Function To Sum A Column's Entries Based On Another Column

Feb 20, 2009

Let's say I have a dataset with blank or X in column A, and a dollar value in column B. I want to sum the dollar amounts for column B only if there is a corresponding X in that row in column A. The way I currently do that is by creating a new column C, making a if statement to display the value of B only if there is an entry in A, and then doing operations on that new range. I figure there has to be an easier way. I don't know how to use VLOOKUP, despite trying to read the helpme a bunch of times. Is that relevant?

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Autofill Column B Based On Column A Entries

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Listbox that outputs data to Column A. Is there a way to auto populate Column B with 4 items for each Entry in Column A?
The 4 items that will populate in Column B will always be the same.

I have attached an example to better explain what I am trying to describe.

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Sum Of Column Entries Based On Value In Other Column?

Dec 27, 2012

What i want here is the total for a particular id.

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Duplicates Finding Entries In Column A Which Match Any Of Column C Entries

May 7, 2014

What I need to do is sort certain entries in longer list (column A, it is in .csv format and needs to be in it so coordinates and names and ID, all sorted with commas) and I have another list (column C) which is shorter list of certain IDs. I googled and tried and got some results for the basic structure but the fuction seems to fail. It doesn't matter how I get that third list done, but there is only one criteria: since the list in column A is really long and those entries need to keep the .csv formatting, the function should copy that info what is in the matching cells.

Let me try to put it simple: .csv cells from column A that have matching ID from column C should be copied to column B (or N).

the function I'm working with right now is


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Format Column Based On Entries In Another

Mar 7, 2007

In the same worksheet, I would like to format column "U" based on the alpha character in column "T" and also format column "AA" based on the alpha character in column "Z". There are three alpha characters that will be used in columns "T" and "Z" ( upper case and lower case), "A" with the format of $ #,000 & "H" with the format of $ 0.00 & "P" with the format of percent %. I want to format column "U" & "AA" prior to entering a value.

Column "T" & "Z" are a pull down menus containing only the values listed above (a,A,h,H,p,P)

I had asked and received an answer regarding the above pertaining to columns "A" and "B" and was given an answer that works, however, today my boss changed the configuration of the spreadsheet and for the life of me, I could not get the code to work using the new parameters.

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Count Entries Based On A Dates In Another Column?

Oct 30, 2013

I have a specific issue that I have not been able find in here or on the internet. I need to count entries in one column based on a date range using corresponding dates in another column.I found countif, countifs, dcount, etc but have not been able to get any code to work. I don't know if my excel spreadsheet attached correctly but I can explain it since it's a simple one. Column A is filled with report dates that generally increase from 10/1/2012 t0 9/30/2013. Column B is filled with the number of "AFIS searches." If an AFIS search was not conducted for a specific report then the cell is blank. I need to count the number of AFIS searches between the dates of 1/1/2013 and 3/31/2013.

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Filtering For Unique Entries Based On One Column

May 1, 2009

This may be a basic question but I haven't been able to find the solution:

I'm using Excel 2003. I have a list with repetitive entries in one column and unique entries in the other columns. Example

0001 a
0001 b
0002 c
0002 d
0003 e
0003 f

I need to filter the list so that only unique entries in the first column show up, but I need the rest of the information to carry with it. Example:

0001 a
0002 c
0003 f

I can't use the Avanced Filter > Unique Entries Only function because the information in the adjoining columns is not unique.

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Identifying Unique Entries Based On Unique Entries In Another Column?

May 29, 2014

I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.

Example List



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Count The Amount Of Entries Based On The Date In A Column

Jan 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet containing 10,000 + entries.

Each Entry is Dated within Column D2:D10786 in this format - 1-Nov-08 (example).

Lets say i have a cell on another sheet Cell A1 and in this Cell i want it to Count how many Cells contain the dates from Nov-08 in my Date column..

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Named Ranges Based Upon Indent Levels & Entries In Column

Sep 19, 2008

I had an idea that I could use the level of indent in the first column to provide the name for the range. The easiest way to explain is with the example spreadsheet I have attached

Cells C5:C10 show how the naming convention should look like, basically Indent Level 0 returns a prefix (Sheet_Name_Prefix) and its corresponding row entry in Column A. Level 1 should return the last Level 0 name and its corresponding row entry in Column A.

I had a go at the code and it works for Level 0 but I can't get it to put to Level 1.

Sub Test()

'Dimension Variables
Dim RowTitleEntries As Integer
Dim NameLoop As Integer
Dim IndentLevel As Integer

'Set the value of RowTitleEntries
RowTitleEntries = 6

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Speed-up Slow Macro Code: Entries In Column 73 - 85 Will Be Copied From WorkbookRust To The Other Workbook If The Numer In Column 5 Is The Same

Mar 25, 2008

my existing macro, as the run takes to much time to complete. (at least 20min) I've already tried several loops, but no one worked for me. Following situation: There are two excel files, entries in column 73 - 85 will be copied from WorkbookRust to the other workbook if the numer in column 5 is the same. Not every cell within this columns contains data, so the macro should automatically jump to the last entry in each of the above mentioned columns, instead of predefine the range as you see in the code below. After the data is copied to the other workbook, it will be filtered acc. to Sub FilterMain and then copied back to WorkbookRust. As already said, the whole thing works, just to lame.

Sub Allmacros()
Dim WorkbookRust As String
WorkbookRust = ActiveWorkbook.Name
ChDir "C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplausch"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and Settings vogtMy DocumentsRüstplauschCH_Revenue_2008.xls"
Windows(WorkbookRust).Activate ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!UpdateEntries" ActiveWorkbook.Name & "!FilterMain"
'not ask to overwrite existing file
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub

Sub UpdateEntries()......................

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Contains Function: Function That States If A Cell In The Email Column Contains A String Or Value From The Names Column

Oct 13, 2009

On sheet 1 I have a list of 1000 firstnames
On sheet 2 I have a list of 1000 emails,

I need a function that states If a cell in the email column contains a string or value from the names column, it will result in a true statement so that I can separate out the emails that have these peoples first names.

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Applying Function To Certain Cells Only Based On Another Column

Aug 17, 2014

Supposing you would like to find the median of numbers in column D, but only for rows that have the word "Jones" in column A? Is there a way to do this? Obviously I know I could do a sort and simply specify the range myself, but we're dealing with nearly 2000 rows and a LOT of different values in column A

It occurs to me that it would be even better if I could ask excel, in effect, to identify every separate text string in column a and then find the median of the corresponding numbers in column D. In other words I wouldn't have to type any strings from column A at all.

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MINIF Function; Find The Minimum Value Of Column A If There Is Anything Greater Than Zero In Column B

Jul 29, 2006

I want to find the minimum value of column A if there is anything greater than zero in column B. I tried this formula (simplified): MINIF(B2:B6,">"&0,A2:A6) And it gives me the # NAME? error

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Function To Put In A New Column To Get The Abbreviated Year And Month Of A Previous Column In The Same Row

May 18, 2007

Is there a function to put in a new column to get the abbreviated year and month of a previous column in the same row???

Ex. Row A B C D
3/14/2007 5/16/2007 2007-3 2007-5

Instead of using the YEAR MONTH funcion for each row is there a universal function that I could designate to the whole column of C and D something like C=YEAR(A(row#))???

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Copy From One Column And Paste To Another Column By (alt + Enter) Function

Nov 22, 2008

i attach the testing2.xls attachment here. from the sheet 1 "original", how to copy from 1 column, column"B" and then paste to column "A" by clicking function "alt + enter" at the same row but different row in the same cell. Output result can refer to the sheet 2 "output".

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Function To Search Column And Count Next Column

May 8, 2009

I made a quick little spreadsheet that explains what I am trying to accomplish. Basically I need to search a column for a known number, when it is found, I need to look at another column on that row, and if the cell is a specific item , count it.

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Use VLOOKUP Function When Column To Search Is Not Column A?

Sep 27, 2012

use the VLOOKUP function when the column I need to search is not column A?

I have a Workbook with two worksheets in it and in Sheet 1 I have 10 columns of various text and numbers. In cell A1 of sheet 2 I will fill with a certain code that appears in column E in Sheet 1. The result I would be looking for should come from Column A in Sheet 1. I thought that the following would work copied into B1 of Sheet 2 but it doesn't appear to - =VLOOKUP($A1,'Sheet 1'!E$1:$E$481,1,FALSE).

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Getting A Sum Of Cells In Column (E) That Have Entries With Value Above Zero

Jan 5, 2014

I have column E showing elapsed time =($D$5-$C$5)*24. I want two totals from that column. One the total time elapsed and two the number of cells that have an entry as not all of them will. With the time formula, a simple sum function adds all of the columns.

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Multiple Column Entries Into 1 Row?

Jul 14, 2013

I have data like this




and i would like the data to look like this..............


not sure how to do it.

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Trimmean Last 6 Of Variable (by Column) Entries

Dec 7, 2008

In column E, I want the median of the last 6 entries in columns K to EJ, where EJ is the oldest entry, and I want to median the most recent 6, that is, the last 6 entries counting inward from column K toward EJ. There will be blanks, and each row will have different columns filled, most columns empty, so I want to median the last 6 entered numbers.

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How To Convert Table Entries Into 1 Column

Jan 23, 2014

I have a table with Companies in a column and Countries in the heading row. Now in this table I have an entry "1" against certain countries for each company.

I need to get a concatenated (Company&Country) list, but I need this is all in a single column.

Companies list.xlsx

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Matching 2 Column Entries Returning Third?

May 7, 2012

I have an application that on the "Main" sheet, is to extract two numbers then search for them on my "Listpoint" sheet and finally return the text to the right of the search data (e.g. K3)

Working left to right - the user pastes upto 12 lines of code into C3-C22. Formula in E3 extracts object Nos. Formula in K3 substitutes "first" number if it is a zero (with number from A3).

Left to do - Uses data (H3) to search Listpoint sheet colums C and B for a match. then returns text from Column S.

Note Listpoint has 1000 rows to search.


ABCDEFGHIJKL1 2Osn Number Prog Point Text Extracted
ObJNos Zero replaced Name of Object 1 38 10 IF POINT 0|199 ON OR POINT 8|191
ON THEN RETURN FALSE 0 1998 191 8 1998 191
Example found Text 4 20 IF POINT 0|106 OFF THEN RETURN FALSE "HOLD OFF"

[Code] ............

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Unique Entries In Each Column Of 620 Columns?

Jun 18, 2012

I have 620 columns of data with each column consisting of 17 rows. I need to be able to count the number of unique entries in each column. I recorded a macro that would do what I wanted, but it just used absolute references for each column, which would make the process rather tedious. Is there a way to make the macro less restrictive?

Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$1:$B$17").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
End Sub

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Return 5 Latest Entries For Column

Dec 21, 2012

I'm working on a project with tables. I'm not sure if I can use a function or I have to vba. I want to retrieve the lastest 5 entries for a specific column (column AA), but not blank ones. Then I want to retrieve latest 5 entries for column AC. On a seperate sheet I want the entries to be seen in order and I want it to change as new data is entered into the table. In the end I'll have the latest 5 entries for Internal (Column AA) and then after that the latest 5 entreis for External (Column AC).

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Copy A1 And Paste It To All Entries In Column B

Apr 2, 2008

Selection.Font.Bold = False
End Sub

in the section of this Macro, how do I simply copy A1 and paste it to all entries in column B. My range will vary (it won't always be B2:B58).


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Copy Unique Entries To Another Column

May 3, 2007

From column A,(lets say cell 10 onwards) I need to copy all the unique entries into column B (cell 10 onwards). However, I dont know what length column A will be. What would be the best way in VBA/Excel to do so ?

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Merge Two Workbooks. Copy Column Data Based On Numerical ID Match Of Another Column.

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to get excel to search a workbook/(or worksheet if easier) for a matching unique value and fill in its associated data. My first workbook has the SKU (A) filled in but not the UPC (B). My second workbook has both the SKU (A) and the matching UPC (C) filled in.

I need to take both workbooks/(worksheets), compare the SKUs, and if a matching SKU is found, extract the UPC from Workbook 2 and fill in the UPC field in Workbook 1, and if no UPC is present in Workbook 2, then it leaves the cell in Workbook 1 blank.

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Formula To Pull Latest Date From One Column Based On Entry In Adjacent Column

Jun 6, 2014

Any way to construct a formula in excel that will look at a reference in one column and find the latest date from the data in an adjacent column for that specific reference?

Below is an exctract from a much larger sheet of the columns in question.

The result in the last column should be 21/05/2014 for anything with D.O.001 in the second column and 15/05/2014 for anything with D.O.002.

Date Decision agreed
Disposal Order
Latest Decision date for D.O.


[Code] ........

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Creating Validation List From Table Column Based On Data In Another Column

Dec 11, 2013

If I have a table as noted below with the following assumptions:

- this table will likely grow
- the 'Include' column data will change based on external criteria/formulas, so the 'Include' column will not be sorted.
- Macros aren't an option as this sheet needs to be macro free.



How do I build a formula that I can place in a data validation drop down to only include 'Item's that have Yes indicated in the 'Include' column?

I've been researching this and found answers if the 'Include' column was sorted via offset, but I haven't found any to sift through when unsorted. I feel like there is a simple answer to this that I am missing. Here is the sheet --> ExampleSheet.xlsx

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