Highlight Cell When Row Data Changes From Previous Row

Jul 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with over 6k rows, each with over 30 columns.

My focus is in 2 columns. ColumnA is formatted as General, ColumnB as Number.




[Code] ........

I need VBA code that will Fill the cell in ColumnB if it changes within the same ColumnA data.

So the output would end up like this. (Although the cell would be filled, not the text turned red)



[Code] .........

So it's pretty basic. If we simply remember the first ColumnA and ColumnB data, go to the next row, if ColumnA is the same, then ColumnB should be the same. If it's not, then fill with red, go to the next row, repeat. if ColumnA changes, remember the new pair, go to the next row and compare again.

I've thought about this from a scripting perspective, and imagine that something like this would do the job:

sub FindBadTermID ()
Dim row As Integer
Dim dataA as string, dataB as string
Set row = 2


[Code] .......

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Highlight Column And Row Of Active Cell But Retaining Previous Formats

Feb 28, 2014

I have found this code by searching witch is perfect

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
With Target 'With the cell that was selected,
.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
.EntireColumn.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

The point is that i want to retain the previous formatting of cells when i select another cell. And also i would like to create a switch to turn the Worksheet_SelectionChange event on and off. The tricky part is here i guess, becouse i would like when turned off to retain the previous formatting also.

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Highlight Above Previous Average Volume?

Jan 21, 2012

I have data in "column F" that I want to highlight. The data is Listed verticaly from Row 1 to 424 in Column F; I want the spread sheet to hightlight the number when it exceeds the previous days 30,60, and 90 day average volume. How I can make this occur?

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Highlight Date If Previous Month

Mar 13, 2008

Need to be able to highligh data within a range where the date in a column is for the previous month/s- therefore need to be able to also include in macro entering the current month - don't want to have to edit macro each month

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Conditional Format Rows To Highlight Every Other Row With A Value Different Than Previous

Feb 11, 2014

do a conditional format rule that will highlight every other row of my excel spreadsheet when the value in a specific Column (say Column A) differs than the previous.

I've attached a sample worksheet with what I want it to look like after the conditional format rule is applied (every other row highlighted in light blue). The rule needs to apply to all rows in the worksheet beginning with ROW 2 (I don't need the rule to apply to the column header which is in ROW 1).

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If Value, Append Data To Previous Cell

Feb 23, 2007

if cell in column E contains 'YTD', append value of cell in column D at the end with a space before it (example: " VALUE") to cell in column C. not sure how to go about this. i attached a one row example

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Copy Data From Cell Only If Previous Cell Has Specific Text In It?

Mar 7, 2014

I'm trying to copy data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet. However, the data to be copied is dependent on the 'client name'.

To explain this further, in the first list I have a detailed report on our clients and the services provided to every employee of that company/client.

However, the sheet two only needs the names of the employees that belong to a specific client.

This can be done manually by setting a fliter on the name of the client/company, but I need to be automated. To ensure only that specific company/client company's employee name is copied.

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How To Populate Cell With Data From Previous Cells

Apr 9, 2012

see the example below...


I basically want column E to check the cells from left to right and display the value that is in the first populated cell. For example, cell A2 is blank, therefore, it should display the value from B2. A3 & B3 are blank, so E3 should display the value from C3 and so on...

Is this an "IF" statement?

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Repeat Identical Data In Previous Cell?

Oct 16, 2012

How can I repeat identical data in the previous cell. For example I have in Cell A1 - Marketing then I have in cell A2 to A3 same Marketing but it is not shown. Then I have in Cell A4 - Operations then Cell A5 to A8 same Operations but not shown. I need to have them all shown as in Column B,




[Code] .......

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Vlookup = Lookup Returning Previous Row Cell Data

Feb 9, 2010

I have a list of airport codes and I need to look up these 2 digit codes and find the relevant airport and country.

For some reason when I use the lookup function it is finding the correct lookup value but returning the column cell in the previous row.

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Macro - Auto Populate The Data, Based On The Previous Cell Values

Aug 3, 2009

the post 5 for the actual issue. This being my first post could not update it correctly. I have put my views int he 5th post which will be more clear.

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Running Totals In The Cell As The Previous Week And So On Until New Data Is Entered And Updates The Total

Oct 2, 2009

I have to keep a record of the running totals of school house points for each week. The problem is that teachers are very lazy and don't record data every week so I have many blank cells which my current formula can't cope with. I've tried using N/A but it doesn’t seem to work? (Have thought about threats of violence but would probably lose my job) I’m if there is no data (blank or 0) then I need it to keep the same total in the cell as the previous week and so on until new data is entered and updates the total. I have attached a simplified copy: Teachers enter points in the HP sheet, the Running Totals sheet (TAB) contains the formula.

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If Data From 1 Cell Matches Specific Data Of Another Cell Then OK If Not Highlight In Red

Oct 22, 2012

I have been wracking my brain around how to put this formula together.

Is it possible or it can't do more then 1 cell at a time?

Here is an example:

If F1= button request and E1= Scoring then OK (take no action) also i want to add that Folder in F and Corrupt in E would = OK

If it doesn't match to highlight the cell in red

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Highlight Cells Up To Last Cell With Data In A Row

May 11, 2014

I could not find an easy solution to the find/remove duplicates in a row from left to right.

I have an other option: sort all data in one row, then it will show me, if there are any cells with the same word.
But .. here is my first problem:

First row is A1: AS1 with data.
A2: BB2 with data
A3: BD3 with data
A4: BX4 with data and so on.

When I start at A1 and press Shift/CTRL/Arrow right, it will hilite the row until BX1 and if I use the sort command, it will place all empty cells in front of the data.

What I need is hilite only up to the last column in that row.

So I could slowly work myself downward. Or prehaps there is a formula?

I could insert an empty space and write the formula in A1 and copy it down to A1644.

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How To Highlight Data Based On Another Cell In Same Row

Jan 27, 2014

How can I highlight data based on another cell in the same row?

Ex. I only want to Select data in Column C only if Column B = Rm2

1 Bob Rm1 x 0
2 Jack Rm1 x 0
3 Dean Rm2 n 0
4 John Rm2 n 0
5 Barb Rm3 x 0

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If Statement To Highlight Cell Once Data Is Inputed

May 15, 2009

i am going to be making other columns with data. i want it to highlight the cell from the new columns if the value is higher than the standard.

not quite sure how to do this? do i make an if statement and put it in the cell, then go and input my data over it?

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Conditional Formatting If Cell Contains Data Highlight Red If Blank Do Nothing

Nov 4, 2012

I have a spreadsheet where I have a column of dates and I want conditional formatting to highlight the cell red if the date is less than or equal to today but if the cell is blank to do nothing.

At the moment I have the following formatting applied using the "format only cells that contain" option I have cell value less than or equal to =TODAY() except that obviously highlights every cell red that doesn't contain a date. Is there another conditional format I can apply in addition to this that will not highlight the blank cells ?

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VBA Code To Find Row Number Based On Data Via Input Box And Highlight Cell?

Jun 21, 2014

I want to enter a unique ID into an input box which will tell which row that id is available and then it will again ask me which column the cell needs to be highlighted. Once i enter the data, it will then ask me what is the change in data (again via input box). i can then enter the change data and then it stops.

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Find Last Previous Non Blank Value And Summarize Previous 6 Months?

Dec 10, 2012

see attached file. Need to find latest non blank value - in attached file it is highlighted in yellow. From there, want to summarise 26 weeks back so, in the attached file:

Row 2 would be finding 750 and summarised back 26 weeks from 30 sep 2012
Row 3 would be finding 2250 and summarised back 26 weeks from 2 dec 2012
Row 4 would be finding 5000 and summarised back 26 weeks from 4 nov 2012

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Macro To Copy And Paste Auto Filtered Data To Existing Worksheet Below Previous Data

Oct 18, 2013

I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.

I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.

The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:

Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)

[Code] .....

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Looking Up Data From A Previous Workbook?

Apr 23, 2014

I have built a compiled a workbook which figures out the daily business in my club, Staff Rota, business done, wage slips, and everything else I need. Well, everything except the stock element.

I need the current week to look up the previous weeks stock levels on each item, when the previous weeks workbook changes it's name every week. At present I name the sheets by the week ending date, i.e. 12-04-14.

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Lookup Previous Day's Data

Jul 16, 2009

I have a report that is run everyday showing a list of orders, on separate tabs based on facility code, that has all kinds of information. I want to be able to take today's file, and have it lookup any comments I posted on the previous day's file.

I've been messing with code all morning and can't get it right. I think my problem is the vlookup part, and I don't think my loop is right either. Here's a little bit of the code i'm trying:

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Carry Over Data From Previous Row

Apr 18, 2007

Attached is a sample of excel file,

its a simple spreadsheet that suppose to track a usage of items that were taken out of inventory,
but at the same it needs to be printer friendly (that's what's causing all the problems),

it got messy when I had to carry over from previous row,
I had to manually enter under "Quantity ch." in order to have correct amount under "Left" column, (see row #4)

I think I can eliminate whole "Carried over" column if I create a formula that will enter data into B4 only if J3 has a number, I also need to copy the same formula's down each column,

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Delete Previous Months Data

Feb 15, 2009

OK essentially this is my problem:

I have a daily spreadsheet, uou update for inputs and outputs each day and the spreadsheet gets to an overperformance figure (sorry if the spreadsheet is a lottle unclear, it is a simplified version)

On the first day of each month, the opening target is adjusted and you start again. The probelm is you dont know what the opening target is until roughly 21st of the month.

I created a macro that deletes the opening target and removes all the previous days before the start of the month.

The way i done this was:

Create a copy of "daily" tab, change b5 to equals c2 and copy and paste special as values. Then in d5-d58 and f5 - f58, vlookup values from old "daily" tab , and then copy and paste special as values. Then delete old "daily" tab and remname daily(2) as "daily"

What i have done is essentially created a new tab on 21st March, looking back to data only as far back as 1st Mar and the new opening bal and target is found. The macro can be used on the 21st of each month.

but...macro doesnt work, i have tried a few times and i think it is because i am vlookuping up data from a tab that i later delete...please help!! - thanks a mil to anybody that can give me a steer in the right direction.

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FIND Returns Previous Data

Mar 17, 2009

This code (partial) was written to interrogate a database. Cell "A2" of another tab contains a Part Number to be sought.

Target = Range("A2")
Sheets("Kanban Data").Select
Dim Nrow As Range
Dim N As Integer
On Error Resume Next
With Sheets("Kanban Data")
Set Nrow = .Columns(2).Find(What:=Target, After:=.Cells(3, 2), LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

If the Find expression (as pulled down from the Edit menu) is empty, then inserting a Part Number in A2 and executing the macro finds the correct record and returns the its correct row number (N, as defined afterwards in the code). Then, changing the Part Number in cell A2 and executing a new search returns the SAME row as the previous search, despite Target being equal to the new sought after value.

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Populating A Cell With A Calendar Month Based On The Previous Date In Another Cell.

Jan 9, 2010

Trying to word this right. I have one cell with a date of 01/01/2010. I have other cells that I want to be equal to this cell plus 1 or more months.

For example A1=01/01/2010

I want A2 to = 02/01/2010 based on one calendar month entered into A1. So if A1 changes 03/01/2010, A2 will = 04/01/2010.

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Adding Timestamp And Username To Cell After Previous Cell Edited

Apr 24, 2014

Trying to get a record of who authorized spending in one of my worksheets and when they did it

I had some VBA code in one of my worksheets which added a time stamp and a user ID to two different cells after the user enters their name. Why it is no longer working, though I suspect after moving the worksheet around.

I would like my users to type their name into cell G65 (which is actually merged from G65-K65). Once the user enters their name, cell L65 (which is actually merged L65-O65) populates with the current time stamp. Also, when the user enters their name into cell G65, I would like cell P65 (which is actually merged into P65-S65) to auto populate. I would like this all of this to go down through line 70.

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Copy Formula From Previous Row When Data Is Entered

May 14, 2009

This is just a sample worksheet. I have got a worksheet with having 3 coloumns A, B & C. Column A contains E Code, while Column B is of time which user will enter. Column C contains the time in Hours.
I have entered one record for example. Now, whenever user enters the value in B3, then formula from C2 should be copied to C3 i.e it should be =B3/60.

I want this to be done using VBA. Pls help me out. I want to use this feature in one of my another files which requries this feature.

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Copy Formula From Previous Cell To Next Cell When I Enter Something

Sep 9, 2007

I want to copy formula from previous row to next cell when i enter something in perticular cell.

--Colomn A --- Colomn B -- --------Colomn C
1 01-09-07 ----- John ----------=vlookup(b2,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)
2 01-09-07 ----- Smith -------- =vlookup(b3,$s$1:$t$10,2,false)

Now if i enter date in cell A3 then cell C3 should be automatically filled/copy formula as celll C2. and so on......
then if i enter data to A4 then cell C4 should be automatically filled/copy formula from cell C3.

I have also attached example file.

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Go Back To Previous Cell

Sep 25, 2008

With "edit directly in cell" turned off, if you double click through in a cell containing a formula to the cell being refferenced, is there a quick way of getting back to the original cell you clicked on?

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