Formula Cells Not To Change Once New Rows Inserted?

Dec 16, 2013

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I have in a formula in one sheet pointing to a cell in another. Once I insert a row the formula adjusts. I need them to remain static.

I have tried searching, however I'm not 100% on the terminology.I have tried the F4 shortcut and put the $ signs in, however they still change.

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Formula: Change Greater Value Is Inserted In Cell

Dec 15, 2006

I have this formula
=IF('Senate 1'!K10="",'Senate 1'!K$8,IF(S10>'Senate 1'!K10,S10,""))

what am hoping i can get it to perform is have S10 replace it self each time a greater value is inserted in Cell S10.

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Formula Not Extended To New Rows Inserted

Nov 5, 2006

I have some columns with formulas in it. at the end of the column (used range) i have a row with total values of individual columns. However, Whenver, I insert a new line, then the formula of that particular column is not applied to the new rows inserted. does any one know why? If it is not set automatically, How do i enable it do be done?

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Applying Formula In A Column For New Rows Inserted?

Jul 23, 2014

I've applied a basic multiplication formula =D12*E12 in a table Column F, also I've filled it throughout but now if new rows are inserted in between or at the end of the table, new cells in this columns doesn't include this formula.

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Change Graphs Automatically When Row Inserted

May 25, 2014

I want the 2 graphs in "Graph" worksheet to change automatically when a row is inserted in "Data" worksheet . Every time i have to change the graph manually to contain the latest 20 days value. I want some offset or something which can be put in the range provided below to do the work.

Chart Data Range =Data!$A$1:$A$22,Data!$F$1:$F$2,Data!$L$1:$L$20

Legend entries (Series) - Series Name =Data!$F$1 ( this will remain constant everyday as this is a header field)

Series Values =Data!$F$2:$F$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$F$3:$F$23)

Legend entries (Series) - Series Name =Data!$L$1 ( this will remain constant everyday as this is a header field)

Series Values =Data!$L$2:$L$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$L$3:$L$23)

Horizontal (Category) axis series -Axis Label Range =Data!$A$2:$A$22 ( this should contain last 20 days range, for example if a next row is inserted tomorrow then it should automatically change to =Data!$A$3:$A$23)

Sheet attached : Devicess.xlsx

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Change Default Text Size On Inserted Comment

Sep 26, 2009

Is it possible to change the default text size on comments I insert throughout my spreadsheets? I have to enlarge 100% of them.

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VBA - How To Reference All New / Inserted Rows

Jul 20, 2013

I would like to atribute a property (like colour) to any new row inserted in the spreadsheet. I'm struggling to find the correct way to reference a all inserted rows.

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Nameless Tables Of Different Sizes Need 20 Rows Inserted Between One Another

Jun 10, 2014

I have a file with a lot of tables of different sizes. The table ranges have not been named. I would like to use a macro to insert 20 blank rows between each of them.

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Absolute Reference To The Cell Even When Rows Are Inserted

Feb 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that gets updated from the top. Is there any way for me to mod my formulae so that they always begin with the topmost cell (row 2 in this case, and in many columns) but still extend downward?

More practical example:

I have an Average formula in column X which (at the moment) averages X2:X75. I would like, even when adding new rows at the top (in the row 2 position) the forumla to not need to be manually extended with every new entry. So, if I add three more entrie4s, it will then average X2:X78. I tried all manner of absolutes.

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Link 2 Worksheets & Accommodate Inserted Rows

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets, recording time in and time out of temporary employees. The first worksheet is a summary of each weekly timesheet. I would like to make it so the names only have to be typed once and will fill in on the subsequent sheets. I linked the cells, but since the employees may not work every week--we do not know in advance whether they should be included on the time summary at the beginning of the month.

Time Summary Worksheet
Last Name..First Name..Reg Time..OT

Time-Week 1
Last Name..First Name..Day1..Day 2, etc.

Time-Week 2...

The problem comes when I try to add a row for a new employee. If I add it to the Time Summary worksheet all the data in the Weekly timesheet worksheets is thrown off.

Time Summary Worksheet.......................

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Keep Formula When New Row Is Inserted?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a formula in Sheet1 column H that I need to appear in the cells when the button is clicked (the button inserts a new row).

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Macro For Inserting Rows After Every Nth Row And Adding Text To Inserted Row?

May 26, 2014

I have the macro to insert rows every nth row, but need to be able to insert text into that nth row.

I have a list of addresses and every 10 addresses i need to insert a 'seed' which will be have the same details everytime. This is what i have so far...

Sub InsertRowsMod10()
Dim r As Long
r = 10
Do Until Len(Cells(r, 1)) = 0
Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown
r = r + 10
End Sub

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VB - Transpose Variable Number Of Columns Into Inserted Rows

Jul 23, 2012

I have a sheet with a company name in column A, and a list of comma separated values in column B. I can easily convert column B to multiple columns with the Text to Columns function, but then I'd like to insert each individual value in a new row in column B.

So, at the moment I have data that looks like this:

Company A
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value 5

Company B

Company C
Value 1, Value 2, Value 3


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Excel 2010 :: Absolute References Do Not Apply To Inserted Rows?

Nov 18, 2013

build a spreadsheet that reads information off of a Master sheet onto 4 other sheets. The hope is that by making changes ONLY to the Master sheet that the other 4 will update automatically.

And then we ran into the trouble of not being able to insert new lines onto the Master sheet without throwing everything off on the other sheets.

(I've attached an example.)

For instance, if I go to the Master sheet in the Test.xlsx attachment, I've left out Lima from the alphabet. So, I insert a new row onto the Master, switch back to the Formula sheet where it should (theoretically) just update the cells to display the new data.

Not so. The Formula sheet just skips the new A13 and keeps on going.

the primary one seems to be using Offset. Well, the coworker will be adding and deleting many, many rows over the course of the year, as it is a product log and we change our products often.

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Find Highest Value And Populate Newly Inserted Rows With Unique ID?

May 8, 2014

I want to find the highest value in a column (MaxValue) and populate first blank cell in a column with Maxvalue+1. Basically, I want to provide each new row with a unique project number. First, I'm running a macro to insert rows which copies the formula and format from Row 4, the user enters how many rows he wants and the requested number of new rows are inserted below Row 4 (That bit all works fine) . I now want to find the highest project number that has been used in Column 1, starting at Row 4, increment the highest project number by 1 and populate the newly inserted rows with the new project number.

I have a couple of problems with code I'm trying to use: If the active cell in column 1 is highest value the code ignores the active cell, i.e. this works once, as the cell that I have just populated becomes the active cell and the highest number, i.e. the next time the macro runs I get the same number as the active cell.

Ideally, I'd like use the number of rows that the user requested in the macro to insert new rows to be used in this macro to provide a unique project number for each of the newly inserted rows. (The add new rows macros uses Dim NoToAdd As Integer, as the number of rows that the user wishes to insert). Although, I'm quite happy to run the macro several times to find and populate projects which have not been allocated project numbers.

Here's where I've got to:

[Code] .....

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Macro / VBA To Keep Formula In Newly Inserted Row

Apr 11, 2014

Here attached is my sample workbook:

Attachment 310920

My button inserts a new row into the table.

What I want is that everytime a new blank row is created, the formula in the Days in Situ column is there as well (but obviously the cells update depending with which ever row it's in.. eg below formula is row 10.).

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Formula Is Not Working In Cell When Used Inserted With VBA?

Jul 16, 2014

I am trying to write formula in a cell using vba code, but i m not getting the expected one.


In the above code, i m trying to insert the formula where it fetches the address of a cell using some variables.

Here r = 1, c = 1 and resOffSet = 7

From the above code im expecting cell adress like A1 , B1 etc but i am seeing "0" in the cell value.

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Automatic Update Formula When Row Inserted

Apr 18, 2007

In my "example" I have references in Summary!D23:E32 which take data from Input!B36:U36. Is it possible to automatically update these formulae if a row is inserted eg above my row 37? The formula in D23 should then change from =OFFSET(B37,-1,0) to =OFFSET(B38,-1,0) and so on. I would like this to occur wherever I insert a row.
I am using this code, but it inserts rows consecutively from the top only.

Sub InsertVolRow()
Dim iRow As Long, iColumn As Long
On Error Goto Exit_Error
iRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(" Total", Range("A:A"), 0)
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
iColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("Total", Range("2:2"), 0)
Cells(iRow - 1, 1).Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(iRow - 1, 1), Cells(iRow, 1)),

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Auto Resizing Inserted Pictures To Fit Merged Cells?

Jan 31, 2013

Ive been trying to find a way of inserting a picture into a defined merged cell. Once I insert the pic I would like it to auto size/fit into the merged cells.

I have only managed to do this by either resizing the pic's first, or running a retro macro to resize the image. Just wondering if there was an easier way?

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Macro To Split Cells Into Inserted New Row And Copy The Rest Of The Row Into It.

Nov 1, 2007

I need a macro that can search text cells in column L for a space delimiter, then if the space is present, to split that cell into a row inserted below it, then copy the information in the rest of the row down. I'm not really up on my VBA.

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Inserted Objects In Cells Move When Filtering Or Sorting

Apr 23, 2013

Here is the original table:

This is with a filter on:

You can see there that some inserted object (in this case, PDF files shown as icons), are moved. I need to find a way to immobilize every inserted object within each cell boundaries. I want to freely sort or filter and avoid this kind of problem that gets worse with more rows, columns and inserted objects.

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Excel 2013 :: Auto Update Formula Inserted In Email In Outlook

Feb 10, 2014

I send these kind of mails to intimate people about upcoming meeting, the format I prepare in Excel 2013 and paste it in Outlook 2013 (as a table, not as an image)

Now one of the columns I put as 'Days Remaining' which basically tells the users how many days are there to the review, the image below will show how it looks:

Now the numbers of days remaining will be correct the day I send the mail, but when somebody opens the mail at a later date, it would not sort of show the true number.

Is there a way to auto-update this number inside the Outlook mail, as it works in an Excel Sheet?

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Insert Rows At Change In Cells

Nov 21, 2006

I have a large file that has the following setup
2003 Zipper X
2004 Zipper X
2005 Zipper X
2003 Zipper Z
2004 Zipper Z
2005 Zipper Z
How can I insert rows at changes in the product description

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Looping Through All Rows And Entering Formula To Calculate Change?

Oct 2, 2012

I want to create a loop that goes down all the rows in my spreadsheet and does the formula (end/beginning -1) for all the rows of cells. The "end" cell is the cell that is the farthest right in the row (some sort of end.xlright) and the "beginning" cell is column D of the row that is being calculated.

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Change Linked Cells From Rows To Columns

Sep 9, 2009

I'm working on right now is a spreadsheet where we catalog and monitor account information for a handful of groups. I have several different worksheets that contain grouped information such as all groups we have and a list of individual people in those groups. Those groups are in a single column going down and the people are in a single row for that group going from left to right, an example is below:

Master Personnel Listing for Accounts
Group 1 | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3
Group 2 | Name 1 | Name 2
Group 3 | Name 1
Group 4 | Name 1 | Name 2 | Name 3 | Name 4....................

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Excel 2010 :: Unmerge Cells And Fill Down Values In Newly Inserted Column

Jul 9, 2014

I am using Excel 2010 and have the problem as shown in the attached file.

Input Sheet shows the Data I have at present
Output Sheet is the desired result.

I need a macro which should create an "Output" sheet by doing the following on the Input Sheet

1)Insert a Blank Column before Column A
2)Unmerge the Region Heading and insert the respective Region Name in the newly inserted Column. Region Heading will be in Bold Font.
3)Repeat Step 2 for all Regions
4)Delete the Rows which was merged.

Please note that the number of Data Rows will vary for each Region.

I have shown two Regions for explanation purpose only. There will be several Regions in reality.

The result is shown on the Output sheet

Merge Problem - Forum.xlsx‎

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Naming Ranges But If Any Cells, Row Or Columns Are Inserted The Range Will Automatically Adjust To Suit1?

Jul 25, 2006

Range("B25").Name = "EndMull"

Its fine but if i insert a new row or column then it mucks the whole thing up. Is there away of naming them but if any cells, row or columns are inserted the range will automatically adjust to suit1

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Paste Formula Across Rows But Change Relative Cell Reference To Column From Row

May 26, 2009

I'm working on setting up a chart. The formula I'm using for cell B21 is this: =ROUND(F3,0) & " " & IF(E3<F3 ...

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Formula- Range Of Dates Will Always Change In Cells

May 28, 2007

I work in a Wordprocessing Center. I have a spreadsheet that is a list of dates, and the jobs/projects that were done on that day. The dates are for the days Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

So, for example: in cell E2:E150 are the dates ranging from 11/2/2007 through 11/4/2007.

Off to the side, in cell L:15 through L:17, I've manually typed in the dates 11/2/2007 to 11/4/2007.

My problem is: I need to be able to count how many times 11/2/2007 shows up in the range of E2:E150. The thing is, I don't want to have to type 11/2/2007 or 11/3/2007 or 11/4/2207 in the formula. I want it to get the specific date from L:15 (what I've typed in).

My goal is that the range of dates will always change in cells E2:E150. Then I will manually type in the three dates of question into cells L15:L17. Then Excel will count the occurences for me.

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Formula For Annualized % Change With/without Null Cells

Oct 4, 2007

what formula to use when my formula does not determine any data (N/A) in a cell in order to count and use count number to determine annualized % change.

State 2002 2003 2004 2005 Annualized Change
GA 36.8% 37.1% 45.5% NA 4.4%

=SUM((C4-B4)+(D4-C4)+(E4-D4))/3 (here is my formula)

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