Calculate Overtime From Daily Hours For A Whole Week
Feb 13, 2014
calculate overtime hours from daily time entries.
Normal hours are 7.6 per day
Time 1/2 is hours over 7.6 but no more than 2 hours
Double Time is all hours over that.
I have the spreadsheet with the days of the week in one row and at the end I have 1 cell for Normal Hours, Time 1/2 and Double Time. I need a formula that will work out overtime off each day and add for all days of the week and enter data into one cell. So all normal hours are in Normal hours and Time 1/2 and Double time are automatically calculated once hours are put in per day manually.
WedThurFriSatSunMonTuesTotal Normal HoursTime 1/2Double Time 10101068
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Sep 14, 2006
I'm creating an log to track the total number of hours an employee works in one day and calculate regular and overtime hours worked based on the following criteria: overtime will be >8 hours in one day and >40 hours in one week.
Right now I have it 'mostly' figured out, but under certain conditions, it calculates more than 8 hours in one day for straight time. Is there a way to set a maximum value for the straight time cell and have the difference be added to the overtime cell?
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Jan 13, 2014
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
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Aug 4, 2013
My overtime pays is anything exceed over 8 hours per day or over 40 hours per week. Right now I can only calculate overtime by either over 8 hr/day or over 40 hr/ week. I need a way to combine both.
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Aug 6, 2008
I am trying to get my time sheet to work out right but for some reason the formulas are a little more then what I can do. My time sheet is set up on a weekly bases. I have a regular time line, an overtime line and a total time line. an example I have is I work 12 hours a day I need an 8 to show up in the regular hours, 4 in the overtime and 12 in the total hours.
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Mar 20, 2009
I'm trying to calculate timesheets including hours at overtime.
A1- Start time, B1- Lunch Start, C1- Lunch finish, D1- Finish
In E1 I want standard rate hours 'up to 8'
In F1 I want the remaining hours.
I have tried IF rules and realise these are wrong.
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Apr 15, 2014
I have to calculate employees work hours for overtime.
in the timesheets:
1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 13:00 <----- total for cell D2,D3, and D4 is more than 40
1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod
2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular
3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular
4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 5:00 Regular <----- to make 40
5 A123 4/14/14 TRT 8:00 Overtime <----- 13-5=8, so i have to write down 8 here for overtime
How can I do this?
I want to make a command button for macro to perform this.
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Nov 19, 2007
way to calculate the hours every one has done each week to make sure everyone has done the correct hours. I was about to start using a calculator and then realised it would take forever.
I've included a zip file of the excel file
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Dec 14, 2013
Please refer to attached sheet.
I am using the attached to schedule the employees. All I want is a formula to add up all schedule hours per week per schedule in cell R2,R3 and R4.
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a report given to me formatted as general. These are overtime hours for 5000+ associates. The time is shown as 4.52 being 4 hours and 52 minutes.
If I sum 4.52, 5.1, .18... I get 9.8 when in fact it is 10hrs 20m. I need this to display as 10.2
In fact I have done it in the past but lets just say im ready for the weekend.
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Feb 20, 2014
Example: In cells A1:A10 random number between 0 & say 20, need to sum ABOVE 8 = (calculating overtime hours)
A1 = 0
A2 = 8
A3 = 8
A4 = 10 (giving 2)
A5 = 12 (giving 4)
A6 = 5
A7 = 13.5 (giving 5.5)
A8 = 8
A9 = 0
A10 = 16 (giving 8)
A11 = (Total overtime above 8 hours) 2+4+5.5+8 = 19.5
Need to be able to increase rows and drag across.
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Nov 30, 2012
I thought I had everything worked out with this timesheet but I've discovered one more problem.
Weekly Timesheet.xlsx
The total overtime hours needs to show that anything over 40 hours in the Total Regular Hours cell is overtime. And it also needs to show only up to 40 hours in the Total Regular Hours cell.
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May 9, 2008
I am creating a spreadsheet that will track hours of overtime worked and within the spreadsheet there are several separate departments listed.
I have made it dynamic so that the summary spreadsheet will update as employees are added. I’m using a macro and some complicated helper cells to be able to sort the employees based on their total OT hours worked.
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Jan 31, 2009
I charge £45 per hour with a couple of conditions - minimum 8hr day and then 1.5T after 12hrs.
Is it possible to have a table where I put in my hours and then Excel tells me how much I should charge?
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Mar 6, 2010
I have a running time sheet daily. It has 2 columns for Labor and 2 columns for travel
i.e. travel From / To 1300-1400 calculate 1 hour then travel home 1600-1700 1 hour this is calculated by the date entry 01/02/10 I have another calculation that tracks by the date i.e. 01/02/10 then Next job which all works fine.
The problem becomes how do I calculate a weekly total labor and travel by the date So added another column called weekly hour’s labor and use the Weeknum to determine which week is which day/date so the first Monday in January 2010 is week 2
2 problems
Having many multiple day / date entries are the same date x 7 days Monday –Sunday
(Relies on the date entered and the weeknum) 01/03/10 each line is complete however the dates carry over as does the time
When trying to calculate each row x 3 same date time then the value will be incorrect I need to calculate
Say 9.5 hour labor from the date 01/03/10 not 28.5 hours and then calculate the total weekly hours
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
i do have work and travel times for each job on the same line (separate columns) but I display the total here by date to summarize the totals
i have tried sum products and sumif to avail. I am using Windows XP SP2 with MS Office 2007
how do i calculate weekly hours by date and weeknum ?
Total Work per day
Total Travel per day
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Jul 23, 2007
I need to worked out Hours worked in a timesheet. This was the easy part, the hard part is the clause tha HR threw in, which is:
If you have worked and 8 hour day WITH 1 hr lunch then you qualify for overtime.
if you work a 8 hr day and work through your lunch (1 hour) (so equivelant to 9 hrs) you still do NOT qualify for overtime there for Overtime = 0.
This is cause some people work though their lunch to get overtime, but legally they have to have a break so we are not paying overtime for it. I have basically tried in a formula to replicate this but it works with some data and not with all.
attached is an example, as you'll see the formula works in some cells, but not others.
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May 31, 2013
How can I total overtime based on a "Reason Code" and whether the employee chose "Cash" or "Time" compensation?
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Sep 5, 2008
I am trying to formulate a formula that will calculate overtime hours worked.
Now standard hours are 17:30pm - 20:45pm. Anything outside these hours are overtime. If the start time is 18:00pm then the person is still paid from 17:30pm @ standard rate regardless.
Now I am trying to work out a formula that will cover hrs outside of the standard hrs AND hrs unworked but paid for.
see attached! September tab {blue highlighted cells}
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a time sheet for my employee's that I need to calculate their overtime in 1.5x and 2x rates.
Their overtime totals are done in individule columns from D33 to S33. The first 4 hours per day are charged at 1.5x and anything over that is 2x. I want to show the 1.5x in one box and the 2x in another. I do believe that I need two formulas one in each of the boxes where the final totals would go.
Here's an example, in columns D37 to D41 the employee has worked 12, 14, 9, 16 and 14.5 hours. so that's 17 hours @ 1.5x and 8.5 @ 2x.
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Apr 20, 2009
Column A = Date
Column B = Numbers
Column C = results
As you can see Column C, I manually did what I want the formula to do, which is get last number from the previous week. (weekdays only, but can be either 1,2,3,4 or 5 days due to holidays).
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Apr 20, 2009
I have two columns.
A column = contains dates but does not always have 5 days in a week. Holidays are not entered.
B column = price data for each day
All I want to do is get the highest price from the previous week. So for example last week highest price was 5000 then column C will display 5000 for this entire week. I tried using WEEKNUM and WEEKDAY but i am clueless on what to do after that. I'm trying to avoid macros or VB since im not that advance with that. But if I have to I will.
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Apr 21, 2014
I am looking for a formula to calculate overtime on a weekly basis, entered daily, on a sheet with multiple weeks. It need it to calculate the overtime each week.
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Feb 21, 2013
Is there a way to conver a persons time spent (given in weeks) to adjust/convert to show per month. Attached is the sheet. Do note that week 2/25 - 3/1 is a combination of Jan and Feb so hours should be logically divided into jan and feb...
Name 2/18 - 2/22 2/25 - 3/1 3/4 - 3/8 3/11 - 3/15 Feb mar
Tom 40 10 0 20 ?? ??
2/25 - 3/1
3/4 - 3/8
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Jan 13, 2014
I'm been trying to create a timesheet that will auto calculate the hours of normal / overtime 1 / overtime 2
Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday = Overtime 2
Monday to Friday (8:30 till 17:30) = Normal (Auto
Monday to Friday (17:30 till 22:00) = Overtime 1
Monday to Friday (22:00 till 8:30) = Overtime 2
* If Public Holiday column is set to 1 then all hours will auto set to overtime 2
* If Breaktime column is > 0 then deduct from total hours calculate
Date / Day
Public Holiday
Start time
End time
Normal hour(s)
Overtime 1
Overtime 2
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Dec 29, 2013
I'm having difficulty to calculate hours between 2 or 3 days exclude non working hours.
Attached is the example of start date with time & end date with time.
The situation is like "when the case log in till the case assist in working hours." so i will get the hours from case log to case assist.
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Apr 4, 2013
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50
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Aug 18, 2012
I have the day of the week in B1 Emp Nbr in B2 Hours worked on B11
What I need a macro to do is match B1(day of the week) with the corresponding offset column in F1-R1, Pos and Post the Emp NBR(b2) and Hours(b12) in the corresponding column (F4 and G4)
I then will key in a new Emp and the hours and click the macro to execute the move over to the correct column and down one row.
Do this until I post Emp 999 at which time it will exit the macroOzgrid weekly hours.xlsx
The next day I will change the day in B1 to 2, corresponding to TUE, and it will move over to the correct column (H4 and I4) and post the daily data until I key in EMP 999
Then continue for the rest of the week.
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Aug 20, 2014
I need to expand on this formula.
I require a formula that will break down daily hours worked into rate categories eg Normal Time, Time & Half, Double Time.
eg. Column E = Total time worked
Column F = Normal time
Column G = Time & Half
Column H = Double Time
What I would like to do is enter hours into Column A and a formula in Column B will split of hours to a maximum amount of 7.6hrs then the remainder of the hours be placed in Column C to a maximum of 2 hours and Column D, no maximum.
These are the formula I am currently using
column B
column C
column D
I would now like to be able to split the hours over 3 rows x 3 columns
Example 1
Row A B C D
1 3 3 0 0
2 5 4.6 .4 0
3 2 0 1.6 .4
Example 2
Row A B C D
1 6 6 0 0
2 21.6 0.4 0
3 0 0 0
The total hours in Column B cannot exceed 7.6 hrs
The total hours in Column C cannot exceed 2 hrs
There is not maximum for hours in Column D
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Jan 26, 2007
I am trying to add together the total hours for a given week.The spreadsheet is used to show the total hours worked from the signing off and on times given.
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Sep 25, 2013
I'm trying to create a time sheet to calculate how many hours worked in a week, Once it reaches 40 hours, The excess over 40 hours goes into a "overtime" cell. The "40" hours remain in the regular hours cell.
Attachment 267704
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