Formula To Generate 3-5 Business Days
Mar 28, 2008
we have salespeople in all 50 states and each state uses different rules for business days. Some states include Saturday as a business day, some don't, and Alaska uses 5 business days including Saturdays. We are open 7 days a week.
What I am trying to create is a worksheet that has each day of the month going down and in the cells next to it, a column for states that include Saturdays as business days; so a date 3 business days out would appear in the next cell. In the cell after, a date 3 business days out not including Saturdays. And in the last cell for Alaska, a date 5 business days out including Saturday. Of course federal holidays are all excluded.
Something like this:
March w/ Sat w/o Sat Alaska
1 5 5 7
2 5 5 7
3 6 6 8
4 7 7 10
5 8 10 11
Now Vermont has extra holidays certain months so I would have to adjust that in the formula for the middle column during those months.
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Dec 8, 2008
I am looking for a formula that looks at a date and could add business days to it.
for example:
If the date in a field is Monday, 15-dec-08 and my formula is to add 5 Business days (mon-fri) to it not including that date. The desired result would be Monday, 22-dec-08 but my formula gives me 20-dec-08
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Dec 4, 2008
I am not able to calculate TAT(Turn around Time) between two dates without taking Off days. Plz help me on this.. File is attatched as per example..
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Jun 30, 2006
I am looking to calculate business days - more specifically Monday through Friday. I am not currently worried about holidays or vacations, yet I wouldn't mind including it if I could have a list to "check" from.
I tried previous searches, but found a few functions that I don't have on my computer.
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Feb 18, 2009
I have created a useform in VB which will determine business days. I need help in the coding part.
In my user form I have text box, I have a calender and I have two command buttons, 1 Calculate 2 exit. What i would like to achieve is when i type a number in the txtbox and press cmd button calculate the code will shade the the date in the calender so for example if I type in 10, then the code should shade 13/02/09 on the calender since 13/02/09 is the 10th business day.
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Sep 16, 2006
I'm working on a complex A/R aging summary. So Ill have couple of question, but right now I'm trying to have excel automatically keep track of the A/R process. For instance every business day I would like the number of days the Invoice is outstanding to go up by 1. So when I get to work on monday the invoices that have been due for 20 days will now show 21 without me touching it.
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Jan 1, 1970
It should be deplaying dates of weekly days in Monday, Wednesday and Friday excluding sundays. Or Tuesday, Thursday Saturday excluding Sunday. e.g
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of June
June 1, 2006
June 3, 2006
June 6, 2006
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of June
June 2, 2006
June 5, 2006
June 7, 2006
This should be happening after entering any date on the first cell of the List and should accommodate up to 3 months
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Dec 24, 2012
Where i want add Business Hours/Days to get the Target Date.
Working hours: 8:00 AM to 19:00 PM
Urgency Type:
ND (Maximum 1 Day 11 hours)
3D (Maximum 3 Day 11 hours)
4D (Maximum 4 Day 11 hours)
5D (Maximum 5 Day 11 hours)
Threshhold - 16:30 PM
Weekends to be Excluded.
Holidays to be Excluded based on Country. Say I have 2 countries India and America, where America has holiday on 12/24/2012 but India does not have holiday on that Day. Hence while calculating Tgt date, India should be calculated normally, for America holiday date need to excluded(There will be a Holiday table based on the countries, not limited to 2 countries).
ex: 1) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 8:56 AM; Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 10:04 hours added to the Opened Time.
2) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 16:56 PM; Target date will be 12/29/2012 19:00, in this case ticket opened after threshold time of 16:30, Technically ticket should start from next day i.e 12/28/2012 8:00 AM and 1 day 11 hours added to this date.
3) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 7:56 AM(Before the begin of Working hours); Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time.
4) A ticket opened at 12/21/2012 17:56 PM(After Threshold time); Target date will be 12/24/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time. If the above ticket belonged to America, then holiday dates(both 24 & 25) need to be skipped and Tgt date will be 12/27/2012 19:00.
Here is the Sample Data
Start Date/ Time
Tgt Date/Time
Expected Tgt Date/ Time
12/21/2012 18:20
I need results to be appear in the "Tgt Date/Time" column. I have also provided results in "Expected Tgt Date/ Time".
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Dec 31, 2013
Calculating Number of Business Days Between Two Dates?
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Aug 7, 2012
I would like to move columns to the right as the date changes. For example, the top of the column has the current date. Within the column are about 40 rows of data. as the date changes, I would like that column to automatically move to the right and show that column with yesterday's date, and have that data associated along with it moved. I am looking for 6 months of columns to store, with the current date in the first column and subsequently moving right with the previous dates and info.
August 7, 2012 | August 6, 2012 | August 5, 2012 | August 4, 2012 | August 3, 2012
Accepted Processed Accepted
Rejected Accepted
Processed Processed
and so on
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Oct 8, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that contains dates in format mm/dd/yyyy. Lets call this Column C(Paydate). In Column A I have a date that needs to be a 2 business days before the paydate. If this date in column A winds up being a Saturday or Sunday, the function needs to return the previous Friday. If the date is any weekday then it should return that weekday
For example:
C1 = 10/18/2013(a Friday) then A1=10/16/2013
C2 = 10/14/2013(a Monday) then A2= 10/11/2013(the previous Friday since 2 days before 10/14/2013 is a Saturday)
C3 = 10/15/2013(a Tuesday) then A3= 10/11/2013(the previous Friday since 2 days before 10/15/2013 is a Sunday)
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm documenting the steps of a process with each step accounting for a specific amount of business days. How do I determine the specific business day based on the number of days it takes to complete a process? For example: Start date then 45 business days from that date the next step begins...then 3 business days from that date the following step begins and so on.
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Dec 17, 2012
I have columns of dates and I'm looking to automatically highlight dates that are older than 5 business days from today. Is that conditional formatting?
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Aug 16, 2009
I need to create a spreadsheet that will calculate the difference between two dates and show the result in days. The complicated part is that weekends (Sat and Sun) need to be ignored and any time after 4:30 pm needs to be treated as the next business day. I have been trying to look at similar questions in forum and use the WORKDAYS function with little success.
A1- 14/08/09 4:40 p.m.
B1- 17/08/09 9:10 a.m.
I need the answer (B1-A1) to show up as 0. But if the time in A1 was changed to 4:20 p.m. than the answer should be 1 day.
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Jul 25, 2008
I have set up a datasheet with information to be used in generating several pivot tables:
Column A - Our Invoice Number
Comunn B - Vendor's Invoice Date
Column C - Type of Vendor (Labor, PM, Subcontractor, Material, or Equipment)
Column D - Vendor Name
Column E - Vendor Invoice Number/Time Classification (Column C is Labor, PM, this is either Regular Time or Overtime. If Column C is Subcontractor, Material, or Equipment, the Vendor's Invoice Number is enetered.)
Column F - Labor Hours Worked (Column C is Labor or PM, a value is entered, if not, formula enters "N/A")
Column G - Labor Rate ((Column C is Labor or PM, vlookup value is entered, if not, formula enters "N/A")
Column H - Amount Billed ((Column C is Labor or PM, formula multiplies rate by hours, if not, enter the amount of the Vendor's invoice.)
Column I - Mark Up Percentage
Column J - Mark Up Amount
Column K - Total Amount Billed (Column H + Column J)
I need to set up a daily job sheet (like and invoice) for each date listed under Column B. For each day, I need to generate a daily job sheet showing all of that day's information. The location of the information is based on the value in Column C - Subcontractors's data go in one spot on the sheet and Labor costs go in another place.
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Jul 21, 2006
I need to complete my business price list. Basically it's an XL sheet with all my suppliers products listed, there price, my margins, and my retail price and bulk price. Currently I'm fiddling with my margins and the best way to implement a formula to reflect these margins. Rather than do it manually, is there anyway I can create a forumla for different gross margins to be set for a certain range of the suppliers goods. For example, any product I buy thats costs me between $0-$20 has a set margin of 1.44 (44%), or a product who's price ranges from $100-$200 has a set margin of 1.26 (26%) etc. This would cut out then need for me to manually check suppliers prices and change to margin accordingly, thus saving me much time.
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a series of data that acts upon a traffic light system, i.e. Green, Amber and Red. These variables are posted along row 1 for example and there are 10 columns. Per column I have a tick and cross to answer a question. How can I find out how many ticks were on green days, amber days and red days? I have attached an example.
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Dec 8, 2008
I have two rows of data, Date and data.
I want to continously figure avg for last 7 days, 30 days.
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Feb 28, 2013
Actually i can do it just by using LOOKUP formula but the mark scheme says LOOKUP and IF.
If i use Just LOOKUP i should do the same thing for other cells but i want to generate a formula and replicate it through all the cells.
Here is the question;
Enter formulae in cells C2:C10 that refer to Book Orders.CSV and display whether the Text Book is Required by the student whose Student id is entered in cell A2.
I also uploaded the source file. Q3.xlsx
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Jan 9, 2014
Creating a formula that would generate a perfect and full circle - see attached picture example. The circle needs to remain centered in the X,Y axis. Also the circle diameter will either be 1, 2, 3, or 4 units large depending on user selection.
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Feb 27, 2009
I need 2 different formulas to generate commission reporting information on the Summary tab of the attached sample Excel file. The first is highlighted in green. For these cells, I need a sum formula that reports the total commissions (column H of the "Data" worksheet) for items Ordered in the month listed in column B of the "Summary" worksheet, but not invoiced until the month listed in the column D, E & F headers of the same worksheet. Date of item order can be found in column A of the "Data" worksheet. Date of invoice can be found in column E of the "Data" worksheet.
Now, the problem that I think I am going into is the way Excel handles dates and times. All columns and data highlighted in orange on the data sheet need to be maintained without being changed, as eventually I am going to have a report setup by our operating program drop in there so that it automates the information without any additional labor by our employees who have varying levels of Excel proficiency. Unfortunately, the report from our operating program cannot simply list a date without a time. Feel free to create any column or field to the right of the orange columns in order to complete formulas based on those orange columns. I will just lock those cells when finished so that coworkers don't accidentally blow the shizel up.
The second sum formula that I need is highlighted in yellow on the "Summary" worksheet. Basically, I need a formula that sums all commissions in column H of the "Data" worksheet for those items that are cancelled AFTER invoicing. Column D of the "Data" worksheet lists the cancellation date. There are explanations for each of these on the worksheets for quick referral.
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Mar 28, 2014
Is it possible to have a formula that generate a Unique list (List 1 and List 2) of Missing values in List 2 by comparing two lists? Something like this
List 1 List 2 Missing in List 2
1 1 3
3 4 6
5 5
6 6
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Jun 4, 2007
i have a slight problem with the days360 formula. Normally it works but today it keeps returning #VALUE! error. I've tried fomatting the columns to dates and also have done the text to columns but it still doesn't work.
I copied and pasted the data as values from MS Access, perhaps this is causing the problem. It works if i type the data into Excel but not when i copy and paste the data from Access.
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Apr 22, 2014
I am currently using the following formula which has been working great for what we needed it to do:
=IF(ISERROR(NETWORKDAYS(O34,Q34,Holidays!C$2:C$20)-1),"Not Completed",NETWORKDAYS(O34,Q34,Holidays!C$2:C$20)-1)
The formula determine what was been completed on the previous work day. If it fell on a weekend or a holiday specified in another table, it would consider it the following weekday's work. However, the needs of management have changed and they would now like to see anything completed on a weekend or holiday push back to the previous weekday and I'm not exactly sure how to modify this formula to do that.
As an example, work was completed over Good Friday. Yesterday (Monday) when we ran the report, none of those showed up in our list of completed items until today (Tuesday). They would have liked those numbers to be included on Monday's report to get an accurate picture of work that was completed.
I have attached some sample data. Everything completed on the 18th, 19th is counted as 1 day behind but we would like 18th and 19th to be shown as 2 days behind, just like April 17. That way, if we ran the report today and set the filter to 1 (for column C), those items would not show up, but they would have shown up on yesterday's report.
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Dec 31, 2006
I would like to have a formula in a spreadsheet of personal bills that counts down the number of days until each one is due each month.
In one column, I have a digit in each cell to represent the day of the month each month that the bill is due. Someone helped me with a formula that can count down days to a date that is a higher number than the present day of the month, but can I get a formula to count the days from, say, December (or any month) 28th to a due date of the 6th (of the next month)?
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Jan 27, 2009
Is there any simple formula to get no. of days in a month?
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Apr 8, 2009
I have a formula in column E: =NOW() for the date.
I need a Formula in Column H from H11:H300 such that:
i) when a date is entered in G11 the number in Cell H11 should be a difference between G11 and D11 as in rows 11, 13, &14 and
ii) Until a date is entered in cell G11 the difference should be between E11 and D11 as in ROW 12
Below is an example of what I want.
D E F G H8 Date Days9DateStatus as of Expected ActualTOTAL10out of order8-Aprin orderin order114-Mar8-Apr14-Mar101210-Mar8-Apr29134-Mar8-Apr6-Apr33141-Mar8-Apr31-Mar30
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May 13, 2007
Is it possible to have Excel calculate using a fill down formula the number of days between a reoccuring value in a column? For example, I have column A formated as a DATE column containing every Wednesday and Saturday of the week for all of 2006. Column B has the value 21 in day intervals of 3, 5, 7, and 6 days. Currently, I'm counting the days (or ROWS) in between each time 21 appears manually. It would be cool if Excel can count the days in between each occurance of 21 using the DATE Data column on Column A.
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May 30, 2014
I have a sheet that shows employee absences, I require a formula that will look to see if a friday and a monday are populated and auto-populate the saturday and sunday to match the run, if the only the monday is populated then the saturday and sunday need to stay blank, if only the friday is populated then I also need the saturday and sunday to stay blank.
I have attached a sheet with the current display and the desired outcome.
fill test.xlsx
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Jan 8, 2009
I am trying to put a time sheet together that will place the number 8 in a cell when the work "sick" or vacation is in another cell.
For example, if I am out sick on monday, I would like to put "sick" in the cell next to monday and have the number 8 be placed in another place. Then If I am out "sick for three days I would like all of those "sick" days to add up to 24.
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