Excel 2010 :: Maximum Characters In A Cell?

Feb 4, 2014

I was wondering with regards to the max of 32,767 characters in a cell.

1) is it still the same number of characters in excel 2010?

2) is that including spaces or not?

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Chevron Characters And Characters Inside Chevrons

Jan 17, 2012

Is there an Excel formula to remove the spacebar + characters in red, as shown below? I need to be left with only the last name, first name and the semicolon.

Mouse, Mickey ;

Microsoft Outlook has changed the way that email addresses from the global addressbook copy and paste (from version 2003 to version 2010).

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Maximum Characters Per Cell

Dec 26, 2006

I have a worksheet that multiple users will be entering in data, this information is then being used to pull into a form located on a sepearte worksheet within the workbook. One of the cells in the input sheet has the potential to have more characters than excel will allow. It is my understanding the maximum number of characters per cell is 1,024.

What is the best way to setup my spreadsheet in the event the data contains more than 1,024 characters. The informatino going into the cell are legal descriptions of property so I want to be able to keep the description together in the final document in the other worksheet. Is there a way the user can input the entire decription in one cell, regardless of the character size, then have a formula to take the first 1,024 characters and put them in one cell, followed by another formula to put the next 1,024 characters in the next cell?

Then in my main document I would use the concatenate formual to combine these two cells into one.

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Change Maximum Limit Of Characters In Cell

Jan 13, 2009

I was wondering if there was a way of reducing the maximum characters allowed in a cell reference.

I am creating a form which Bank details need to be entered and would like to only allow a possible 16 characters.

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Excel 2010 :: Maximum Number Of Nested IF Statements

Jul 29, 2014

1) What's the maximum limit of IF statements in a formula for MS Excel 2010?

2) I have 8 nested IF statements, but I am having trouble with the False part of the argument. I was able to get the False part to work for the 4th argument (because I simply put a comma and closed it's respective colored parenthesis) but the following 3 I can't seem to get and the following message pops when I hit enter "The formula you typed contains an error."

For the False part of the remaining 3 nested statement which is at the end of the formula I just type:


And close it's respective colored IF statement argument. I tried putting a comma at the end of each False part for the arguments but it pops with the message "You've entered too many arguments for this function."

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Force New Active Cell When Maximum Number Of Characters Is Reached

Jan 16, 2008

We have a form that requires descriptive comments to be entered into several rows of merged cells. My goal is to have the form be able to automatically dropped down to the next row of merged cells when the current row of merged cells reaches a maximum number of characters.

And finally, the last row of merged cells would not allow any more characters than the maximum assigned but not advance to another cell automatically.

The rows I am working with specifically are:
Merged Cells F23:R23; A24:R24; A25:R25; A26:R26;...A29:R29

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Excel 2010 :: Finding Data With Tied Maximum Scores

Nov 14, 2012

i have product group,product name and the statistics. I'll use an example of students with score. I have these set of data:

1 Student Name Score Sum
2 Student1 Anna 48 80=Sumif(A:A,A2,C:C)
3 Student1 Anna 32 80
4 Student2 Tom 30 80
5 Student2 Tom 30 80
6 Student2 Tom 20 80
7 Student3 June 55 60
8 Student3 June 1 60
9 Student3 June 4 60

Now we have 2 students with tied highest scores with 80 Scores. Naturally i want the rank to be as follow: Top1 Anna since she has the highest score "48", and Top2 Tom, and Top3 June.

The problem is, the score data can vary and Top3 can probably have the highest score and he still didnt make the highest score collectively. And there will also going to be other situations as well because im working on a very large data set, and not these 3 students.

the max score is tied, and since im making another column with sum scores, the data is going to be redundant, and hopefully theres a formula to ignore this.

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Excel 2010 :: Print Hundreds Of 6 Column Charts Using Maximum Page For Printing

Apr 28, 2013

I am using Excel 2010

I have over 800+ pages of chart that only takes up 6 columns and around like 9000+ rows.

I wanted to print this chart on paper and need hardcopies. However, the chart in its current setup prints only on the left half of the page leaving the right half empty.

How do i make use of the full space properly? Each chart has a "page number" on it so I want the chart to print continuously from one half of the page onto the next half and then the second page, third, etc.

Here is a visual demonstration of how things currently are and how i'd like to get them to be:

As you can see, This is the first of many charts and its numbered Page 9 and next one is page 10.


How this looks when i try to print, it's only on the left side. right is all blank

How i want it to look like upon printing

As you can see in the last picture, once page 14 chart has no space it automatically continues chart on right side of page and then moves on to print rest.


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Excel 2010 :: Save CSV File With Non-English Characters?

Dec 5, 2012

I run excel 2010... I have xls file (see file attached) with both English and Non English characters.

When I save this file as xls or xlsx - everything is good, but when I save the file as CSV and try to open it later - I see that the English characters stays the same but the non English characters become gibberish.

How can I save a file (that include some non English characters) as CSV without loosing the non English characters? Is there a way to do that from within the excel 2010 menus? Or maybe there is an external tool?

Attached file : 913365454523.xls‎

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Excel 2010 :: Set Row Height Based On First 14 Characters In String?

Feb 23, 2012

Excel 2010; I am setting row heights on the basis of some parameters. I have the following statement;

If targetCell.Value = "Photo Comment: " Then
targetCell.RowHeight = 185

But what I really want is to recognize only the phrase;

"Photo Comment:" in a text string that might be much longer e.g,

"Photo Comment: The photo above depicts yata, yata.........."

So, I want to recognize the first 14 character as "Photo Comment:" and then have the row height adjust to 185. So it involves "Left" and "Len" (I'm thinkin') but the syntax is beyond me.

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Excel 2007 :: Force Characters And Spaces In A Cell Over 80 To New Cell?

Jun 16, 2014

Using Excel 2007. I have a limit of 80 characters and spaces in a particular cell and I need to force those characters/spaces over 80 to the next cell. Is that possible?

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Excel 2013 :: Remove First 5 Characters From A Cell?

Mar 5, 2014

I have attached a spread sheet with some code I recoded with macro recorder. I have been searching for some extra code to insert in the middle of the recorded code which will remove the first 5 characters from the active cell and past the result to the next page. I have seen a lot of relevant code but haven't been able to get any to work in my code.

[Code] .....

I am using Windows7 with Excel 2013.

Attached File : DeleteFirst5Char.xlsm‎

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Excel 2003 :: Restriction On Number Of Characters In A Cell

Jan 18, 2012

Does 2003 restrict how may characters that you can put in a wrapped cell? Is there anyway to expand?

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View Hidden Characters Inside Excel Cell

Dec 14, 2012

How can I view hidden characters inside an excel cell. I have an excel file that I receive from our vendors. After verifying the data, I save the file as a tab delimited .txt format. When I open the .txt file I see some data with " " at both ends. i.e. "800 North Ave. Suite A". The thing is I don't see the " " in excel. This tells me that these are non-printing characters.

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Excel 2007 :: Adding Characters In A Cell With Various Fonts

Jun 18, 2013

My group is putting "marks" in Excel (2007) work papers & sometimes they may want to add additional marks to those previously added in a selected cell. What I have below actually works, but I just got my VBA book last week & there has to be a better way.

Specifically, I've saved the "target" off in the same worksheet (That can't be good.) and delete it when I'm done writing it back. Can I save the original characters virtually, or to the personal.xlsb.

Sub addMarkInCELL()
Dim charCount As Integer
Dim charStart As Integer
Dim rngTarget As String
charCount = ActiveCell.Characters.Count

[Code] ..........

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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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Excel Formula To Split Words With Characters Limit Per Cell?

Dec 6, 2010

I am suffering with split a long descriptions into 3 cells with criteria 1st cell not more than 30 characters, 2nd cell not more than characters and 3rd cell will locate the remaining characters there. I think this is quite easy if I use LEN/MID/RIGHT/LEFT formula. However, I wish the formula will smart enough to split word by word. refer to example below:-

"My lecturer replied, that i really did very bad in final, nothing's gonna change my plan."

If I use left(A1,30) formula, the result is "My lecturer replied, that i re"however, the word "really" is cut half way. I am finding the formula that split description to not more than 30 characters and won't cut my string and become incomplete word. Expected result should be 1st cell "My lecturer replied, that i", then "really did very bad in final," at 2nd cell.

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Excel 2007 :: Ensure Cell Postcode Have 8 Characters (including Spaces)

Oct 8, 2012

Excel 2007.I have a list of postcodes (UK) which have different lengths of characters (including spaces) from 6-8, however our system seems to add additional spaces inbetween the postcode, so it could have upto 11/12 characters (inc spaces) Below is what could come out:

EH21 6PQ - 1 Space (8 Char)
EH12 9HG - 3 Spaces (10 Char)
E1 8DF - 3 Spaces (8 Char)
LL5 1GH - 2 Spaces (8 Char)
L5 1FG - 1 Space (6 Char)

What I need is a formula to ensure each postcode only has 8 characters by inserting spaces between if there's less than 8 char and trimming if there's more than 8 char

So from the above postcodes the desired results would be:

EH21 6PQ - 1 Space (8 Char) - This would be correct
EH12 9HG - 3 Spaces (10 Char) - Trim off 2 spaces from the middle
E1 8DF - 3 Spaces (8 Char) - This would be correct
LL5 1GH - 2 Spaces (8 Char) - This would be correct
L5 1FG - 1 Space (6 Char) - Insert 2 spaces in the middle

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Excel 2010 :: When Cell Selected Can't Use Arrows To Move To Another Cell While Pointer Is Over The Cell

Apr 18, 2013

When I use the mouse pointer to select a cell I can't use the arrow keys to move to another cell while the pointer is over the cell and I can't edit the cell while the pointer is over the cell. If I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal therefore I don't think this is a scroll lock issue.

This issue also happens when I select a tab. If I select a tab and then leave the pointer over the tab I selected then I can't use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet or edit a cell; if I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal.

I am using MS Excel 2010.

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Data From One Cell Based On Color Of Another Cell To Different Worksheet

Jan 30, 2014

I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet consisting of many worksheets (20 or so). Each of these worksheets contain detail level data regarding different projects. One of the columns in these worksheets is the 'Status' column (column F). There is conditional formatting on this column where if the text is 'G' then change background to a green color, 'Y'=yellow, 'R'=Red and 'U'=Grey.

The first worksheet is a summary sheet that I would like to pull information from each of the detail worksheet's columns B, D, E, G and H if the status column (Column F) is 'R' or 'Y'.

The number of rows in the detail worksheet can change each week (as few as 0 and as many as 100)

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Excel 2010 :: Return Range Of Cell Concatenated Based On Single Cell Value

Jul 2, 2012

I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:

Number of variable entered: 5


Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"

I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.

(Using Excel 2010)

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Excel 2010 :: Repeat Cell Data Based On Another Cell Column Dragging Down

Apr 24, 2014

Formula that will repeat a cell number as it drags down and as soon as the number changes. I am using helper column that shows the cell number. I need to drag this down about 1000 rows.

Excel 2010
Helper Column
Desired Result


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Excel 2010 :: Change Colour Of Cell Based On Date In Other Cell?

Jan 10, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

Ive also attached the worksheet

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Excel 2010 :: Cell Summing Through Referencing Neighbor Cell Contents?

Feb 12, 2014

we have a Excel 2010 worksheet containing multiple tables.

ColumnA ColumnB
1 Blue 12
2 Orange 14
3 Red 10

ColumnA ColumnB
1 Blue 11
2 Black 13
3 White 10

On a separate worksheet we want to calculate with the first worksheet's values.

For example: Calc1: Sum ColumnB IN Table1 WHERE ColumnA = Orange

How do we do such a calculation/formula?

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Excel 2010 :: Change Cell Colour Depending On Date In Another Cell

Jan 9, 2013

I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.

In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.

Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.

Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.

Column D is when monthly inspection is due.

Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.

I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A

I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.

For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.


Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due

January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3

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Excel 2010 :: Locating One Cell Data In Text Of Adjacent Cell?

Jul 1, 2013

I am using Excel 2010.

In my worksheet I have 'Column A' and 'Column B', In 'Column A' are product I.D. numbers. In 'Column B' is a text description of the product, whose I.D. number is in 'Column A,' and should also contain the I.D. number from 'Column A' somewhere in the midst of the descriptive text. However, some of these in 'Column B' do not.

I need to create a function that looks for the value in 'Column A' and determines whether or not it is present in the text of 'Column B'. Therefore, spitting the answer out in 'Column C' so that I can copy it down for 100,000 cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Find A Cell Within Range Then Copy That Cell To Another Location

Sep 26, 2013

(I am using Excel version 14.0.7106 and MS Office Professional 2010.)

I have a macro in which I have named a range of numbers in a spreadsheet, used the "find" function to find a particular number in that range, and now would like to copy some information into a cell in the same row as the found number. However, when I try to move over to the cell that I'm copying to, it only goes to the 1st row in the range that I have defined.

Here's the portion of code I think you need to see. Everything works...it finds a match...but then I don't know what to do from there to get the information to the correct row:

'Grab the 1st project number
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
If ActiveCell.Value "" Then
prjnum = ActiveCell.Value
Selection.Offset(0, 8).Select

[Code] ..............

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Cell Color And Border By Clicking A Cell

Apr 25, 2014

I would like to accomplish 2 things in my Excel 2010 spreadsheet by click a cell which already has a number and formatting in it.

1. How do I change the color of the cell, the color of the number in it, and the border around it. (Make it look like I just pressed a button by clicking it.)

2. At the same time have the text in different cell and the number in the selected cell appear in another different cell. (Text in a different cell = A , and the number in the selected cell = 23, the value in the resulting cell be "A 23") Everything I would like to happen at the same time by clicking the selected cell. I would also like this to be done several times by clicking different cells and not changing the previously selected cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Display Cell Ranges From Multiple Locations Based On 2 Cell Values?

Jun 4, 2013

I need to display a set of cells based on the value of two drop down cells i have. As I am not very good at english and worse at explinations, I'll try via screen shots...

I have two dropdowns (C4 and C6) that will indicate what table to use (Second sheet / screenshot). I want that "table" to display in the yellow box on the first page. To complicate matters, some options do not have a CLA option - those starting with X. As there are 24 different outcomes and each is 3x9 if/then statements just dont seem to cut it.

P.S. I have excel 2010 and windows 7

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Image To Cell / Merged Cells As Background Fixed To Cell Size?

Jan 18, 2014

Excel 2010. I need to place picture into one cell or one big merged cell, as a background fill. picture must resize to size of cell. must be fixed in, not in front. i still need write into that cell, so it needs to be really background.

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