Search And Match Data Using Two Worksheets

Apr 2, 2014

I'm trying to search & match data from two different spreadsheets. I will attach my workbook for reference.

The first worksheet is a list of all of my clients I have previously worked with and the second worksheet is a list using a set criteria. The criteria I am using is the UK postal code "AL10".

The clients address (Column B) will be used as a reference to match the address which is located on the AL10 worksheet which is also column B. If there is a direct match then a VLookup function will be performed to display something that can be easily referenced.

The problem I am having is that the address format is different on the clients worksheet then what it is on the AL10 worksheet. I have the feeling I will need to create a search function with multiple arrays but I have limited knowledge of how to do that.

There are some additional notes located in my workbook.

I know that two of the client addresses should match data located on the on AL10 worksheet and the other two shouldn't give a match at all as they don't exist. These are highlighted in yellow.

I have used the Find and replace function to do this but this is rather manual and slow and I would like the search feature to automate this process.

Attachment 308707

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Search For Data On Worksheets & Offset

Sep 15, 2007

I am attempting to change what cells this macro places into the report from each sheet and am having no luck. It now captures the “ Date”, Worksheet name”, “Address”, “Pwo”, “Part”, “Time” and “Comments” . I would like to replace the time field (the one after the “Part” and change it to “Quality Technician” so that each entry it finds with comments it will also list who’s comments they are instead of the time.
I have not been able to fix the missing headers or changing what it captures.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim FirstCol As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim iCol As Long

myDate = Application.InputBox(prompt:="enter date:", Type:=1)

If IsDate(myDate) Then
'keep going
MsgBox "Please try again!"
Exit Sub
End If .........................

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Search And Match Data In Excel?

Sep 5, 2012

I want to search and match data in Excel,

following are the required and output format.









Want to search column "B" in "A" Output should be in given format.




Vlookup doesn't support.

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Data Colletion, Search Multiple Worksheets

Dec 18, 2006

There is a workbook that has several worksheets.

I would like to collect a specific information to the 1st page of the workbook.

It should do the following, when i enter a productcode to a cell in the 1st page(data collection), it instantly searches the other worksheets for a similar productcode, if it finds a match then it should bring 3 different cells on the same row to the 1st page.

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Data Search & Copy From Mulitple Worksheets

Dec 31, 2009

I have a workbook with 26 multiple worksheets that each represent 1 of 26 payperiods per year (bi-weekly payperiods). These worksheets consists of rows of employees names and hours worked each day. The columns consist of dates representing each day in that payperiod.

I need to be able to search all the worksheets (ie. search all 26 payperiods) to find specific 30 day intervals and then copy each employees hours worked to a master spreadsheet. I have tried variations of Index & Match formulae as well as vlookup/hlookup/ISNA without luck. I am not able to use VBA.

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Match Names In Two Worksheets And Get Data

Jun 21, 2007

I have two sheets of same names with different data in each sheet. I need to refer the name in the first sheet and match the same name in the second sheet and retrieve the start date. I have attached the work sheet sample for better understanding. I know I can use vlookup. But am not getting the results I need.

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Search Sheets For Data Match, Paste Results

May 13, 2009

I have a worksheet named "List" with static values in columns A & B. I want to search all the other worksheets in the same workbook for the one that matches the value I entered in column B on the "List" sheet. The cell on the other worksheets with the possible match is B5. When it finds a match, I want it to take the data from cell B3 on that worksheet and paste it in Column C of the "List" sheet on the corresponding row (all rows in the "List" sheet have a different value in Column B).

In other words, when "List"b7 = worksheetb5 , then worksheetb3 is pasted to Listc7.

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Match Data In Two Worksheets And Copy Data From Third Column

Mar 27, 2014

I have a column in two different worksheets that contain the same information that I want to match.

Raw Data - worksheet 1
Data - Worksheet 2
Column A - ShopperID

Same data is in both worksheets, column named the same in both worksheets

Raw Data worksheet contains email addresses in Column J that i want to extract and copy to column I in Data worksheet if there is a match on Column A.

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How To Show Exact Match Of Data Between Two Worksheets

May 5, 2014

I am trying show an exact match of data between two worksheets, but I need the match function to look up 2 columns - i.e. reference number AND order number between two different worksheets.

In the example attached, I am able to find the match of one column only (order number)

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Find, Match & Copy Data Between Worksheets

Apr 8, 2008

- I copy some records from a Database into an Excel sheet in workbook (say W1) in the Worksheet WS1.
- The i look up for values in a column (say column B) of W1 in another worksheet in another workbook(say W2) .
- If i find a match in Workbook 2(W2) ,Worksheet 1 , Row 2, Column A ; i look at the values in the Column B, F,G on the Row 2 itself.
- Each of these values can be found in the corresponding Worksheets 2;3;4 in the Workbook2(W2) .
- Then i need to pick up all these values from worksheet 1;2;3;4 in W2 and contatenate them and put them in the Workbook W1 against the Row .
- Similarly i process all the non zero rows in the workbook W1.

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Match By Unique ID Across 2 Worksheets - Join Or Stitch Data Together

Jan 7, 2013

Within 1 workbook, I have two worksheets:

Worksheet1: (multiple entries per individual)


unique ID
Start date



Worksheet 2: (single entry per individual)


unique ID
Date of Birth
Benefit Plan
Termination date



I am looking for a formula that will allow me to marry up the data sets by unique ID. I want to take the single lines from worksheet 2, and pull them over to sheet 1 and replicate where the identifier matches. So, Worksheet 1, would end up w/ columns E F G H, and additional data for each individual.

Unique ID, Name, Start Date, Salary, Unique ID, Date of Birth, Benefit Plan, Termination Date.


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How To Create Search Macro Button That Allows To Search In Multiple Worksheets In One Workbook

Oct 11, 2011

Im am trying to create a search marco button that allows me to search in multiple worksheets in one work book. I came across this CODE the first part of it works. It pops open user input box and ask for the word that i would like to search but the this error message pops up Runtime error1004 Method 'range" of object'_Global'failed and i dont know what to do

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
SearchString = InputBox("Enter Search String", "Search")
If SearchString = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Range(myRange)
If InStr(LCase(CStr(c)), LCase(SearchString)) Then


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Copy Few Cells Of Data Between Worksheets If Values Match Between Columns

Mar 9, 2012

Been a while since I've worked with macros within excel and I can't seem to get what I remember being a basic macro to work whatsoever. I have 2 worksheets containing a massive amount of data and need to pull some cells from one into the other when values in 2 columns match.

To better explain, sheet1 has ID numbers in column G spanning for roughly 1700 rows. Sheet 2 has corresponding ID numbers in column EO. The data I need to copy over is in columns EP and EQ on sheet 2.

So I'm trying to build a macro to compare the values in Sheet1_Column_G to those on Sheet2_Column_EO and when a match is found, copy the value in EO and the adjacent entries in columns EP & EQ over into columns X, Y, and Z on sheet 1.

Couldn't get a VB function together to save my life so I tried working with MATCH & INDEX and didn't get very far either. I've included my current function below.

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),INDEX(Data!$EO$527:$EQ$601,MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),"Not Found")

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Offset / Index / Match - Using 3 Functions To Search For And Return Values From Data Sheet

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.

The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.

What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.

For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.

Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.

Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.

Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?

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Search Multiple Worksheets Against List Of Non-Exact Search Criteria?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a workbook with many many sheets in it. The first sheet contains a single column with about 10,000 different values. I'd like to use each of these as search criteria against ALL data in the other sheets (of which there are a good 50 or so). If matches are found (they don't have to be exact case), then I'd like two things to happen:

1. The rows containing the matched search criteria in the first sheet are highlighted.

2. In the cells adjacent to the search criteria in the first sheet, hyperlinks to the matched data are created and named after the sheet upon which this matched data appears.

I've attached a sample file to this post with ideal sample 'answers' to queries made of the first 2 terms.

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Search A Sheet For A Match And Then Copy All The Cells To The Right Of The Match

Jul 13, 2009

I need a macro that can search a sheet for a match and then copy all 7 cells to the right of the match. I have attached an example of the sheet that will serve as the database to search, and a userform example that will be similar to the userfrom that will display the copied cells when a match is found. I plan to copy and paste the 7 cells to a different sheet so that the userform can display the results with the control source property. I do not need a way to add to this database. I know very little about searching a database so.

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Search Columns Of Worksheets / If The Columns Contain Data Then Form A List On Another Worksheet

Apr 17, 2013

I have a workbook that has worksheeets for every day of the month. The data in the worksheet consists of columns (employee #, name, clock in/out times, and break penalty).

What I am trying to do is create another worksheet that searches all the other worksheets for a "yes" in the "break penalty" column and then create a list of all the employees that received a break penalty for the entire month. I would like this to be able to auto populate throughout the month as data is entered and not have to use a filter every time I want to compile this list.

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Using Search Across Different Worksheets

Dec 5, 2007

I have 3 worksheets in my workbook, these are listings of people in offices, their address and phone numbers. Unfortunatly the acurate data is split between 2 worksheets and I'm trying to gather it into one.

First worksheet has columns: First Name, Last Name & Phone number

Second worksheet: Address, Full name (sometimes more than one people separated by commas)

What I want to do:
-Import the First, Last name and Phone from worksheet 1 to the new one. Done!
-(Now the complicated part) For each row in the new worksheet, gather the First and Last name together and run a search on the 2nd worksheet's Full Name column (the one that sometimes have more than one name separated by commas) and if a match is found, return the address information on the corresponding row to a specific cell.

Preferably I wanted to do this without the use of VBA as I'm an absolute beginner in the language.

A link to the test file I'm using: Link!

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Macro To Search All Worksheets

Jul 30, 2007

I've been writing a little macro to prompt a user with a form which lets them select 2 reports to open and also lets them select a month. One report contains financial data for the month and the other report contains all data for the year. So each month someone has to copy data from report 1 into report 2.

I have so far been able to:
-create form with error handling to open files
- select values from a pivot table in report 1
- search pivot table 1 (single sheet) and copy the Name and Total $ fields

what i haven't been able to do:
When i get the data from report 1 I switch to report 2. When i get to report to i need to search all the sheets in order to find a name with the original Name field from report 1 (I then have a HUGE case statement that will tell me if name = this and month = that then paste in cell $x$y). However, whenever i try to run my search across all sheets it will only find values on the sheet that is selected at the time.

I've attached my search code below, I would appreciate any help i can get as I've spent all day trying to resolve it with no luck

Function findinworkbook(TruncName)
Dim ws As Worksheet

On Error Resume Next

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
' Find Function
Cells.Find(What:=TruncName, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ActiveCell.Comment.Text Text:="test" 'test to mark where the matched cells are
On Error Goto 0

End Function

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Search And Match Between 2 Sheets?

Feb 27, 2014

I need sheet1 column B to match whatever is next to it in column A to the same value in sheet 2 column A and then return the value next to it in sheet 2 column b and insert it into sheet 1 column B. I have typed in 2 rows manually as example:

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Search Function Across Multiple Worksheets?

Apr 24, 2014

I have 6 worksheets with data. Column C of every worksheet is filled with unique Tracking Numbers.

I want to create a 7th worksheet with a search function. Users will be able to type in a Tracking Number (on cell A2), and information associated with that Tracking Number (from Columns A, D, E, F and G of worksheets 1-6) will show up beneath cell A2 on cells A4, B4, C4, D4, and E4.

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Create Search Within Excel Worksheets

Jul 22, 2014

Attached is my excel worksheet I have created for a tracking/billing system for numerous schools. How I can create a search form?

For example, I want to find all of the kids in 5th grade that had to be referred throughout the whole document. Or I want to find a certain name to see if they have been paid but I do not know the location.


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Search Multiple Worksheets For Several Keywords

May 11, 2009

I am trying to set up a worksheet which takes keywords from several cells (user populates these cells) and searches all worksheets for these keywords.

for example, i have C1:G1 set up as possible search string entry cells where the user types their text. I need a function which takes the data in whichever of these cells have been filled in (i.e. it may only be in 1 cell, 2 cells or all 5) and searches each worksheet for all cells containing ALL keywords. (as it finds each one, i will highlight the cell, but that part of the code is obviously very easy )

Currently i have this (note, i havent yet figured out how to but the k1 to k5 variables into the search string yet which is why they are set but not used):
At the moment, its not ever looking past worksheet 1 - can anyone see why? and then how to i get it to look for all entered keywords?

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Search Box Searches Multiple Worksheets

Jan 9, 2013

I love Excel and love learning new things to do in it to create some amazing number-crunching techniques. I have created a workbook with multiple worksheets [one for every month in the year]. I searched this amazing forum and succesfully implemented the search box macro to find and copy the found data on a separate worksheet.

My question is that the macro I found in the this post Creating a Search Box in Excel only searches for the data in one worksheet. How do I tell it to search for the inputted data in all worksheets?

Here is the first part of the macro. I was trying to fiddle around with the strDataShtNm but to no avail.


Sub myFind()
'Standard module code, like: Module1.
'Find my data and list found rows in report!
Dim rngData As Object
Dim strDataShtNm$, strReportShtNm$, strMySearch$, strMyCell$
Dim lngLstDatCol&, lngLstDatRow&, lngReportLstRow&, lngMyFoundCnt&

On Error GoTo myEnd

strDataShtNm = "Sheet2" 'This is the name of the sheet that has the data!
strReportShtNm = "Sheet1" 'This is the name of the report to sheet!

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Search A Workbook With Multiple Worksheets

Mar 28, 2008

Need MACRO to search a workbook with multiple worksheets?

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Search Worksheets, Conditional Counting?

Mar 9, 2007

My workbook is made up of a number of worksheets, A master sheet, which creates new sheets for each work order I enter. Therefore, eventually I will end up with a large number of worksheets that I will have to sort through to find what I need. I put in a command button to allow me to search and hide all of the worksheets that do not match the the work order number I entered. However, if no sheets contain a matching number, then all sheets will be hidden, except for the master sheet. I want to add an exception that pops open a message box if no matches were found and stops the code. I was thinking of doing a conditional count to count all worksheets that match the criteria. If the count = 0, then the message box will open.

Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Search As String
Search = InputBox("Enter work order", "Search Archives", "")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws. Range("D4") <> Search And ws.Name <> "Master" Then
ws.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Search All Worksheets & Go To Found Values

Aug 30, 2007

I have a workbook with a sheet for every month. I have a searchbox searching for a client and jumping to that location. The problem I am having is that it takes me to the last occurence in the workbook if there is more that one client with the search criteria. Do you have any suggestions for a searchbox that whould take me to the first occurence and give me an option to go to the next occurence in the workbook. Please see the code below that I am using currently using.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim cl As Range, rng As Range
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

Set rng = ws.UsedRange
With rng
Set cl = .Find(Me.TextBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)

If Not cl Is Nothing Then

Application.Goto cl


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Conditional Formatting - Match And Search

Mar 21, 2014

Attached is the example : Example.xlsx

Basically, would like to have the following conditional formatting:

There is a fruit listed and the are person 1 and person 2. If the fruit under Person 1 or Person 2 matches the fruit under Fruit, the cell under either person 1 or person 2 highlights green; if it does not match, it highlights red. If the fruit has not been listed under fruit, such as in cell A3, cells B3 and C3 are not highlighted.

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Search And Match Several Values Which Are In Different Order

Oct 14, 2009

Lets say these are the values in sheet 1, ROW 1:
B1: David
C1: 44673
F1: Mika
G1 77463

And these are the Lets say these are the values in sheet 2 ROW 155:
B1: 77463
C1: 44673
I1: David
J1 44673

As you can see, there are the same 9 values in both rows in both sheets ( (no value is important as well).
However, they are not located in the same row number (1 and 155) and the order in which they are written is different.

What I would like to do is to search all the rows in sheet 2,(columns B-J only) and if there is a match for all values in a specific row to a row in sheet 1 (again, order is not important), than the Value in column A from the specific row in sheet 1 will be copied to Column A in sheet 2 for that maching row.

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Search List A Highlight Non Match

Oct 31, 2009

Within conditional formatting I use =COUNTIF(Task,I4)=0 and it highlights the non-matches. Task is a named range which works fine, but how could I actually just use a string instead of the named range? The named range only consists of Major and Sub. My first guess would be =COUNTIF({"Major";"Sub"},I4)=0 but this is not working.

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