Formula To Calculate Number Of Unique Values In A Column With Filters
Jul 9, 2014
I have a file with a column containing a series of records where a reference number can be repeated several times. I want to create a formula that will count the number of unique reference numbers in the column.
However - and this is the tricky part - I need it to allow for when the report is filtered, i.e. something like a SUBTOTAL function which ignores the hidden values.
So, the column in the full report has 691 unique values across 2,200+ records. If I apply a filter the column only has say 78 unique values. Is there a formula that can calculate this?
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Jun 7, 2006
I have a problem with the attached spreadsheet. I have certain letters (A,B,C etc.) that are shipped to various regions. I would like to have a count on top to count the total number of orders, but one that also counts the total number of unique orders. However, this unique count has to be dynamic and must be able to adjust accordingly to the filters (by default, if no other filters are applied, should be 15). For example, if I apply the "Ship To" filter to Canada, the total number should be 19, but the unique count should be 12. If I change the "Ship To" filter to US, the total number should be 9, and the unique count should be 7. I've tried to use the advanced filters but if I apply the unique entries filter, it is only a one time calculation. Also, the advanced filter gets rid of my other filters.
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Dec 18, 2013
I have a table like this:
Category 1
Category 1 Topic 1
Category 1
Category 1 Topic 1
Category 1
Category 1 Topic 2
I'm trying to pull each Category once out into 1 column, and each of it's Topics once in another column.
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Jan 19, 2013
I'm stuck on the final piece of my macro project. I've attached a workbook with two sheets: sheet 1 is what I currently have, and sheet 2 is what I'd like my report to look like when complete.
On Sheet 1:
- column B is called Supervisor Name
- Columns D-O are months of the year, with either a Yes or No in each cell.
I'd like to write a macro that will:
- Take all unique values in Supervisor Name column, and paste these Above the current table.
- For each Supervisor, and each month, I'd like it to calculate, as a %, the number of Yes mentions in each month divided by the total cells (Yes/(Yes+No)).
Sheet 2 contains the output, in the format I'd like to see it.
Sheet 2:
Supervisor Name
Supervisor 1
[Code] .......
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Apr 24, 2014
see the attached spreadsheet including the data. In Column AA I have created a formula that looks at Column B, and pulls each unique value from that column. add to this formula, or propose a new one, that pulls unique values into column AA if at least one of the rows has an "Actual Finalization Date" in column D that is in 2014?
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Nov 6, 2013
I have been using this function to count the number of unique text values in a data set:
It works great if I want to count number of unique text values overall. However, I want to count the occurrences of unique text values if they meet specific criteria. (Like a countifs function would if it could count unique text).
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm trying to write a formula that will count the number of unique occurrences in a column, if a specified value is found in a different column.
So I want to count the number of unique values in the "ID" column if let's say the text "NameA" appears in the "Name" column.
ID Name 12345
NameA 12346
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Mar 11, 2013
I'm currently using this formula to calculate the average values in column B where the value in column A ='s E1 eg:
Instead of doing this however, I need the formula to calulate the average from column B where the "Date" in column A ='s the year and month I specify in other cells.
Year value specified in: F1
Month value specified in: G1
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Jul 5, 2007
I'm trying to calculate the number of days between dates in column A and B. I've looked at the examples in this site and thought I used the formula correctly, but the cell returns an error message when I type: =DATEDIF(A1,B1,"D")
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May 14, 2012
I am trying to find a formula that will count the number of unique entries there. I have tried the solutions posted on various websites to no avail (most recently:
The answer should be 4,457.
Ticket Number
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Aug 20, 2013
I have a large amount of data and I'm trying to count how many unique values I have in one column. I also want to know how many times each duplicate appears. I tried using a pivot table but it's not working for me.
I also tried the following formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(H:H,H:H)>0,1)) but it's not quite working.
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Apr 17, 2009
I have 12 columns of data. In those 12 columns of data I have 3 digit numeric IDs. I want to count the unique number of IDs for each row. I have about 14K rows.
What would be the best way to do so?
Some rules about how the data is stored. I have 12 columns of data with anywhere from 1 to 12 columns having data for each respondent. Data always fills left to right and never skips columns.
I have attached an example file that represents how the data is stored and the output I would like (Unique Count).
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Dec 24, 2013
I have two columns in excel, col A and col B.What I would want to achieve is following:
Col A Col B
A 2
A 2
A 2
B 3
B 3
B 3
B 3
C 3
C 3
C 3
Now I want a total of values in column B pertaining to unique (or say 1st occurences) of values in Col A. So in this case the output should be 8 ,Achieved as follows(2 +3+3).
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Dec 24, 2013
Using Excel 2010
How can I use 2 filters in DAX Calculate?
I tried
MyCalc:=CALCULATE([MyMeasure], Filter(Tbl,Tbl[Field] && Tbl2,Tbl2[Field2])) It works with 1 Filter : MyCalc:=CALCULATE([MyMeasure], Filter(Tbl,Tbl[Field])) Just falls down when I add the second filter.
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm running into an issue trying to calculate unique values in a Data column based on a few variables in other columns.
My current formula in Summary tab D4:D19 is
This is currently counting the number of times a date value (data column I) appears for that name (A4:A19) in the data when meeting all of the conditions. I need it to instead count the number of times a unique date appears for that name with the additional conditions met (which all appear to work fine).
The results in the pink highlighted cells (Summary column D) should be:
Names starting with A - 3
All others - 2
I've left some other columns in the data with X's so that I can easily convert this back to my working spreadsheet.
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Mar 14, 2014
I need a formula that will calucalte the monthly total based on the following conditions:
Col A = Yearly Cost
Col B = The number of the month when the costs are starting (1=Jan etc)
Col C = The duration or the number of months for which the costs are to spread
Col D is Year 2013 with the months across columns D-O. Row 1 above those columns shows the month's corresponding number.
Right now I have =IF($B3<=D$1,$A3/$C3,0) however if my start month is 1 and my duration is 5, I need the costs to stop after May. I've attached a sample file. Calculate based on start month and duration.xlsx
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Aug 14, 2014
1. Using a formula, I am trying to to obtain a list of unique values (string) (caveat: see #2) from the range E2:E10000 (arbitrarily chose 10000 - the row number is variable)(see #3).
I currently have a formula that seems to work for this purpose but I don't know how to add the condition in #2 (below)
2. To include all unique string values except those starting with the letters "IC"
3. Is there a way to make this formula so that it can only seek values up to the last row, and not go to the 10000th row if not necessary? The E column has no empty cells until after the last row that contains data.
Here is the formula I currently use which serves #1 (above):
[Code] .....
Any way to improve/simplfy this formula for the purpose describbed in #1? How can I add the condition in #2? Can you see a way to include #3? The most important issue here is #2.
Example of desired results:
Column A | Column B
CC |
DD |
DD |
IC |
IC |
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Dec 5, 2013
Below the two columns represent Column A (date and time) and Column B is temperature.
How can I take the mean of all temperature values for May 1, then take the mean of all temperature values for May 2, etc.?
5/1/2013 0:0012.4
5/1/2013 1:0012.4
5/1/2013 2:0012.5
5/1/2013 3:0012.5
5/1/2013 4:0012.5
5/1/2013 5:0012.4
5/1/2013 6:0012.4
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Sep 29, 2008
I have an excel sheet that has multiple rows for one PO number. I've created a row at the top to calculate all of the unique PO numbers in the sheet. However, I want to create another column that will give each unique PO number it's own ID number starting at 1. For instance:
Column B (PO Number)
4 - Counts unique values in B
Then in Column C I'd want
1 (unique number for 219)
1 (unique number for 219)
1 (unique number for 219)
2 (unique number for 220)
2 (unique number for 220)
3 (unique number for 221)
4 (unique number for 222)
4 (unique number for 222)
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Aug 28, 2009
I have values in COlumn A, probably about 50K rows, The total unique values on the column A is only about 27. I need to capture all those unique values and paste them in column B. I didn't want to do "Advance filtering" since the workbook has many macros's on it that the user simply click on. Im thingking of creating a loop and compare values already pasted in Column b but then that will take too much time to complete the loop. Is there any easier or yet more efficient way to accomplish this?.
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Dec 19, 2010
I would need to count unique frequencies in column A, but only for a specified value in column B.
I am using Excel 2007 and found this formula that counts all unique frequencies in column A: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(A2:A10,A2:A10)>0,1))
In my example, result = 3 Now, I would need to add the possibility to count only for B=1; in my example, result should be = 2.
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Mar 28, 2008
Need to find a way to flag the unique number in column with 641892
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Apr 21, 2014
I have a worksheet with Coulmn A and B , wherein , Column A has a list of values that can be duplicated. Based on the values in Column A, I want to fill corresponding cells in Column B. see the attached.
way to accomplish the same. Tried VLOOKUP.
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Oct 18, 2011
How do I count unique values in Column A only if the values in Column B match?
1 a
2 a
1 a
4 b
5 b
1 b
The formula would return "2" for "a", and "3" for b. Basically, there are names in column B, and I want to know how many unique things are in column A for each person. If there is a better way than a formula (pivot table?) that would be great - like a table that has each of the names (from Column B) and the number of unique items from Column A next to each unique name.
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Jul 27, 2009
I need to count the unique values in a list based on another value. i.e.
AB ___ Jones
AB ___ Smith
BC ___ Henry
AB ___ Jones
BC ___ Brown
BC ___ Henry
AB ___ Tomkins
For all the AB's in column 1, I need a formula that will give me all the unique names from column 2, in this case 3. I've tried adapting:
but haven't been able to get it to work.
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Mar 6, 2003
I have several columns in an excel sheet which contain values (eg. Names). The entered names can be unique or already exist in the column. I need to find out (using a function or macro) how many different names were entered. Duplicates shshould be ignored in the count.
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm having a problem with a spreadsheet in Excel. I have in column terras, codti problem and several cells that are repeated. I'm stating that terra appear only once, the information in column each issue should appear in different columns with the sum of how often they appear and codti according to terra.
In excel is best illustrated what I mean!
In total, 5267 lines and need to do this with all. You can do this in excel?
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Aug 8, 2014
Have numerous values in Col A. Col E extracts a list of unique values from that column.
In Col C, the Col A value has had characters added to it.
Need a formula to count the number of unique values from Col C which contain the same prefix from Col A, and place the result in Col F.
A sample workdook is attached with the desired result shown and highlighted in yellow.
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Feb 17, 2014
I am in need of a formula to calculate the even distribution of values between two set values over a set number of columns. For example take a look at the attached screenshot. I have the numbers 2.88 and 2.44 and I need to fill in the empty cells between the two with with an even distribution of numbers in between the two (in descending order) over the 8 columns Screen-shot-2014-02-16-at-3.33.08-PM.jpg
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Dec 2, 2013
My spreadsheet is set up so that Column A has dates and Column B has a value. How can I calculate the total number of values for each day of the week? I've tried a few formulas but they either didn't work or didn't actually take the value into consideration and just counted all the 'Mondays'. I'm not sure if that's clear enough, but if we're just looking at Mondays to simplify it:
Monday, 1 January 2000: 2
Monday, 8 January 2000: 5
Monday, 15 January 2000: 0
Mondays: 7
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