Excel 2010 :: Display Cell Ranges From Multiple Locations Based On 2 Cell Values?
Jun 4, 2013
I need to display a set of cells based on the value of two drop down cells i have. As I am not very good at english and worse at explinations, I'll try via screen shots...
I have two dropdowns (C4 and C6) that will indicate what table to use (Second sheet / screenshot). I want that "table" to display in the yellow box on the first page. To complicate matters, some options do not have a CLA option - those starting with X. As there are 24 different outcomes and each is 3x9 if/then statements just dont seem to cut it.
P.S. I have excel 2010 and windows 7
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Jul 31, 2014
I have 3 ranges of data which each have a quantity and a length. I want to create from these ranges a list of unique values with the total quantity required of each value (as shown). Inputs on any column may be blank but where there is a length, there will be an adjacent quantity to the left.
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Jul 31, 2014
When I update a cell (change A1 from 2 to 3), any cell that references that cell correctly changes its value (B1 = 2*A1). However, the screen will show the new value in B1 (6) over the previous value (4). At first I thought it almost looked like a strike-through, but then I realized the old value and new value were simply stacked in B1.
If I scroll the screen away that cell and go back to it, the correct value will now show without the stacked values. I'm not having this issue in any other program (Open Office), and I don't seem to be having any kind of stacking issue in any other Microsoft program.
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Nov 21, 2011
My excel sheet keeps a list of Email addresses on column B (with duplicate email addresses), and their particulars from column C (Item price, purchase date, etc) onwards.
I need the vba to email multiple recipients (those with the "notification" field marked as yes) with their purchasing details in it. It should also prevent multiple emails to the same email address.
PS.Using Excel/Outlook 2010
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Feb 26, 2014
I'm trying to use Excel to build a text file based on values from certain cells in Excel 2010. This is based partially off of static text that never changes and variables that will need to change. For example, I want Excel to output a text file that has the following text: The red fox jumped over the $X twice. I would want $X to be replaced by the value of A1 of the active worksheet. I will also have several lines like that, so it won't just be a single line, but anywhere from 20 - 120.
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Dec 9, 2011
I am trying to create a UserForm in Excel 2010 that will look for a part from our database (or on a specific Sheet, possibly a hidden sheet), then add specific data from that part's row into a new line.
More Specifically:
| Part # | Description | Category | SubCategory | Cost | Labor Hours | Weight | Etc |
I want to be able to input the Part #, and have it automatically add specified information to sheets 1 and 2 and those two differ. 1 is our Quote Sheet, and 2 is our bill of materials.
Also, I need each piece of information to go to a specific column (ex. Cost always goes to Column K)
What I have now is a broken UserForm that references a DOC file with a Table, but I need something a good but more complex.
Ideally, what I want is to have 4 ListBoxes where you choose Category --> SubCategory --> Make --> Model then have several CheckBoxes below that would determine whether to add a part (Cost, Labor, Weight).
The reason for this is because we have no need for the Cost or Labor Hours in our Bill of Materials, but need that information for our Quotes. And we generally don't need Specific Dimensions in our Quotes, but DO need them in the Bill of Materials...
Can I make it so that it will insert Pre-Specified information into both sheets at the same time?
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Mar 5, 2014
I would like to know if we can display a label with values of two different cells when hovered over a cell in excel 2010. All I want is ,When hovered over a cell I want its corresponding row and column heaing to be displayed.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have a sheet (see Sheet 1) from a report we run which lists the following information: Personnel Number, Amount, Wage Type. This is generated for 1000's of employees, with each personnel number being repeated several times in column A.
I am trying to pull specific data to another sheet (see Sheet 2), which would ideally generate the sum of "Amount' for a specific wage type for each personnel number. The issue is is that there may be dplicates of the wage type for each ID number (which is also repeated).
For example, the total salary amount on sheet 2 for ID#12345678 would be 0, while for #9876543 it would be 1250. Is there a formula I could use on sheet 2 column B that would generate this?
Excel 2010 ABC1Personnel NumberAmountWage Type212345678550Payment312345678400Overtime412345678300Overtime512345678250
Excel 2010 ABC1Personnel NumberTotal SalaryTotal Overtime212345678398765432
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm using Excel 2010 and I'm having troubles displaying hiding my column B if none of the cells of column A contains either "(Quasi Echec)" or "(Quasi Russite)" at least once.
PHP Code: [URL] ......
Below are my 3 attempts.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range
If Target.Column 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
[Code] ..........
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Sub GetUniquesInColA()
Dim rng As Range
Dim c
If Target.Column 1 Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
[Code] .........
Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim x As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
[Code] ...........
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Jan 30, 2014
I have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet consisting of many worksheets (20 or so). Each of these worksheets contain detail level data regarding different projects. One of the columns in these worksheets is the 'Status' column (column F). There is conditional formatting on this column where if the text is 'G' then change background to a green color, 'Y'=yellow, 'R'=Red and 'U'=Grey.
The first worksheet is a summary sheet that I would like to pull information from each of the detail worksheet's columns B, D, E, G and H if the status column (Column F) is 'R' or 'Y'.
The number of rows in the detail worksheet can change each week (as few as 0 and as many as 100)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have a range of cells each containing a name. Based on a number that has to be entered manually I want excel to return the names concatenated in one cell. So for example:
Number of variable entered: 5
Should give me: "q9001 q9002 q9003 q9004 q9005"
I have been trying to work with formulas using IF and CONCAT functions. But so far I haven't figured out how to have excel return me the correct amount of variables for each separate number that can be entered seeing the number of variables entered can vary from 1 up to 50.
(Using Excel 2010)
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Apr 24, 2014
Formula that will repeat a cell number as it drags down and as soon as the number changes. I am using helper column that shows the cell number. I need to drag this down about 1000 rows.
Excel 2010
Helper Column
Desired Result
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Jan 10, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.
In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.
Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.
I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A
I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.
For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.
Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due
January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3
Ive also attached the worksheet
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Jul 17, 2014
Is there a way in Excel (2010) to lock data from being entered into cells based on the value in another cell? Here is an example:
Row 4 contains dates from 2015-2030 as a header starting at column C (C4 and on) that represents years of revenue. Column B contains dates as well, this date can be any year but this becomes the driver for the data input in columns C through X. Column B contains the "Delivery Date"
Data is input in Columns C and so forth. The issue becomes that let's say that the date in C4 is 2016 and this is the beginning year. Obviously there should be no inputs for 2015 (C5) and the data should start to be input for this year at 2016 (C6). Often people just begin filling in the first available year not looking at what the year actually is.
Is there a way to add a formula or some logic/protection to prevent inputs in previous rows based on the values in column B? So if the value in column B is XXXX than there can be no inputs in cells less than that value?
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Jan 10, 2008
The thing is that i have alot of sheets (more than 20) and my program picks 2 values from the same cell locations on each sheet. This leeds to more than 30 arguments in my formula. I am gonna use this for alot of excelfiles constructed in the same way, but with varying order and names on the sheets.
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May 8, 2012
I am using Excel 2010. I have a spreadsheet where column A is for Quarter, column B is for Employee, and columns C-R are for Codes (Code1; Code2; Code3; etc. through Code15). One line might have no values in the codes columns, another might have values in only Code1, another might have values in Code1 and Code2, and another might have values in all 15 columns.
A B C D E F --> R
1 Qtr Emp Code01 Code02 Code03 Code04 --> to Code15
2 2012.1 Liz CER02 INS12 WKH15
3 2012.2 Jim PIN55 WKH12 WKH19 WKH23
4 2012.2 Jon
5 2012.2 Jim WKH15 WKH23
6 2012.2 Jon PIN55 WKH15 WKH12 CER08
The worksheet is named "ALLAUDITS" and the named ranges are as follows:
Quarter: =offset(allaudits!$A$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$A:$A),1)
Employee: =offset(allaudits!$B$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$B:$B),1)
CodeData: =offset(allaudits!$C$1,0,0,counta(allaudits!$C:$C),15)
On another worksheet I need to be able to count how many times WKH15 appears in the CodeData range within a certain Quarter. I tried
But that didn't work, and from what I can tell in Excel support, it's because the ranges are different sizes. I have over 6500 rows, so I'm trying to avoid having to name all 15 columns and then do a sumproduct on all of them, such as
Calculation would take forever.
I could just create a pivot table based on the "allaudits" worksheet, but I can't figure out how to get the actual codes as the row headers (instead of Code1, Code2, Code3, etc.).
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Feb 10, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010 and would like to know if it's possible to convert selected ranges in multiple sheets into one PDF file? For example, I want to select range("A1:O10) in Sheet1 and range("A1:N25") in Sheet2, then convert both Excel sheets into PDF file with two pages.
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Dec 7, 2013
Am using Excell for some times and understood the basic operations like VLOOKUP and other formulas, and it was really usefull. Now i have another requirement where i need to get all the values matching from another tab.
Below is the example: I will be entering all the values in Tab 2 manually. As well as i will be entering the Categories (Column A) in Tab1. I want the Values (Column B) in Tab1 to be populated.
I have 2 problems in that
1) It is not dynamic, i have to change Tab 2 frequently.
2) values are listed below the categories
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Jul 30, 2009
I am trying to create a formula to display a string of text that refers to multiple cells. for example, =If(A1=0,"insert text here" &B1 "insert more text here" &B2 "insert even more text here" &B3, "insert text here" &C1 "Insert text here").
It works fine for one cell value, like ="Total: " &A1
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Dec 16, 2011
So I'm trying to create a balance ledger to track my transactions at different locations.
This is basically what I have:
C4 = numerical value for site A
D4 = balance for site A
E4 = numerical value for site B
F4 = balance for site B
G4 = total balance of both sites
Values for C4 and E4 are manually entered.
D4: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(D3), ISBLANK(C4)), "", D3+C4)
F4: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(F3), ISBLANK(E4)), "", F3+E4)
G4: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(D4), ISBLANK(F4)), "", D4+F4)
I have these formulas auto-filled to the bottom of the sheet of each column. The problem I'm having is that with this setup, the return on the G column is giving me
for all rows that do not have any values entered yet. Is there any way to fix the formula in column G so that it reads the value of the cell instead of the formula in the targeted cell?
I am using Office 2010 on Windows 7.
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Nov 27, 2012
Example attached : Copy of CAB.xlsx
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May 6, 2014
I would like a macro to be able to save 26 tabs within the one document to individual PDFs.Preferably I would like to be able to specify each time exactly which tabs get printed, because often I don't need to print all 26, just the first 10 or so.I would like each PDF to automatically be named with the value in cell E10 of each tab.E10 already has a formula to create its final value. It references cells from other tabs within the same document. Hopefully the fact that this cell has a formula in it won't affect my ability to use the resulting value as a 'save as' reference?I would like it if the PDFs save to the same location as the Excel sheet from which they're generated is located. The location of the excel sheet will change every three months, so I'd prefer not to specify a location with a specific filepath, as it will have changed by the time I run the macro again.
I am using Excel 2010.
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Jun 17, 2014
I need to convert data from column IDS into separate rows, all other columns need to stay in tact. There are several distinct patterns for the IDS column, main identifiers are always starting with FILER or TEAL and the trailing numbers behind it have no more than 6 digits.
FILER756911**/**FILER123188 ^** FILER877119*118
[Code] ........
[Code] ......
What the MACRO would look like? This is for Excel 2010.
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Jul 11, 2013
Macro that could look at a row and take the values of two cells, combine them and then create a range name for a third cell in the row.
For example; for row 5420, in column C there is the word Florida, in column D there is the number 6235, and in column F there is a sentence or two. Is there a way to automatically create a named range for the cell of column F that would be named FLORIDA6235? And if so, can the macro do this for every row even if the word and/or the number changes.
I have roughly 28,000 rows and nine columns that I am working with. That's why I was wondering if there was a way to automate this. There are 10 states and I don't know how many different numbers attached to the states, however there are many state and number combinations that repeat, so there would be several rows with Florida in column C, 6235 in column D but a different description in column F.
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Apr 24, 2014
In Excel 2010 I am attempting to replace values in a cell, the right two values with "00", but am having difficulties with the correct '=replace' function.
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Sep 19, 2013
In column A, I need to highlight the cells green if the value is less than < the values in columns B and C, yellow if A = either B and C, and red if A is greater than B and C. But I only want the formatting to stay in column A. I'm using Excel 2010 and Windows 7.
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Jun 23, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010. I have developed a calculator (attached) to make life easier for my colleagues. It works perfectly fine. But one thing keeps bugging me.
In Cell C3 - You have the option to choose "Daily" or "Weekly" (Drop Down). This selection effects your selection for Cell C6.
If you choose Daily in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter an amount between £0.00 and £6.00.
If you choose Weekly in Cell C3 then your options for Cell C6 are restricted to select/enter either £0.00 or £12.00.
This works perfect.
However, if I select "Weekly" and then select " £12.00", all my results are perfect which is exactly what I want BUT if I then go back up to C3 and change "Weekly" to "Daily", the £12.00 in C6 remains (though the data validation for "Daily" is restricted to £0.00- £6.00) and all the results are consequently wrong until C6 is changed.
The obvious thing is to delete the £12.00 from Cell C6 or introduce a "clear" button BUT I don't want my colleagues to do this as it leaves the possibility of error and since we are dealing with money, I can't have it.
So what I would love and what would complete this calculator and deem it ready is if every time Cell C3 is selected (i.e. from the drop down list you choose Weekly or Daily) it as a result resets Cell C6 to £0.00.
Calculator 23-06-14.xlsx
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Jun 24, 2014
I need a formula (but most likely a VBA macro) that will search through a folder for a file than get data from that file. The files are named in systematic way, but I need the entire formula to work from inputting a mold number in one cell. E.g. I input 6291 in cell A2 the vba macro searches for file “6291 mold.xlsx” and returns a range of numbers as well as pictures in specified cells. Is this possible? If so how?
The closest thing I have found is VBA macro that retrieves a list of media files in a folder, I listed the code below.
[Code] ....
[URL] ....
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Feb 20, 2014
I am using Excel 2010. I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I can type in a date (02-19-2014), and pull in box scores from a basketball website. I have everything set up so that the date is parsed into (3) cells (02 19 and 2014) so that it can easily fit into the URL:
As you can see, the month value in the URL is "02" the day value is "19" and the year value is "2014". What I want to be able to do is type in any date I want and return the box scores from that day in a new tab. I have everything done so that the new tab is automatically created and named, so my only issue is that I can't figure out how to input the day, month and year values automatically into the code for the Get External Data pull:
'Import from www.basketball-reference.com
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;http://www.basketball-reference.com/friv/dailyleaders.cgi?month=02&day=19&year=2014" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
.Name = "dailyleaders.cgi?month=02&day=19&year=2014"
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Apr 30, 2014
Two formulas which I need in Cells E74 and E75.
Basically the formulas will depend whether the entry in D73 are Yes or No
in cell E74, IF D73 = ‘No’ then E74 = D74 + E70 ELSE IF ‘D73’ = ‘Yes’ then E74 = E70
in cell E75, IF D73 = ‘No’ then E74 = D74 + E70 ELSE IF D73 = ‘Yes’ then E74 = E70
Excel version 2010
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