How To Get Data From Web And Make Sure That Existing Table Is Updated With New Data
Feb 12, 2014
getting data externally from web and also keeping the previous data prior to the refresh.
My external table/data has 10 rows reporting values per day (10 days data table).
I can link the table to my sheet, however what I can not do is to create an offlinek, year to date table in the sheet which captures the rolling 10 days (everytime it is refreshed) without losing the prior days.
For ex:
External bank Data
Day Ratio
02/05/2014 0.15%
02/04/2014 0.13%
02/03/2014 0.14%
01-31-2014 0.23%
01-30-2014 0.16%
01-29-2014 0.16%
01-28-2014 0.18%
01-27-2014 0.19%
01-24-2014 0.19%
01-23-2014 0.21%
Above table changes on a daily basis, only reporting the last ten days.
How can I capture this data on a rolling basis, i.e. in a year to date format, so that everytime I refresh, the internal table gets updated with the new data.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a table in which the rows represent cities and the columns represent certain characteristics/ attributes a city can have. In the cells every city & attribute pair receives a "grade"
City EatingBeachSki
Barcelona 210
Chamonix 002
I would like to transform this so that every row represents a city & attribute pair and includes its corresponding grade.(I want to do this in order to be able to add more information about city- attribute pairs rather than about cities only)
City AttributeGrade
BarcelonaEating 2
BarcelonaBeach 1
BarcelonaSki 0
ChamonixEating 0
ChamonixBeach 0
ChamonixSki 2
I am aware that I can use a pivot table to sort out all the pairs with a specific grade. and then I could paste this into a new table. But my data base (number of cities x number of attributes) is huge and I was wondering if there is no automatic process to make this transformation.
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Apr 25, 2006
I'm trying to set up a macro which will import data from one worksheet to a master sheet. I need it to copy the information into specific columns but not overwrite any existing information which is already in the Master Sheet, but I don't even know where to begin.
Just so you're clear on exactly what it is I'm trying to do... I have a Master Sheet which lists all of our suppliers prices, margins etc etc... However, when we use a new supplier we send them a greatly condensed version of the Master Sheet - We call it the Supplier Sheet (no big surprises there)!
When the supplier sends it back to me I have to type it all out manually which is kinda time consuming. I'd really like to set up a "push button" system which allows me to simply drag the Supplier Sheet into the workbook, add the info into the Master Sheet, then be able to delete the now useless Supplier Sheet.
(I have attached a test copy of the file - all of the columns in blue are the ones which need the data adding to).
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Jun 17, 2002
How to (by vba or whatever):
1) convert the Matrix data into the data table, and;
2) convert the data table into the matrix data
Matrix data (example)
share Ashare Bshare C
data Table (example)
springshare Asell
summershare Abuy
autumnshare Asell
wintershare Ahold
springshare Bhold
summershare Bbuy
autumnshare Bhold
wintershare Bsell
springshare Cbuy
summershare Csell
autumnshare Chold
wintershare Csell
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Aug 6, 2005
I've got many file (one file for one month) and number of records are nearly 65K for each month. So i must separate data for each month in one files. As the result, I;ve got so many files that i must generate report from. how can I generate privot table from many excel files with the same database structure.
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Nov 3, 2013
I am working on Excel 2010. I want to find a way to link data from one spreadsheet to another one and whenever I update the first spreadsheet, the second one will be automatically updated?
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Jan 11, 2013
I am trying to run a countif function on another worksheet to make a table of raw data.
Look on sheet SC-01 in Column H for "No" and return the count...pretty simple
What I need it to do is determin the sheet name based on the string in the column A
Control Countif Function
I have tried various combos of Indirect and concatenate, but I keep getting a ref error.
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Apr 4, 2014
I'm having difficulty trying to get the second file appended to the bottom of the 1st imported file. I get "run-time error '13' type mismatch". There is no difference between the two files. I'm thinking there is a problem with my range statement in the second file import, but this range works fine in other macros. Here's my code so far:
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;\server1usersmydataIMPORT1.CSV", Destination _
.Name = "IMPORT1"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
[Code] .........
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Mar 16, 2007
I would need Excel to compare rows between two worksheets (A & B), and if there are any:
(1) new rows in A, to copy across the new rows onto B.
(2) updated rows in A, to copy the updated data onto B replacing existing B values.
This in itself would be simple. Only thing is, worksheet B would be subtotaled and sorted by the subtotal and this is something I wonder if Excel can cope with. BTW I wouldnt mind it if subtotals in B has to be undone before the data gets updated, so long if Macro automates it for me. Is this possible or am I asking for too much? A representative excel file is as attached.
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Jan 22, 2007
attached is a spreadsheet 6 people in my area use daily(ive copied and pasted the sheet in question to a new worksheet, as the file was too big). Ive been trying for about 3 days now to make a pivot table to summarise this data.
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Jan 29, 2013
I am trying to create a user form that will allow the user to type int values in boxes. Then when the user clicks the submit button the code needs to add the values from each user input box to the existing values in specific cells accross multiple worksheets. Then the form needs to be cleared after the cell values are updated. I can create the form it is the code on the submit button i am lost on. Also it is important that some boxes may be left blank.
If you click the Grey "Qty Form" button on sheet1 the form will open. User data numbers can be entered in the blank boxes. When the submit button is pressed the form needs to add the user entered numbers to the numbers in the corresponding cells in sheet 1 and sheet 2. How to code the submit button to do this properly. Also after the data on the spreadsheet is updated the form needs to be cleared and start the cursor back in the Item 1 box on the form.
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Oct 18, 2013
I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.
I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.
The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:
Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)
[Code] .....
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Mar 21, 2014
I have a range of weekly data that I need to copy into another workbook, paste it below the data that already exists there and then delete the data from the original workbook. I would love to do this with vba but after hours of searching on how to do this my brain is frazzled.
I have 50 workbooks that I need to import weekly into one master sheet (Master.xlsm) but they need to be done individually after the weekly data has been checked. The master sheet will therefore have existing data and the new data needs to be appended at the bottom. Also column A will be blank in both workbooks so to find the last used row it will need to look in column B.
The number of rows in the weekly sheet will also vary rather than be a fixed range so I guess the last used row will also need to be found there too.
The attached file is a cut down version of my working file showing where the data starts on Row 14, I won't need to copy the headings.
Example file 21.03.xlsm‎
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Aug 18, 2009
I have two columns D and E, the header takes up rows 1-4 so the first available row is row 5. The D column is going to have numbers added daily, the E column will show the cumlative total. How can I make the cumlative total stay and be updated with each new entry in column D?
Name daily cumlative
dave 20 20 Row #5
Jim 30 30
Tim 11 11
Sara 6 6
Say these are the entries for day one, I need to be able to make new entries in the same D column on the next day and have it update the running total in E?? I cant figure the darn thing out.
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Jan 3, 2008
I'm trying to move data from a primitive user form to another sheet acting as a DB. I will further pivot the data in a third sheet to boil up results.
Here is the primitive user form - or desired data from the user form: ...
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Feb 16, 2009
I am trying to get a macro to update information from attached sheet GTS807 to the Stock sheet. The code in Module 26 works only for the first line and will be very long if I repeat it for the 20 lines of the input sheet! Basically we need to copy the new stock balance from GTS807 column AA13 to AA32 to the individual corresponding product name on the stock sheet (Column E)!
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Jul 7, 2006
Is there a way to have Excel retrieve updates from a Web Site? Specifically what I am interested in getting is flight schedule information from sites like USAir, JetBlue, American or Other carriers. I have a list of Dates and FLight numbers in a spreadsheet, I would like to get updates on Arrival, Departure or status ( Delayed / Cancelled etc ). The Excel sheet would provide Date, Carrier, Flight Number, Departure Point (if Needed ), Destination Point ( if needed ) and flight Departure and Arrival Times. I would want to pass this data to the appropriuate Web site.
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Jul 14, 2008
I have a `master` listing that has a list of material on it.
Lets call it test.xls
Each employee has their own work work-book with only one sheet inside the work book, lets call this test1.xls
I want users to be able to add information in test1.xls and the list test.xls automatically gets updated
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Aug 1, 2014
I have many rows of data 6 columns wide. I want to be able to enter data into a specific section, then run a macro to "cut-and-paste" that data onto the bottom of my existing data (with one empty spacer row between the new and existing data)
Here's what I have so far:
[Code] ....
Basically the part I need working on is changing [ Range("A101:F130").Value ] to be dynamic. For the code to determine the last row of data, move 2 rows down, and paste the block there.
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Apr 7, 2009
If I have a spreadsheet with some data loaded in through XML and viewed as a
map, what is the VBA command to reload/reimport the source XML data?
The scenario is that the source data (XML) may change at any time, and I would like to reflect this to the presentation layer (excel) at regular intervals. I have a loop set up but cannot find the command to reset the source XML data.
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Apr 15, 2006
I have workbooks which have data broken out of a larger file, I have solved the issue of updating the "Master List" from these broken out sheets. My problem is updating sheets. This has been done cut and paste manual style for some time and I am trying to streamline the work since being assigned to this project. I am trying not to change the workflow so I have to keep the sheets and work around the setup.
Sheet1 contains identical data as sheet2 with the exception of the completed work which is removed. In other words sheet2 contains an "assigned" list of work maybe 200 rows, this includes any work not yet completed in sheet1 as well as all the work previously completed but removed from sheet1 which may only contain 50 rows. Very simply, I want to parse through column A in both lists containing a specific ID number and match accross sheets, if column G and H on sheet1 match my needed criteria and column A from sheet 2 then copy that row from columns G:AT or 7 to 46, but only the values since there are formulas and formats I don't want in the updated sheet2 because the script I have for pulling from these sheets to the MasterList would fail.
As a bonus to eliminate the need to run another bit of code if I could delete the copied rows from sheet1 after they have been sent over to sheet2 would be great. Headings for all the sheets are the same so the data is identical. Column A is a customer ID number, G assumes initials from the clerk, and column H is date work completed. So if record A found and G=XX and H=Date then copy this rows columns G to AT values only. After which rows copied over will be deleted from sheet1. Headings are in row one and data begins on row two accross all sheets.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet on sheet 1 with a list of customers and their information. So on column A I have the customer number (i.e. k968, e37, p528,...), on column B i have the customer's name, on column C the street's name, on Column D the house number, on column E the zip code and finally the city on column F.
Right now there are around 600 customers in this list.
I have made a userform with a combobox in which I want to select an existing customer (pulled from the spreadsheet). On the same userform I have textboxes (customer number, name, street, number, zip, city). When I select a customer in the combobox, I want this customer's info to show up in the textboxes. I want to be able to change the info and hit Next to store the changes in the spreadsheet. When I do not select a customer from the combobox, I want to add new info in the textboxes and hit Next to store this info as a new customer. The userform also has a delete button. Then I select a customer in the combobox, this customer (and it's info) should be deleted from the spreadsheet when i hit Delete. So the spreadsheet is variable in length.
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Dec 9, 2013
What I have is a database of measurements taken, where X-axis is distance across a surface and Y-axis is measuring deformation to that surface. Each measurement is actually a group of data points from one sweep across the surface on a certain day, resulting in a line plot for that group. What I'm trying to do is create a "checksheet" so that you can overlay plots from multiple dates on the same grid to compare how the surface has changed with each measurement. I've got the checksheet part working properly, and I can toggle things on/off as I like as long as my data doesn't change.
The rub is that this data is gathered via query, and each measurement doesn't have the same # of data points. If I update the query to look at a different date range, the plots are now off because the old data range doesn't match the new data.
Is there any way of changing the data range when a query gets updated, or a way to tie it to a function?
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Nov 30, 2009
need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.
This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
activecell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Range(activecell, activecell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
Selection.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Select
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Oct 27, 2009
This is a formula in an existing spreadsheet that I need to amend.
{=SUM(IF(WeekNo=2,IF(Workgroup="REASSIGN - CAP",1,0)))}
‘WeekNo2’ and ‘Workgroup’ are names defined and are offsets that define two separate columns.
I have created a new name ‘realclosetime’ and it is an offset to another column of data.
I have tried to change the existing formula so that it is not actioned if the ‘realclosetime’ is empty. It’s a date and time field and if it is not completed I don’t want to be including that row in the SUM calculation otherwise I end up with N/A’s.
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Oct 27, 2012
It is my general understanding that the change event system within Excel vba is fairly particular as to what will fit the mold of a qualifying change event.
For example, changes that the user imparts to the worksheet and other written code are legitament candidates for change events. However copying down data and cells changing their values indirectly rather than directly may not be considered in the Microsoft change event design.
I would like to know 2 things:
1) Does a cell updated by a market data feed mechanism qualify for a change event?
2) Any list of qualifying change event types. It seems that Microsoft does not have this information.
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May 29, 2013
I'm trying to create a dynamic msgbox that will display what data has been updated based on checkbox selections in the userform. I've named my checkboxes as Carey, Keith, and Juliet.
Ideally if only Carey's data has been updated, I'd like the msgbox to say
' Data has been Updated for:
- Carey '
If Carey and Keith's data has been updated, I'd like the msgbox to say
'Data has been Updated for:
- Carey
- Keith '
MsgBox ("Data has been Updated for:" & vbnewline & _
If CAREY.Value =true then "- Carey" End if & vbnewline & _
If KEITH.Value =true then "- KEITH" End if & vbnewline & _
If JULIET.Value =true then "- Juliet" End if & ")
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Jun 1, 2009
I have a table of data which represents data in different categories by week.
My ultimate goal is to have another table representing the data for each month - for instance - for each of the categories the data for :
is summed to make the data for the month of April.
The way I'm doing this at the moment is very long-winded
I'm using a whole new table - the size of the original weekly one - for each month. A calculation decides whether to effectively leave a cell blank or insert the appropriate data based on a date being within a particular range.
So in each "month table" there is the same list of week values:
but for each "month table" only the cells adjacent to the dates within the relevant month will return actual numerical values within them
This is an example of the forumula I am using in these tables:
Then a master table sums the totals for each month.
I want to be able to keep this table but get rid of the ones for every month as the sheet is getting unwieldy!
I have tried several times to attach the sheet for clarity but each time upon trying to "Submit New Thread " I am getting page not found errors - the sheet is only 133KB and I have tried zipping and sending also - I can't make it any smaller.
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Sep 11, 2012
Each day I copy paste data onto a sheet (below the prior days copy paste). What's a simple code to automate this? I want to keep all prior day data and just paste into the first blank row
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Aug 5, 2013
I am trying to add data to an existing chart with VBA. I have defined and populated my arrays, but I m not sure how to add them to graph. I am getting a Invalid proedure or call argument on the code below.
Sub Plotting()
Xvalues(1) = 50
Xvalues(2) = 48
Xvalues(3) = 46
Xvalues(4) = 44
Xvalues(5) = 42
Xvalues(6) = 40
Xvalues(7) = 38
Xvalues(8) = 36
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