How To Populate Cell With Data From Previous Cells
Apr 9, 2012
see the example below...
I basically want column E to check the cells from left to right and display the value that is in the first populated cell. For example, cell A2 is blank, therefore, it should display the value from B2. A3 & B3 are blank, so E3 should display the value from C3 and so on...
I have this info on my excel spreadsheet plus 500 more lines. What I am looking for is if a name repeats then the info in column 2, 3, 5 and 6 for that name needs to be brought to new row. Example would be if I used the name karen on the next row then I would like her info from the desired cells to auto populate so I don't have to keep entering them and so on with new and old names. I have been trying to get this done for months know and have had no luck. My sheet already has over 500 lines of names and it would be nice if I could use the data from the past as well as the future to populate these cells.
I am trying to build a staff roster. The staff rotate over a 4 week cycle. the name of the staff member, and their shift needs to be looked up from the key then matched with the particular week. the name and shift then need to populate specific cells.
I have attached the worksheet so you can see what i am trying to achieve.
So it's pretty basic. If we simply remember the first ColumnA and ColumnB data, go to the next row, if ColumnA is the same, then ColumnB should be the same. If it's not, then fill with red, go to the next row, repeat. if ColumnA changes, remember the new pair, go to the next row and compare again.
I've thought about this from a scripting perspective, and imagine that something like this would do the job:
Code: sub FindBadTermID () Dim row As Integer Dim dataA as string, dataB as string Set row = 2
if cell in column E contains 'YTD', append value of cell in column D at the end with a space before it (example: " VALUE") to cell in column C. not sure how to go about this. i attached a one row example
I'm trying to copy data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet. However, the data to be copied is dependent on the 'client name'.
To explain this further, in the first list I have a detailed report on our clients and the services provided to every employee of that company/client.
However, the sheet two only needs the names of the employees that belong to a specific client.
This can be done manually by setting a fliter on the name of the client/company, but I need to be automated. To ensure only that specific company/client company's employee name is copied.
How can I repeat identical data in the previous cell. For example I have in Cell A1 - Marketing then I have in cell A2 to A3 same Marketing but it is not shown. Then I have in Cell A4 - Operations then Cell A5 to A8 same Operations but not shown. I need to have them all shown as in Column B,
My sheet goes from monday to friday on the coulombs. On the rows i have various data sections for each day. I would like the data on the last day (any day after monday) that there is data for a sheet to input that data into the monday slot when the "master date" is changed on the cheese sheet. The idea here being that the script will take the last entered data for a given sheet, and put it into the monday coulomb on the same sheet when the date is changed. This is kind of hard to explain so if you need clarification let me know. Attached is the sheet i'm working with.
how to do some complex stuff in Excel but sometimes I don't know how to do some really easy stuff. After I have named a data set of say a certain ten cells in one column, is there a function or a way to input the name and have that data populate a different ten cells? For instance if I have a huge amount of data all coded and I want to take equal but different portions and run them through a template, how can I make it so I just have to enter the a code for any of the data I have coded and have it populate momentarily where ever I need it to go? I'm sure this is very easy to do unless I have explained it inadequately.
How to populate data in non-adjacent cells from information that is stored on another sheet. Sheet 1 is essentially setup to be visually pleasing to the user, but the data stored behind it is on another sheet stored in a more logical manner. I would like to auto-populate the nicely formatted sheet with information from sheet 2 when an item from a drop-down list is selected. I have found quite a few ways to do this using offset, etc. but in my case the values will be pulled into cells that are spread around the design sheet in no set order.
I'm trying to figure out a way to populate multiple cells automatically with certain information after entering info into a single cell on a separate worksheet in a separate workbook.
Our "master" sheet has 22 total columns (A-V), and our weekly "status" sheet only has 7 total columns (A, E, P, L, M, N, R).
Column A on both sheets is labeled "Sample Number". On the "status" sheet I want to be able to type, for instance, "2012-228" into A2 and have the corresponding values from Columns E, P, L, M, N, R on the "master" sheet automatically populate into B2-G2 on the status sheet if this is at all possible.
I'm trying to create a formula that can display colors based on the strength of the margin of victory of a candidate, take these two examples for instance.
County Frank Cole Dean Total MOV MOV%
I want to be able to draw in the outline of these counties (or at least the cell proceeding the MOV%) displaying the color that corresponds with the winner of that county. The added twist would be to shade the color depending on the Margin of Victory (MOV) as well. The closer the vote, the lighter (or mixed?) the cell (or county) would be. If it could be at all possible I would really be cool to mix both colors so that a result 100% for one candidate would get a color 100% pure while a 17% MOV would get a color 17% more of the winning candidate than of the loser (or losers) colors. I don't think a VBA is necessary for this one.
I run this macro that populates 7 cells based on data in another sheet. It seems that every sheet that have formulas that point to this sheet are being stuck in in the screen updating somehow?
Basically when I press F9 to calculate or change any cell that makes the sheet calculate it has like a screen burn in of all the sheets that are being calculated. I have been able to use this as a workaround:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object) Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
But I shouldn't have to do this and it slows it down as it runs through this specific code about 11 times for each sheet that is re-calculating. Something is getting stuck in memory or something that seems to be causing this issue. This is the code I am using and I am not selecting any cells or sheets, but it appears that when I walk through the code that an image of the sheet comes up on the screen? The code in red seems to be what is causing the issues, but I do not know why? I can pass the 2 workbooks along to someone so they can see the behavior if they would like? Just let me know.
Sub populateEmployeeData() Dim srcWorkbook As Workbook Dim foundEmployee As Range Dim srcWorkbookName As String srcWorkbookName = "XIP_Employee_Data_" & Left(ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value, 31) & "_" & Format(ActiveSheet.Range("B10").Value, "MMMDDYYYY") & ".xlsx" If IsWorkBookOpen(srcWorkbookName) Then..........................
I have to keep a record of the running totals of school house points for each week. The problem is that teachers are very lazy and don't record data every week so I have many blank cells which my current formula can't cope with. I've tried using N/A but it doesn’t seem to work? (Have thought about threats of violence but would probably lose my job) I’m if there is no data (blank or 0) then I need it to keep the same total in the cell as the previous week and so on until new data is entered and updates the total. I have attached a simplified copy: Teachers enter points in the HP sheet, the Running Totals sheet (TAB) contains the formula.
Is there a way to make a cell populate certain text based on conditions of other cells without putting the formula in the cell you want to populate. So that someone could type other text into the cell if the conditions were not met?
What formula do I use to populate certain cells (E5:E10 and J5:10) based on match with condition (E3) with cells from and in the ranges C2:C73 and D2:D73 without creating milelong IF formulas? I am almost at the goal... past 10pm here in Thailand and still at the office
I have a worksheet where I need to match the work items from Region A to Region B. If the work items match , then I need the formula to automatically populate the corresponding data in the next 3 columns as similar to Region A. I have tried searching the forum and but I could not work out the formula. I am not sure if the formula is Vlookup or INDEX/Match which both I am not well verse. I have attached a sample sheet.
I need to be able to populate a cell with text from 3 possible cells, two will have the text "none" in them, the other text cell is the one i need to populate in another cell.
I have a table in excel with some data to create labels, but these labels must be repeated according to the number of volumes. Example: I have a delivery for X and such delivery has 5 volumes, need to create 5 labels just changing the volume number: 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4​​/5 5/5.
I would enter a value in "D1" after running the code, in column "A" shall be filled as follows.
In the sample worksheet, there are columns "Min", "Max" and "Average". The next 2 columns "Remark1" and "Remark2" I have formulas.
In column D "Remark1", I use this: =IF(IF(C2="",0,C2)>B2,"Ave>Max",IF(IF(C2="",0,C2)<A2,"Ave<Min",""))
In column E "Remark2", I use this: =IF(B2=0,IF(B2<A2,"Min>Max",""),IF(B2<A2,"Min>Max",""))
How can I include col E formula into col D formula, so that i do not need to type anything in col E and such that consolidated formula in Remark1 will populate value in Remark2? Will Offset formula do the justice or need a VB code to do the job,
I'm trying to work out how to have cells R11 - Rxx generate the correct date, based on the rest of the calculations.
Please note that the attached is a crude cut down version of the larger spreadsheet, for the purpose of highlighting my problem.
SO, if E7 is changed, subsequently the values in K11:Rxx will be respectively updated.
D12 and G12 are entered manually. (although I'll probably make these drop downs or date choosers at some point...)
Depending on the value in E7 and time in D12, the required break period is listed in K11: Kxx.
The time that these periods of rest are required to occur before is then calculated and listed in O11:Oxx.
I need R11:Rxx to calculated the appropriate date from these calculations, relative to the date in G12.
For example, the rest required in K11, is required on the same day, as such it need to populate with the value in G12.
However the rest required in K13:Kxx, is required by a time (O13:Oxx) on the following day - G12+1
In some case, this time variance could run over 2 or more days.
I figure it's got something to do with the value in D12 also including the date of 0/1/1900.
I'm happy to add hidden cells for formulas/results to work around it, as the end product will print as an A4 document, where many cells will be locked. Would prefer not go with any VBA unless it's my only option as I haven't done any VBA stuff as yet.
NB (the value in P5 is static only in this example)
I am trying to determine how to great a formula for cells E5, E6 of the attached (in pink) that says if the value of the cell above (E4) is equal to or Greater than the value of cell E10, the cell will perform the formula that I already have in E5, E6.
But what I'm trying to do is create a 5 year investment plan whereby the worksheet automatically inputs those values for me if the balance is above our minimum reserve. That way I can play with the default assumptions and see how it changes throughout the worksheet.
I have contacts list that I made and want to take it to the next level, but don't know how. See attached.
The goal: 1. Highlight an entire row of someone's contact info (i.e. row 9) 2. Click the "ORDER FORM" text box to activate a macro that populates specific cells on the 'order form' sheet with the customer's contact information from the highlighted row. The information I want copied over is in red on the order form sheet. THAT'S IT!! (Oh, and 'paste value' the current date from H5 so that the date is static on the order sheet
If possible, I would like to have an error check in case no row is selected prior to clicking on the text box that pops up the note "Please highlight a contact row before clicking the 'Order Form' button."
I'm creating a configuration tool for instrumentation that has several options. Many of these options are dependent on one another. To summarize, I need to:
*Conditionally lock cells (and populate with "N/A") OR allow selection from drop down list - the list exists, it's the locking and auto-population I'm struggling with
Example: If A1 = No, then B1 = "N/A" and is locked, else allow selection from drop down list in B1
I have a spreadsheet with data populated down column B. This size will vary from day to day so is there a macro I can run that will populate Column C with a formula based on their being data in the adjacent cell.
I am currently trying to create a spreadsheet whereby if I enter certain text in a cell in Column A on worksheet 1 that correlates with text in a cell in Column A on Worksheet 2, then the description in Column B in Worksheet 2 is entered into Column B on worksheet 1.
For example, if worksheet 2 has the following:
and I enter XXXX in column A on worksheet 1, I want Column B on worksheet 1 to automatically enter PRODUCT 1.