Having A Macro Run If Changes Are Made To Certain Cells

Mar 31, 2009

Is it possible to write a macro that will run if a user enters data into any cell in the worksheet that has a formula in it.

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Delete Cells When Any Changes Have Been Made To Sheet?

Jun 27, 2014

I've tried for a while on my own but no luck. I'm looking to delete cells D21 and 22 when any changes are made to the sheet.

I've tried using Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) but no luck.

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Macro To Stop If No Selection Made

Jun 14, 2007

If nothing is typed in and the OK button is pressed, it changes the entire sheet to values. I'd like the macro to stop if nothing is selected.

Dim sCol As String
sCol = InputBox("Select Column")
Set UserRange = Range(sCol & "9:" & sCol & "35")
UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value

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Running Macro When Change Made To Worksheet

Feb 16, 2012

The intent of the code below is to run the marco HideCol when a change is made in cell C10. If I actually change the value in C10 it works. However, I have C10 linked to another worksheet (=anotherpage!A13). When the value changes, my macro is not executing.

Here is the code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim changed As Range
Set changed = Range("C10")
If Not Intersect(Target, changed) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

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Trigger Before Close Macro Only If Changes Have Been Made Since Last Save

Jul 2, 2013

I am using the...

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

... to capture when a user is about to close a workbook. I then give them a message: "Are you sure you want to exit? Changes you made since you last saved will be lost."

However, to make it neater, is there a way to only trigger the macro if they have made changes since the last save? In other words, if they have not made any changes since the last save, the message will not be displayed, since it is irrelevant.

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Vlookup Type Macro Autorun Upon Any Changes Made To The Spreadsheet

Feb 13, 2009

I have a warehouse of skids with multiple boxes of barcoded documents on each skid. The tab "Warehouse Inventory" has the range of barcodes in each box on a given skid (boxes are numbered, skids are lettered). Under the Search tab, I will be copying a list of barcodes into Column A, from another spreadsheet, and would like a macro, to autorun upon any changes made to the spreadsheet, that will do a VLOOKUP type search and reply back in Column B and C the skid letter and box number respectively

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Formula To Find Value Of Cell Based On Selections Made In Two Other Cells?

Feb 2, 2014

I am making a form with drop down boxes and auto fill to make things easier. I have one Box for the Company selection another box for the occupation selection and I need a formula to find a $ value based on the selections made in these two cells. If I could establish the actual cell reference of the selected data in the second drop down list. The data will be much larger than this example and will live on a separate sheet.

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Referenced Cells Returning Zeros: Can These Be Made Blank Or String Data?

Aug 30, 2007

I have a summary worksheet consisting of columns that are referenced to other sheets within the same workbook.

If the cell in the 'referring' (original) sheet is blank then the forumula returns a zero instead of a blank in my summary worksheet, which is messing up some other calculations.

Is there a way to make these cells truly blank, or possibly into string variables instead, so that they do not interfere with my calculations?

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Excel 2003 :: Macro That Clears Option Buttons Made With The Control Toolbox?

Sep 26, 2013

I created some excel 2003 spreadsheets to use for Fire/Police dispatchers. I have a series of yes/no option buttons that were created using the control toolbox. I have a macro that clears all the blanks where text is added, but want to add a line that clears the option buttons also.

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Notification Of Changes Made To A Spreadsheet

May 8, 2014

I have a master spreadsheet being updated by several people, how can I/we, get a notification set up for when ever someone updates the master spreadsheet.....

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Workbook Asking To Save When No Changes Made

Mar 1, 2013

I have made some changes to a workbook and now every time I want to close it I'm asked if I want to save the changes, even when I have made no changes. If I click 'Yes' to save changes the problem still occurs the next time it's opened & closed.

I have checked external connections and there are none. I have done a 'find' to check that there are no formulas looking at another sheet, which I cannot find.

This document has to have a live calculation function - I have read some suggestions around turning off auto calculations but this isn't a possibility and I'm not sure that this is where the problem lies.

The previous version does not have this problem, so it is something I have done between v2.2 and v2.3. I have attached both for reference. Note that they were originally xltm's not xlsx's - I could not upload macro-enabled templates, but the same problem occurs in v2.3 in this format.

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Prompt For Save When No Changes Made

Dec 10, 2004

I have an excel spreadsheet that when opened and closed prompts to save changes, even when no changes have been made.

The spreadsheet is a copy of another spreadsheet which has then been modified. The original spreadsheet doesn't have this quirk.

There are no 'links' in the spreadsheets. Which was my first thought.

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Can # Of Results Be Made Variable

Jan 2, 2010

I am using Excel 2003, with Windows XP. I am monkeying around with a form to allow my boss to randomly assign employees to a daily task. There is a list of 15 names, but I'm just using the numbers 1 through 15 until I get the hang of this formula.

I am using MRAND, and the formula is working perfectly when I specify a set # of values to deliver. I wanted to see if I could allow him to enter the # of employees he wants to task in Cell A1 so that the number of random employees that are assigned varies with his selection in A1.

In other words, one day he could specify he wants 3 randomly assigned names to work on the task and the next day he could randomly assign 6 names/people, etc...

I thought I could just plug $A$1 in "maximum" in the formula below:

But that's giving me a #NUM! error.

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Followup Made By Salesman Between Particular Set Of Dates?

Sep 19, 2013

I am trying to analyse, in a set of data that how many followup made by a salesman between a particular set of dates. I've attached a sample. In this example I differentiate between people if the name and age are same. I know that it is possible with formula 'countifs' but how?

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Sub To End And Select The Cell Where The Correction Needs To Be Made

Jan 19, 2009

I need to step out of a macro based on a user respone, and I don't know how to end this macro if the user needs to correct a cell entry.

If they respond "no", I want to sub to end and select the cell where the correction needs to be made.

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Automatic Update Of Data If Changes Made

Jul 1, 2014

The workbook I have has a tab for Master List of Transactions - there is data in columns A through J. In column E, when a year is entered, the data in columns A through D is copied to a tab for the specific year entered in column E. When the data from columns A through D is copied to the specific year's tab, it does not change anymore. If the information is changed at all on the Master tab, the macro does not currently work to automatically update the information on the specific year's tab but I would like it to. Is this possible?

Here is the macro I currently have:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Code goes in the Worksheet specific module
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim rng As Range
Dim row_copy As Integer

[Code] ......

How to automatically update the year tabs for changes on the Master List of Transactions tab.

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Automatically Goal Seek Whenever Changes Are Made

Oct 18, 2003

I have created the following in an effort to automatically goal seek whenever changes are made to the cell C2.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Row = 3 And Target.Column = 2 Then
Range("D19").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("C2").Value, _
End If
End Sub

As far as I know, the Macro is running all of the time? When I use goal seek manually it works fine. Assuming the above is running, when I change the value in C2 nothing happens. Does the fact that I have a three sheet workbook make any difference? I am sort of lost. By changing the value in C2 I want Excel to change the value in D19 to match C2 by adjusting D3.

Application.EnableEvents = False
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Row = 3 And Target.Column = 2 Then
Range("D19").GoalSeek Goal:=Range("C2").Value, _
End If
End Sub
Application.EnableEvents = True

Doesn't seem to work either. However, I don't really know if other settings in the workbook are correct.

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File Size Made Smaller

Apr 20, 2006

Is there a way of eliminating un-used rows & columns to bring your file size down.

I already know about eliminating unnecessary pages, and I've cleaned up defunct modules, etc., and anything else that's just clutter.

The Row & Column thing would be a big help.

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Reference Shape Made With BuildFreeForm

Jan 4, 2008

How do I select a shape I have just created with BuildFreeform function? It is not convenient for me to reference the resultant shape as I have done below:

Public Sub DrawDoor(TileType As String, Xpos As Integer, Ypos As Integer)
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingCorner, Xpos * 9 + 1, Ypos * 9 + 5)
.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, Xpos * 9 + 5, Ypos * 9 + 1
.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, Xpos * 9 + 9, Ypos * 9 + 5
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, Xpos * 9 + 9, Ypos * 9 + 10
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, Xpos * 9 + 1, Ypos * 9 + 10
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, Xpos * 9 + 1, Ypos * 9 + 5
End With
Shapes(8).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(200, 90, 20)
End Sub

I want to give the shape a name, without having to use Shapes(8) at any stage. Is this possible when making freeform shapes?

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Number Of Calls Made By A Person In A Month

Sep 5, 2013

The first column is "Person Name" and the second column is date in format "6/27/2013". I want a formula to calculate the total number of calls a person made in the month of June.

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Finding How Many Words Are Entirely Made Up From Characters In Field?

Jul 16, 2014

i bought a tattslotto scratch card (for those of ya outside of australia, not sure what youd call em, basically lottery ticket/game), this game is essentially a crossword puzzle, you scratch your letters out in a box then you have a list of words, you need to find words that are made up entirely of your letters, the more words you find, the more you win ive kind of screwed up the card and scratched out words i dont have, however i do have atleast 2 words and i think ive got more, potentially could win big but wanna know how much before i go claim it

ive opened up a new workbook, in the A column ive got a list of all my words, then in C1 ive got a field where ive entered all my letters, wondering if theres a way to get excel to work it out for me (like an IF statement on the fields in column A to compare them to C1, or some kind of conditional formatting rule)

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Get Focus Set To A Certain Cell And Made Active On The Same Page

Oct 29, 2008

I made a command button on the worksheet from the Tool box. This is not made on a form. When I click on the button I would like to get focus set to a certain cell and made active on the same page. Like cell H2 for example.

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Search For Payments Made In A Certain Month And Return The Sum

Sep 14, 2009

How can I search a range of cells that have a date entered by hand for a certain month and then sum the amounts given in another range of cells. For example, search several worksheets for payments made in September and then return the sum of those payments.

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How To Review Who Has Opened A File With Password And Made Changes

Apr 17, 2013

I have a master file which users are able to open via read only or go in via password to edit.

I'm not too bothered on the read only users more on person's entering the file via password, making any changes and then saving those changes.

Is there a way to trace what changes they made and would their name be saved as the new "author" of the file?

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Drop Box That Generates A Chosen Table Already Made

Feb 6, 2014

Scenario: I have 5 different tables, all having the same headers. The values under are Vlookups.

Objective: Create a dropbox that lists (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) For whichever table is picked, is the one that will show.

For example, if I want table 1 to populate, I would chose table one in the drop box and so on for the rest of the other tables.

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Add Color To Cell Based On Selection Made

Jan 5, 2009

I've tried to do conditional formatting for each of the "Discipline" values in this spreadsheet but it is restricted to only 3. Is there a way around this? I'm trying to setup a color code for the "Discipline" values for example RN=Red, LPN=Blue, Social Worker=Orange, Chaplain=Purple, STNA=Yellow, Volunteer=Pink & Other=Green. So when the "Discipline" cell/cells on each of the patient sheets (ie. "Doe, Jane", "Doe, John", etc.) is equal to say RN the cell would then turn Red either on the spreadsheet or only when sheet is printed.

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Write A Custom Made IFERROR Function

Aug 6, 2009

how to write a custom made IFERROR function which works on Excel 2003 that mimics as closely as possible the Excel 2007 IFERROR function without using any array formula.

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Detect When Autofilter Drop-down Selection Made

Oct 6, 2009

Is it possible to detect when a auto-filter selection has been made ? Is that when an autofilter hides rows, the activecell could become hidden, which potentially may cause errant data entry, not knowing what cell is receiving entry as it is hidden from view.

if the worksheet contains a change event that autosizes the target row, it unhides the filtered hidden row in the process. I could say if target is hidden ignore autosize, but i would prefer to activate a visible cell (first visible cell for filtered column) on selection of autofilter.

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Shrink Validation List As Selections Are Made?

Feb 19, 2012

I have been working on this data entry and validation tool for work for a while now. I've got most of it down and works just as I want it to. However, I have made some validation lists for people to select and animal ID when entering some data. Once the animal ID is entered I want to remove it from the source data and the list to stop people entering a duplicate number for the same event.

I'm not sure how easy/difficult this will be but the whole reason for this project was to stop people entering the same data and only allow them to enter data that I pre-define. Its to cut down on mistakes where somone will enter the wrong ID and then finding the correct ID becomes difficult due to having over 4000 animals on site.

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Count Occurrences Of Phone Calls Made?

Jul 3, 2012

Count number of occurrencesI have a large spreadsheet that list customer and call dates. Each call is displayed in a separate row with the corresponding customer next to it - so each customer may show up multiple times with different call times. I want an equation that will count if 4 calls (occurrences) have been made to each customer and if it is the answer is "1". I have been trying to make it working with COUNTIF but not getting the results.

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