Formulas And Output On Separate Sheets `

Jul 4, 2007

What I want is one sheet that has all of the fomulas, then 4 other sheets that take those formulas and calculate the output based on the formulas and one column of input.

So essentially, I want to be able to change the formula once, and have it applied to all of the other sheets, resulting in a new output for each one.

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Use Vlookup To Output Product Number And Quantities On Separate Sheet

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to put all my parts with quantities on a seperate sheet called "Parts List" Every time you select a quanity for one of the parts, I want it to pop up on my parts list. This will make it easier to identify the exact parts I want and also the quantity I need. This will be much more convenient then scrolling down my parts list and trying to find the one's with quantities.

I think I need to use a vlookup or even a Macro but I don't know how to go about doing this.

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Converting Formulas To Relative/absolute References With Formulas Referencing Other Sheets

Dec 15, 2008

I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.

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Compare Sheets & Output Differences

Jul 17, 2007

I need a macro that will compare two sheets, find the differences and produce a new third sheet called, results. Both sheets to compare will differ in length of values (one may have 10 numbers to compare, and the other could have 50, Ive attached sample data), and thus this calls for a primary and secondary sheet. I would only like the values which appear in the primary and not the secondary sheet to be reported in the new results sheet.

The problem is that the values never match up, but they are always within a +/- 0.5 window of each other. It would be great to compare the two sheets, to produce a list of the values which appear only in the primary sheet and not the secondary. Im trying to get this to link up to a userform, where the user select the primary sheet (A) and the secondary sheet (B), selects the tolerance, and produce the results sheet (see attached).

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Utillize In Separate Formulas In The Same Workbook

Oct 12, 2007

I have a list of .xls filenames contained in a sheet that I would like to utilize in separate formulas in the same workbook.

I can't seem to write a formula to utilize a filename in a separate cell to gather data from said filename.

In other words, I would like to do something like the following:

Cell A1: '[filename.xls]'

Cell A2: =A1Sheet1!A1

to gather the data from Sheet1 cell A1 in filename.xls, but it doesn't work no matter how I have tried. It seems the only way is to actually manually transcribe the filename into cell A2, but this doesn't seem right. There must be a way to do this.

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Array Formulas With Separate Date Columns

Jun 5, 2014

I have some imported data that lists the date in separate columns.


ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC

How do I convert this to a date by using a formula? Later I want to use the date in an array formula to sort the list.

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Compare 2 Lists On 2 Sheets And Output Non Duplicates To A Third Sheet

Feb 19, 2009

I need a macro to compare the values in column b across 2 sheets and output the rows that do not have duplicate values in column b to a third sheet?

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns In Different Sheets - Unique Values Output To 3rd Sheet

Feb 4, 2013

I'm trying to compile a VBA that would allow me to compare 2 columns "A" in different worksheets (same Workbook) and output any unique values to 3rd worksheet together with the rest of the values in the corresponding row.



Excel 2010

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Lookup Values From Separate Sheets?

Jun 3, 2014

I am in the process of creating a Phone Roster for my unit. On Sheet1 is their administrative data (Name, Position, Phone Number, etc.). What I am attempting to do is use a formula to find the persons name for that position and place it in the appropriate position and then their phone number below.

Admin!H:H contains the positions
Admin!B:B contains their name
Admin!N:N contains their phone number

I believe the following is what I need =LOOKUP("Operations NCO",Admin!$H:$H,Admin!$B:$B) and it works, but only for the first person on Sheet 2. After that it is random. If there a different formula I need to use to make this work?

When I get the phone number I used =LOOKUP("Operations CO",Admin!$H:$H,Admin!$N:$N) and the same thing happens. It works for the first person and everything else is incorrect.

A problem is the Admin sheet is listed alphabetically, not by position, so I cant use a specific cell to copy the data. I need the formula to find the position, then find the name and phone number of the person in said position.

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Linked Up Sheets In Separate Spreadsheet?

Jun 12, 2014

I created 14 spreadsheets for each of my call center agents to monitor their metrics. I password protected all then placed the originals on the network. The 14 sheets have 1 cell within them that are linked up to their relevant agent cell in a separate spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is located on the network and automatically updates every hour.

I have monitored the the spreadsheets and updates etc for a while now and everything seemed to be working perfect. So I decided to slowly roll it out by placing a shortcut on 3 agents desktops. I quickly discovered that they were not seeing any updates as I had seen prior to the roll out. I go to the folder within the network and check all spreadsheets and I see all spreadsheets working and updating successfully.

So I thought maybe it was because they were password protected. I removed the protection and the 3 agents saw their spreadsheets update successfully on their computers, the next hour as I had hoped BUT the hour following however they did not see a further update again.

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Highlight Duplicates Within 2 Separate Sheets

Nov 7, 2013

Is there a way of getting excel to highlight duplicates within 2 separate sheets, one beside the other on screen?

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Sort Raw Data Into Separate Sheets

Feb 10, 2012

I have a raw data worksheet with 54000 lines, in the format of six columns

In Column A is the USER Name

What I would like with if possible is code that will move the six columns of data from each individual USER into separate sheets, using Column A as the basis of the new sheets, ie the last row for each user is when the user name changes to the next one.

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Splitting Data Onto Separate Sheets?

Mar 6, 2014

I'm currently using the following code (that I found online) to take a list of data and copy it to specific sheets based on the values in Column C (there are only 4 columns in my data set). The issue I have with it is that it's meant to create the sheets from scratch every time. What I could like, however, is for it to copy the data to preexisting tabs that are already named with the sames values that are found in Column C. This macro will actually perform that but the down side is it wipes out everything that's on those sheets but I cant have it do that. Is there a way to either modify this sheet so it only copies the four columns and only pastes the four columns onto the sheets?

Sub SplitData()
Const NameCol = "C"
Const HeaderRow = 2


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VB Code To Email Separate Sheets

Jun 26, 2008

below is a VB code to email separate sheets based on sheet anme and email address on a sheet called " mail".

Code seems to fail at the last line " Next a" any ideas why this is not working

Sub Mail_sheets()
Dim MyArr As Variant
Dim last As Long
Dim shname As Long
Dim a As Integer
Dim Arr() As String
Dim N As Integer
Dim strdate As String
For a = 1 To 253 Step 3
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("mail").Cells(1, a).Value = "" Then
Exit Sub

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Merge Info From 2 Separate Sheets

Aug 8, 2008

I have information in range(p10:Q10) on sheet DEMO! that I want to paste the Values only into a Separate sheet "LIST!" in columns(W:X). The row will vary and will be based on the cell: "DEMO!A3" and will match a cell in column A of "List!"

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Check If Data Match In Two Separate Sheets

Jun 9, 2014

In the attached sheet, i have data in 2 sheets in the same fromat. Both the sheets are seperate reports.

Coloumn A is the list of Team Ids, Coloumn B is the Ids of people who are assigned in the team. Sheet 2 also have the same details with changes in the people ID.

i am trying to find if the people IDs in report 1 is the same in report 2. i need a formula that will check if the people ID is matching to the same team ID as in report 1.. If its not the same, the formula should be able to show that.

eg :

In report 1, "197595" in coloumn B is against "4011-11341" in Coloumn A.

I need to check if "197595" is against "4011-11341" or some other number in report 2. If "197595" is not against "4011-11341" in report 2, it should show me " Miss match". if "197595" is is against "4011-11341" in report 2 as well, it should show me "match"Project match.xlsx

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Compare Specific Columns In 2 Separate Sheets?

Feb 1, 2013

I need to take the data out of one column from sheet A and compare it to the data on another column sheet B.

Real life example:

I have a very large list of contacts with multiple columns of data. On a separate spreadsheet, I have a list email addresses that I need to remove from the larger list of contacts. How can I compare them against one another to detect any matched email addresses for deletion?

List of contacts is appx 130mb
List of email addresses is appx 4mb

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Auto-populating Cells On Separate Sheets?

Jan 9, 2014

I have two spreadsheets, one is a Log Sheet for invoices that we have been printing out and filling in my hand throughout the day as our field technicians complete their work. The second spreadsheet has a sheet for each technician where we manually input the technician's invoice numbers and payroll for each job completed on that day.

What I'd like is a way to combine these spreadsheets so that instead of printing and filling in the first sheet by hand, I could input the invoice data and have it automatically populate the cells for the appropriate technician.

This is the running log we keep throughout the day:


Then at the end of the day, we painstakingly transcribe the data for invoice number and payroll onto this sheet for each technician:


What I want is for Excel to automatically fill in each technician's payroll log with invoice number and payroll time as we fill in the running log throughout the day, is this a doable thing?

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Saving Multiple Sheets As Separate PDFs?

Jan 9, 2014

I have an Excel file with multiple sheets (over 100). I want to save them each as an individual PDF, with different (but similar format) names.

As an example, I want each PDF to be be called "Date Name" (i.e. "1-8-2014 Sarah", and next one will be "1-8-2014 Beth", etc.)

Is there a way to do this all at once, instead of my having to manually save each one? Is there a way for me to set it so that the title lists the date and then, for example, whatever is listed in A1 (which will be the name)?

One other question is that because I get this report from someone else who generates it, the way the file is formatted on my computer is that the print area is set at too small, so if I convert immediately to PDF, everything gets messed up. I have to manually make the print area bigger so that the PDF version encompasses everything on one page. Right now I've been manually adjusting the print area page by page - any way to do this all at once?

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Cross-referencing Two Lists From Separate Sheets?

Jan 16, 2014

I'm working with several sheets, each containing databases of customers that bought different products. I'm trying to do a cross reference so I know which customers has already bought multiple products.

English is not my first language and I might not be able to clearly express what my problem is, so I included a worksheet example.

In the example, you can see that Lea bought an apartment coded with APRT-001 from the first sheet. Lea also bought a condo coded with COND-002. What I'm trying to do is to put a note beside the her entry in the apartment that she has bought COND-002. And vice versa on the COND-002 entry on the second sheet.

What I usually do is combine all the data in one sheet, use Conditional Formatting to point out the duplicate name entries, and work through the whole thing manually. The thing is, there are thousands of names and I need to update the list regularly

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Create Separate Sheets For Each Team By Year

Feb 27, 2014

I have a code that will create separate sheets from “SDL_Calendar” sheet for each team and its working fine. Modify the code to create sheets for each Team BY YEAR based on user selection in Cells “H6”, “H7” and “H8” in “P6_Report” sheet. For filtering BY YEAR Column "D" Can be Used in “SDL_Calendar” sheet.

I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish :

[Code] ......


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Matching Data On Two Separate Sheets And Copying From One To Another

Jul 16, 2009

If the name in Column F of "Sheet1" is found in "DataPEs" in Column B, then copy the block of 6 cells of data below it in column Q to column D of "Sheet1" in their relative rows. Additionally, if column Q has data then copy it, if not then copy the data only in column M. Finally, the number of matching names will vary in Sheet1 but will stay mostly the same in the DataPEs sheet. I've highlighted one block of data in green as an example.

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Excel 2002 :: Updating Separate Sheets

Oct 8, 2012

I've got Excel 2002. I am devising a sheet for checking work (sheet A) which feeds onto a separate sheet (sheet B). If I wanted to delete info from sheet A can I retain the info on sheet B? I want sheet A to be used repeatedly for each case but the info for every case to be recorded row by row on sheet B.

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Check To Match Columns Separate Sheets

Mar 20, 2007

I have a column on sheet 1 which contains 200 lines with a unique number in each row (account codes). I have another sheet (sheet 2) which contains the same column. sometimes an extra row for an extra account code is added to the col in sheet 1. I need to make sure that the col I have in sheet 2 always has exactly the same as the col in sheet one, where the same account code should never be repeated. I am currently trying to setup a sheet where I keep all the checks and controls.

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Loop Through Rows And Copy To Separate Sheets

Apr 3, 2007

I have a table of data 100's rows 10 cols. In col A is a name like USA - these refer to sheet names in the workbook. The other cols are numbers.

I need to write a macro to start at row A and go down the rows 1 at a time and copy and paste that row to the bottom of the sheet named in Col A.

Actually needs to insert at the bottom of a table in the USA col rather than just paste as there is other data further down.

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Merge Multiple XLS Files Into One XLS File In Separate Sheets?

Oct 12, 2010

merging the multiple *.xls files into one single *.xls file but each *.xls file com in separate worksheet.

Say i have 30 xls files in datewise i.e., 01.10.10, 02.10.10, 03.10.10 so on....

I want to merge all the above 30 xls files in single file master workbook - in that master workbook file the above 30 xls should come in separate work sheets.

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Pulling Data To Separate Sheets Based On One Column

Oct 4, 2013

How to pull data based on column B to individual tabs.

I have the following data:

Jane Doe | L1 | 20% | High
John Doe | L2 | 15% | Medium
Mike Smith | L1 | 60% | Low
Marie Smith | L4 | 10% | Low

I want to have the first tab/spreadsheet only pull records that have L1 values for column B

In the next tab/spreadsheet I want to pull records that have L2 values in column B etc.

What formula can I write that will pull all L1 records (A.B.C.D) in to Tab 1, then all L2 records (A,B,C,D) into the next tab?

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VBA - Copying Data From Another Sheet And Create Separate Sheets

Feb 24, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets the first one is called "SDL" contain master data for three TEAMS (TEAM.A, TEAM.B & TEAM.C") and the second worksheet is called "SDL_Calendar" for graphical chart view.

I need Macro to copy the relevant column data from "SDL" sheet and paste into appropriate column in "SDL_Calendar" sheet then make separate sheets for each "TEAM".

I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.

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How To Have Single Userform Put Data Into Two Separate Sheets Within Same Workbook

Feb 25, 2014

Is it possible to have a single userform put data into two separate sheets within the same workbook.

I have a userform set up for entering client data into a quote register,with no problems ( sheet 1)

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9

What I would like is for the data to also go to sheet 2, where I have a form set up to print off for our technicians to take on site.

The problem will be that I would like the data A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 not to store on this sheet after it is printed, so the next set on entries , can be printed etc.etc

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Pull Data From Multiple Excel Into Separate Sheets?

Mar 26, 2014

As part of report consolidation I need a Macro that can read through all the files in a particular location(Say a folder path) Pull the data for each unique products into separate sheet

In the example below : All the rows with "Chocolates to sheet 1" , Drink to Sheet 2 and so on Since the products in column 3 can vary the unique sheets need to be created at run time based on the source data



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