Excel 2007 :: Appending Sheet Number Automatically By Dragging Cells In Formula

Jul 12, 2011

appending excel sheet number in a formula. Here is the example.

In an excel book, I have sheets 1 to 50. In each sheet i have a standard format to enter the details. And in one sheet I want to keep some summary with required cells. I made a table by applying formula, for example in cell A1 i kept formula ='9'!$D$9. In this '9' refers sheet9. In the similar way i want to capture the data from all sheets.

A1 cell ='9'!$D$9
A2 cell ='10'!$D$9
A3 cell ='11'!$D$9....etc

Is there any formula to append the Sheet number automatically (like dragging the shell) intead changing sheet number manually. because it is wasting so much time.

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Changing Sheet Number Automatically While Dragging

Mar 8, 2007

I have worksheets named 1 to 100. In a different worksheet "Summary" I have a summary of data of those worksheets. I want to change the worksheet number automatically in a row by dragging.
For example, in worksheet "Summary" ....

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Excel 2007 :: Dragging And Inputting Cells Into Numerical Order

Mar 25, 2014

Excel 2007. At the bottom of a column of data I'm trying to reference the cell $AG4. There are 340 total columns. Each additional column to the right needs to reference the next cell in column AG. So I'm trying to drag and copy horizontally from $AG4 to $AG340. When I try just the single column it just copies $AG4 into everything to the right. When I have to columns ($AG4 and $AG5) and grab both to try to copy horizontally the numbers increasing it just does $AG4, $AG5, $AG4, $AG5, etc.

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When Dragging Formula Down The Formula Skips X Number Of Cells

Jul 22, 2014

Is it possible to write a formula that skips x number of cells and have the formula autoincrement as usual. For an examples lets say I want to skip 3 cells and I have entered in the cells listed:

A1= "1"
A2= "2"
A3= "3"

Then I type in the simple formula in the cell
B1= "=A1"

and then drag down but it skips 3 cells so then

B5= "=A2"

B9= "=A3"

If it didn't skip then
B1= "=A1"
B2= "=A2"
B3= "=A3"

this is just an example as I will be writing more complex formulas and need some thing that I can write into the formula so that it skips.

Something similar to this B1 "=A1(skip3cells)"

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Excel 2007 :: Transferring Columns With Same Titles To Another Sheet Automatically?

Aug 18, 2014

Excel (2007) user however I'm not very well versed with VBAs and Macros.

I have three sheets and on each sheet the first 5 columns (A - E) have the same title (all in row 1, frozen top row and with filters) there are other columns but I only need A -E to auto transfer.

Sheet 1 is named "Total"

Sheet 2 is named "Management Referral"

Sheet 3 is named "Health Assessments"

What I'd like is for any entry that goes into any row in both sheet 2 and 3 to automatically transfer to sheet 1, but only the information from columns A - E.

There will be dates (dd/mm/yyyy) in column A in each sheet and when transferred to sheet 1 they must be listed chronologically oldest to newest.

I also need all the information in columns A - E that transfer to sheet 1 to stay in their respective sheets.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Selecting Cells - Highlight As Range

Jul 29, 2008

I'm new to Excel 2007... whilst I'm managing to find most things I'm used to using in 2003, I have an issue in one workbook that I can't figure out.

When I click in some single cells (not all), that cell and several below it automatically highlight as a range... left-clicking initially highlights the cell, but as you release the mouse button, the others below it also highlight.

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Excel 2007 :: Stop Automatically Selecting Multiple Cells

Oct 1, 2009

I use Excel mainly for creating & updating simple logs, and the problem I keep running into is that when I click in a cell, it will automically select & highlight multiple cells below the one I am trying to work in. It will select anywhere from 4-5 cells up to 13. I don't know what this function is, and I don't know how to fix it. But it makes it very difficult to navigate and cut/paste or change a formula.

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Do Not Automatically Refresh When Change Cells

Jul 11, 2012

I am using excel 2007 and when I change cells my formulas do not automatically refresh. I have set it to automatic and the calculations will not refresh. How I can force a calculation. I did the control alt f9 and nothing seems to work. Any macro that can force all calculations.

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Excel 2007 :: If Then Statements Applied To Multiple Cells And Triggered Automatically

Oct 12, 2011

VBA in Excel 2007. Essentially, what I am trying to do is this:

I have to two columns (A and B) that have a drop down list in each cell containing text options. I created the drop down lists using simple data validation. Let's say that A has the following options (East, West, North, South) and B has (Up, Down, Left, Right). For each combination of these, e.g., A1 = East and B1 = Down, I want C1 to pull a unique piece of data (a $ amount) from a separate worksheet. I can get this to work in its most basic form but I want to be able to be able to do this for cells in rows 1 - 300 without having to write separate lines of code for each.

Additionally, I am having trouble getting C1 to update automatically once A1 or B1 are changed.

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How To Increment Worksheet Number When Dragging Formula

Nov 29, 2012


I have data in worksheets that make up the 52 weeks of the year. Each sheet is numbered like this "WK1" "WK2" and so on... up to "WK52"

Each sheet is setup exactly the same so all cells are the same.

So I have a summary sheet that structures the data from all the week sheets to plot to graph all within the same file.

Thing is when I link the first cell to the first sheet say WK1 and then try to drag the formula down to the worksheet number does not increment

Tried the code in the beginning of this post and it displays the worksheet and cell number in the cell cant get the actual data to be displayed.

When I drag this formula down I want it to index the worksheet number


Like this


This is what I get in the cell when I use the formula given in the post

WK01! $AG$14

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Excel 2007 :: Get Two Cells To Be Used To Adjust Other Cells On Same Sheet Repeated Times

Jul 7, 2013

I am trying to get two cells to be used to adjust other cells on the same sheet repeated times.

In a inventory sheet I have 5 columns as such , A1 previous balance, B1 Qty received, C1 qty on hand, D1 last cost, E1 current avg cost What I want, is to be able to enter my weekly received items in the B1 Qty received and the new cost in D1 Last cost cells and have them calculate my current average E1 and update my qty on hand C1 total. This in itself is not the biggest challenge. I was asking if there is a way that after the E1 current average cost and C1 qty on hand are updated by that formula, that the next time I enter a new B1 qty received and new cost in D1 Last cost cell they will update again basically without changing the earlier calculations achieved .

Example: Today I have item X with a A1 previous balance of 10 , with a D1 last cost of $1, and E1 current avg cost $1

I want to receive B1 10 more today at $.50 D1 last cost, which ideally would end up showing

A1 previous 10 (or 20 if adding) , C1 Qty on hand 20, D1 Last cost .5, E1 current avg $.75

Next week I want to receive B1 10 more at $.25 D1 last cost , which then would update showing

A1 previous balance 10 (or 30 if adding), Qty on hand 30, Last cost $.25 and E1 current avg $.58

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Dragging Formulas: Replicate A Formula In Cells

Feb 11, 2009

If I need to replicate a formula in some cells, I usually drag it down or sideways. Is there any easier way to do this? I have large numbers of cells into which to drag the formula. Can I specify which cell range the formula is applicable to (i.e. A1:A10,000 or something) instead of dragging? If so how?

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Excel 2007 :: VBA - Place Formula X On Sheet Y In Cell Z?

Jun 1, 2012

Excel 2007 I have 80 very similar sheets. The only difference is the sheet name (Phase A (1), Phase A (2) etc.). I want the formula located in cell B5 to be different on every sheet.

I have listed the desired formulas on a single seperate worksheet, named "Overview". On this sheet, the following columns have these data in them:
A - Sheetname (example: Phase A (1), Phase A (2) etc.)
B - Cell location (example B5, constant)

C - A formula (example: =Sheet1!G47, =Sheet1!G48, etc.)

I would like to create a macro that will loop through all the sheets, doing the following:
1. Check if the sheetname exists in column A of the Overview sheet
2. If it does, take the formula from column C of the Overview sheet
3. And put it in the cell specified in column B of the Overview sheet

Here is some code, to illustrate the above. I know the code is mostly nonsensical.

Sub Enter_formulas()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets


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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation Query - Sum Of Two Cells Less Than A Set Number?

Jan 6, 2014

I am wanting to create a validation rule so when two cells are added the together the answer must be less than or equal to 14:00 - otherwise a message box will appear

So for example if H7+I7 gives an answer of 13:00 in J7, that's OK, but if the answer is 15:00, the error box will appear. I know that data validation doesnt work on a cell that already has a formula so I'm hoping to use K7 for the Validation and then hide the column

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Excel 2007 :: Count Number Of Cells In A Range That Have Text

Feb 7, 2012

I'm using excel 2007, here's what I need.

I want to count the number of cells in a range that have text in them (any text at all) but not count them if they have numbers in them or are blank. How would this formula be written?

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Excel 2007 :: Inserting Number Of Blank Rows Between Cells

Mar 5, 2013

I have a worksheet with four data columns A,B,C,D starting in row 2. I want to add between every row, exactly 11 blank rows. So if we have:



1 5 3 4
2 7 6 3
3 9 1 3

the end result should be:



1 5 3 4
2 7 6 3
3 9 1 3

Do I necessarily need a macro for this? Or is there another quick and creative way to achieve this result?

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Dragging Cells Changes Range In Formula Of Locked Cell?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a workbook with multiple sheets interacting with one another. On one of them the user is prompted to make lists of expenses in multiple columns. The column labels are in row one, and row two has the sums of all the cells below. I have every sheet in the workbook protected, so that only the cells that need to be modified are unlocked. The problem is that the user can drag cells around and change the range of the functions in row two (locked cells).

For example, A2 has the function =sum(A3:A100). But if the user drags the values in A3:A5 to A6:A8, the formula in A2 changes to =sum(A6:A100). Is there anyway that I can allow the user to drag cells (this could be a useful feature), but keep the formulas in the second row fixed?

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Excel 2007 :: Formula For Highlighting Cells Within Sub-Group

Jan 26, 2014

I am using Excel 2007 with a WIN XP OS…. My objective is to color code each cell in Column F within each sub-group based on the following instructions:

1) Column F contains a percentage…. Each sub-group in Column F totals 100%.... Each sub-group is separated as shown on the enclosed sample.
2) Starting with the highest percentage, followed by the next highest, (etc.), I want to sum each subsequent cell until reaching a target threshold (total sum) of 62%.... All cells in this grouping to be highlighted “yellow”.
3) Once the 62% target threshold is reached, the very next highest subsequent cell percentage is highlighted “light olive”…. If there is a tie, the lower number shown in Column E serves as the tie-breaker.
4) All remaining cells within the sub-group are highlighted “light brown” including those denoted by 0%.
5) Finally, if the cell is blank and absent of a % call out, then no highlight is required.

I process a daily spreadsheet having typically in excess of 1000 rows and in turn, I’m looking for a method to automate the color coding….


[Code] ........

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Excel 2007 :: Formula To Count Empty Cells On Worksheet?

Nov 22, 2012

Is there a formula to count empty cells on a excel sheet?

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Won't Recalculate Automatically?

Feb 4, 2014

A certain macro (or is it a VB script?) in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet has to be manually recalculated every time I open the file. The only way I've found to do this is to click in the formula bar and hit Enter, or else click the green check mark to accept the formula. The spreadsheet is set to recalculate automatically, so I do not understand why this is happening.

Another wrinkle is that I can't locate the specification/definition of the macro. I checked the Developer menu on the ribbon and looked in the Visual Basic and Macros lists, but could not see the definition of the macro in question. Another user created the spreadsheet but I am unable to contact him...

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Not Automatically Calculating?

Jul 3, 2012

Using Microsoft Excel 2007 and all of a sudden, my spreadsheets are not automatically calculating the formulas. It does not matter if I have other workbooks open or not. I still get the problem. It does not happen 100% of the time to make it even more complicated.

- Calulation set to auto in Excel Options.

- No VBA functions being used. I can the worksheet summing 1 + 1 and get the error periodically. It does not have to do with the spreadsheet being too complicated.

- Even if I can hit Ctrl-Alt-F9 to force the formulas to calculate, it won't work.

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MACRO To Get Sum Of Specific Column From Various Worksheets And Appending Sheet Name

May 6, 2014

I have a workbook named as "DCR_Summary". In the sheet "FX", I want to get the sum of a specific column from two different workbooks named as "WNCR REPORT" and "DCCR-REPORT". The name of the column is "FXCOLL". The summation should start in row 7 all the way down where data is available. The good thing is that, my sum range will always starts at row 7 in both files but the bad thing is that the position of column "FXCOLL" is changing every day. The expected result is shown in the attached "DCR_Summary". It should pick at the same time the Sheet names where the summation came from. Sheet names is also changing and sometimes the FXCOLL is nil, hence, 0 value can be returned.

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VBA - Appending Weekly Worksheet Data To Master Sheet

Feb 21, 2014

I've a workbook with two sheets 1)'weekly' and 2)'summary.'

Weekly is divided into products (up to a maximum of 8) with a fixed number of columns (4) directly below but a varying number of rows beneath as follows:

Product A (main header)
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments

--couple of blank rows--

Product B
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments

--couple of blank rows--

Product C
Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments


This weekly data must be appended into each product's respective grouping within the 'Summary' tab. With the following small additions: 2 additional columns filled with the model and current week must be inserted beforehand:

Product C
Model|week|Issue|Serial Number|Analysis|Comments
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data
Product C|7|data|data|data|data

Summary page will contain the groupings of Product A through H. The weekly may only contain 1 (say Product D) in any given week, or all 8.

I realize there are more efficient ways of doing this, i.e. pivot tables, creating discrete tabs for each product, etc... but I've been tasked by the higher-ups to generate the above as I've laid out.

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro For Finding Out Missing Number And Duplicate Number In A Range

Jan 22, 2013

Excel 2007

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Restrict Excel Data Form Only For Appending New Record

Jan 11, 2007

Can I Restrict Excel Data Form only for appending new record. (No deletion allowed) and also Can I save Data Form in the File? Is there any way, whenever we open the file Data Form should popup?

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Appending Value For Selected Cell / Cells?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there any way we can append the value of selected cells to make it 'value', Basically I need to add ' at the beggining and end of the a value in cells and a comma (,) at the end of it.

Example I have value 12345 in cell A1, When I run a macro by selecting cell A1, it should change it to '12345',

It should apply for all the slected range.

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Formula For Appending Data Based On Criteria

May 14, 2008

how to search for this so I'm just gonna ask. See sheet below I faked the resulting formula I need) for reference.

We have an engineering database that spits out data. One of the things it spits out is a list of equipment tags along with its associate electrical drivers (I.e. motors) and details for each. I need to do some extra playing around with the official equipment list that we have to produce.

In a nutshell, if an equipment tag only shows FIXED in any of it's drivers, I want the formula to show nothing (blank). However, if the word VARIABLE appears in any of that tag's drivers, I want it to show VARIABLE. I know there's a formula involving IFs and whatnot, I just can't figure it out.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCD1Equip TagDriver NameSpeed TypeFormula234-AG-900Primary DriverFIXED 334-AG-918Primary DriverFIXED 434-AG-932Primary DriverVARIABLEVARIABLE532-AG-931Primary DriverFIXED 632-AG-910Primary DriverFIXED 732-AG-911Primary DriverFIXEDVARIABLE8 2nd DriverVARIABLE 9 Tert Driver 1FIXED 10 Tert Driver 2FIXED 11 Tert Driver 3FIXED 1232-AG-916Primary DriverFIXED 13 2nd DriverFIXED 1432-AG-918Primary DriverFIXEDVARIABLE15 2nd DriverFIXED 16 Tert Driver 1VARIABLE 1732-AG-921Primary DriverVARIABLEVARIABLE1832-AG-922Primary DriverFIXED 1932-AG-923Primary DriverFIXED 2032-AG-924Primary DriverVARIABLEVARIABLESheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Excel 2007 :: Data Entered Automatically When Type Certain Things

Aug 2, 2013

I use MS Excel 2007 and I was wondering if it was possible to enter data for certain things once, and have that data copied automatically every time I type the text. For example, if I type Blue Car in a cell and type 4 in the next cell, is there a way I can program Excel to enter that data every time I type Blue Car?

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Negative Numbers To Another Cell Automatically?

Sep 15, 2013

I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command

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