rows in Sheet2.
I want to do this for each row in Sheet1. For example, I want to take cell A1 from Sheet1 and copy what was in that into Sheet2 into cells A1-A6. Then I want to take A2 from Sheet1 and copy what was in that into Sheet2 into cells A7-A12.
Is there an easier way to go about doing this? I have too many rows in Sheet1 to do this by hand.
Edit: I know the formula for getting a value from Sheet1 and put into Sheet2 cells A1-A6: =(Sheet1!A1)
The following code was supplied by Bill, but I want to do the same thing in B10:B164, where "x" is entered in B10 and the time stamp is entered in C10 & D10. I tried copying the same script but had an Compile error message which said Ambiguous name detected: Worksheet_Change. The name of the sheet is Sheet 1 (Main)
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("M10:M164 ")) Is Nothing Then 'change your range on this line" If Target.Value = "x" Then Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now Else Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" End If End If End Sub
I have two sheets, they basically contain shifts. They are laid out identically the only thing that changes is the date along row 1. In order not to have to recreate the workers from sheet1 onto sheet2 I use the following
I have code that i use to copy a worksheet of information in one workbook to a worksheet in another workbook. All i need is some guidance on how to copy a second worksheet from workbook 1 to a second worksheet in workbook 2. Should be fairl straight forward.
In the below i am copying the sheet Phone_data to a second work book sheet also called Phone_Data, i would like to include in the same proccess a sheet called Sur_Data from workbook 1 copy to a sheet called Sur_Data_R in the second. All the other features like find next empty row also apply.