I have to analyze our abandoned calls for the year. So far there are close to 2000 abandoned calls and I need analyze them according to the month and the time they were received.
I have two worksheets in my workbook the first worksheet is named DROPPED, this is were all the data is. The second worksheet is called DROPPED CALLS SUMMARY, this is where all the analysis happens.
On the DROPPED CALLS SUMMARY Worksheet I need to have the Sum of Column I IF ColumnA is equal to Jan-13(or whatever month) and Column B is equal to 8:00 AM (or whatever time). I'm using Excel 2003 so I cannot use the SUMIFS Formula and I can't find a formula to work with.
I'm creating some userforms for a spreadsheet on Excel 2003 and was wondering if it is possible to have the date field and time field as drop down boxes?
I would ideally like the date field to have 3 drop down boxes (date, month and year) and then the time field to have 2 drop down boxes (hours (in 24 hour time) and minutes).
The date and time would then populate one cell each on the spreadsheet.
I am creating an invoice form in Excel 2003. I like to know if it is possible to increase the value of cel A1 by one everytime a new sheet is created.
For example i created my first worksheet and gave an invoice number 001. Now I create a new worksheet by right clicking on the tab and choose copy/move. I like the second work sheet change the invoice number to 002.
Now iam Working in excel 2003, I got a Requirement that, After Downloading datas From SAP, It Directly Stored in Excel Sheet , Using tht Sheet1, I need to rename all the Filenames at a time, Is It possible, Any code is there to rename,
For Example,
From SAP to Excel Sheet Datas are Like this in Sheet1,
I am using Excel 2013. Anyway, the first issue is that I need to pull a date and a time period from text. So, for example, if I see something like Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM, I would want to pull ONLY the "7/6/14 8:37PM" out of it. Each text box could potentially be different, so it might not always be in the same format as "Sunday Prime Time 7/6/14 8:37PM" it might only show just the date and/or the time without all the extra text i.e. 7/6/14 8:37PM. Some of the cells will have text, others might only have just the time or even just the date and the time. The only thing that I am worrying about in each cell is extracting just the date and time. If this is too much to ask of excel, I would be ok with extracting ONLY the time - 8:37PM and not the date, but I would much rather be able to get both the time and date.
THEN, onto part two of my question. After I would pull the dates and times, I need to compare them with each other. So, when I have the same date with two separate times on that date, I need to write a formula to show if those times on that date are less than 30 minutes apart. So, if I have 6 times on 7/6/14, I need to know if any of them are less than 30 minutes apart.
I would need to have the formula say something like "Problem" if the times on 7/6/14 would be 5:30PM, 5:48PM, 7:00PM, 8:00PM, 8:15PM, and 9:00Pm for example. I would like to see the word "Problem" since 5:30PM and 5:48Pm is only 18 minutes apart, and "Problem" after 8:15PM since that is only 15 minutes past the 8:00PM which is obviously under 30 minutes. The times that are more than 30 minutes apart such as 7:00PM and 9:00PM for example are more than 30 minutes apart from any of the other times that were extracted.
I'm working on a dynamic payroll spreadsheet that will automatically calculate the overtime worked in a week. Right now, I'm running into a snag. My issue is with the formula in Column R. Right now, as shown below, it is doing the calculation based on regular hours minus 40 to determine the OT time. The snag is very messy and it lay in this: while the row by row calculations for total overtime worked for the week is correct, the sum at the bottom is very much off. I need an accurate method to sum the hours of overtime for the given column.
Here are the guidelines for the pay periods and overtime:
1. The pay periods for the month go from the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to EOM (End of Month). This means that the pay period could end on any given day of the week. More on this in a moment.
2. A work week is defined as Sunday to Saturday.
3. Overtime is calculated based on the rule of anything over 40 hours in a given work week.
4. Holiday hours worked do not count towards the 40 hour mark in granting overtime since Holiday pay is automatically overtime.
If it were just a matter of a bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) pay period, I would simply state =IF(weekday(DATE)=7,Hours_Worked - 40,0), and tag a SUM(range) at the bottom. Unfortunately, with it being a semi-monthly (twice a month), the end of the pay period could be a Wednesday, so a reference to day of the week won't work unless the formula can dynamically determine which set of data to evaluate.
I'm completely willing to toss out the current method of determining overtime. This is the calculations sheet that references a cleanly formatted and designed time card on a tab called "Time Card", so this isn't the full workbook. In fact, once the whole thing is done, this calculation sheet will be hidden.
Columns M and N (which are formula referenced in Column P) are basic End - Start calculations and were hidden to simplify the display as well as the number of formulas displayed.
Column L (formula referenced) is a Yes/No display for if the date in question is holiday pay.
I have a time column (A) that when looked in the cell only shows AM & PM times, but the cell itself (not showing) contains dates too, keeping me from be able to do a sheet wide sort of time or time frame occurrences.
Can I do some thing to sort these cells with their corresponding rows based on time only disregarding dates?
I am trying sort out all rows that in column (A) is time equal to or greater than 4:00 PM OR even maybe sort all rows that column (A) shows a time between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. The date in the cell is the problem, I think. Excel 2013
I have a very basic understanding of excel, I mean BASIC, for my work I have multiple dates for vehicles to go in for inspections. I would like the cells to change colours when within 30 days, 10 days and 5 days. I'm on a work excel 2003.
I need a function to work out what the date will be 45 WORKING days after today(), this function needs to exclude Saturdays, Sundays and any Public Holidays i.e. there could be either 10 or 12 weekend days added into the calculation depending on when today() is plus any additional Public Holidays.
I am using Excel 2003 although it will need to work in Excel 2010 shortly.
I'm using Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium. Although this file is saved with Excel 97-2003 - because the computers at work only use 2003.
OK - Here is my dilemma. I've been creating a spread(work)sheet for work. One of the fields that needs to be entered by the manager doing the papwerwork is 'Date'. I currently have the Data-Validation set as follows because the paperwork being done is for the yesterday:
Code: =TODAY()-1 I have the Error Alert set to Warning prompting the manager to ensure the date is correct (sometimes a mid-shift audit is being done, so the actual current date has to be used). Now, what I am wanting to do is to also set it that if the manager set's the date for a future date, I would like Excel to also either do a Warning or a Critical displaying a message that future dates cannot be used.
I know this may sound trivial, but with this paperwork, dates are extremely critical and vital in the event of an investigation for cash shortages etc.
I have uploaded the excel sheet to my domain, which I can provide a link to - either here or in a private message - but I do not want to do so unless I know that it's ok to do. If so, I will reply with a link to the location of the Excel file.
However, I've got a fourth column that contains either a date or a blank cells; I want to limit the formula to only include certain dates in the sum. i.e:
I am using Excel 2003. I have attached a data file here. getting the values in Q3, R3 and S3.
Q1 has the number = 1. So I want the cell Q3 to return 2/11/2013 as that is the cell corresponding to the Item1 (value specified in P3) with the value 1(value specified in Q1) in the cell. Basically, I need the date corresponding to cell which has the value of Q1 for the value of P3.
Similarly, R2 must have the value 2/12/2013 and S3 must have the value 2/14/2013 returned.
I really can't wrap my head around the idea of calculating overlap (in network days) between six date ranges and was wondering if any of you would have a solution to this problem.
Aim: To create a Macro to hide all rows where the date in column D is before today. Column D has about 600 rows.
Current solution:
Code: Sub Hide_Old2()
'Worksheet name With Worksheets("Schedule") 'set start of date range Set rngStart = .Range("D2") 'find end of date range
[Code] .....
The problem with this solution is its speed, or lack thereof. It causes the screen to hang and flicker while it cylces through. Is there some way to create a range based on the date and hide the range? or another solution?
Note: Autofilter is not an option, as the spreadsheet with the dates needs to be kept simple for other stakholders and the macro is being run from another sheet.
Having a hard time putting this one together..Trying to do: Create a formula that counts how many cells in Column L, that fall within a date range and also have a specific category of "text" (Column E). What I've tried:=COUNTIF($L$4:$L$166,"
I need a formula to do a partial text match on column B to find all rows that contain "825-CL-A", then sum column C for all applicable rows with the latest date. In this example the result should be "4.25 + 6.50 = 10.75". I'm using Excel 2003 for this project.
A B C 7/1/2012 0:00825-CL-A-41091-REG4.00 7/1/2012 0:00825-CL-A-41091-REG6.25 7/1/2013 0:00825-CL-A-41456-REG4.25 7/1/2013 0:00825-CL-A-41456-REG6.50 1/1/2014 0:00825-CL-A-41640-REG4.25 1/1/2014 0:00825-CL-A-41640-REG6.50 3/1/2014 0:00825-CL-E-41699-REG3.00 3/1/2014 0:00825-CL-E-41699-REG4.00
I am having difficulty calculating the number of total overlapping days between several date ranges for each item in another sheet which has unique items
I am using Excel 2003 and my data looks like this:
Sheet-1 Sheet-2 Item - Sent Out (A) - Received (B) Unique Item Number of days excluding overlap days 1234 01/06/2010 - 30/06/2010 1234 - 4321 02/06/2010 - 16/06/2010 4321 - 1234 09/06/2010 - 10/06/2010 4321 21/06/2010 - 25/06/2010 1234 23/06/2010 - 25/06/2010 4321 23/06/2010 - 29/06/2010
I have used the below formula found from the earlier post but need to add a condition calculating the days for each item.
I am trining to calculate SLA times based on P2, P3 & P4 calls, the only issue is with P2's as the SLA includes the weekend, how to include the weekends into my formula?
AE2 = Priority U2 = START DATE & TIME V2 = END DATE & TIME
New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:
Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3 Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.
At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.
I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM") Else TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox2.SetFocus End If End Sub
"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?
I just installed Office 2013 Pro. In my Office 2010 Additional Controls toolbox, the control toolbox has a Date and Time Picker(DTPicker1) . I cannot find it in the Additional Controls toolbox in Excel 2013. I certainly hope they did not choose to not make it available in Excel 2013 - this is an extremely important control for my Excel spreadsheets as it allows inputting a date range on a userform with DTPicker1 and DTPicker2 and generating reports using VBA in conjunction with Autofiltering code on a Generate Report button.
I have a set of data points with date and time shown in the picture. I need to take out all the data point that are at the 30 min interval. Meaning I only want to have the data points hourly only. What can I do to remove the :30 minute datas.
I have tried the find option typing In :30 and getting all the points but then have to replace, which I do not want to do. Need to remove them so they do not show up on the trends ( graphs) I made for them.
This is for excel 2007.
Seems I can't get picture up on the ipad, so the data points look like this