Excel 2007 :: Delete Sheet Greyed Out
Jan 13, 2009
I am using excel 2007 and when I right click on the worksheet tab, delete is greyed out. My workbook/sheet is not shared. I also had the problem owith row and columns. CommandBars("row").Reset sorted that out but I can't seem to sot out the tab issue.
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Oct 29, 2013
I have a file that has an original file format .xls
I saved as .xlsx (I am using Excel 2007) with a different name so I could make changes to the new file without changing the original.
That turn off compatibility mode.... but it is still "shared". While it is shared I cannot delete a sheet. In fact, I really don't even want it to be shared. If the file is open, and someone else opens it, I want it to open as "read only". I cannot uncheck the "Allow changes by more than one user at the same time. This also allows workbook merging." checkbox because it is greyed out.
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Jul 11, 2007
I cannot figure out why this setting has changed. When I right click my tab worksheet in Excel to copy or rename, it does not allow me. I will need your advice to re-activate that options so it is visible and not gray. I tried in the VBA workbook properties settings with no luck and also Tools, Options.
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Apr 4, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010 and when I highlight a range and right click 'name a range' is greyed out. I can bypass this by going to the formulas tab and defining a name from there.
Anything I can check to see why this is not an option for me?
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a large file with a bunch of color coding and need to delete my red rows only.
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Dec 3, 2013
In any open (new or existing) workbook (Excel 2007), I cannot delete a column by right clicking the column header and highlighting the entire column. The "delete" word is greyed out and not selectable. I CAN however still delete a column by going to the "Cells" toolbar, then "Delete" pulldown menu, then "Delete Sheet Columns". Right clicking the column header is much simpler and easier.
BTW, I can still delete rows by both methods of right clicking on the row header and by going to the Cells toolbar.
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Jan 11, 2012
I am using Excel 2007 and I created a table (i.e., listobject) using the macro recorder as follows:
ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$3:$J$50"), , xlYes).Name = "MyData"
1. How do I delete this table via VBA?
2. How would I check to see if this table already exists so it follows this logic:
If "table does not exists" then
'create it (using the line of code above)
End If
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Jan 9, 2014
I have two spreadsheets. one contains a master list of computer names. the other contains a list of computer names to be removed from the master list (exception list).
I need to go through the master list and remove any computer names that are on the exception list- for example, if 'computer1' is in the exception list, i have to find and remove 'computer1' from the master list.
The exception list is quite long, and I want to automate this process if possible. not sure how to achieve this.
I'm using Excel 2007 Standard.
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Jan 23, 2014
Following the tips doesn't allow to remove a character.
I exported email addresses from Outlook and they have the following character ' in front of the email address.
Using Excel 2007.. it says :"check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected worksheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet"
So I made a new file, and copied and pasted the cells into the new spreadsheet.. same message.
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Oct 20, 2008
The following code deletes a specific connection in a workbook:-
How can I code this so that I can delete ALL connections in a workbook without having to specify the names (as these will always be different).
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Jan 10, 2012
What i have is a workbook that can have multiple sheets. Sheet 2,3,4 (if there are) are a continuation of sheet 1. First 2 rows of sheet 1 are headers and the last row of the last sheet (can be 2,3, 4....) is a footer. There are 14 columns (A-N) in each sheet. Col "N" has set status and col I has set names.
What i am looking for is a macro that can perform the following actions in the the set order:
1) deletes all rows where status in col N is "closed"
2) delete all rows where name in Col I is "Many"
3) if there are multiple sheets copy all data in 1 sheet once above 2 are deleted
4) I want to update cell A2, C2, I2, M2 & N2 with Hostel, Direction,Name,Flight & Status respectively
5) Create a pivot table with all data (Col A-N & Row 2 to last) in a new sheet and call it Summary - Pivot
I can then manually select how the pivot will look
Currently i am going through all sheets manually and filtering data. Using excel 2007
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.
Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete
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Aug 6, 2012
HTML Code:
Sub DeleteEmptyColumns2()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("4:4")
If Cell = "0" Then
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
I am attempting to remove columns in my table of data, using the above code seems to remove some them but not all, is this the best way to loop through a range?
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Sep 21, 2012
I have a public/shared Excel 2007 workbook on our network and someone colored an entire column yellow. When that happened, it increased the number of rows to over 655,000. I didn't know that was posible but they are there... The thing moves very slowly now and when I try to delete (45,000 lines at a time), I either get a error window telling me I don't have resources to perform the operation, or I do smaller chucks and after 30 minutes deleting lines, it will not save.
I would rather not have to recreate the whole workbook if I can delete the lines on this one page.
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Jun 14, 2013
Macro code to find several column names in row 1 (which can be anywhere in the work sheet) and delete them e.g. date, month, code, amount etc.......
Excel version 2007
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Jan 30, 2014
Excel 2007.
I have a workbook with a sheet per day, each sheet has a variety of 'jobs' as columns and a variety of people and kit as rows. Hours are manually input each day during the month.
Simplified version... These are two separate sheets 'M060114' and 'Tu070114'.
I have a Pivot Table on a separate sheet. This was created using the Wizard (ALT +D +P).
So far, lovely.
But when I double-click on a number or right-click and choose 'Show Details' I don't get the sheet names in the newly created information sheet. I get the Row label, column label and a list of the entries.
So if I clicked on 10 above...
That's fine with just a couple of entries but with about 80 columns and 250 rows spread across a month, therefore 30ish sheets, it's difficult marrying up the 'Show Details' sheet to the actual data.
So after all that, the question. Is there a way of getting the sheet name to appear in the 'Show Details' information sheet?
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Oct 3, 2011
I have written a sub with the purpose of finding rows based on a critieria, copying the rows to another worksheet and deleting the original row.
The code:
Sub MoveToIgangvaerende()
' Flytter opgaven til sheetet Igangværende projekter
Dim i, j, Index As Integer
For i = -1 To 1000
If Sheets("Pipeline").Cells(3 + i, 20) = "Ja" Or Sheets("Pipeline").Cells(3 + i, 20) = "ja" Then
[Code] ......
I get the error message "Method 'Delete' of object 'Range' failed" at the line "Sheets("Pipeline").Cells(3 + i, 18).EntireRow.Delete".
The sub has previously worked perfectly fine.
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May 2, 2012
I'm working in Excel 2007 and need to move data from multiple rows to a single row if the ID matches.Below is sample data I would be working with. I want to move data from columns F-U to the right of the original data in the row above it. I would also like to delete the rows that had data moved.
GIDSurnameNameEmployee Number OriginalDate of birthGranting ARE
Employing ARECountry Employing ARECHCM Supplier IDVehicle
Investmt. shares / Awards at termination dateMatching Shares
at termination dateTermination
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Jul 11, 2012
I have VBA code that attempts to delete an entire row from my worksheet:
This works fine on small data sets, but on larger data sets it gives me the error message, "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources". This happens even when I try to do the deletion manually (without VBA code). Clearly, the code itself is not the problem.
My document has about 250,000 rows and 2,500 columns. While this is big, it is significantly smaller than Excel's documented limit of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.
I am using Excel 2007. My computer has 2GB of RAM but even when I try it on a computer which has 8GB of RAM it gives me the same error. If I "ClearContents" instead of "Delete" it works fine. For my purposes, however, deletion is entirely necessary.
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Nov 25, 2013
I am using Excel 2007 and have a simple enough macro to paste data in to another sheet - simple is what I do best.
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
With Sheets("data")
.Range("B3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
End With
End Sub
I am wanting to change this so that before it pastes any data into B3 it will delete all data from B3:AE22.
I have had a look around and found plenty to delete full rows or worksheets but not just to delete the data in those cells.
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Feb 9, 2012
I want to do the following -
Whenever I enter a value say "X" in Sheet1, ColumnA I want the value to be autofilled into sheet 2, ColumnA if and only if value does not exist in sheet2, Column A.
How to achieve this in Excel 2007 ?
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a excel 2007 workbook that has 5 sheets "MASTER" , "RED" , "WHITE", "GOLD" & "BLUE". There are 7 columns in each sheet and the master has about 8,000 rows . In column D of each sheet there is a unique number (approx. 8 - 10 digits ) that I would like to at the press of a command button search through sheets "RED" "WHITE" "GOLD" & "BLUE" against the unique numbers in the "MASTER" sheet and if there any duplicates numbers delete the entire row but leave all the data in the master sheet.
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Oct 25, 2013
Using excel 2007. I am interested in writing a VBA code to delete rows based on the text starting content. I would like to delete rows with cells that do NOT start with an "S" or "SA"
I would only like to keep the last 3 lines.
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Sep 19, 2012
I would like to add a makro that will ask, through a pop-up, to name a new sheet.I have the following formula that creates a new sheet and names it BMW and moves it around a little bit:
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Sheet1").Move Before:=Sheets(6)
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "BMW"
But I would like a formula that asks beforehand, through a pop-up, of a preferred name. In this case I will write BMW in the pop-up, and the new sheet will be named BMW.
Using XL2007 on WinXP.
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Jul 15, 2013
I am not able to add a new Excel sheet in a existing file when I right click next to the existing page it gives this option only and I am using Arabic Charcters + I am not having too many sheets
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Apr 22, 2013
I have been tasked with overhauling some simple inventory records that are currently being tracked via multiple spreadsheets and in multiple formats over various years. Thus far I have combined the data into two simple sheets (1 & 2) of the same Excel workbook. The first is just the basic listing of current inventory and locations. The second is a record listing various shipments into and out of the company location as a history log. I'm going to be continually trying to clean up the data and make things easier for the staff. The shipping history/log (Sheet 2) contains basic information in columns that include the serial numbers of the items shipped, which correspond to the S/N's in the global list columns within the inventory sheet(1). I would like to find a way to set up where a column in the inventory creates upon click (or have a maco button with the ability to) a popup which will display the history of the current rows serial number. In effect, list all rows in the second sheet with corresponding serial number or as a reverse strategy; filter out the rows that do not have the same S/N listed in one of its columns.
A piece of inventory comes in and is logged into the global inventory sheet (1) with Serial # ks1254. Likewise the shipping sheet (2) has the shipping information and document info logged with the same serial # listed. This is item has arrived and been shipped out multiple times, and occasionally the history of this item is requested. I have a column set aside in sheet 1, that i would like to act as a trigger for the above request. So if I filter and find the mention item, I would like the trigger to go and select out only the rows in sheet 2 that correspond to the S/N of the item in question. This can be presented as a pop up tab, a small window, even as a new sheet altogether I suppose. I guess I'm using Excel 2007, have a very dated limited VB skill set, so just hoping for some direction and steps.
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May 22, 2012
I am trying to copy two columns to a different sheet in vba code. I will ultimately need to do this multiple times but I think I have the iteration part ok, it's just the copy part that seems to be wrong.
Range(n & lngRevStart & ":" & n + 1 & lngEndRow).Select
Range(Columns(o), Rows(m)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
The original code I used for this works great on one column but I knew the letter column each time I used it. Now I am trying to get two columns at a time and will be iterating through several based on user selections. I figure that will be faster to do both columns as the two columns are side by side.
I am getting an error on the PasteSpectial line "Run-time error '1004' PasteSpecail method of Range class failed.
I'm not sure where to go with this but I am assuming I have a problem with the Range selection lines on either the source or destination or both. The support is just for Macro errors.
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Feb 2, 2014
Am using a VB for auto transpose values to sheet 2 from sheet 1 in MS EXCEL 2007.
What code to add to the already existing VB so that if someone is using the sheet and leaving the cell in E12, for example, and saving it, then the next user should find it again on A3 but not on E12.
The sheet should always open on A3..
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Dec 18, 2013
My knowledge of Excel 2007 is minimal, from formatting individual cells, to creating column totals. I've used it for years in my household budgets. I have an attendance form which is about 3 pages long; currently, it's separated at page breaks, with column totals at the bottom of each 'page'. This is easy because the Row #s are infinite, right? Lately there have been regular adjustments, and I believe the project might be less cumbersome if it were spread out on separate sheets, but how to bring the rows of column totals to cumulative totals on the last sheet.
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm working with a very large spreadsheet which has somehow divided itself into print areas. Each section has 'Page 1' or the equivalent as a background, behind the data itself. I thought it would be simple to remove this, but for the life of me I can't see how. I'm using Excel 2007.
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