Dynamic Averaging Based On Adjacent Column?

Nov 2, 2013

I have a column with random values that are generated my my machinery.I should not sort them, because they provide me with the performance graph. Lets say i have column "A"


As the max value of this is 90, and its 10% of MAX is 9, which occurs at 3rd and 9 th positions.I need to find the average of its adjacent range, with zeros not considered.It has to calculate the max value in the column, find 10% of max and do average of adjacent column from the sl. no of first occurrence of 10% value in first column to the sl no of last occurrence of 10% value in first column.

the exact 10% value may not always exist. 10% of 90 is 9, but if the max value is 94, the 10% would be 9.4 which doesn't exist. then it has to take the nearest available predecessor in that case.i get values in decimals mostly and only some of them are perfect integers, thus this consideration goes with it,and also, my range actually is B14:B10013

i would most probably have the 10% value within the first 50 "non zero" entries and reoccurring somewhere probably within the last 50 "non zero" entries.

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Averaging Dynamic Range Of Cells Across A Row

Feb 17, 2014

I have a row of dates going across in row 2, and random values going across in row 3 from D3 onwards. I want to return the average of values in row 3 until the third last non-blank cell in row 2 and do a similar thing for maximum row but just for the last 30 cells from the right (so latest 30 days). I have attached screenshot of part of spreadsheet for better illustration.


In my macro I can come up with a range for both, as below. Both lines of macro below select the correct range I am looking for.

[Code] .....

However when I try to apply them into an average/maximum function they returned an error 1004, Application defined or object define error:

[Code] .....

When I put it as following it returned me the value of Cells (3, 4) (Cell D3) instead of the average:

[Code] .....

Attached File : Capture.PNG‎

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Formula To Pull Latest Date From One Column Based On Entry In Adjacent Column

Jun 6, 2014

Any way to construct a formula in excel that will look at a reference in one column and find the latest date from the data in an adjacent column for that specific reference?

Below is an exctract from a much larger sheet of the columns in question.

The result in the last column should be 21/05/2014 for anything with D.O.001 in the second column and 15/05/2014 for anything with D.O.002.

Date Decision agreed
Disposal Order
Latest Decision date for D.O.


[Code] ........

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Average From One Column Based Upon Criteria From An Adjacent Column

Jan 13, 2008

I am trying to get an average from one column based upon criteria from an adjacent column. The number of days to close a case for race columns Black and White are listed in B5:C16 and E5:F16 and H5:I16. I need a formula to calculate the average days taken to close cases for Males and then the same for Females. Sample below: ...

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Sum Based On Adjacent Column Value

Jun 20, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a list of account numbers and values(sheet1) and on a seperate sheet (sheet2) a list of all unique account numbers that appear in the transaction data sheet.

What I am trying to do is get a total sum for the values of each account number. What I am getting well I'm not quite sure what I'm getting. The problem appears to be when the xSubtotal variable is reset to 0 at the end of calculating all the values for the account number.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Adjacent Column Value

Feb 25, 2009

I'm trying to highlight cells a certain color based on the value of the cell 1 column to the left. How would I be able to do this in conditional formatting?

Highlight the cells in "Visit 2" column if it is greater than the "Projected Visit 2" column.

NameProjected Visit 2Visit 2Person 124-Nov-0820-Nov-08Person 226-Jan-0927-Jan-09Person 32-Jan-082-Jan-08Person 430-Dec-0829-Dec-08Person 46-Nov-0830-Oct-08

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Select Cells Based Value In Adjacent Column

Jan 4, 2008

How would you select cell values from differing rows based on the name in an adjacent column. ie, if it says John, add that data to the source data, if not move on.

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Count Unique Cells Based On Adjacent Column

Jan 3, 2008

I have a worksheet with following data in 1 tab.

Seq Class



In a different tab I want to calculate the unique count of sequence for a specified class.

In above eg: for class 10 it should return 2

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Data Validation - Creating Subset Choices Based On Adjacent Column Choice

Oct 27, 2013

I am limiting choices in a certain cell to a list via data validation (using data validation, allow - list and pointing to the source). I want to limit the next set of choices in the next column (in this example in Column C) for the user based on the choice made in the adjoining cell. For example to keep it simple I will use the following: if the user selected "Fruit" in B1, then the options in C1 would only show "Oranges","Apples", "Pears". If however the user selected "Veg" it would only show "Cucumber", "Lettuce", "Spinach", "Radishes" in the drop down in column C. I can put a prefix in front of the column C data validation list if that is needed to narrow down e.g. FR-oranges, FR-apples etc.

1 Fruit Oranges
2 Veg Lettuce

Data Validation source for Column B (H2:H4)

Data Validation for Column C: (I2:I10)

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Excel 2010 :: Adding Together Separate Currency Rows Based On Adjacent Column Value?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a spread sheet which totals the amounts in 2 columns D and E, which are pounds and pence. The formulas for each one are:





These work very well and give me the correct figures.

What I would like to do is to add up the values of each row based on the criteria of column C and have just one value in ONE cell (as shown on lines 13 & 14), so for instance:

When added together the values of rows 3,4 & 6 are 7.25 (based on a value of "W")When added together the values of rows 7 & 8 are 5.00 (based on a value of "F")

I have tried to show this as an example in the image below:



I'm using Excel 2010 on Win 7 Pro.

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Dynamic Lookup Based On Column Header

Jun 21, 2013

I'm trying to calculate a figure in a report tab that reads off the data tab and looks for a specific column based on the header of that column. My explanation is admittedly poor but I've attached a sample file with an outline of what I'm trying to do which I hope makes things clearer.

Sample File.xlsx

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Dynamic Checkboxes On Userform Based On Column

Feb 6, 2012

Every thread I see on Google search for creating check boxes on a user form based on worksheet data says to use a list box, but I really want check boxes. Any code that will create, on initialize of the user form, a check box for each item in Import!B2:B (last row), regardless of the number of items? I am only worried about having about 20 max. Usually, it will only be 5 to 10.

I did try the list box, but it doesn't populate the list box.

Private Sub UserForm2_Initialize()
Dim lbtarget As MSForms.ListBox
Dim rngSource As Range

'Set reference to the range of data to be filled

[Code] ..........

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Dynamic Range Based On Column Order

Jul 31, 2014

I want to refer to columns by column order (i.e. A=1, B=2, etc.)

I want to sum a range for dynamic columns and fixed widths (i.e. B2:B5 or F2:F5, etc).

i have C_N as variant and i am trying to write the formula but desperately getting syntax error.


Range("M5") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(C_N& "2" : C_N&"5")))
i tried before to make another easier formula like
=Range("N5:N" & LastRow)

and it worked.

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Averaging Values In Column B For Recurring Dates In Column A

Mar 10, 2014

I have a set of data with daily total returns (TR) for 218 companies on the FTSE350 between 2007-2013. The Data looks as follows:

Company ..............Date(daymonthyear)..... TR
1........................... 112007 ..........................10.4
1 .......................... 212007 ..........................10.2
1 .
1 . .
1 .......................... 30102013 .........................12.3
. . . .
. . .
. . .
2............................112007 .......................... 4.5
2 ............................212007 ..........................4.6
2 .
. .
. .
. .
. .
218.......................30102013 .....................13.2

I want to perform a dickey fuller test to see if there is a unit root, but for this I can’t have repeated time values, thus I need to create a daily average TR for each day (Thus summing up all TR values for all companies that have data on TR available on that day and averaging them).

How in excel can create an average value for TR every time a series of numbers in the “date” column take the same value? The best thing possible would then be if this could appear so that I have a data set that looks like

Date (daymonthyear)........ TR
112007 ..............................13.2
30102013............................ 9.4

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Dynamic Dropdown List Based On Column Filter?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a spread sheet that has three sheets, PROJECTS - TIMES - LISTS Time sheet.xlsx PROJECTS contains a list of 'In Progress' and 'completed' projects for work, with relevant other data, I.e. PROJECT No. / STATUS etc This will grow to 1,000's of rows TIMES will contain the amount of time a person spends on a PROJECT on a daily basis. This will grow to 10,000's of rows LISTS contain basic validation list for the first 2 sheets.

Part A
I would like to have a validation drop down list for the PROJECT NO column in the TIMES sheet that only lists the PROJECT NO from the PROJECTS sheet where STATUS <> COMPLETED. I.e. I only want to display the PROJECT NO's for current projects.

Part B
Even though I only want the PROJECT NO used, can the drop down list also contain other column's data for reference information only before one is selected.

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Dynamic Named Range Based On Last Date In Column

Mar 9, 2008

I want to define a dynamic named range based on the last date in a range (AE4 down). Unfortunately there are gaps in this range where no date is in a cell.

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Create Dynamic List Of Dates From Adjacent Cell?

Oct 23, 2013

I have a column with dates in each cell. I need the user to the able to pick a date from a list in the adjacent cell but it must be a date on the same weekday.eg if cell a1 is 23/10/2013 then cell b1 should display a list of Fridays in the future for the user to select from and then it should put the selected value in the cell (eg 30/10/2013).

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Adding And Averaging Every Other Column In One Row?

Jul 27, 2013

I've been searching for the answer but either I do not understand or it isn't out there. I want to add every other column in one row resulting in an average of all the columns in that one particular row.

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Automatically Averaging Consecutive Data In A Column

Jan 10, 2014

How can I automatically average consecutive data (4 rows) in a column and jump to the next 4 rows...until the end of my column?

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Averaging Column If Something Happening In Another Column

Aug 17, 2012

I am trying to average the ages of men and women separately. Here is what I need. Column B (B4:B99) indicates whether the participant is male or female, and Column C (C4:C99) has their respective ages. I would like to calculate the average age of the men and women. Number of 1 in Column B denotes a male, and a number of 2 denotes a female.

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Excel 2013 :: Averaging Values Of Rows From Particular Column

Aug 6, 2014

Is it possible to perform average function on subsequent group of rows and make a new set of rows ?

For example: As below, in column 1 the average of values of first 3 rows (i.e, 1, 2 & 3) is 2. similarly average of values in next 3 rows (i.e, 4,5 & 6) is 5 and so on....

Is this possible to get a new set of rows by averaging values of rows from a particular column. without applying average formula in each row of column 2. i m using MS Excel 13.

Column 1 ______ Column 2
1 _____________ 2
2 ______________ 5
3 ______________ 8
4 _____________ 11

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Summing/averaging A Column Of Varying Number Of Rows

May 18, 2007

how to code VB to where when data is sorted a formula can be placed at the bottom a column to sum or average the above data?

I have tried relational positioning e.g

each time a row is created, integer n5 = n5 + 1

Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=12).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=sum(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=0, columnOffset:=7).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=average(r[" - " & n5]c:r[-1]c)"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
n2 = ActiveCell.Offset(rowoffset:=1, columnOffset:=-19).Address
n5 = 0

Where n5 is augmented each time a row is created then set to 0 to count the next list

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Formula To Total Values In Column Matching Text In Adjacent Column

Dec 20, 2013

Formula(s) to do as explained in the attached example.


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Formula To Match Text In Column And Retrieve Adjacent Column Value?

Mar 5, 2014

I need a formula to run down a column DCapture.JPG (starting at 142), when it finds the last entered value it needs to display the corresponding value from column J into cell AA21.

If you see the attached photo, the last entered data in column D would be 1, AA21 would be saying -30 (J205)


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Copy Cells From Column To Adjacent Column If Bold Or Empty

May 20, 2008

I have a worksheet on which the data is already grouped. At the top of each group is a row that contains only the group name. Since the rest of that row is blank, I want to use a blank cell on that row as a reference, then copy the group name to a newly created column, then fill that column down to the next group.

The goal is to create a column that contains the group name, rather than just having the group name as a " header" at the top of each group.

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Sum Of Values In Column If Text In Same Row Of Adjacent Column Matches?

Apr 10, 2014

I need to sum values in a column, but only if the text in the same row of the adjacent column meets certain criteria. Below is a simplified version as an example:

A1 - Apple
A2 - Banana
A3 - Apple
A4 - Banana

B1 - 3
B2 - 2
B3 - 1
B4 - 1

I need a formula that will add up the cells in column B that have "Apple" next to them in column A. Apple would total up to 4 and Banana would total up to 3.

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If Column A = 0 Then Adjacent Cell In Column B Divide By .3

Feb 27, 2009

Im wondering if this can be done in excel..

2 columns

if the value in column O=$0.00 then I need to divide the adjacent cell in column L by 0.3 or multiply by 30%

this is the way I was trying to do this...


I have tried it several different ways and cannot get it to work - is it my formula or can this even be done because I can't reference just one cell?

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Concatenate Column With Adjacent Column In Loop

Sep 27, 2007

I had a problem finding something then deleting the column, I tried to alter the code from that thread to solve a new problem and I am close (I think), but not quite there. I need to find the column "Group" and merge it with the column "Sex" which is offset by 1 column. This code will go through and find the column "Group" and merge for the first cell, but will then get stuck in a loop just concatenating "Sex" to the end continuously. I need it to concatenate both columns entirely together. Any simple fix to what I modified? Previous thread should you be interested:Find Part Text On All Sheets & Delete The Column.

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Find Value In Column And Return Value From Adjacent Column

Jan 30, 2008

I have are two worksheets, "Sheet 1" which is a bill of lading form and "Sheet 2," in which columns A and B contain Part Numbers and Weights respectively.

What I'm wanting to have happen is when a user inputs a part number into Sheet 1 (say in cell B6), it calls a UDF that looks up the part number on sheet two column A and returns the corresponding weight from column B (to say cell C6 on sheet 1).

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SumIf For Adjacent Column

Apr 22, 2014

In the B column i have dates. In the C column i have total hours.

Right now the following code counts how many instances of a date (Dt) are found and makes a decision if it is more than 3.

IVAL = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(WS.Range("B:B"), Dt)
If IVAL > 3 Then

What i need is to SUM the hours (C column) for each instance of the date (Dt) in the B column, and test if it is greater than 24. so it would be similar to this:

IVAL = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(WS.Range("C:C"), Dt)
If IVAL > 24 Then

Except that this code attempts to sum the hours of the C column and also wants to recognize the dates from the C column which would not work. I need something different than SUMIF. I need it to Sum the C column for the appropriate dates (Dt) in the B column.

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