1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.
Student Math Reading Science
Jimmy 75 84 100
2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.
Student Name =Data!$A2
Math =Data!$B2
Reading =Data!$C2
Science =Data!$D2
How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?
I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.
I am not sure how to go about this but here is my problem: text in cells a40:A147 containing card number this: -01- and cells h40:h147 containing and "x" if the card -01- is closed. Now I want to count all the -01- cards that do not have an x in the h40:h147 cells and I need to count all the -01- cards that do not have an "x" in the h40:h147 cells.
I would like to format columns "L" and "M", if the value in column "O" contains the letters "EU" or "US". The values in column "O" will look like EU 3 & 2, or US 1 up. or just text with no numbers. I was thinking if I could write a formula that will say 'if the value in cell ?? contains "EU" format color A if the value contains "US" format color B. I know this will take two separate statements but I am not sure how to write it with a wild card to allow for the variations. Something like If value is EU and some wild card string then, format.
I started a new collection of cards (soccer cards actually) and since I trade with some of my friends via mail, I needed something to keep track of the ones I have and the ones I don't. I made an excel spreadsheet with the numbers of the cards.
Here's my question (I don't know if its possible or not):
I there any way I can create a way to make the verification easier by, for example:
I just got card A20. I write A20 on a specific cell and, in the main table, that number changes color to indicate that I already have that card.
And in the end, a way to reverse the process so I can have the table brand new for the next use.
I need to create 50-60 bingo cards for my sister's bridal shower. I wanted to create these using excel. I need to create unique cards so that not everyone bingos at the same time (I only have so many door prizes to give away!)
The basic setup is this: under "B" there are 5 spaces, and each space must have a unique number between 1 and 15 (no repeats). Under "I" there are 5 spaces, and must use a unique number between 16 and 30, "N" has 5 spaces using a unique number between 31 and 45, "G" has 5 spaces using a unique number between 46 and 60, and "O" has 5 spaces using a unique number between 61 and 75. A sample card is below:
I am creating a "board game" type game in excel and one of the functions will be landing on a cell. When you are on this cell you click the checkbox to the left of it which then flips the value to true. I then have another formula generating a random number between 1 and 100 if the value is true. I would like to make cards in a separate sheet out of single cells but make about 40-50 of them maybe less. I want it to be able to pull a card(cell's) contents into another cell on another sheet. But I want it to be a random card associated with the random number generator. I can definitely make changes if this isn't possible but the point of it is to show the contents of one of the random cards.
I am looking for a formula which will allow me to count unique values in a database, based on multiple criteria. Sample file attached (Formula required in cells J and K).
I have excel result sheet which contains students information. i.e. name, subjects and their corresponding marks, grade, percentage etc. So from that sheet I want to print result cards for each students separately from the data (result sheet).
Need a way to switch the default positioning of pivot table row totals? I would like to left justify them insead of always having the totals on the far right side where they are often out of view to the user without scrolling. I end up having to place 2 pivot tables side by side so that I can make the totals appear first.
Basically it would be a simple race. Containing 4 counters (blue, green, red and Yellow) and 10 squares each.
There would be 40 cards 10 blue, 10 green, 10 red and 10 yellow. Cards would be draw randomly and the counters move respectively. I would be thinking about starting with =RANDBETWEEN(1,10).
I have no knowledge of VBA/ macro but would welcome ideas with what formulas/ commands to use.
I have added some snapshots to show what I would be looking for.
I am using subtotals for a large spreadsheet showing various sales by person and area. I have sorted the data by area then by person and insterted subtotals. All columns are fine, except two. On two columns, the grand total displayed does not match the sum of the areas.
If I remove the subtotals and sum the columns, they are all correct. It is only when using the subtotal function that the error occurs, and only ever on these two particular columns.
I am tasked with putting together an Excel Spreadsheet to analyze our accounts. There are over 80 items for the accounts - about 20 Income and about 60 expenses. These are for various years - actually the last 5 years - by months.
So, I am trying to figure out how the best setup could be done to make this easier for pivot table analysis.
So I have 12 "rows" for each account item for each year.
Maybe I should wait for comments and/or questions before going further.
Just need to figure out how to set up the workbook/worksheet.
I have a spreadsheet that is tracking a MTD receivables (running total). When it comes to weekends or day's when their were no receivables the running total needs to reference the last working day or the last receivable entry to perform its calculations for that day.
So in the table below (couldn't post attachment) the first row(1) = days of week , second row (2) = running MTD totals and the 3rd row (reference cells). So for Wednesday I our totals were 9995 which I entered in Row 3 (column A) and called it to Row 2 (column A). For Thursday I called Row 3 (column b which was known and manually entered) and subtracted Row 3 (column A) and populated Row 2 (column b). So my equation to in Row 2 column b is simple as =sum(b2-b1)
This is ok but when the weekend (or days not worked) come in to play you can see it produces a negative for Saturday / Sunday. Saturday took 15,707 and subtracted it from nothing (row 3 column d) since there were no receivables on Saturday.
So I need a formula that will calculate from the last instance while ignoring blank cells.
Cell B2 - this is a set figure which is the initial base figure - currently set to 43 Cell C2 - This subtracts Cell B2 figure (which is 43) from Cell E34 [=SUM(B2-E34)] Cell E34 - Is a cumulative total of 4 cells [=SUM(E4,E12,E19,E26)] and displays the total. Cell D2 is a set figure of 49
The formula I am looking for is once C2 reaches zero, I need C2 to remain displaying zero and the remaining figure to be deducted from D2 and displayed in that cell so C2 figure would descend from 43 until it reaches zero. but would then start decreasing D2 whilst C2 would remain static at zero and carry that the remaining figure to D2 which would be deducted from the starting total of 49 and display the figure.
I've got a spreadsheet with several rows and the numbers within those rows are totalled up at the bottom. Is there a way where i can highlight the cell within the spreadsheet and it takes it off the accumulative total at the bottom? or something similar to this effect? I just don't want to have to remove figures from this spreadsheet and highlighting will be a good way of seeing what has been done
I do a lot of work in excel to do with accounts and this often needs checking against sage. When the invoices/petty cash sheets are put into sage the total amount is put in, but in my spreadsheets I need to split the reciepts. So I was wondering if there was a formula/VBA code, that if I only knew the total of the invoice would find which cells added up to this total?
It doesn't encompass the full spectrum of what I am hoping to have on this timesheet.
For some reason - when I select "REB (0730-1600)", it comes up to 9 hours and not 8.5 hours.
And I cannot have a =SUM column. My goal was to select a shift (Cell 5), it automatically input the hours worked (Cell 7), and then somewhere formulate a total for the week.
I am working on a spreadsheet to track hours worked. It is an 8 hr day. I want there to be a running total, but when less than 8 hrs are worked and the total goes below 8 hrs per day (as in when you have no "banked time" it will not display negative or owned time. Also, it doesn't seem to want to skip over the weekends for me.
I have a sheet which details specific card numbers in Column A, and the date and place of transaction in the Column B. This very long list contains multiple entries for each card number. What I would like to do is use Sheet2 to list each card number and the number of times it appears in the list.
I learnt that " " & can combine the text and figure. However, when it comes to a negative numbers, i dont know how to maneouver it. Eg, Cell A1 is USD(50,000.00) and the comment in Cell B1 is Cost is USD(50,000.00). So the function in B1 = "Cost is "& what to put here?
I receive a large file every month with 30K+ rows of data that need to be manipulated manually before I can send it off. Within the data are "chunks" of data that are anywhere from 1 to 90 rows each. Each chunk needs to total 100 or less, and while they do for the most part, some end up over 100 due to rounding (usually 100.02 or so). The rows above and below each chunk are blank, and I currently have a calc to add each chunk, and flag it if it's over 100. Then, I have to go through each of the flagged chunks and manually decrease one of the lines to make the total 100.
Is there any way to automate any or all of this procedure?
I have attached a sample file with two chunks of data. The actual files contains 14 more columns to the left that aren't shown.
I have two columns D and E, the header takes up rows 1-4 so the first available row is row 5. The D column is going to have numbers added daily, the E column will show the cumlative total. How can I make the cumlative total stay and be updated with each new entry in column D? C D E Name daily cumlative dave 20 20 Row #5 Jim 30 30 Tim 11 11 Sara 6 6
Say these are the entries for day one, I need to be able to make new entries in the same D column on the next day and have it update the running total in E?? I cant figure the darn thing out.
I have a list of numbers and want to see if the sum of any of them exactly makes up a specific larger number. Any quick way to do in excel? Eg do any of the below together make the exact total of the number at the bottom.
I have in column D starting D9, I have numbers starting at 1, and may finish at 100. But there could be duplicates, 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,.........
I would like to only copy the range D9 to H (End of column D), ignoring all the duplicate numbers, to another sheet.
So on the second sheet, it would be 1,2,3,4,5,6...... with the data copied from E,F,G and H.
I'm trying to solve for 'X'. My finished good inventory (FG Inv) is 80pcs. That will cover customer demand out to 2/3/2009. Therefore, I have 4 DOH of inventory.
I have a simple inventory spreadsheet that is doing everything I need minus one function. I have not been able to figure out how to make this work yet, maybe I can get some help. We remodel apartment complexes. I purchase material and hand it out to the contractors. I am using one page to track all movement of the items, but I have another page that I want to do that math and tell me what I should have on hand. Example: (On sheet1 "movement") I hand out 20 outlets. On my inventory on hand sheet I have a line that says "Outlet", the current quantity is 40. I have a drop down list so that on the Movement page I select "Outlet" in column A and in Column B I put in the quantity. I want to keep a running total on my IOHand page of everything, so that it would automatically subtract the 20 I just handed out and leave my IOH as 20. I have about 100 items on my IOH page. I assume I need a formula in the quantity cell of my IOH page that will search the Movement page and look for a match to what is in column A and Sum all of my "outlets" or "sinks" into the right cell.