Filtering Data Validation Based On Other Cell Value

Feb 17, 2010

I'm working on a few dynamic KPI charts and could use a little help with figuring out data valuation for the End Date value. In the attached workbook I am using data validation to pick a start date from a dynamic list (Dates) in E2:Exxx. Cell B2 has 2/8/2010 picked. I would like to have a drop down in B2 show the listing of all dates in E2:Exxx which occur after 2/8/2010, so the filtered list would be in the range E3:E49.

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Looking To Arrange Filtering In Data Validation List?

Jun 10, 2014

I have a long list of accounts (for the purposes of of bookkeeping - keeping a cash disbursement journal) and I use data validation that uses this list when I enter an account's name in the journal. Because the list is very long, I often times have to scroll up and down the list in the drop down menu that comes up at a cell I need to populate and when looking for the proper name of the account I needed to be there. I am looking to add a capability to my data validation list use when I would be able to enter several symbols, part of the name of the account I am looking for, and the list of accounts displayed for me to choose from would get shortened based on the symbols I enter. the symbols I enter do not necessarily have to be the first symbols of the account name I am looking for. (as sometimes, I do not remember how exactly the account is called - and so I just guess part of the name ... )

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Data Validation Based On Another Cell Value

Aug 20, 2014

I have already set up a data validation, if if you pick a region, you only get that regions items in the next column.



But what I would like to do is in Column E(for this example) have 3 extra lists for Location in each region. So if I pick S in A, then in E I only want the Southern options.

I have checked out this website, but I cant seem to work out how to add the third dependence [URL]....

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Data Validation Based On Cell Value

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to set the data validation on a cell based on another cell value

So basically if the User enters say CAN in cell A2, cell B2 should use "listCAN" range as the data validation list

and if i enter US in A2, B2 should use "listUS" as the data validation list

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Data Validation List Based Off Cell Value

Apr 25, 2014

I'm trying to have a Data Validation list issue where I want to populate a second list based upon the value of the first list.

In this instance I have a Department in the drop down and Employee Name in the second drop down and I want people to only see Employee names if they're allocated to a particular Department. I've been able to do the list using the INDIRECT function, however that only works when there's only a small sample of both names & depts, however I'm looking at populating this document with around 3000 people and over 250 departments, so I would like to be able to use Column J on the Source Tab to populate the details on the Manager Entry tab.

I have attached a sample spreadsheet if I've not explained very clearly.

TIMESHEET sample.xlsx

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Activating Data Validation Based On Cell Contents

Dec 19, 2012

I am trying to see if it is even possible to have data validation applied to a specified range of cells, but if the value of cell 'B3' is '1' then the data validation will not run on the other cells (H4:G7)

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Data Validation - Negative And Positive Numbers Based On Another Cell?

Mar 15, 2012

I have created a template using data validations. I have a drop down in column O, which you can choose from Credit or Charge. In column V, I want:

- If selected Credit in column O, only negative numbers allowed in column V

- If selected Charge in column O, only positive numbers allowed in column V

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Data Validation - Control What User Enters Into Single Cell Based On Others

Nov 29, 2013

I want to control what a user enters into a single cell based on others.E.g.

1 20 500
2 50 500
3 75 500
4 100 300

Column A is a thickness and column b is a width what I want to happen if the user enters a thickness in cell D1 and a width in cell D2 I want an error to pop up if for instance the user enters 100 as a thickness to only allow a maximum of 300 in the width. likewise if the user enters a thickness less than 100 in cell D1 to allow him to enter up to 500.

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Nested Data Validation: Figure A To Enforce Dual Data Validation On A Single Cell?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to figure a to enforce dual data validation on a single cell. That is, I need to restrict the user to entering only a decimal value, only if a particular other cell (say A2) is blank. To put it another way, if A2 is blank, the user can enter a decimal value, but if A2 is not blank, the user cannot enter anything. I can use Data Validation to enforce either the decimal restriction or the ISBLANK, but I'm not sure how to make them work together.

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Filtering Multiple Rows Based On Data In One Row

Apr 26, 2012

I have a 'dump' of a general ledger accounting system....about 20,000 rows. Column A contains the journal number for each set of transactions (there are usually two rows in each set but sometimes three), column C contains the name of the account, and column E the amount. For example:

Row 269 cell A269 = 487 (journal number) cell C269 = Cheque, cell E269 = $50
Row 270 cell A270 = 487 (journal number) cell C270 = Travel, cell E270 = -$50

What I am wanting to do is to extract the sets of journal entries, where the account name (in column C) is "Cheque" I would want to extract rows 269 and 270 based on the above example. If I filter using the account name it only gives me one row for each journal transaction - only half of the story. Given that the journal number links the two rows.

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Data Filtering Based On Last Two Digits Of Large Number

Mar 17, 2006

I have a very large database where I want to filter out numbers that do
not have certain two digits as their last two. For example, the column
based on which I want to filter out data contains numbers like
197301310153. I want to filter out anything that does not end in 53....

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Filtering Out Data From One Column Based On Data From Another

Aug 7, 2014

I have two Excel tables.

Table 1 has Column A, with 500 unique names/codes listed.
Table 2 has Column A with the 500 names, plus 500 more mixed in (all unique). Table 2 also has columns B-G, with values corresponding to each of names in Column A.

Basically, what I'd like to do is filter out from Table 2 the 500 names (and their corresponding info in columns B-G) not listed in Table 1.

I've tried to look around, but most answers seem to be in reference to situations in which Column A has numerical values rather names.

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Filtering Data From One Worksheet To Another Based On Selection In Combobox On Userform

Feb 14, 2013

I am using the combo box that lists the loan officers number from the selection the loan officers name and branch is loaded. I want to be able also base on the officer selected add get the total new loans opened by that officer. I added an if statement that checks if the loan officers number from the "Oct_2012" is equal to the loan officers' selection from the combo box then add all the loans than match that criteria. I am not sure if what I am doing will work but when it reach to the For block it only reads the For statement and then go to the endif and don't execute the statement within the block.

Sub cmbLnOffNum_Change()
Dim idx As Long
Dim LnOffRow As Long


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Filtering In A Drop Down (Validation) List

Jun 1, 2006

I have a list of cells i want to select my information from and in addtion i want to select the list all except one value in a box:


Value in Box: C

List of Values:


Therfore i want in a validation list all the values (A - G) except the value represented in the box, hence (C).

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Data Validation: Can I Use Data Validation In A Cell That Has Formulas In It?

Apr 3, 2009

I have attached a sheet that I am working on. I want cell G1 to be less than or equal to 165. That cell contains a formula. If the formula takes the number to over 165 the validation is allowing it.

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Auto-filtering Pivot Based On Data Contained In Another Pivot?

Sep 5, 2013

I've attached some dummy data. Basically, everyday I'm going to dump a report containing data into a 'Data Dump' tab. 'Pivot 1 - Filtered' I have set up so that it will show specific product IDs only (In this example I only want to see 1X, 2X and 9D).

However, I now have a need to see the total value of that order number in 'Pivot 2 - Autofilter'. (For Example, order number 1111 has both 1X and 8D contained within it). Now obviously the simple thing to do would be to filter every order number shown in pivot 1, and filter pivot 2 with them. However when I'm doing this for real, this can be tens/hundreds of order numbers.

The only workaround I have found is to put a column at the side using VLOOKUP and if ISERROR is false then include in pivot, then used an autofilter on that, but I'd like to keep the normal pivot if possible.

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Data Validation Based On Two Criteria

Feb 16, 2009

I need a data validation to prevent entries when they are > 50, but only if the value of another cell in col A is "Payment". The value of 50 is an example, I have another formula to get this number using VLookup.

The idea is that if the value of the cell in col A is "Income", I don't want the entry to be rejected. But if the value in col A is "Payment" or "Transfer" and > 50, I want the entry to be rejected (if I only have $50, then the payment cannot be > 50).

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Populating A Data Validation List Based On...

Apr 18, 2009

I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. would be an example....

What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.

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Hide Row Based On Data Validation List

Sep 26, 2007

What I would like to do is hide rows 27:30 if the data validation list is equal to "Select Product...". The list is in B27:B30. I've search the forum but couldn't get the codes to work...

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Formatting Cells Based On Data Validation

Jun 10, 2006

I have tried to modify the examples here on the site, but can't seem to get it. Cell G1 has list data validation of 5 numbers,6 digits long. In the cells below G10:G500, these numbers are listed. However, in the G10:G500 range the numbers have 8 digits. The first 6 digits remain the same and only the last 2 change. Here is what I would like to see happen: When I chose a number from G1, I would like to highlight all the cells with the first 6 digits matching G1 in the range G10:G500.

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Data Validation And Multiply Values Based On Choice

Mar 11, 2014

I've got a spreadsheet and I've used data validation to look at a list on another tab.

I need to be able to multiply values out based on what i choose on the drop down menu.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet to explain : tasks.xlsx‎

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VBA Codes To Show Sheet / Tab Based On Data Validation

Mar 31, 2014

Is there any vba codes that can show tab/sheet that is based on the filter selection.

For example:

Cell A1 have a data validation of Apple, orange and Mango

I have 3 tabs named Apple, orange and Mango.

So every time I select Apple on the main in page filter. Apple tab will show. and if orange then orange tab will show.

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Updating Cells Based On Data Validation List

May 14, 2009

What I am trying to do would appear to be very simple. I am trying to build a quotation form for our sales guys to use. I would like to use a drop down list with the list of products in, which I have created using a list in a second sheet and then using a data validation drop down list.

What I would like to achieve is the sales person selects the product (of a list of only 14) from the list and excel to automatically fill in the two columns to the right with the model no. and also the price.

Would it be possible to use an IF statement as there are only 14 products to choose from? Is there a better way of doing this? I have created the lists of model numbers and prices in the second sheet alongside the product name which the drop down list sources from.

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Data Validation List Based On A Table That Can Change?

Jan 11, 2013

I am building an Excel file that will be used to track information and at the core of it all is a list of people from different offices where the number of people per office can change and/or a person leaves the company and is replaced by another. I'll simply:

Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1
Hamilton Emp 2
Hamilton Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4
Toronto Emp 5
Toronto Emp 6
Toronto Emp 7
Toronto Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9
Waterloo Emp 10

This will be all on Worksheet 'Info'. I have a Worksheet for each Office and named them accordingly. On each worksheet I want to use Data Validation on a column, we will call it 'ChosenOne', set it as 'List' and have the Source pull all the employee names that belong to that office and use them as a selection

ex: Hamilton Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 1, Emp 2, and Emp 3 in the list.

If Emp 3 changed offices to Waterloo 6 months from now I would like to change A4 from Hamilton to Waterloo and the formula would not have to be changed and the next time someone selects 'ChosenOne' it would only show Emp 1 and Emp 2.

Of course this means on the Waterloo Worksheet, 'ChosenOne' would show Emp 3, Emp 9, Emp 10 now.

So basically I am trying to not specify a specific named range for each office and am hoping there is a way to poll information from a Table (or any other tool that can simplify this).

I would be ok with something like:

Column A Column B
Office Employee
Hamilton Emp 1, Emp2, Emp 3
Toronto Emp 4, Emp 5, Emp 6, Emp 7, Emp 8
Waterloo Emp 9, Emp 10

and just move Emp 3 from B2 to B4 but I don't know if a list can be created from multiple items in a single cell seperated by a , or ; or :.

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Hide/unhide Button Based On Data Validation

Oct 8, 2009

I am creating a disclaimer in one of my sheets.

Cell I15 contains 'Are you a resident for tax purposes?' Cell N15 has the data validation list of Yes or No.

Then I have a button below which covers rows18, 19 and 20.

Is there a way I can have this button hidden until Cell N15 = Yes?

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Hyperlink Based On Data Validation List Choices

Feb 6, 2008

I want to select a Hyperlinked file.These files are named using Data in ColumnA,B & C. The realtionship between filename and data in columns is; A-B-C.ext. After selecting data A from the dropdown list,i should be able to select corresponding data B and then again another dropdown list for corresponding data C.This should show the desired already hyperlinked file. I want to select the hyperlinked file name by simply selecting all the three data independently.

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Insert Row Based On Data Validation List Choice

Aug 10, 2008

I'm working on a simple worksheet, it is a tracking sheet for programs taught. What I'm trying to find is a code to insert a row based on a Data Validation List.

Exampl of data:

Column A is for " Name" then futher down Column K is "Program Taught" and Column L is " Date Taught".

Column K is where the Data Validation List is located with a in cell drop down.

What I would like to do is when a user selects a program from Column K a row is inserted with all of the formulas and formats from the previous row, and upon insert would like it to copy Column A into the new row.

This would be so I can keep a historical of programs and dates taught.

And to really spice things up I want to lock Columns K & L of the previous row after the new row is inserted.

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Table Lookup Based On Multiple Data Validation Options?

Apr 23, 2013

i am attaching a sheet here.

i have put data validation list in three columns

from data lsts i select unit type , then hinge type then code.... the problem is that as soon as i select code all the values (H W D ) in the next three cells should automatically change.

the values against each cabinet code are also provided in the same sheet.

Sr No.
Unit Type
Unit Type

Base Unit
Double Hinged Door

Base Unit
Single Hinged Door

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Macro - Hide Rows Based On Data Validation List?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a data validation cell that has 5 items to be selected, lets say A-E.

I would like a macro that checks and does the following:

A or B selected, hide row 25-34, rows 45- 53

C or D selected, hide row 24-44

E selected, hide rows 34-53

In each case, the macro should check and unhide all rows between 25-53 before doing the above

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Clear Contents Of Cells Based On Data Validation Selection

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to find something that would allow me to have a spreadsheet clear the contents of a certain cell based on the selection made from a data validation list which resides on the same row. This can best be described with an example.

The user selects anything but " " or "none" from the validation list, which for this example resides in C5, would trigger code to clear the contents, if any, in AA5. If " " or "none" is chosen the value remains.

This capability should be available for each row through 100.

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