Find And Copy Last Cell Value In Columns A And B

Mar 30, 2014

Problem: Unable to retrieve last cell value in both columns A and B with the following formula.

Range("A2:B2").End(xlDown). Copy

Presently this only finds the last value in column A and copies that value.

Would like to know how to modify/change the range to look for the last cell in both columns A and B?

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How To Find Matches Between Two Columns And Copy Cells In Row

Jan 15, 2013

I've just started with VBA and are trying to figure out following:

I'm using a validation list where the user choose one of twelve alternatives. The option she or he made is found in one or more rows in column B. If there is a match between the alternative in the validation list and in column B I want to copy some of the cells in the same row as the match in column B (to be exact, I want to copy the cells in column E, J, N and P) to another sheet.

I've succeeded doing this with one row but I don't know how to do without using that same code over and over again until Excel has made it trough all the rows. And there is over 200 of them.

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Find / Match Data From Columns And Copy Value To Column 4

May 25, 2013

I am going to explain the issue with a photo linked below

Capture2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Basically i want to match data from column one with data from column 3 if true then copy the data in column 2 to columns 4 in the same match row.

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Find & Copy Cells & Paste To Alternate Columns

Dec 6, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that I would like to loop through column "C" and if criteria is met copy and paste A:C on sheet1 to sheet2 over multiple columns alternately. What I mean by alternately is that I would past the first row in column A6 then the second in E6 then the third in A7 and so on until all items are copied. I purposely left a blank column between both columns of information. I've tried sorting/and advance filtering and couldn't get it to work.

loop through column "C" If I have the Letter "A" copy data to column "A" and "E" alternately back an forth until I no longer meet the criteria. I start putting data on the 6th row due to header information in rows 1-5.
... If column "C" is the letter "B" copy to column I,M,Q,U

Lastly I could always have less rows of information than I do columns. SO the last column could be empty. I always sort my data by column "C" so data will be sequential.

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Find Last Cell In Column And Paste Formula In Next Blank Cell Then Repeat On Remaining Columns

Jan 14, 2013

I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:

Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8")
For Each aCell In rng
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] .......

It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.

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Find The Next Columns Empty Cell

Mar 23, 2014

I have this code to look into the "find" match in Column A, and then search to the right for the next columns empty cell and update data. but it seem like the code can only manage to offset 1 and update data to Col B, instead of find the next empty cell to update data.


Dim vFind1 As String, vFind2 As String, rFound As RangeDim bFound As Boolean
vFind1 = Me.CBSupplier.Value
vFind2 = Me.CBProducts1.Value
Set rFound = Sheets("Main").Range("A:A").Find(Me.CBSupplier.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)


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Find Empty Cell Across Columns

Jul 11, 2006

I am trying to find the last cell across the columns in a specific row. i can do it going down using


but can not get it to work going across.

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How To Find If A Cell Value Existing In Multiple Columns

Mar 13, 2013

I want to find if a cell C1 is existing in columns A, B, D, or E. So I want to specify multiple discrete columns in a match function.

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Excel 2010 :: Find A Cell Within Range Then Copy That Cell To Another Location

Sep 26, 2013

(I am using Excel version 14.0.7106 and MS Office Professional 2010.)

I have a macro in which I have named a range of numbers in a spreadsheet, used the "find" function to find a particular number in that range, and now would like to copy some information into a cell in the same row as the found number. However, when I try to move over to the cell that I'm copying to, it only goes to the 1st row in the range that I have defined.

Here's the portion of code I think you need to see. Everything finds a match...but then I don't know what to do from there to get the information to the correct row:

'Grab the 1st project number
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
If ActiveCell.Value "" Then
prjnum = ActiveCell.Value
Selection.Offset(0, 8).Select

[Code] ..............

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Find Empty Cell In Range Then Copy Info In Cell Above It?

Dec 15, 2011

I've got a range of data in Column D approx 50,000 rows long and I need to go down this range and when theres a blank cell copy the info from the cell above. I've got some code which loops through this but I need to make sure I put "EOF and the bottom of the info to stop the loop. Is there a slicker way of writing this code?

Sub TestBlankCell()


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Find Cell, Copy Adjacent Cell Or Cells To Clipboard

Jun 14, 2007

Here’s what I want to do in VBA

1. Put a value in cell H1 (text and numbers)

2. Find a matching value in column A (starting in row 2), error message if the is not a match.

3. Copy the adjacent cell column B (rows vary) to the clip board. It would copy until it found the first blank row.

I have attached a scaled down version of the spreadsheet, the one I use has 100's of codes. I know some VBA but not much. I searched the forum but could not find anything.

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Find Value, Copy Adjacent Cell & Paste To Corresponding Cell Of Another Found Value

Apr 5, 2008

I have found many posts similar to what I am trying to accomplish, but nothing that I have been able to modify and make work. I need a VBA script that will find a cell with the text data "Difference" and copy the adjacent (to the right) cell's data. I then need to find a cell with text data "Ops" and paste the previous data to it's adjacent cell.

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Macro To Find Value In Cell And Copy / Paste To Other Cell

Dec 11, 2013

I have the following code, so far:


Sub CopyPasteValue()
Dim ARow
Dim AColumn
Dim BRow
Dim BColumn
Dim Value
AColumn = 1


What I want it to do is to start in cell B1 and look down until it finds a non-blank cell; copy the contents of that cell. I then need it to go to the same row Col A and go down from until it finds the first non-blank cell then paste into the corresponding cell in Col B. It should continue this way through the rest of the worksheet. There is no set pattern to say to go down 5 rows or such. Also the number of pastes in each step is variable from 1 to ??

In my worksheet, the first non-blank cell in Col B is cell B3 and the first non-blank cell in Col A is A7. The paste should occur in cells B7:B10 because the next non-blank cell in Col A is A11.

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Find Data In Column Range & Return Cell Same Row But X Columns To Right

Jun 18, 2008

i have is 3 sheets in the same excel document. Sheet 1 is the mater sheet, which is a compilation of sheets 2 and 3, however the sheet layouts are different.

The sheets consist of a list of names and details. Sheet 1 has all the names in the list, however sheet 2 and 3 only have partial lists that are in a different order from the original list. The details listed next to the names in sheets 2 and 3 are different and hence a straight forward row copy and paste will not work.

What i need is to write a vba script that can take the name from the master list, search sheets 2 and 3 for the name and lookup the variables placed in next to the name, then update the master sheet accordingly, then continue to the next name on the master sheet and do the update again, and so on until all is updated. I have already thought about using lookup functions in excel however there is 1000 names on the list and around 60 details so it would be messy.

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Find Min Then Copy Cell Content

Jul 1, 2009

I have a list of values that are the following:

Column A: City Name
Column B: Distance to destination

Is there a command to find the minimum value in Column B and then copy the corresponding city name into a cell of my choosing.

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Find Last Cell In A Row And Copy Data

Feb 10, 2009

I am looking for a macro to do the below

copy range b2:b8 from sheet 2
find the first empty cell on sheet 1 row 2
paste values into there

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Find Locate Cell And Copy 1 Row Below

Aug 31, 2006

I have a spreadsheet formed from a text file.

I want to search for each instance of "DOG" in column A, and copy the row below it and then paste that entire row to a new sheet called DOG. I can then autofilter and use a pivot table on the DOG sheet.

I cant just use an autofilter, because the row below can and sometimes does appear elsewhere in the spreadsheet, but refers to something else. It is all because this is an imported text file.

I have attached the spreadsheet to show you what I mean.....

here is the code I have so far, modified from another thread I posted.

Sub dogs()
Dim rd As Worksheet, dg As Worksheet, i As Long
Dim fRng As Range, Crit

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

Set rd = Sheets("Pets")
Set dg = Sheets("Dog")

The attached is a very cut down version of my spreadsheet...

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Find Range With Value X And Copy To A Cell

Feb 13, 2007

I have small problem to solve and I can't find out how: I have to find cells in a range (L4:L20) with value PM and copy range with two next cells to cell F4 (not a cell with "PM") If in range("L4:L20") cells = PM then copy range with next 2 cells to ("F4"). See attached worksheet.

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Find Cell Value In Another Workbook & Copy

Feb 14, 2008

What I have is a collection of about 500 .xls files that I want to import into a single worksheet in a new workbook, but I only want to bring in specific cells from the source sheets which are unfortunately not always in the same row numbers.

I have found this link on loops:

Which looks like it will do the work of digging through each workbook in a certain folder, but do I need to further specify a sheet within the workbook once it's opened in that loop code? Even if there's only one sheet in each source workbook? The sheets are named differently in each workbook, so that may be a problem.

Now the really complicated bit (I think) is the conditional stuff. Each source sheet is three columns (A, B and C) and I want to import the string (some will be numbers, some will be text) from the C column to a single row of the destination sheet, but only if the string in the source's B column matches what I'm looking for. There will actually be a few dozen of these conditional searches based on different strings from the B column, but if someone could just show me how to do it for a single string, I can expand that to all the other searches I need to do.

Let's say the search term is 'Application ID,' how do I look through the source worksheet for that string in column B and if I find it bring the string from column C on the same row into my destination sheet?

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Find Unique Cell Then Copy To Other Sheets

Aug 18, 2009

Look up a match on sheet1 from individual cells from sheet2, and if match copy and paste to sheet3, and i need this to be done for every cell in sheet2. Sort of a CTRL-F type of deal but for about 3000 individual cells on sheet2. The sheet1 contains about 10 columms with about 10000 cells all together. so to do this individually its just not posible.

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Find Cell Content And Copy Row Into New Sheet

Apr 7, 2014

I have tried to these through formulas without success but i think i need VBA also which i am not very experienced.

I want to paste a list in the "InsertList" sheet. This list will only contain the word "Correct" or "False". From then on i need a way to search for the word "Correct" or "False" in the columnS P,Q,R,S,T,U,V.

e.g. If in the column "P" on the "InsertList" sheet the word "Correct" is found, i need that entire row from A to V to be copied onto it's destination, in this case "sheet1".

If the word "Correct" is found on the column "Q" on the "InsertList" sheet, the rows from A to V need to be copied in the Sheet2. And so on..



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Lookup Find If Copy In Next Blank Cell

Mar 4, 2008

I have a workbook with 12 sheets. On the 12th sheet I need some VB to go to each of the other tabs and find the letter “E” or “H” in column F. Once the “E” or “H” is found in column F and a number =>9 is found in column E then copy that row from column A-F and paste this row to sheet 12.
On sheet 12, I would like to be able to paste the row in a way that will hold the date in column A. The date can also be copied from each sheet found in cell E1. Also, the tab name has to be copied to sheet 12 with the row the E or H was found if “=>9 criteria” was met.

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Macro To Find A String And Copy It To Next Cell.

May 13, 2009

find a string and copy certian string to next cell i have tried something which can copy but unforunately that is copying whole cell not certian string.

I have data of 500 rows and i have data till A,B,C,D and E.Please ignore all the other rows which are of no use except E in Column E i just need Reference : A0000000:1 to be copied to next column beside to it that means in Column F.

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Find The Blank Cell And Copy The Fixed Value

Jun 23, 2009

If cells in column J are not blank, values in column K must be copied from column I.

If not, i.e. cells in column J are blank, values in column K must be copied from column I + the fixed value in cell $C$2.

Can't get "if" nor "notblank" formula working.

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VBA Cell Value Copy In Variable And Find Replace?

Feb 9, 2013

I'm trying to work on a macro that will copy two cell ranges (name of current month and prvious month) from one location, store it as a variable and use that variable to find replace similar text string in another tab. Below is my code which is not changing the values in another tab...

Dim OldMonth As String
Dim NewMonth As String


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Macro To Find / Copy And Paste To Cell

Jul 26, 2013

I want to find data from a certain point and paste this to a cell. My objective is to get all the data on too one row. This row is always 1 in col M called Run#. The find locations never change, just the data being copied always changes . Heres example,

In col K find FHBASC and look across to the right 3 cells in col N and copy.
Look in col M and find 1, paste above copied data into col GI.

Then move down rows to next FHBASC and repeat process until end of sheet.

If I can get a very basic simple macro to do this, then hopefully I can just re write to suit my other data.

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Copy, Find Next Empty Cell, Paste

Mar 20, 2005

I am using MS Excel 2000. Sheet1 is my working sheet. Cell A17 displays the current date (dd/mm/yyyy). Cells B17:K17 display my summary figures for that day. What I would like is a macro button that would look at the date in Cell A17, and if it is the first of the month …. eg 01/03/2005 it should insert a new sheet into the workbook and put the name Mar05in this case or what ever month it is on the tab. It then copies Cell A17:K17 and pastes the data in to the corresponding monthly sheet starting in A3 to K3. Because my working sheet (Sheet1) is updated with different data daily the new summary data (always in A17:K17) needs to be copied and pasted under the previous days entry in the corresponding monthly sheet. For the month of March I should end up with 31 entries giving me a summary for that month.

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Find Non-blank Cell In Column Then Copy Row

Jun 5, 2008

Basically this is what I want to do:

1. Search a specific column (Column 21/U) for non-blank values in Worksheet 1
2. Copy the entire row containing the non-blank values
3. Paste these rows into Worksheet 2.

Repeat steps 1-3 an additional 2 times, where Worksheet 1 is always searched but one more column to the right (ex. Column 22/V) is the target column for the search, then the rows are pasted into the next Worksheet (for ex. Worksheet 3)

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Function That Will Find Value In A Cell And Copy It To Another Cell

Apr 27, 2009

Function for G6 that will look for data in A6 and put results in F6. I have attached a sample woorkbook so you can better see what i am needing.

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Find Text In One Cell Then Copy To Another Cell

Dec 9, 2009

I'm not very good at programming with excel and ive looked every where for how to do this but i cant find it ....

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