Find Top X Percentages With Duplicate Criteria Lookups
Apr 3, 2009
I have a matrix of suppliers which stores quality ratings against various service parameters. Customers then order their priorities and my intention is to then generate a report which lists the suppliers that meet their parameters.
a method of generating this report (on ClientRecommendation in the attached) which lists the top 5 suppliers under each weighted parameter, together with their scores? I realise that the answer must lie in some combination of INDEX and MATCH, but I cannot get my brain around how to generate the row numbers, as top 5 suppliers often share the same score for a particular parameter. For example, if I set up a row lookup on 80% I can so far only get one occurrence of 80% and no others.
This is probably not clear from my explanation, so I have attached the full example, from which it should be more obvious.
I have also seen a very clever VBA solution (#60695), which I think may be the neatest method, but I am not knowledgeable enough to make it work for my case.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a worksheet that tracks errors (10 different error types are tracked) that may occur on anywhere from 20 to 200 different jobs. What I need to be able to do is find all the jobs for any given day where a specific error has occurred two or more times for that day. Often a specific error will occured many times on the same job on the same day. What I need to end up with is only one row for each job that shows the Date/Time (m/d/yyy h:nn), JobNumber (number), ErrorNumber (text field) by either hiding or deleting those rows that do not meet the criteria.
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Sep 14, 2009
Without using helper columns, what is the best way to return a value from an array using three criteria from irregular data? The attached sample gives and example.
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Dec 23, 2009
If you look at my attached example. I'd like the date line/columns in Sheet "8002372008" to be populated automatically with data from Sheet "Data".
Is this possible? VLOOKUPs and MATCH are what I was thinking, but I'm not sure how to do it.
I know it could probably be done in VB, but I don't want to have to click on each "800 Number" sheet to update it every time, so that my summary sheets are accurate.
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Jun 27, 2014
I need a formula to create the following:
In Cell F5 is 26, so the percentage should be 101% (100+1). How can I modify the below to add 1% when the number goes over 100%?
Do I have to create two columns? one for the below and one if the F6 is over 100%?
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Jun 21, 2013
I need a formula that will tell me what Tracking # in the spreadsheet has multiple dispositions and what those disposition are. I need the formula to use column and cell coordinates and not using word searches.
Tracking # Req.# Disposition
1490069 045 snakes
1015907 047 candy bars
1488026 044 chickens
1015907 047 sand paper
1015907 001 fruitcups
1490129 046 cupcakes
1484817 043 Cats and dogs
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Oct 31, 2006
I would like to create a lookup facility that will allow me fill in data automatically as the example shows below.
The following is a brief of the data i have.
RD Database EX Code Ex Name RD Name
Central LondonCL Jerome De Chassey
Midlands CM Paul Hendron
London N/EAEA Mark Whitley
Midlands EM ABX Abbots Paul Hendron
London W/NHCEM BJA Blisworth Kim Mears
As you can see their is duplicate data as well as blank data, but i would like a field where the user types the following:
Database Ex Code (e.g.)
and this will automatically fill the EX Name and RD Name fields.
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Nov 7, 2011
I have multiple items in the similar column. I need to find the row number of the last one. For eg. In column B1 to B5 I have Apple in the first 4 cells and Mango in the last cell.
I need the Row number of Last Apple i.e row 4. How can I achieve that using VBA?
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May 28, 2013
I got 2 sheets one with Employees name in col A number of hours worked in col B. Second sheet is download form time clock which has Name in Col A and Hours worked in Col B and other details in other columns. I want MACRO to delete matching rows depend on Col A and Col B .
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Mar 20, 2013
I have sales rep data with column headings as Sales Rep, Sales Date, Sales Item Code and Customer ID. There are only 2 sales reps in the data, I'll call them Rep A and Rep B. I need to extract rows where Rep A and Rep B have made sales on the same day to the same customer (it doesn't matter what type of sales). I don't want to extract sales by only one rep, it must be both reps on the same day to the same customer. I have tried a pivot table but it identifies all sales. Can this be done?
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Aug 21, 2013
formatiing a cell, e.g. change color to RED, in the event the value is a duplicate. To make it clear, I need to show that if the Serial Number of a product just entered is a duplicate and should change color when a combination of conditions is true. i.e. if a "part number" AND the currently entered "serial number" already exist, the entered serial numbers should change color.
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Jan 17, 2007
I have a long list of work items based on a 7 digit number. The work item is referenced by a code named DS or WU.Example as below and the work item# has duplication throughout the list.(work item # repeated)
Work Item DS/WU
1234567 DS
1234568 WU
1234569 DS
1234562 DS
1234567 WU
I need to create a formula that counts how many duplications of work items, by the number of DS or WU. Based on the above example, the formula should arrive at the results below
Work Item #of Duplication DS WU
1234567 2 1 1
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Jun 28, 2009
I'm treating a set of data in excel in wich I have three long columns of values. I need to find all sets of three equal values in these columns (for instance, I need to find all lines with 1,1,1 or 2,2,2 and so on). How can I make a programe to do this?
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Nov 29, 2006
I have a selected row as my range. I want to check if a specific value ("*") repeats twice.
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Feb 27, 2009
I have pasted an excel report that I need to find any duplicate information. For example they are seperated 2 sets of 4.
For example:
Column A and B is one set
Column C and D is one set
With column E is where I need a way to flag duplicate information with "yes" or "true" on that set
The same would need to have happen on the next column G thru J then M thru P finaly S thru V
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - compare-v1.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutW1=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW1Internet & DMZ Idns db-whipNamed.confInternet & DMZ Idns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates Internet & DMZ edns db-whipNamed.confInternet & DMZ edns db-MetroNamed.confDuplicates Integration idns db-whipNamed.confIntegration idns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates Integration edns db-whipNamed.confIntegration edns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates2zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-whip/db. 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-metro/db. zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-whip/db. 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-metro/db. zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-whip/db."zone "0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-metro/db." zone "0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-....................
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Aug 15, 2009
I have two columns of numbers (2003), some of which match. Each column is of a different length and is arranged in a different order. I need to find all the number matches between the two columns. I can sort them ascending numerically but the columns are still disjointed with only occasional number pairs being readily visible.
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Aug 1, 2006
Still working on my New Supplier UserForm and need some more advice... When a user enters a postcode into the postcode textbox - called txt_Pcode - on the userform, I would like some VB code to look at the existing supplier's postcodes (on separate sheet "Suppliers") and if the postcode already exists then go to it so that the user can visually check whether the 'new' supplier exists and decide to continue entering the new supplier or not. Also, I would like this textbox to be a required field...
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Feb 14, 2007
Got a workbook with 4 worksheets and sometimes we need to cut and paste a row from one worksheet to another, now thats easy now as we are all human and sometimes it gets copied and we have duplicate logs.
Now each sheet has usually not got that many rows in it, but that spreadsheet is getting sent to the highest people in the company and any mistakes look poor.
What i'm looking for is a way that i can highligh any rows that a duplicated in each worksheet. I can do it in each worksheet using conditional formatting with something like = COUNTIF($A8:$A$20,A8)>1. but don't know how to check that is not on any other worksheet. On every worksheet only need to check Col A for the duplicate information
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Jan 13, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has thousands of rows of data with maybe 6 columns.
I would like to remove the duplicate rows but the problem I am facing is that I would like to use column A as the criteria.
There are some duplicates in column A but the issue is that the data in column B, C, D, etc may not be the same for each duplicate.
Easier to see in this image:
So A1 is the same as A6
A1 has data in B1 and C1, no data in D1
A6 has data in B1, C1 and D1
I need to delete either row A1 or row A6, it is irrelevant which row it is but one of them has to go.
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Apr 8, 2014
I need to generate a form letter from values on another sheet. I'm using vlookup and as you know, for duplicate values, only the first reference is given. I have several duplicates and need to pull the correct row data for each instance. I would need to replace each vlookup with the proper formula in my letter.
sample file.xlsx‎
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Feb 5, 2011
The background to my problem is that I'm trying to create a unique dictionary for a game I'm programming. I have imported the dictionary into Excel and need to manipulate it with the following conditions:
Word length can only be 3-5 characters longWord cannot contain special characters like hyphen or apostropheWord cannot have repeated characters
I got the first two criteria done using pretty brute for methods. The first using the LEN function to find words greater than 2 and those less than 6 and then comparing those two lists to get the list of 3-5 character words. The second I did manual search for characters and replaced them with six random characters so they would fail criteria 1 and be filtered out.
The last one I'm having problems figuring out. The game I'm programming only lets you use a letter once. So words like "dad" (or coincidentally enough "mom") would not be valid.
Is there a way I can look at the words in the cell and see if any character is repeated and then act upon that (e.g., copy to another column if no letters are repeated)?
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Aug 2, 2009
see attached sheet. Column A has File Name. Need to highlight the duplicate data as you can see there is 2 duplicate data which i have manually highted ( C19 is duplicate of C12, C83 is duplicate of C84).
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Feb 14, 2010
how to reference the drang (named range) and the cell propertly as i keep getting an error.
Everything in the below code works except the parts below in blue
I have in column X lots of names and in column Y (dynamic column
anges as the users chooses them as per the code) and I want to loop through all names in 'X' and if there are multiple of the same names then for the corresponding 'Y' row entry of each be checked and if they are equal (same $ value) then for one of them of cells in the Y column to be cleared.
Basically if the same name appears more than once it will most likley have the same $ value and if i do a calculation on the $'s it will be 2,3,10 times the amount it should be, hence the need for this .
As per the below code I am trying to use 2 for Each loops though I keep getting an error when trying to reference the drng range which has the values in them..
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Jan 18, 2012
formula to find duplicates and count only on instance of them.
image below:
Uploaded with
As you could see on column A i have several entries,some of them duplicated. In column B i have a formula to check weather the value on column A is duplicated or Not. From this values i want to count only one instance of duplicated entries. I want to have one instance of Oscar to be counted as original and regardless the number of duplicates i want to count only 1. i want this not only for Oscar but for all the duplicates with more than 1 duplicate result.
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a list of data that currently has a conditional format on it of =COUNTIF($F$2:$F2,$F1)>1 so that it will highlight the duplicate but keep the first entry blank. I wondered whether there is a way to identify the last duplicate in the list. i imagine this could be done in a column say with an "L".
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Mar 29, 2012
I found a lot of information on this but not what I need. I have 8 columns A - H. Column D has some duplicate numbers. I would like to find the duplicate numbers in column D (they are all one right after the other) and delete the entire row leaving only the first. I do not need to sum or anything, just delete the row with a duplicate number. If there are 2 or 3, I just end up with one.
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May 31, 2012
I have two columns with aproximately 80,000 rows each lets say column A and D.
Column A has numbers and it is the most recent data extracted from a program. Column D has also numeric records most of which are also in column A.
I need a macro that will take each number in column D and compare it to column A when the macro finds that the number in D exists in column A it shoudl move the number on the same row on column B (right next to it)
If the number does not exist on on columna a It should start a list on column C.
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Mar 28, 2013
I got 2 excel pivot tables with 2 columns.
Table 1 (Sheet 1) -- Column A and B - input
I want to compare both tables, finding the same Number on Column 1 for each table, and sum the values of column 2.
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Mar 26, 2008
I am trying to find the Duplicate value in Column E and save it in another tab.
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Jun 2, 2009
Is there a good way to find out after the exists returns True in which place in the array the Z is located in ?
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Z = a(i, ii) & ";" & a(i, ii + 1)
If .exists(Z) Then
msgbox "The array location for existing Z value is ..."...
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