How To Convert Table Entries Into 1 Column
Jan 23, 2014
I have a table with Companies in a column and Countries in the heading row. Now in this table I have an entry "1" against certain countries for each company.
I need to get a concatenated (Company&Country) list, but I need this is all in a single column.
Companies list.xlsx
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Jul 14, 2013
I have data like this
bobkiwi B
bobpear C
Not sure how to do it
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Aug 2, 2012
a macro to convert this;
Into this;
So far I have the following, but this is not quite right!
[QUOTE][Sub ConvertRange()
Dim targetRowNumber As Long
targetRowNumber = Selection.Rows(Selection.Rows.Count).Row + 2
Dim col1 As Variant
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Sep 29, 2006
I have a table with unsorted Time Data and Headings for each Row and Column (See attachment). I need to display this data in another worksheet as a scrollable list.
Then when I click on any list item, it displays only that data in the following format:
A1 = Time. A2 = Row Heading. A3 = Column Heading.
Easier to understand if you view the simple spreadsheet attached.
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May 7, 2014
What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.
Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).
the function I'm working with right now is
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Jan 23, 2010
Please refer to attached spreadsheet
I receive data from an external source and it displays what appears to be dates in column B.
In column G I apply a formula to display month/year info.
It turns out that some of the data in column B is valid date data, but other data imports as plain text and therefore I can't get the month/year info that I require.
I have attached just a small example.
I get this data monthly and it usually covers thousands of rows and therefore impractical to change manually.
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Mar 27, 2012
I have a very large excel data file, which I want to analyse using pivot tables. The problem is that while most of the columns are headed with the variable name (e.g. country) and have the list of variables displayed under that heading for each observation (e.g. Italy), the years are spread across the columns - i.e. the heading for column X is not "Year", but is 2003, with the next column being 2004, etc.
Is there a quick way I can re-arrange the data so that the layout is consistent and so that I can use it for pivot tables? I have way too many observations to do this by hand.
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Sep 11, 2009
Is there a function to convert the data shown in table 1 to table 2 without rearranging the columns and rows? because i don't want to use TRANSPOSE. I want a function, somthing like SUMIF with OFFSET or INDEX and MATCH or any other function.
Table 1
Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 4Team 5Team 5ABABCity 12531642City 231173705City 367891125City 436251348
Table 2
City 4City 2City 1City 3Team 4BTeam 2Team 5ATeam 4ATeam 1Team 3Team 5B
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Nov 2, 2009
I have received a database containing listings of products and their sales, by month (see left side of attached file). What I actually need is to have this table converted (transposed) into a “flat database” which I can later manipulate with a pivot table (see desired output on the right side of the attached file). In the attached file I have drafted the desired output format of 1 line from the raw table, which I would like to get.
What I am looking for (if I might be so bold and ask) is a macro that will allow me to have a simmilar result for ALL the lines (there can quite a few). I think this output format can be achieved with a few simple loops, probably nested, but unfortunately I was not able to find the right sequence (being a novice in VBA).
I have tried to find the answer here, between all the posts regarding “transpose” but couldn’t find something that looked (to me) as containing a relevant solution.
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May 29, 2014
I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.
Example List
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Oct 19, 2009
I have a dividend table of 8 cells (vertical) with alternate Date and Dividend amount. Is there an elegant function to add the dividend up to a given date?
i.e. if 23 Nov 09 is the 2nd dividend and I need dividends to this date,
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Dec 3, 2006
I need have a table that displays only the last so-many (250) elements of a large data collection (table), updated continuously.
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Feb 15, 2009
I have a table showing the quantity of products that were sold to stores within a particular week. The following data are shown in each column: Distribution centre (DC) ID, Item ID, Item description, Store ID, Day of delivery, Invoice Number, Quantity delivered - see example attached.
I want to sum up the quantities of identical items that were delivered to the same store from the same DC. In other words, the following conditions have to be met: (a) Distribution centre ID has to be identical, (b) Item ID has to be identical, (c) Store ID has to be identical. To give a specific example as per the attached file, instead of having 2 rows for 2 deliveries of 5 + 3 boxes of chocolate to store# 1, I want to have just one row showing that store# 1 had 8 boxes of chocolate delivered, a second row for that store would show that store #1 had 10 boxes of tea delivered to it. I would like the summed up quantity data point along with the Distribution centre ID, Item ID, Description, Store ID, Day of delivery, Invoice Number to be in a new tab, i.e. I want to reduce the table size and do not want the original rows to be in the new table.
Since my table goes all the way down to the last row 65536, I would need the formula/macro to be able to recognise identical DCs/items/stores and then sum up the quantities (there are about 1500 different item IDs). Can you think of a solution??
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Apr 26, 2013
I wold like to summarize values of a certain numbers of enties (eg. 5), on a specific criteria, but discarging earlier entries of the same criteria. An example being:
Entry A
If I would like to summarize the values from Entry A, but firstly do so from number three entry buttom-up, and only the prior five values, how could this be done?
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Oct 13, 2007
How do I automatically generate an Entry Number for each entry in a table?
I have a sheet to build up a database of information and a Userform for the data to be input through. Each time the user selects to create a new entry with the userform I'd like to be able to automatically provide a number (i.e. Entry 1 of 12) in the Entry Number field which will then be transfered back to the sheet.
In addition, if an entry is deleted from the sheet the entry numbers beneath the deleted entry will need to update.
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Apr 25, 2008
Range B9:B58 and I9:I58 data set 1 (worksheet Deal Selection)
Range J5:J18 and L5:L18 data set 2 (worksheet Tables)
Identical tables. Taking worksheet Deal Selection as our starting point column(s) B and I
If the user adds a new supply customer in column B then I would like this new customer to be
Reflected in worksheet Tables column J5 at the end.
And visa versa for column I add to column L5 at the end same work sheet.
I am guess that this could be done by amending the current macro button
Add Supplier and Add Demand on both side(s). but not removing it current functions
I have also added the question to another forum experts exchange as i am have difficult completing this task.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have recently noticed a problem with a pivot table and assoicated pivot chart. The table has numerous columns from date, location and one entitled route. The route column has a value which is either a number or 'other'. The formatting of the column has been set to general (although the same problem was present under text). The problem is as follows:
When a new row of data is entered where the route is the same value as previous rows it should be grouped together. However when I go into my pivot table and look at the options for route I find the same value repeated twice. ie a route value of 155 will be listed once at the top and then lower down the list. A temporary fix is to rename all values of 155 to x155 and then back to 155. This then has everything grouped again under one value in the pivot table. As soon as new entries are added though the problem repeats itself. Does anyone know why this might be?
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Mar 18, 2007
I was wondering if there is a simple way of deleting past entries from a drop down list for a pivot table. I have tested my spreadsheet and now want to create a 'blank canvas' for users.
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Feb 26, 2008
Please find the attached sheet.
I just want to know whether is it possible to condional format multiple cells based on multiple cell values.
Eg: In the attached sheet,when a driver is standby and the vehicle no column should be empty,if accidently a data entry is done in vehicle no column it should highlight the whole area (ie,from A3 to E3).
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Mar 25, 2008
my existing macro, as the run takes to much time to complete. (at least 20min) I've already tried several loops, but no one worked for me. Following situation: There are two excel files, entries in column 73 - 85 will be copied from WorkbookRust to the other workbook if the numer in column 5 is the same. Not every cell within this columns contains data, so the macro should automatically jump to the last entry in each of the above mentioned columns, instead of predefine the range as you see in the code below. After the data is copied to the other workbook, it will be filtered acc. to Sub FilterMain and then copied back to WorkbookRust. As already said, the whole thing works, just to lame.
Sub Allmacros()
Dim WorkbookRust As String
WorkbookRust = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ChDir "C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplausch"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplauschCH_Revenue_2008.xls"
Windows(WorkbookRust).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!UpdateEntries" ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!FilterMain"
'not ask to overwrite existing file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Sub UpdateEntries()......................
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Jun 12, 2014
I have the following two columns, and would like to obtain for each individual Company, the corresponding Country values excluding duplicates as text in a single cell.
Company 2Country B
Company 2Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 5Country A
Company 5Country C
Company 5Country C
For example:
- For Company 2, a cell containing "Country B, Country C"
- For Company 3, a cell containing "Country C"
- For Company 5, a cell containing "Country A, Country C"
I've approached generating an array using an IF statement, as in =IF(INDEX(A1:A8="Company 5",,),INDEX(B1:B8,,)," "), which returns the following array: ={" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";"Country A";"Country C";"Country C";" ";" ";" ";" "}.
The question is: how do I get that array to produce, as text in a cell: "Country A, Country C". Note that the duplicate Country C has been removed.
There are a few "StringConcat" User-defined functions that I've found elsewhere on the internet, but they don't seem to be able to handle to conditionally generated IF Index array, which I would think is key to parsing between Countries corresponding to each Company in the list.
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Feb 8, 2014
Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83
left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.
i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.
Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a excelsheet that looks like this:
Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4
And I am trying to make it look like this:
Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services
Los Angeles
New York
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Dec 5, 2013
How do I stop a pivot table adding data together?
1st Nov -100
1st Nov - 100
2nd Nov - 200
2nd Nov -200
I want this but instead get this:
1st Nov - 200
2nd Nov - 400
I need the pivot to split it out,
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Mar 17, 2014
I'm an Excel newbie using 2010, but have been given a rather daunting task. I have a lot of data organised in a table, something such as:
Column A: Name, Column B: City, Column C: Date Entered
I can obviously filter this table to show the values I need, but I need it to automatically tell me the total amount of people entered per week, per city on a separate worksheet.
I understand I could use a pivot table for some of this, but I want to further automatically manipulate the data once I have the totals (for example, adding a financial value for each, etc) which I'm not certain how to do with a pivot.
So, ideally what I would like is a formula that says total entries in Table 1 that are marked Sheffield in Column B and have a value including or between 01/03/2014 and 07/03/2014 in Column C.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have attached an example of what i am trying to do. I can work out how to calculate unique entries by putting in a formula under a pivot table, but is it possible to select an option in the pivot table settting which will give this result?
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a large table of data covering 3 different companies and need to create a second table of data counting how many entries there are for each month in each company. This second table is to be used to create bar graphs and I am not using pivot tables as I cannot work out how to get the pivot table to insert months where nothing has happened. The attachment should make it clear
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Jul 11, 2013
Current Year
I need to count the number of unique companies that receive money within a specific QTR. I have made this simple example, I have a Table called Awards, with Headings for DATE, QTR, Company, Awarded, on one worksheet, that I need to feed the data into a summary on another worksheet. What formula using table heading can I use to achieve the answer 3 unique companies for Q1-13.
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a Listbox that outputs data to Column A. Is there a way to auto populate Column B with 4 items for each Entry in Column A?
The 4 items that will populate in Column B will always be the same.
I have attached an example to better explain what I am trying to describe.
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Feb 20, 2009
Let's say I have a dataset with blank or X in column A, and a dollar value in column B. I want to sum the dollar amounts for column B only if there is a corresponding X in that row in column A. The way I currently do that is by creating a new column C, making a if statement to display the value of B only if there is an entry in A, and then doing operations on that new range. I figure there has to be an easier way. I don't know how to use VLOOKUP, despite trying to read the helpme a bunch of times. Is that relevant?
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