Vlookup Type Macro Autorun Upon Any Changes Made To The Spreadsheet

Feb 13, 2009

I have a warehouse of skids with multiple boxes of barcoded documents on each skid. The tab "Warehouse Inventory" has the range of barcodes in each box on a given skid (boxes are numbered, skids are lettered). Under the Search tab, I will be copying a list of barcodes into Column A, from another spreadsheet, and would like a macro, to autorun upon any changes made to the spreadsheet, that will do a VLOOKUP type search and reply back in Column B and C the skid letter and box number respectively

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Cross Referencing: Know How Many Of Each Item In The Same Type Of Material And Size, Need To Be Made

Feb 5, 2010

I have a list of products that have individual item numbers that share some common sizes and some common materials and are ordered in different quantities. When it comes to re-ordering the raw material to remake these items, I need to know how many of each item in the same type of material and size, need to be made. The attached spreadsheet shows more clearly what I am probably failing to explain! I have tried various combinations of VLOOKUP combined with MATCH but I can’t get anything to work – I guess I’m getting a little punch drunk here having spent the whole morning trying to find a solution!

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Notification Of Changes Made To A Spreadsheet

May 8, 2014

I have a master spreadsheet being updated by several people, how can I/we, get a notification set up for when ever someone updates the master spreadsheet.....

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Autorun Macro When Opening Workbook

Jul 12, 2013

I need the following macro to 'autorun' when I open the workbook.

Sub stcopypaste()
' stcopypaste Macro

[Code] ..........

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Autorun Script/macro Sql Schedule

Jan 27, 2007

I have a script that collects data from a mySql database. Data in the database is moved with certain intervals to a bigger database (which takes longer time to run quaries against. So my thougt is to make to user able(in my excell apllication) able to schedule autorun of diffrent scripts. Do you guys know any way to schedule autorun?

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Autorun Macro On Windows Startup

Mar 12, 2007

how can i set a macro to start on whenever the computer is started first on any day.

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How To Autorun A Macro Which Reformats A Pivot Chart

Mar 9, 2007

I have a pivot chart created that has a stacked bar on one axis and a line on a second access. I have several page items that are needed but when anyone changes the page item the chart reverts back to a single axis bar chart. I wrote a macro that fixes it but I can't figure out how to get the macro to run automatically when a page item is changed. I need to this autorun since I'm emailing the file out. I also have the chart still with the generic Chart 1 name, to make this work better should I name each tab?

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Importing Information To A Pre-made Form From A Large Spreadsheet

Jun 19, 2007

I have a large spreadsheet (1000-plus entries) that all have about 10 or 15 columns of information (product title, product number, etc).

I also made a form that I want to use as a master form, where all the titles will not change.

What I am wanting to do is, by going off the product number, when you click it, this pre-made master form will pop up, and all the information that was located on the large spreadsheet for this product number will be inserted where it is designated to be on the master form.

While I could probably do something like this through Access, we need to keep it on Excel, and in the same workbook so that it will automatically update things once I put a new number or input onto the large spreadsheet.

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Having A Macro Run If Changes Are Made To Certain Cells

Mar 31, 2009

Is it possible to write a macro that will run if a user enters data into any cell in the worksheet that has a formula in it.

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Macro To Stop If No Selection Made

Jun 14, 2007

If nothing is typed in and the OK button is pressed, it changes the entire sheet to values. I'd like the macro to stop if nothing is selected.

Dim sCol As String
sCol = InputBox("Select Column")
Set UserRange = Range(sCol & "9:" & sCol & "35")
UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value

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Type Mismatch With VLookup Formula

Jan 23, 2013

Here is my line of code producing the error:

If .Range("T21").Value > Application.VLookup("AE25", .Range("L7:T10"), 6, False) Then
T21 is a time value
AE25 = HPL1

The lookup range: (times are time values)

Excel 2010LMNOPQRST7HPE1Adam W.HPA7:00 AM3:00 PM8HPE2Not StaffedXX9HPL1KourtneyHPC1:00 PM9:00 PM10HPL2Not StaffedXXMain

The HTML representation of range does not show the merging of columns L:M, N:O, Q:R and S:T on a row by row basis. Unmerging did not appear to make a difference.

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Running Macro When Change Made To Worksheet

Feb 16, 2012

The intent of the code below is to run the marco HideCol when a change is made in cell C10. If I actually change the value in C10 it works. However, I have C10 linked to another worksheet (=anotherpage!A13). When the value changes, my macro is not executing.

Here is the code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim changed As Range
Set changed = Range("C10")
If Not Intersect(Target, changed) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

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Trigger Before Close Macro Only If Changes Have Been Made Since Last Save

Jul 2, 2013

I am using the...

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

... to capture when a user is about to close a workbook. I then give them a message: "Are you sure you want to exit? Changes you made since you last saved will be lost."

However, to make it neater, is there a way to only trigger the macro if they have made changes since the last save? In other words, if they have not made any changes since the last save, the message will not be displayed, since it is irrelevant.

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VLOOKUP Type Match For Cell Color

Jun 20, 2012

I have some tabs that are color coded. What I want to do is:

1. Depending on the tab color on Sheet A, have it compare that color to a set of cell colors on Sheet B that have descriptors next to them,
2. vlookup the descriptor on Sheet B and
3. put the descriptor into cell A2 of sheet A

How I would go about accomplishing this?

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VLOOKUP Formula Works But Not If Type In New Data In Cell?

Aug 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with a VLOOKUP formula that I have to send to a customer weekly. They are required to type a code in column E of what they invoice, and it pulls the rate into column G based on a rate table I have. The formula is: VLOOKUP(E2,Rates!A:B,2,0)

When I made the spreadsheet, the formula worked perfect. But when they type their codes in and send it back to me, it's messed up. All of the codes they've typed in do pull the correct rate. However, if I try to go to column E and type a different code on top of what they typed (a code that IS IN the rate table), it will tell me: "The value you entered is not valid. The user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell".

If I create a new tab and mimic the exact formula and columns as I am trying to work with, it works perfectly. But for some reason, once they've typed their data into my spreadsheet, something messes up even though the formula is perfect, dragged down, etc. All columns are formatted as text. And the range in the rate table is correct as well. When I try to mimic the formula in the other tab, if I click a cell in column E, there is a drop down list there showing all the available codes from my rate table to choose from. But on the spreadsheet that is messed up has no drop down list on the cells.

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Vlookup, Match, Index: Calculation By Customer, By Service Type

Sep 24, 2009

Using Excel 2003 and am trying to do a calculation by customer, by service type. Attached is the workbook and I've tried numerous ways to do this. On the revenue calculation worksheet, I am tryng to calculate the type of service minutes from the data retrieve worksheet, multipled by the service rate on the rate table for the specifc type of minute by customer. I'd like to build it as a vlookup by customer and then by service type, but have run into difficulty.

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Same Sub Used For Autorun And Button

Mar 20, 2009

I have code within a Sub, "Private Sub RegenerateReportButton_Click()" that refreshes External data and then does a load of merging data, moving data around, formatting, sorting, etc.

As well as having this button, I want the Sub to run automatically when the worksheet is opened.

Is there a way to have the same Sub run when the worksheet is opened, and also as a button.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro That Clears Option Buttons Made With The Control Toolbox?

Sep 26, 2013

I created some excel 2003 spreadsheets to use for Fire/Police dispatchers. I have a series of yes/no option buttons that were created using the control toolbox. I have a macro that clears all the blanks where text is added, but want to add a line that clears the option buttons also.

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Autorun Vba Form On 2007

Aug 18, 2009

I have created a VBA form in excel 2007. Currently I can only open it by using the ALT+F11 key press to switch to the VB window and then run the form.
I want the form to run as soon as the excel file is opened. I was able to do this in the past with excel 2000, but I cannot do it in the 2007 version.

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Making AutoRun CD Opening Excel?

Mar 5, 2003

How to make a CD AutoRun an excel page? I know you can do this with a few different formats but I'm not having any luck with it working on an Excel file.

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Autorun Macros On Opening Workbook

Mar 22, 2008

A macro to automaticlly run macros in my workbook when I schedule it to open through scheduler at a given time.

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Mixing VLOOKUP And LEFT Functions (bring Up The Model Type Of A Product Based On Its Material Code)

Aug 3, 2009

I need a formula that will bring up the Model type of a product based on its Material code. All the models I need to generate have a "root" number in them (the first 6 digits define model type). This is what I need to fill out:

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Userform To Control Macro Features. Macro = Search For File Type

Jan 26, 2009

I have a macro that I found somewhere on the net to look within a folder and list all the files of a certain file extension.

The macro to do this is in the attached example and is called 'Get_File_Names_Within_Dir_ext'.

I have created a basic userform outline, 'UF1' for the user to define:
Select File Extension
Select Folder to Search
Destination Sheet

I just don't have any idea how to sync the two.

If you type 'exe' into 'TB1_File_Extension' of 'UF1' the macro should search for '*.exe' files within the specified folder.

The search folder 'RefEdit1' box should open a windows explorer box (or some such) so that the user can select the directory in which to search for the previously specified file extension.

'TB2_Destination_Sheet' is a text box for the user to type the sheet within the workbook in which to list the files found within the specified directory.

'CB1_Find_Files' should activate the macro to find any files for the specified criteria.

There is also a Button 'Find File Types' in Sheet1 of the file which should activate the userform 'UF1'.

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VLookup Two Tables In Spreadsheet

Jan 18, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with two tables in it. Table 1 contains some data consisting of two columns both populated with data (where 1 = a, 2 = b, 3 = c and so on) and table 2 consists of two columns one column contains data and initially (numbers) column two is blank. Now I need a VLOOKUP that will look at the second column (red letters in the example) in table one, and where the same value (number) appears in table 2 populate the corresponding letter.
I do not wish to use filters as the table is extremely large. I have attached an example

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Userform VLookup For Spreadsheet Reconciliation?

Mar 19, 2014

excel macro through userform for spreadsheet reconciliation.Can we have userform for doing spreadsheet reconciliation(Only by using VLOOKUP). Here are the things i need in userform

1)First box that will ask you Lookup Value (column range)

2)Second Box will ask you Tabel_array say (column range)

3)Third box will ask you Col_index_num (column range)

4)Fourth box will ask for range_lookup (0,1)

5)Fifth box will ask for the column where you need your result in excel

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Vlookup Only Working Half Way Down Spreadsheet?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with members details in and I've added a few columns showing:

Col Q: Paid 2008 (blank if No, 1 if Yes)
Col R: Show Paid Yes or No (shows a Yes or a No)
Col S: Date Joined (only entered if new and joined during 2008)
Col Z: Subs owing from 2008 (if existing members and owe last yr's subs)
Col AA: Subs to Pay in 2009 (a standard £35 or pro rata if joined during 2008)
Col AB: Pro Rata (if they joined other than at the beginning of 2008)
Col AC: EA Sub? (based on a yes/no column, to add £5 if yes)
Col AD: Total to Pay for 2009

So the formulae (or data entered) for the above columns are as follows:

Col Q: Paid 2008 - blank if no, 1 if Yes
Col R: Show Paid Yes or No - =IF(Q2=1,"Yes","No")
Col S: Date Joined - a date entered in format d/m/yy
Col Z: Subs owing from 2008 - =IF(R2="no", 35,0)....I want a default 35 in here
Col AA: Subs to Pay in 2009 - =IF(S2="",35,"Pro Rata")....says that if there is no date which indicates they are an existing member, they will pay the standard 35, otherwise they'll be paying a pro rata fee...................

It all works fine until a certain row (27 actually) - then I get a VALUE! error which points to the Date Joined field. Now I've tested that value against the vlookup table and it returns the correct data, so why doesn't it do it in my spreadsheet????? I've tried changing the formats on the cells; clearing all data; entering a different date, but from that row in the spreadsheet down to the last row, it simply won't work! I've looked at each formula in each cell on the rows where it is working and the rows where it isn't and I can't see anything different.

What else can I look for? It is SO frustrating as it does what I need it to to do but only for a third of the spreadsheet!!!!

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VLookup Not Picking Up Table Array In Another Spreadsheet

Apr 3, 2012

I use VLOOKUP a lot and the simple VLOOKUP I am attempting is a very common exercise for me. That doesn't make me an expert just very familiar with it.

I have a worksheet where column A is a 5 digit reference and I use column A as the lookup value. In a worksheet in another spreadsheet I have a load of data but column A is also a 5 digit reference. I am trying to pull cell content from a single column of data from the second worksheet into the first worksheet when there is a match for the 5 digit reference.

The problem is, using the wizard, the lookup value is entered ok but when I come to highlight the range of cells in the second worksheet nothing appears in the table array line in the wizard.

References in both worksheets are numerical and sorted in numerical ascending order. Both spreadsheets have been saved.

However if I copy the worksheet from the second spreadsheet and simply copy it into a new worksheet in the first and then try referencing it as a table array it works just fine.

For such a simple exercise I always use the wizard as it is so much quicker, but I can't figure out why it won't work the way it usually does.

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Specifying Chart Type In A Macro

Jan 26, 2009

I recorded a macro where a xyscatter graph is produced with markers connected by lines.

Is there a way to change to to force the graph to be a xyscatter graph without lines?

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Macro - Type In Value, Fill Other Cells W/same Value If

Jul 25, 2007

Col D has list of order #'s, starting in row 9. Col M is for COMMENTS about each order. Order #'s can appear in Col D more than once.

What I am looking for is a macro that will automatically detect if I have entered a new COMMENT in Col M, recognise the order # in adjacent Col D, and put my new comment in other cells in Col M if the SAME ORDER # is referenced in adjacent Col D.


worksheet starts with:
Col D Col M
1234 x
123 xyz
1234 zyx
4321 zyx
321 y
1234 yz

If I type the letter "Q" into Col M in a row adjacent to order # 1234, the result should be:
Col D Col M
1234 Q
123 xyz
1234 Q
4321 zyx
321 y
1234 Q

I think I would need to put this macro into a Worksheet Change event but beyond that I do not know what I need. UDF? Macro?

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Concatenate Macro Type Mismatch Error

Mar 12, 2014

I am attempting to concatenate several columns and I am getting the Type Mismatch error. I understand why I am getting this error, but I do not know any other way to accomplish what I am seeking.

[Code] ......

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