Frequency Formula Takes Long Time To Calculate

Feb 12, 2010

I am using the below formula to distinctly count the number of customers that match the criteria that I have in Cells C7 and B10. The data is in a separate worksheet, that I am showing Named Detail of which will be changing on a monthly basis, so a pivot table does not want to be used. The detail data ranges from row 7-40,000, and the file is currently 8610KB's, and can potentially grow.

=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(Detail!$A$7:$A$40000=C$7,IF(Detail!$B$7:$B$40000=$B10,IF(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000<> "",MATCH(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000,Detail!$D$7:$D$40000,0)))),ROW(Cust)-MIN(ROW(Detail!$D$7:$D$40000))+1),1))

This formula works but takes an excessive amount of time for one caluclation, and I need this for multiple column and row critera. So, can this calculation be changed in order to get the same result with faster calculation time? I am using Excel 2003.

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Code To Time How Long Macro Takes To Run

Mar 10, 2004

Any code I can stick into the end (plus maybe start) of a macro to display the length of time it took for the macro to run?

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Excel File Takes Long Time To Save

Jan 20, 2014


Excel takes about 10 minutes in the saving process. When I say 10 minutes, I mean, the excel screen freezes (says not responding) for about 10 minutes, then it actually saves at the very end in the normal time any other file would take as you watch the progress bar go forward.

I know many of the common answers and have tried. reducing the calculation time (which in turn reduces the saving time).

But in my circumstance, the calculation takes a very reasonable amount of time, and you see the progress % going forward.

- I would say I have about 2000 rows, and 15 columns.
- They have sumifs formulas.
- They link to a different workbook.
- The workbook I am working on saves to the network
- the source of my sumifs are also in the same folder on the network
- the recalculation takes about 10 seconds at most
- i have turned off recalculate before saving, it is all on manual calcs

- when i hit save, there are no calcs being performed
- there are no macros in the workbook
- there are only about 2 names in the name manager
- then it freezes for about 10 minutes.
- then the progress bar starts moving then it saves.

What is it doing in those 10 minutes?

1 more item to note, when I break the links to the workbook and thereby removing the sumifs formulas, its a snap.

Why does the existence of the sumifs extend saving time? I would completely understand if it elongated calculation time, but if calculation is off, then why does it even worry about it when saving?

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Large File Takes Long Time To Open/Save

May 19, 2008

I have a large Excel 2007 file, around 60.000KB. 54.000KB are due to one of the worksheets where I have 8760rows x 160columns with data. The calculation time is not a problem, it is very fast, it only takes 2/3 seconds. The problem is when I open or save the file, it takes around 2 minutes... it is not too much, but it becomes too long when one has to open and save it several times. It there any trick to decrease the time when openning or saving an excel file??

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Takes Too Long ‘calculating Cells’

Aug 3, 2006

This code is taking way too long to display the actions that it executes. It didn’t used to be that way. I was wondering if anyone knows why this may be. The Excel file is large – over 8 MB.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const WS_RANGE As String = "N:N"
Dim Cmnt
On Error Goto ws_exit:
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range(WS_RANGE)) Is Nothing Then
With Target
If .Row > 3 Then
If Me.Cells(.Row, "N").Value = "" Or Me.Cells(.Row, "N").Value = "O" Or Me.Cells(.Row, "N").Value = "H" Then
Me.Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(, 26).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
If Me.Cells(.Row, "N").Value = "C" And Me.Cells(.Row, "O").Value = "DR" Then
Me.Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(, 26).Interior.ColorIndex = 39
End If
If Me.Cells(.Row, "N").Value = "C" And Me.Cells(.Row, "O").Value = "HJB" Then
Me.Cells(.Row, "A").Resize(, 26).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End If.....................................

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Formula To Calculate Result Whilst Avoiding Errors Is Too Long!

Jan 22, 2010

I have a formula I've been using for a long time which uses VLOOKUP to find results based on various reference cells, and then adds them up. To avoid errors caused by VLOOKUP not finding anything for one of the references I have also used ISERROR. The formula returns a blank if the calculation returns a zero.

I now need to bring further references in to the calculation but, using the format I have been, the formula is now too long. Here is my extensive formula:

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Formula Taking Long Time To Get Distinct Word?

Mar 15, 2012

I get distinct word with this formula i have 30,000 rows with below formula taking lot of time with dragging to all cell


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A Function For Calculate The Cells Takes To Appear Each Element

May 15, 2008

I want to obtain from some elements the number of cells it takes to appear:
We have for example A,B,C, and D,
and they appear in the next order:


What I want to know is how much last in appear each element.


For example, the first “A” last one in appear, but the next element “C” last two in appear. In the forth line again cames the “A”, then are three cells. The “C” was in the cell2, and cames again in the seventh cell, then it takes five cells. In the cells eight and nine are two “A”, then in the cell nine takes one cell in appear again.

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Formula To Calculate Time Allotted Minus Time Used And Show Difference In Hour And Minutes?

Apr 27, 2014

Formula to calculate time allotted minus time used and show the difference in hour and minute.

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Calculate Time With If And Formula When Time Passing 12am?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a problem here:

1 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am
2 8 pm 11 pm
3 8 pm 2 am

I typed a formula : =if(and(c$1>=$a2,d$1

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Function To Calculate Frequency Of Items

Feb 27, 2007

I have a matrix w/ alpha characters in a 10x10 grid. I want to see how many times each letter shows up and then rank them asceding.

What is the function to do this? I looked at Frequency and Count, but do not think either will do the required work.

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Workbook Takes Time To Open

Apr 10, 2009

i have a workbook that is only 345kb in size it takes ages to open and although it has lookups and retrieves data from the web it just seems like it shouldnt be so slow

i also keep getting a message at the bottom like this:-

calculating (1 processor ) thena %

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Attempting To Speed Up The Time It Takes The Macro To Run?

Jan 8, 2013

I have recorded 7 different macros and then combined them all into one macro to achieve one end result. I am not sure if you can just look at the codes to determine different ways to improve them or if you need the excel spreadsheet as well.

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Check Length Of Time It Takes Macro To Run

Mar 16, 2007

I've done quite a bit of searching in the forum and online and haven't found anything that's generic and can be used at anytime.

What I'm looking for is a way or for code that tells you how long it takes a macro to run from start to finish, something that can be used to time any macro. I've seen some threads in the forum where people indicate that it took x amount of seconds for their macro to run but not sure how to do it.

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Formula To Calculate Total Time?

Aug 13, 2012

Below is my data

Complexity Type


Ali,Shaheen Sultan

Budati,Manoj Kumar

Based on above data if The Column heading is 1 then it needs to go to the below data and multiply by that value and at the end should give me the total for the person. note that the total time is captured in a different sheet.

Times Complexity 1








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Formula To Calculate Time Left

Feb 24, 2014

I want to calculate time left in hours from today to target date. The result should be exclude weekend/holidays and non-working hours too.

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Date/calculate Elapsed Time Formula

Feb 16, 2010

I have been asked to make some ammendements to a workbook currently in use.

I have to calculate elapsed time, and my formula is giving me odd results. I have a start time (cell B5), and an end time (cell F5). The formula being used was =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24)) which gave the correct result. The cell is formatted as general. It didn't alot for the situation where the end time has not happened yet.

I changed the formula to =IF(F5>0,((F5-B5)*24),(K5-B5)*24) where cell K5 is the current time. The results are coming out with 6 - 9 decimal places. It makes no sense as I've tried setting the times to be exactly 24 or 48 hours to the minute. I've also tried replacing K5 in the formula to now(),

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Time Formula - Calculate Labour Rates

Aug 23, 2012

I want to calculate labour rates as follows:

06:00 to 18:00 std rate $10
18:00 to 06:00 night shift rate $15

I want to be able to type in the hours worked e.g. 11:00 to 19:00 and would expect 7hrs at $10 and 1 hr at $15.

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Formula To Calculate The Difference Of Time Between Cells

Feb 17, 2008

I'm working in excel2007:

I want to write a generic formula to calculate the difference of time between cells, the first being a real data point, such as

6/22/2007 8:53

minus a generic constant term using the same date and a given time, 8:30.

So, what I need is something like this:

6/22/2007 8:53 – (same mm/dd/yy @ 8:30)
6/22/2007 12:29 – (same mm/dd/yy @ 8:30)
6/25/2007 11:19 – (same mm/dd/yy @ 8:30)

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Formula To Calculate Time Between Dates And Other Criteria

Aug 7, 2007

attached is an example of a timesheet we use.
now after lengthy discussions the comany say its not 'in their interest' to use acess so i'm stuck with excel on this one.

I need to sum a column on many critiera, which i feel maybe a job for the trusty old =SUMPRODUCT. But thing is i need to sum a column based on a date range, Rate, Day.

I have manually typed in the number i think it should produce but as far as formulas go

1st off need to calcualte date range, which is situated on the top of the spreadsheet.
2nd some how tell the formula that Normal overtime is either classed as rate 1 Saturdays classed as 1.5 and sundays and bank holidays classed as 2.

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Formula To Calculate Pilot Duty Time In 24hrs

Jun 8, 2014

I am a flight dispatcher who is having difficulty with a Flight Duty Period tracking sheet. I need a formula which gives me the total duty time of a pilot in one single day, which is calculated by using the DUTY START time of first flight and DUTY END time of last flight in the same day.

I have attached the excel file. Please download file and open the FDP tab from the file and goto cell AI7.

Basically I need a formula in cell AI7, which checks up the date on column D and selects a date range of the same date in column D (in this case D7:D8) and then give the difference between the Duty Time START of FIRST FLIGHT (column AF) and Duty Time END of the LAST FLIGHT (column AG).

Ex: 12:05-9:20 =2:45

Please note that I want the formula to automatically check the cells in column D for the dates, not manually select the dates, because pilots do more than one flight per day sometimes and it is never same. Formula than should be able to calculate the difference between the largest number in column AG and lowest number in column AF in the same date range mentioned before.

Uneven number of flights on different days is making it complicated for me.

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Formula That Takes Value From Each Worksheet?

May 11, 2013

I am look for a formula that takes the value from each worksheet and enter this to a summary sheet. I do not what to use formula = then press the enter key when you have select the cell with value in.

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Looking For A Formula Which Takes The Value In D2 - Search It In Column A?

Jun 2, 2014

I attached an example excel sheet. I tried to figure out but could not get a way. I need a formula which takes the value in D2, search it in column A, if the value is in the list, type the corresponding result in E2.

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Countif Formula Takes Forever

Oct 19, 2011

I have a formula as follows:- =COUNTIF(C$2:C2,C2)

The problem is I have to fire it down 35,000 rows and it takes forever and freezes the PC. Is there a VBA code that will do it quicker or do I have to put up with it?

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Long Calculating Time

Aug 26, 2008

I managed to put together an array formula to calculate the last date that a rep made a sale. It checks two other tabs in the workbook to find the date, and if none is found, it leaves the cell empty.

{=IF(MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A))=0,"",MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A)))}

But it takes sometimes up to 4-5 minutes to make the calculations. Is there possibly a way to simplify it so that it calculates faster, with the same results?

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Nested IF Formula That Takes Into Effect Many Variables

May 5, 2014

Basically I need a formula that takes into effect many variables. It needs to check a size, thickness, and material, to determine a cost...

1.5 O.D. - 16GA - 304SS = $X


1.5 O.D. - 18 GA - 304SS = $Y

and such.

The problem I have is not only am I not understanding a lot of Excel jargon, the data set is not in perfect "example" conditions.

O.D. is in N:N yet there are blanks between N(x) and N(y), GA is in O:O yet blanks between O(a) and O(b), and so on.

Here is what I have at the moment, it uses a second sheet to derive the cost based on the parameters. Please ignore the first few terms, they are used with this cost lookup to give me my final. There also may be incorrect syntax in this, but since I get a nesting error first, I really don't know.

=V7+(Q7*M7*(IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$19,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$20,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=20)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$21,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost WIP’!$DD$16,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=316),’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$17,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=18)=AND(L7=2205),
’SteelTubeCostWIP’!$DD$18,IF(N7=2=AND(O7=16)=AND(L7=304),’Steel Tube Cost
[Code] ......

Mentioning LOOKUP, can I even use it? I've attempted many times however it isn't going too well What can I do?

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Formula To Calculate Speed Knowing Distance, Destination Time And Checkpoint Times

Dec 2, 2008

On my spreadsheet i have a bunch of variables:

A1 = Arrival time at Checkpoint 1 - 5:53:08
A2 = Time to destination from Checkpoint 1 - 1:10:18

B1 = Arrival time at Checkpoint 2 - 6:00:56
B2 = Time to destination from Checkpoint - 1:02:30

C1 = Total distance from Start - 2.83
C2 = Arrival Time at Destination - =SUM(A1,A2)

D1 = Speed determined from the other variables
D1 is SUPPOSED to equal 25.00

It also is where I am stumped!!

Not only can I not figure out the math but also how to format the function to get the right answer.

ps: Arrival Time at Destination is only included in case it would be useful to find the answer!

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Converting Long Time Calculation To UDF

Jul 18, 2009

I work with a lot of time based worksheets for a 24/7 operation and constantly use the formula:


to calculate times worked where $D17 is start time and $E17 is finish time. Shifts can start and finish the same day ($E17>$D17) or go past midnight ($D17>$E17).

To make matters even more interesting, there are a number of variables that require adding either "and" and/or "or" conditions to this formula so I can end up with several of these nested and it gets pretty complicated.

I'd like to have a UDF so I can just enter the formula:

=CalcTime(Start Time,Finish Time)

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Index Small Formula Takes Forever To Save?

Sep 15, 2014

I have one data tab which constantly changes. (adding more products and corresponding volume/prices) For the lookup tab, I want to look up one value and return multiple values.

I have figured out an index array formula but it just calculates so slowly. My live file is about 8MB now. When I apply my formula, it takes forever to save.

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Formula For Sum Frequency

Apr 14, 2014

I have ID in column A and amounts in column B. ID's are duplicated, and I need to add amounts based on ID, so for example total of ID 156 should be $13,851.14 or 156 should be 7,290.63.

In the following example ID are in order, I need a formula that adds up the amounts in column C.





[Code ...........

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