Embed Formula In VBA (calculate The Absolute Week )

Dec 28, 2009

I need to calculate the absolute week and have found a formula to do so. Is there a way to embed/execute this in VBA?

TRUNC(((StartDate-DATE(YEAR(StartDate),1,0))+6)/7) where StartDate is the date which you are trying to find the corresponding week number (for example Now().

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Formula To Calculate The Absolute Total Of A Column Of Numbers

Jan 25, 2009

Need a formula to calculate a absolute total from a column of totals.

I thought this was simple, but the formula I made didn't work.

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Excel 2003 :: Calculate Formula For Third Value Of Week?

Nov 9, 2012

On a excel sheet I've got columns, each column represents a weeknumber. I want to calculate the so-called 4 wk average for each row and for each week and this is the formula I use:


(this is not the actual formula but simplified, that's not really important).

It's the checks that make things a bit more complex. If a value of a weeknr is zero, skip it, but if the next value is also zero, just skip the formula alltogether and make it a zero (or text like "false"). So another thing that has to be accounted for is that if a value is zero, the next weeks value is taken instead.Example (see included file):

I want to calculate the formula (mov 4wk avg) for the third value for week 12, which will make the formula

(0.2*6)+(0.3*6) now there's a zero on week 14 so I skip it, then formula will be:

Right now I'm doing this in VBA with a lot of variables and a lot of if statements.Is there an easier more effective

I know the example sheet is a 2007/2010 version but I need to accomplish this for 2003.

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Embed Formula In A Cell?

Oct 18, 2012

I am working on a financial tracking sheet for somebody in my organization. The totals have to be entered as number of bills, but he wants to read it afterword as $ amount. So is there a way to type in the number of bills in a cell (ie, 15) but have the $ amount (ie, $300.00) show up in the same cell when he hits enter or tab? This is my least favorite solution (assuming it is even possible), but it is what he is asking for. I feel like I just need to know that it won't work before he agrees to try something else.

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Auto-updating Formula For Week Over Week Change?

Dec 11, 2013

I was wondering if there's a way to add a formula to calculate week over week % change automatically every week when I enter in new data. see the attached excel file for reference.

What I would like to have is the ability for the formulas in c5 and f5 to be able to auto-update to the newest week and the previous week's data instead of manually having to update it each week. So if I were to add a new row with data for week beginning 12/2, the formula in c5 and f5 would automatically update to calculate the week over week variance. I tried researching prior to asking the question on this forum, and I think it may be possible to do it using the index match function, but I'm not sure how to apply it in this case.

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Embed IF IS BLANK Formula Into NA And VLOOKUP

Sep 4, 2013

My vlookup works.
My IF(ISNA works.

Now I just need to incorporate a formula for if is blank. Not sure where to incorporate it or how.


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Embed Text Attribute In Formula

Aug 27, 2009

The field is a concatenation of three other fields and only the first of three parts should be boldfaced -- the second and third part should be normal faced.

Is there an easy way to do this in excel 2007? Right now, the formula is:

=CONCATENATE(UPPER(TRIM('Raw Data'!H26)),CHAR(10), TRIM('Raw Data'!G26)," [",TRIM('Raw Data'!J26),"]")

and the part in red, is to appear boldfaced.

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Calculate Sum By Week

Sep 6, 2007

I have a series of data in different columns, one of them is the date (daily, for like 5 years, exept weekends and national holidays), but I want to make another table with weekly data (which should be the sum of the daily data in a week, for each column). I thought there might exist any combination of formulas for that, to put once and drag it, and maybe it's pretty obvious, but even though I thought about it a lot, I couldn't find the solution.

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Formula To Tell When Its Week 1 Or Week 2 Of A Any Given Month

Jun 16, 2014

I'm trying to write a formula that will tell me when its week one or week two, week three and week 4 based on a given date of any month.

I'm using weekday formula but no luck.

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Rota - Calculate The Hours Every One Has Done Each Week

Nov 19, 2007

way to calculate the hours every one has done each week to make sure everyone has done the correct hours. I was about to start using a calculator and then realised it would take forever.

I've included a zip file of the excel file

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Calculate The Cumulative Sum Without Inserting Another Row In The Week

Sep 30, 2008

I have two rows one with the nr of weeks and another with revenues like that:....

i need to calculate the cumulative sum without inserting another row in the week that i define like an input so it could be changed.. for example the *** sum in the week 5 shloud be 900.

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Calculate Day Of Week Based On Listed Day?

Aug 14, 2012

I am creating a load file for software from Excel. Based on our planning calendar and delivery time, I need to calculate the Delivery day.

Excel File as follows:

Planned Delivery Time Planned Order Day Planned Delivery Day
8 days Thursday (Need a formula that says 8 days from Thursday would be Friday)
13 days Tuesday (Need a formula that says 13 days from Tuesday would be Monday)

I have attempted with simple formulas adding time, complex formulas, and cannot find a simple solution that works for days of the week.

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Calculate Days In A (06 Day)Working Week

Dec 27, 2008

to calculate no.s of workdays between two given dates,

1.We work 06 days a week (so only Sunday is OFF)

2.What if I have some holiday between the given dates + Sunday OFF

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How To Calculate Date Fall In Which Week

Jul 28, 2009

Need a solution for calcuate a week in user enterd date?


A1 A2
07/01/2009 1
07/01/2009 5

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Calculate Week Number From Sheetname

Oct 18, 2006

Daily i import sheets into excel and the sheet name is uniformed to the following

20061017_BNKREC - 20061018_BNKREC - 20061019_BNKREC ..........

just for clarity purposes

[2006] = year, [10] = month, [17] = previous day, [_BNKREC] = report type

I'll be creating a graph to which shows account balance by week, by account.
The data will be coming in daily. i know i will need to create either a dynamic range or copy my data into a new sheet. My head is spinning because i need excel to somehow (either in a formula or VB) determine what WorkingWeek the sheet is in. I dont want to have to keep adjusting formulae or ranges when import a new sheet..

bare with me here as its hard to explain ................

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Calculate Total Hours Per Week Per Schedule

Dec 14, 2013

Please refer to attached sheet.

I am using the attached to schedule the employees. All I want is a formula to add up all schedule hours per week per schedule in cell R2,R3 and R4.


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Calculate Overtime From Daily Hours For A Whole Week

Feb 13, 2014

calculate overtime hours from daily time entries.
Normal hours are 7.6 per day
Time 1/2 is hours over 7.6 but no more than 2 hours
Double Time is all hours over that.

I have the spreadsheet with the days of the week in one row and at the end I have 1 cell for Normal Hours, Time 1/2 and Double Time. I need a formula that will work out overtime off each day and add for all days of the week and enter data into one cell. So all normal hours are in Normal hours and Time 1/2 and Double time are automatically calculated once hours are put in per day manually.

WedThurFriSatSunMonTuesTotal Normal HoursTime 1/2Double Time 10101068

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Calculate Week Number And Call Correct Sub

Jul 19, 2014

I have two processes that has to run depending of the week number of the year. So even weeks has to run "sub 2" and odd weeks has to run "sub 1".

Weeks with number 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 etc has to call "sub 1" and weeks 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 etc has to call "sub 2".

The filenames consist of "name_name_YYYYMMDD.xls" (example: SteveSmith_Runningshoes_20140719.xls)

So vba needs to calculate the week number by reading the YYYYMMDD of the filename and then call the correct sub.

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Calculate Number Of Week And Days Between Two Dates?

Sep 28, 2011

Any example of counting the # weeks/days between two dates?

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Calculate Friday Based On Week Number

Jan 9, 2012

I have a drop down box that chooses the week number of the year (This is based off of a series of data from another sheet).

I need some kind of formula that calculates the following Friday based on a week number. Say for this year (2012) The following Friday for "week 1" is 1/13/12.

(This is for payroll information and I'm trying to calculate the pay date based of of data from that week)

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How To Calculate Week Number That A Date Falls In

Aug 6, 2013

Of the 52 weeks in a year, I want to know the week number that a date falls in, e.g. date - 05/08/2013 falls in Week No. 32. What's the formula to get this answer?

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Calculate Total Number Of Values For Each Day Of Week?

Dec 2, 2013

My spreadsheet is set up so that Column A has dates and Column B has a value. How can I calculate the total number of values for each day of the week? I've tried a few formulas but they either didn't work or didn't actually take the value into consideration and just counted all the 'Mondays'. I'm not sure if that's clear enough, but if we're just looking at Mondays to simplify it:

Monday, 1 January 2000: 2
Monday, 8 January 2000: 5
Monday, 15 January 2000: 0

Mondays: 7

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How To Use Vlookup To Calculate The Number Of Shift Per Week For Each Agent

Dec 19, 2013

I would like to use vlookup to calculate the number of shift per week for each agent

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How To Calculate The Week Number Of The Month Based On A Date

Dec 30, 2013

I would like to calculate the week number of the month based on a date.

Now my days would only include working weeks (Monday - Friday).

Supposed the date is 12/31/2012:


Since it only occupies 1 day of the workweek, then it will be considered as Week 1 of January. If the date is 1/28/2012:


It will be considered as Week 5 of January since it occupies 4 days of the working week. If the date is 4/29/2013:


It will be considered as Week 1 of May since it occupies only 2 days of the working week.

Basically if the date's month occupies 3 or more of the working days of the workweek then it will be considered as part of that month's working week. Is this possible with formulas? I tried to explain it the best I can.

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Calculate Numbers Of Days Elapsed A Week / Month Or 6 Months From Now

Dec 31, 2013

In one column I'll have a list incrementing in 1w,2w,3w,1month and I want to be able to count the number of days that have elapsed till the latest cell. Right now I'm just winging it by saying there's always 31 days in one month using a COUNTA function, but I need it to be accurate.

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Capture And Calculate Data Based On Work Week In VBA Or Formulas

Jul 21, 2014

I have a requirements to capture the data and calculate the qty based on the defined work week. How to to this in vba macro or a formulas. I'll giving a sample data as reference. In my sample data i have already the formulas
but i wanted to automate the work week calculation specially if the number of days in a month has been change.

Btw, the values of every column is came from other worksheet. i copy paste this data as my sample.

For ex : Today is July and it has 31 days, the 31 days will be distributed to the defined workweek and calculate the contents of the corresponding column.

here is the distribution of columns per week as reference.

(31 days)
wk1 - Day1 to Day8 (8 colums)
wk2 - Day9 to Day16 (8 colums)
wk3 - Day17 to Day24 (8)
wk4 - Day25 to day 31 (7) columns

(30 days)
wk1 - Day1 to Day8 (8 colums)
wk2 - Day9 to Day16 (8 colums)
wk3 - Day17 to Day23 (7)
wk4 - Day23 to day 30 (7) columns

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Calculate Time Elapsed And Compute Day Of Week Based On Date

May 27, 2014

1. Calculate the time that has elapsed between 2 times in both hours:min (hhmm) and total mins (mm)

2. Compute the day of the week (mon-fri) a particular date fell on. I really only need to know if the date fell on a weekday or weekend.
table { }td { padding: 0px; color: windowtext; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: bottom; border: medium none; white-space: nowrap; }.xl63 { font-size: 12pt; } 1= M-F


3. How to write an If statement that assign a value to time based off this chart:
table { }td { padding: 0px; color: windowtext; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial; vertical-align: bottom; border: medium none; white-space: nowrap; }.xl63 { font-size: 12pt; } 1= AM (7-1459)

2=PM (15-2259)

3= MN (23-659)

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Calculate Work Hour Phone Time By Day, Week & Month

Aug 21, 2008

I am trying to figure out a way to count the minutes used from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday. I have this years worth of data. I would like to do it by month and by week and by day. I use office 08 for the mac and its my understanding that it doesn't have VBA. I would also like to be able to figure out if on a certain date a employee made over x amount of phone calls in a day. But have several employees. I have columns that are labeled date, employee, minutes used.

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Add Formula With Absolute Row To A Cell

Dec 12, 2011

I want to add a formula with absolute row to a cell.

The desired formula in the cell is something like "=SUM(B$5:B11)"

However, when i use the following code I keep getting error 1004 'Application-defined or object-defined error'

topCell.Cells(CurrentRow, 3)FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUM(R-" & CurrentRow - 1 & "C[-1]:RC[-1])"

It works when the bracket [] is used for row, but it does not give me absolute row in the formula.

topCell.Cells(CurrentRow, 3)FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUM(R[-" & CurrentRow - 1 & "]C[-1]:RC[-1])"

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Formula Change To Gather The Absolute ABS Sum Instead Of The Net

Jan 17, 2010

I am using the following forumla, it gathers the net sum of a column of $ amounts.

I need to have it changed to gather the Absolute ABS total instead.


V23 has a date "Month" value.

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