Find First Value (from A List) Which Appears Prior To Target Value?
Sep 26, 2013
I have attached an example spreadsheet that shows my problem. Basically, in column A I have several thousand rows of 3 or 4 letter codes. In column B, I need a formula that will find one particular target code in Col A and then in the adjacent cell in Col B, display the first code to appear in Col A above the target code which matches the list of desired codes.
So the briefly re-state the problem, I need a formula which finds every case of one particular code in Col A (in the example spreadsheet the code is ABCD), and then read back up Col A to find the first value which matches the desired code (from a list of about 5-10 codes), ignoring other values which represent codes that are not on the list, and place this col B adjacent to the target code.
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Jul 18, 2013
Excel 2007 I have a spreadsheet of file boxes the keeps a log of boxes, contents, locations and shred dates. Currently figuring out when and which boxes can be shredded is a manual hunt, find, and then deal with it. I can use CF and Sorting but I have been looking at some search type functions to return a list meeting the requirements and trying to step my way towards that.
1st attempt. Was find out how many boxes meet the shred (before today) that have not already been detroyed. Column K is the Shred Date, D1 is Todays date, Column G is Status. Got this working good.
My failed attempt came at trying to find the earliest shred date excluding those that have been destroyed. This is not really neeed but I was hoping it would get me closer to creating the list of boxes that meet shred that have not already been destroyed.
Note: Column A is the Box No. and the spreadsheet contains blanks as we continue to add file boxes to storage.
Below array formula find the highest box number used by each department.
I would like to create a list of boxes including Column A "Box no.", Column H "Location", Column K "Shred Date" for any box whose shred date is before today that has not aleady been labeled "Destroyed" in Column G.
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Jun 4, 2008
I am using a piece of track changes VBA code mentioned on this site, which among other things creates a new column that reports the number of any cell that has been changed (e.g., $K$32). What I would like to do is, next to that cell, report the title of the row in which that cell appears. In other words, if someone changes cell $K$32, for easier reference I'd like others to be able to see that this cell appears in a row titled "New Sales". I'll be happy to clarify with more specifics if need be.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have two very large data sets and I need to see if any of the values on one sheet (B2:B380975) appear on another workbook (B2:B216607).
I know that I can do this with COUNTIF, but it's going to take ages to calculate.
Current COUNTIF formula is:
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Jan 11, 2013
I'm looking to capture the first & last date that a value is entered across a range of dates. See the example below. Note that I will have some instances where a given person has more than one entry line. For reference I showed my desired output at the bottom.
Desired result:
name 1
name 2
name 3
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Jun 4, 2008
If I have columns A-F and the 1st time a number appears in that row I want to know the column number, so if the first time a number appears in column 'C' I want it to return 3.
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Apr 17, 2009
I have a list of numbers in Column A (labeled "Number"), with a list of dates in Column B (labeled "Date & Time"). Every date in Column B is unique, but some numbers in Column A appear more than once.
I am trying to create a simple formula that will automatically search for the LAST time a unique number appears in Column A (ignoring all previous instances of this number), and copy the date right next to it in Column B to another location on another worksheet.
I tried fussing with several of the built-in functions, but I really don't know what I'm doing, and the built-in help documents are filled with too much mathematical/programmer technical terminology for me to understand. All the tutorials I've looked at seem to think I want to add some numbers together, but I don't want to do any calculations!
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Mar 8, 2008
I'm trying to do a vlookup on a list of items where the item I'm looking up may appear more than once. when this happens it will only post the result of the first one it comes to in the list when I use the standard vlookup. does anyone know of a way I can get it to report all the results for a value that appears more than once?
CodePO Line DescriptionQty DueUOM
745000738031015mm Sandstone 3,018M
745000741791015mm Sandstone 3,018M
745000745091015mm Sandstone 3,018M
1245000738032015mm Jet 3,018M
1245000745092015mm Jet 6,036M
4645000741792015mm Poppy 3,018M
4845000741793015mm White 6,036M
4845000745093015mm White 3,018M
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Apr 19, 2014
I am trying to use find and replace but the text that i'm searching for appears three times in the cell. I only need to replace the first occurrence in the cell. Alternatively, if there is a way to do this, can the second and third occurrence be changed?
Cheryl called Louie to advise she would be late for the meeting. Louie responded that he would meet Cheryl at her office. Cheryl confirmed.
I need to change the first 'Cheryl' to a job title and the second and third Cheryl to her initials (CL) so would read:
Manager of Aboriginal Affairs called Louie to advise she would be late for the meeting. Louie responded that he would meet CL at her office. CL confirmed.
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Apr 9, 2008
I've tried to sort a list using the sort 1st by and then by options, but it will only sort by one of the options. I've tried with a header row, without a header row and every way I can think of and still can not get it to sort by more than one column on this particular list.
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Sep 1, 2007
i am needing to issue a dos command in excel? basically i need to send a target link to a file. i cant use a hyper link for several reasons, and this is the only way i know how to go about this.
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Nov 21, 2008
the number of days when there were 0 cases
the number of days there was 1 case
the number of days when there were 2 cases.
As yet there are no days in which there were more than 2 cases but there might be in the future.
I have a list of dates when operations took place in that room. On some days the it was not in use, so those dates don't appear in the list. Some days there was 1 case, so that date appears once in the list. On some days there were two cases, so that date appears twice in the list.
What I've done so far is create a pivot table that contains all the dates, then grouped it by day and counted the number of times there was 1 or 2 cases in a day by hand, then subtracted the total to get the days when there weren't any cases.
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May 3, 2007
is it possible to do the following with a drop down list, without requiring VBA? I would like to have 20 products to choose from in a drop down box. When the user selects one of the products, a more detailed product description will appear in the same cell where the drop down list is. For ex: If the user chose "chair" from the drop down list, what I would like to appear in the same cell is "chair - model T654".
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Dec 19, 2013
I have a single work book with 8 sheets (I am using Excel 2010 BTW) and I am trying to find a total of times a word appears across all the sheets in column "C"
I found this formula on another thread. =SUM(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Sheet"&{1,2,3}&"!C1:C1000"),"="&H3)) with an example. I made the changes that I needed for my purposes
This worked but only after I renamed the sheets to Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
Is there a way get the same results from the above formula if all the sheets are named after our reps? Example: sheet1 is named Dan, Sheet2 is Nick, etc?
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Jan 24, 2014
I'd like to search for a specific value like (1) in an array of cells like (A:A). The result needs to be the average number of a different column (B:B) in the same row as the searched value (1). And the resulting number should be rounded up to the nearest 10.
Example below: (Find value = 1 in A:A) ... 1 is found 4 times.
A | B
1 | 295
3 | 123
1 | 400
5 | 425
1 | 354
1 | 400
In the example above there are 4 (1's) found. By adding all the values in column (B) of the same row, we get 295+400+354+400 = 1449, dividing that in 4, the average is 362.25, rounding that up to the nearest 10... THE RESULT I'M LOOKING FOR IS: 370
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Nov 13, 2013
We are in the process of switching from running Excel 2007 under Windows XP to running Excel 2010 under Windows 7. Most of my Excel reports are not having any issues. However, I have several macros that cause Excel to crash when they go to save the file. Through trial & error, I have found that the problem seems to occur after deleting custom lists that were created earlier in the macro. Here's the pertinent code:
' Declare Variables
Dim VarListNum1
Dim VarListNum2
Dim VarListNum3
When I execute the macro line-by-line, it is creating & deleting the custom lists as expected. However, if I try to save the file after any of the custom lists have been created, Excel crashes. Has something changed in Excel 2010?
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May 4, 2009
I have a sheet which details specific card numbers in Column A, and the date and place of transaction in the Column B. This very long list contains multiple entries for each card number. What I would like to do is use Sheet2 to list each card number and the number of times it appears in the list.
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Nov 14, 2012
I need a formula to find the latest date (Column A) a given value appears in Column B.
Column A is a list of dates.
Column B can contain any of 6 values (For example: A, B, C, D, E, F).
And, to make it even more fun, the system I'm working on doesn't allow macros.
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Apr 27, 2014
I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.
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Dec 3, 2012
I have main worksheet (target a) that I am trying to populate data from target(worksheet) b. The data I am trying to get from target b changes every month,(declining balance) based on a new month. So how can I get financial data from different cell each month from "b" into same cell in "a"? (so "A" # would be overwritten in same cell based on new # from "B". I have tried VLookup but can't be doing something correct.
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Jul 30, 2012
I want to count the number of times any given number appears either as a consecutive group or singularly.
To give you a context I monitor windturbines and for any given fault code I wish to count the number of events it occurs in a month. Now it could be for 1 hour then clear the next then back for 17 then claer again. That would be 2 events!
NB the data is in seperate coulumns per turbine.
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Nov 12, 2007
Is there a way to get Excel to look down a column for a particular value and where that value appears hide the row it appears in?
We have a series of reports which all have the same template, however we don't want some customers to be able to see some of the products as these are own-label products for which aren't offered to everyone.
I'd like to add this as a macro to a combo-box so that the user can view a report for their customer and then send a copy to the customer with the knowledge they won't see anything we don't want them to...
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Jun 17, 2014
I have a macro that when you run it, it creates a new tab with the next month on it. I.e. I'm in January 2014 and I hit the button it creates a tab for February 2014....
In a different workbook, I want to have it copy this newly created tab name into cell A1 of what we'll call Hidden_Tab.
So I want to have Hidden_tab A1 say January 2014, then I press the button to run the macro and it then copies the new tab name from the tab I just created: February 2014 and pastes it in Hidden_tab A1 and so on...
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Nov 2, 2009
Could it be possible to "sequentially offset" a vlaue, say, of A1 such that, for instance, when A1 changes from "5" to "6" (via formula, not direct input), A1=6 and, say, B1=5, and so on? You know, like keeping a value record of A1, one step back, in B1.
This would be UNBELIEVABLY valuble to me. Thus, would I be in eternal debt to he/she who would resolve this here.
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Nov 15, 2009
range C7:AJ7 should look for a 1 in C5:AJ5 and start placing a 4 till 8 cells after the 1.
Range C6:AJ6 will be a little bit more complicated it should place a 2 in each cell, starting from 10 cells prior the 3th last number in range C5:AJ5.
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Feb 6, 2014
I am looking for a formula to search two columns.
1) The first column needs to be search to match a text string.
2) If the text string matchs, I need excel to evaluate the number in the second column and find the MIN value of all numbers associated with the text string.
Joe 50
Jim 12
Joe 10
Rob 25
Jim 8
Rob 99
When searching for "Joe", the function would return 10. When searching for "Jim" the function would return 8. For "Rob", it would return "25".
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Jul 31, 2008
I have a list of 200,000 e-mail addresses in a excel document in column A. What i am trying todo is find all the duplicate e-mail addresses within the list that appears more than four times.
I have tried this forumla in colunm B so it lists how many times the record appears: =countif($A$2:$A$244270,A2) which works fine and then a number appears next to each record. Then i pressed the sort filter to arrange all the records in number order so all the 5's are at the top of the worksheet but that does'nt always list them in the correct number order.
Basically all i want todo is find all the records that appear in my list more than five times then make a list of just one of those 5 records so i can remove them from my e-mail system.
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Jun 18, 2014
I am mailing a letter on the 15th day and the 45th day after a hire date. The effective date will be the 1st of the month following 60 days. A meeting will be held every 3rd Thursday of the month for all new hires. What I am trying to accomplish is calculating the 3rd Thursday of the month PRIOR to the 1st of every month.
i.e. hire date is 3/11/14 - 1st letter goes out 3/26/14 (15 days) - 2nd letter goes out 4/25/14 (45 days).
Their eligibility date is 6/1/14 (1st of the month following 60 days).
The meeting is held on 5/15/14 (3rd Thursday of the month prior to the first of the month (June))...
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Apr 6, 2009
I have a need to simply rename a workbook without saving. I have a master template named "IR QT" but, within the workbook, I run a macro that saves the file with content from a cell as the filename. After the 'Save' macro is executed, the sheet stays open, as planned, but obviously the file has been renamed. What I would like to happen at the end of the 'Save' macro is for the sheet to be renamed (not re-saved) to "IR QT". I just need the VBA code to put at the end of the 'Save' macro to do the rename back to "IR QT".
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Apr 25, 2008
I have a macro that selects various cells whilst it runs - nothing unusual there! What I'd like it to do is return to the activecell immediately prior to running the macro. So if cell 'B34' is active and then the Macro runs it currently returns to cell 'A12' (the last selection in the macro).
I would like it to return to cell, in this instance, 'B34'. The activecell could of course be any reference within the spreadsheet, so whatever is active prior to running macro is returned to when macro is complete.
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