Excel 2003 :: Count Column A When Y Appears Only When Column B Has X?

May 14, 2013

I need to populate sheet 1 of the spreadsheet attached.

I have tried several formula's but don't work and am getting desperate!

I need to count Column A of sheet2, when "Adverse SEN" occurs but only when there is an "x" in Column B of sheet 2 appears next to "Adverse SEN".

So basically i need to populate Sheet1 of the spreadsheet with the data is sheet2 of the spreadsheet.

I need a formula to calculate how many time an adverse SEN was - where there is an x - resubmitted, approved at meeting, delegate approval obtained, approval outstanding, rejected or approval not required.

I am using excel 2003, so please don't provide me countif functions.

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Count How Many Times Specific Name Appears In Column

Feb 28, 2012

I have a two ranges of columns containing names. I need to count how many times a specific name appears in ColumnN - Easy enough =COUNTIF(N$2:N$1047,Q3) ...Q3 being the name I am looking for.

Now comes the part I am stuck on. I need to count how many times a name appears in ColumnK but only if there is no name in ColumnN.

I tried =IF(COUNTIF(N3:N1047,""),COUNTIF(K2:K1047,T3),)

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Count How Many Times A Particular Text Appears In Column?

Nov 25, 2013

I want to count how many times a particular text appears in Column A depending on the number times another text appears in Column B.

Say for example if I have in Column A {A, B, C, D}nd column B I have {AA,BB,CC) and if I want to check how many times column A has "A" value when the column B has "CC" value, then how should I proceed with this ?

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Multi Criteria Counting; Count The Number Of Instances That "Project" Appears In Column O AND "TS" In Column N

Nov 21, 2007

Im trying to construct a nested Countif statement. I need to count the number of instances that "Project" appears in Column O AND "TS" in Column N. The range is in another in Sheet2. and the summary in Sheet 1 where I want to have the Countif(AND...??? statement Example Counif(Sheet 1 Column 0 contains "Project" AND if Column N Contains "TS"

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Excel 2010 :: Find Total Of Times Word Appears Across All Sheets In Column C?

Dec 19, 2013

I have a single work book with 8 sheets (I am using Excel 2010 BTW) and I am trying to find a total of times a word appears across all the sheets in column "C"

I found this formula on another thread. =SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&{1,2,3}&"!C1:C1000"),"="&H3)) with an example. I made the changes that I needed for my purposes

This worked but only after I renamed the sheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.

Is there a way get the same results from the above formula if all the sheets are named after our reps? Example: sheet1 is named Dan, Sheet2 is Nick, etc?

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Excel 2010 :: Count Distinct Text Values In One Column If Another Column Equals A Value

Mar 5, 2014

I am trying to count the distinct times a value shows up in a column, if another column has a 2 in it.

For example:
A, B

The results shoud be: (2) Because I only want to count the P25 one time.

I'm using Excel 2010

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Find Latest Date (Column A) Given Value Appears In Column B?

Nov 14, 2012

I need a formula to find the latest date (Column A) a given value appears in Column B.

Column A is a list of dates.

Column B can contain any of 6 values (For example: A, B, C, D, E, F).

And, to make it even more fun, the system I'm working on doesn't allow macros.

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Postcode In A Cell In Column A Appears In Column B

Jan 30, 2009

I want to see if a value in column A appears in any of the cells in Column B and to give the answer in column C.

I am trying to match postcodes, so I want to see if a postcode in a cell in column A appears in column B. I am aware the IF function will see if it appears in the cell in the ajoining row but I need to select the whole column dataset.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Sum Every 6th Row Of E Column?

Feb 4, 2014

The following formula was, several weeks ago, very graciously offered to me from one of Excel Forum's contributors.


My request was to find a formula that would add each 6th row starting in row e8 (e8+e14+e20+e26+e32 etc. through e6782) in column "e" when the column was 6782 rows deep from top to bottom. (i am not trying to add every number in column e, just each 6th row, starting at e8 and going through row e6782).

I entered the formula into my spread sheet and, voila, I had a sum that I assumed was accurate for my spread sheet of ticket sales. I began to question the functionality of the formula when I altered the E8:E6782 parameters (which represented the gross ticket sales) to E4:E6778, in an effort to sum up the E4 values e4,e10,e16, e22,e28,etc. . . (which represents the net values after commissions were deducted). The difference in the two sums (e8 values Versus the e4 values) was incorrect and did not represent the appropriate commissions (which should have been 15%).

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Excel 2003 :: Cannot Unhide Column

Nov 30, 2011

I have an Excel 2003 application where one of the columns (column D) has been hidden by some user.

When I try to unhide nothing happens. I select column C and E followed by a right-click on column E where I choose Unhide -> column D stays hidden.

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Excel 2003 :: Return Last Value In Column

May 25, 2012

Using Excel 2003,

Column A Column B C1 Column D
10062 01-01-2012 3:00 PM 01-02-2012
10062 01-02-2012 6:00 PM 10055
10062 01-02-2012 9:00 PM 10062
10062 01-03-2012 4:30 PM
10055 01-02-2012 1:45 PM
10055 01-02-2012 3:15 PM
10055 01-04-2012 8:30 PM

I am looking for a formula to place in C2 that will macth the number in column D with the number in column A and return the LAST date/time from column B that matches the day from cell C1.

If correct, C2 would return 01-02-2012 3:15 PM (Last date/time for 10055 on 1-2-2012)
C3 would return 01-02-2012 9:00 PM (Last date/time for 10062 on 1-2-2012)

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Excel 2003 :: List Duplicates In Separate Column

Jun 14, 2013

Running Excel 2003. I have a list in column B, of numerical codes. What I want to do is find the duplicates, and list the duplicates in column D. Is this possible?

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Excel 2003 :: Adding Values If Column Next To It Is In Certain Range

Sep 9, 2013

I have this code working fine in excel 2007 but I need to get it working in excel 2003.


I have attached a test document to show what I'd like to do. It is basically adding values if the column next to it is in a certain range.

counting columns in Excel 2003.xls

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Excel 2003 :: Find Data And Move It To Column A?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a worksheet with data in it. The data could be in any column or row. I am looking for data which contains the numbers 01. If I find such data, I want to move all the data in that particular cell it to column A.

My code(which is not working) is below. I'm using Excel 2003.

Sub delete_oldads()
'the code to find 01
Dim cel As Range


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Excel 2003 :: Return First Value In Column That Meets Criteria

Apr 30, 2012

Using Excel 2003.

In column Y, I have a list of employee numbers (there are a random number of blank spaces in between each number)

In column AE, I have a list of clock in times (there are a random number of blank spaces in between each clock in time)

In column AY, I have a list of the same numbers from column Y (there are no blanks in this list)

Column BB. I am looking for a formula to place in cell BB2 and copy/paste down that will match the number in column Y and return the first non blank cell from that point in column AE.


10062 is employee number in cell AY2. Her employee number (10062) is also located in cell Y5. Her clock in time is located in cell AE7.

10099 is employee number in cell AY3. Her employee number (10099) is also located in cell Y14. Her clock in time is located in cell AE16.

What formula can I place in BB2 so that it returns the clock in time of employee 10062. Then copy and paste so that BB3 returns the clock in time of employee 10099?

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Excel 2003 :: Pivot Table With 1 Row And 1 Column Field

Dec 3, 2012

I have:

Excel 2003ABCD1StockDatePriceReturn2MSFT31-Dec-1027.91-6.97%3MSFT31-Dec-093054.32%4MSFT31-

[Code] .......

and would like:

Excel 2003ABCD1Sum of ReturnStock2DateBAINTCMSFT331-Dec-970.83851.14150.5659431-Dec-98-0.33350.68793.2921531-

[Code] ...........

Sub codedPTable()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim strField As String
Dim WSD As Worksheet
Set WSD = Worksheets("Data")

[Code] ..........

Only prints this:

Excel 2003ABCDE1Sum of ReturnStock2BAINTCMSFTGrand Total3Total1.99894.69867.331214.0287Sheet2

If you have a more compact macro than what I tried to change above even better (the data is in the simplest testing format).

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Excel 2003 :: Finding 3rd / 2nd And Highest Values In A Column?

Mar 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet and on sheet 1 it currently has 45791 rows filled with data and it increases each day.

Each row looks like this


On Sheet 2 I have 3 columns. These are the list of horses that are running on a particular day.


What I want to do is to be able to list in columns D,E,and F on sheet 2 the last three ratings the horses achieved from sheet 1.

how to acquire the latest rating of the horse by using the following formula.


This works a treat but for the life of me I can't fathom out how to get the formula to pick the latest three ratings and place them on sheet 2.

I am using excel 2003

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Excel 2003 :: Delete Duplicates Based On Value In One Column

Jun 5, 2014

Excel 2003 - delete duplicates based on value in one coloumn.

very simple but how!i want the whole row deleted where there are duplicates in one column but ONLY the duplicates, so, if they're 3 duplicates in the column i want 2 deleted leaving 1 unique record.

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If Number In Column B Appears Anywhere In Column A

May 3, 2012

I need a formula that uses the following premise:

If the number appearing in column B match's any of the numbers in column a Yes, otherwise No,

My best guess was this:

=IF(B1=A1:A500, "Yes", "No")

This isn't working.

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Excel 2003 :: Selection Column To Transfer Info To Another Workbook

Sep 14, 2012

I have a workbook that has multiple functions. One of these function is that when the user select a key word from a drop down validation list, a VB code transfer all information from that row from Column A to column W to the next available row on another tab.

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("X:X")) Is Nothing And Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False

If LCase(Trim(Target.Value)) = "yes" Then

[Code] ....

Is there a possibility to transfer this information into another workbook. Instead of transferring the info to a tab name "Archives" to transfer in another workbook. This workbook will only have one tab called "Archives".

This will minimize the information within my Initial workbook in project.

The path in the new workbook where the information should be transfer should be in:

"C:Documents and Settings"username"My DocumentsMy Data Sources" to an excel workbook that will be named Archives.

I know that the "Archives" workbook need to open then close after the information has been inserted...

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Excel 2003 :: Separate Data Out Of Column That Exists In Different Rows?

Oct 27, 2013

I know how to separate data into different columns i.e. Marry Johnson into two separate columns; however, I have data in different rows that I need separated into different column. See screen cast [URL]

Using excel 2003 on windows 7 64 bit

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Excel 2003 :: Returning The Date In Column For Matching Values

Apr 4, 2014

I am using Excel 2003. I have attached a data file here. getting the values in Q3, R3 and S3.


Q1 has the number = 1. So I want the cell Q3 to return 2/11/2013 as that is the cell corresponding to the Item1 (value specified in P3) with the value 1(value specified in Q1) in the cell. Basically, I need the date corresponding to cell which has the value of Q1 for the value of P3.

Similarly, R2 must have the value 2/12/2013 and S3 must have the value 2/14/2013 returned.

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Excel 2003 :: Cell And Column To Highlight When Date Arrived

Aug 20, 2013

I am looking for a formula for a date.

I want the cell and column to highlight when the date has arrived, and I want it to remain highlighted for 7 days.

I have got as far as =F1=TODAY()

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Excel 2003 :: Return Nth Number From Column Of 1000+ Cells

Mar 12, 2014

I need a formula that returns the Nth number from a single column that contains a small number of values within a span of 1000 cells. E.g., within 1000 cells there are 36 with numbers and the remaining cells are blank. I need to obtain the first occurrence of a number in the column, then the second, third... to the thirty-sixth. The end result would be a column with 36 numbers with no blanks in between without loosing the correct order of the numbers.

I have excel 2003 and have been tooling around with the index and lookup functions with no success.

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Excel 2003 :: Column Function Insert Within Large Amount Of Data

Nov 27, 2012

I am trying to insert three columns within a large amount of data. I am using Excel 2003 edition. The three columns need to measure max, min, and standard deviation of month long ranges and the data goes all the way back to 1993.

Currently, I have a column that has the correct ranges but finds the average for each month


And many more ranges as it dates back all the way to '93. Is there a possible way to insert these three columns with their respective commands (=MAX... =MIN... etc.) while keeping all the ranges from the AVERAGE column.

In effect, I am looking to solely switch the begining of the column command

(=AVERAGE($H7214:$H7243)) to (=MIN($H7214:$H7243) etc...

While keeping all of the specified ranges from the AVERAGE column.

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Excel 2003 :: Find Last Value In Column And Copy Paste Cells To Another Sheet?

Dec 19, 2011

I need to find the last instance of "IO" in column E and copy cells in columns B to E for the row below to another tab called "OP" cell O9.

I need the VBA code for Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Amortization Table - Years Elapsed From Column Of Dates

May 21, 2012

I am working with an amortization table and need to work out the elapsed time to amortize the loan.

Currently the worksheet is working fine and calculates the end date of the loan but the length of the column varies depending on the scenario.

I need a formula to calculate the time that elapses between the first date and last date.

The data starts in cell b13 and the last date could appear in pretty much any cell below that, so the formula will need to look for the last valid entry.

I am using excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: Double Lookup (Index / Match Or VLookup) Within Same Column?

Mar 15, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one with master file with original data and one that needs to pull in the original data. My issue is all the data to match off of is in the same column, and a number of other files link to the master file, plus it is used externally, so I cannot alter it, and I would rather not create a mock/copy file. Is there a formula that can look for 2 different items within the same column? Would prefer not to use VBA, but if that's the only option I'll take it. I am using Excel 2003.

Here is an example of the setup - I would need the formula to reference off the two different items/categories in the column, so lookup off the 'St. Louis' and following that, lookup off the produce items.

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Excel 2003 :: Concatenate Text Strings From Column Using Multiple Criteria Condition (formula)

Dec 20, 2012

I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.

I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".

The "detailed" table is something like the following:





The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:

ID (unique)
VOL (concatenated)

V01, V03, V05

V01, V04


PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...

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Count Values Of Column If Column Header Is Equal To Name In Column A?

Apr 25, 2014

For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.

For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.

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