How To Format Display In Combobox

Jul 21, 2014

I have a range from a column in my Excel table that is formatted ##-##/##. A number like 1.125 would look like 1-1/8.

I also have some values that are text, such as: #6 (I'm working with threads). I use # because it is not the same thing as 6, which could be 6 millimeters or 6 inches.

In combo box on my userform it just shows the decimal values of the range. How can I format the combobox to match Excel?

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ComboBox Display Format

Jan 22, 2013

I have set up a UserForm containing a ComboBox, listing all suppliers. Upon invocation, the form becomes visible and the user enters a letter on the CB window, to which the CB displays the first entry starting with the user's input.

What I'd like to do is to have the CB expand its window, so that upon entering a letter the window shows something like, say, 5 entries, of which the top one is the first occurrence starting with that letter. Normally, clicking on the down arrow would do that, but I wonder if I can save them the keystroke.

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Display Times In ComboBox

Aug 10, 2007

I've got a form with a ComboBox the RowSource of which is embeded in the column A of a certain sheet in the workbook - the values stored in that column resemble time reference, like: 00:00 (stands for 12:00 AM) or 01:45 (stands for 01:45 AM). The problem now is that when I choose something from the list the value that is displayed is different form the one present on the list, like choosing 01:45 we get the number 7,29166666666667E-02. Is there a way to cause the ComboBox to display the proper values present on the list the RowSource is linked to?

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ComboBox On Form Does Not Display Correctly?

Apr 23, 2014

I created a data entry form that contains a ComboBox. The ComboBox is based on a range that has three columns and many rows. The purpose is to have the user select an item from the first column, and the other two columns are automatically filled in on the table.

The form works and the data is transferred to the table as it should. The issue is that when you select the ComboBox, it displays the data from all three columns wrapped in two columns. Some of the data is repeated and it looks confusing. How do I have the drop down show only the data in the first column?

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How To Code Combobox To Display Several CSV Files

Jul 9, 2014

I am coding my first UserForm. I've gotten some of it working. I need to display a ComboBox that will display 3 different CSV files. Since these will be updated here and there, I didn't think AddItem would work. How i should script this?

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Pick Combobox Column To Display (ID Vs Name) Via VBA

Jul 2, 2013

I have some vba code that opens up notepad and populates it with data from Access 2010. Everything works great including the notepad function, the database, and how the data is stored and displayed in the table/form.

The problem: I want to display the service name not the ID in notepad

I passed the field that I want to include in notepad as a string. However, it returns the ID and not the name of the person.

I don't want to change anything in the form or field property because it works perfect as is.

Is there a way to pick which column to display in the Email by vba code?

Column 0 = the ID and Column 1 = the name

^^That doesn't work for me

Here's my code (it works)

Private Sub cmdNoteAccept_Click()
Dim strCode As String

strCode = strCode & Me.Servicer & ": "
strCode = strCode & Format(Me.DateCreated, "MM/DD/YYYY")

strCode = strCode & "Insert message here"

Shell "Notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys strCode, True
End Sub

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Display Multiple Fields In A Combobox

May 15, 2008

If i have a multi-column combobox, how can i show all my columns in the display window after clicking on an item in the dropdown list? At the moment, only the first field will display :s (also, preferably keeping my first field as the 'value' property!)

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Display Corresponding Combobox Choice In Cell

Jul 18, 2007

I would like to have a ComboBox on a worksheet (worksheet1) that is populated by a list on another worksheet (worksheet1). Each time I select something from the ComboBox, it would display text in a cell within worksheet1.

For example, the ComboBox would have "Cat", "Dog", "Cow". And when I select "Dog" from the ComboBox, it would display in a cell nearby "Woof".

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Display Unique List In Combobox Of Userform

Feb 11, 2012

I have five comboboxes in userform1, they are link to Column A, Column B, COlumn E, Column G and Column Z of "Reference" worksheets respectively. The values in each column could contain duplicate values. However, I'd like to only display the unique values in those combo boxes and I have no clue how to achieve this.

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Display Multiple Columns In Combobox On Userform

Nov 8, 2012

I am trying to display multiple columns in my combobox on my userform.

I have it where it will find and load the data but when i select from the data only 1 column shows is there a way to have all 4 columns show up?

Dim lrowzz As Integer
lrowzz = (Sheets("graphs").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row) - 1 'new row to enter data into NEXT AVAIABLE ROW
Me.capac.List = Sheets("graphs").Range("B43:e" & lrowzz).Value 'populates the capa combo box on change capa tab

that is my code to populate the combobox using a dynamic range from B43 - D & Lastrow with data

Column b Column C Column D Column E
333 infoa dateA LocationA
334 infob dateb locationb
335 infoc datec locationc

when it loads the combo box i can see:

333 infoa datea locationa

But when I select 1 of the lines all that is displayed is Column B Data. How do i get it to still show all of it?

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Display Cell Address Based On Result Of Combobox

Jan 29, 2013

I have a combobox that returns me the names that are in a spreadsheet.

I need a return label, the index (address of that cell that the combobox returned), how do I do that?

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Display/Show Column Headings In ListBox Or ComboBox

Jun 13, 2008

Im trying to add coloumn heads to my listbox but its just not working
i was using rowsource to use the first row of the sheet as the headings however this just set the values in the listbox to the rowsource. Here is my code

If Area = "" Then
Dim c As Range
Zip = "*" + Zip + "*"
For Each c In Range([e2], [e65000].End(xlUp))
If UCase(c) Like UCase(Zip) Then
With Me.ListBox1
.AddItem c
.List(.ListCount - 1, 0) = c.Offset(0, -4).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = c.Offset(0, -3).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = c.Offset(0, -2).Value.....................

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UK Date Format ComboBox

Jan 10, 2007

I'm having trouble getting a combo box to show UK format dates. It's meant to check the last date on the spreadsheet, find so many weeks before and after and fill the drop-down. It finds the weeks fine, I've even had it put them into a column in the spreadsheet and they show fine there, but the drop-down always comes up with US format dates even if I read it from the test column in the spreadsheet. It then writes the US format date into the spreadsheet, which causes mayhem next time I run it, as I'm forcing it to read UK style dates in an attempt to make it work. It sometimes does decide to work fine, I'm never sure why, but it changes back to being wrong again when I close and restart it. I've checked my regional settings, and they're right.

Dim i As Integer
Dim ThisWeek As Date
Dim rCell As Range
Dim UsedWeek As Date
FirstTime = False
For i = 0 To 20
Redim Week(i) As Date
Next i
ThisRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row+1
If ThisRow = 9 Then............

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Date Format In Combobox

Feb 27, 2007

I need to set the format which a date appears in a combobox as it is initialised.

At the moment the combobox looks for data in a named range.
The data appears in the following format on the sheet.
"Jan 07"
"Feb 07"
"Mar 07" etc

When the UserForm opens and I go to the combobox "pulldown"
the date is formatted as follows:

How do I get the date format to reflect the cell format in a combobox?

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ComboBox Output Set In Date Format

Aug 10, 2006

I'm creating a workbook with the ultimate aim of graphing some data between any two dates. For this I plan to use the ComboBoxes on the Control Toolbox. Each ComboBox takes its range of data from a list of dates, with the cells set as Date format (custom as dd-mmm-yy), however when I select a date in the dropdown of the ComboBox, it is shown in number format, i.e. 38723 etc.

When I ask the ComboBox to put the output in another cell, it is input in text format as that number. Changing the output cell type does work, but once you select a new date in the dropdown, it reverts to text once again. how to set the ComboBox to display dd-mmm-yy format and it's output to be the same?

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How To Input One Range Into Combobox On Format Controls

Mar 31, 2013

How to input more than one range into the combobox on format controls. Im using the combox to change charts. The ranges are


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ComboBox Selection/Choice Looses Format

Oct 16, 2006

When i select 10% in the combo box, it changes to decimal which is 0.1
How do i change it to a whole number? eg. 0.9 to 90%?

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ActiveX Combobox Date Format And List Index

Mar 30, 2014

I have an activeX combo box with dates in the following quarterly format (dec-14, march-15, july-15 etc), with the following code:

[Code] .....

However' while each code works fine standalone, the two codes wont work together - and the listindex reverts back to 0.

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Time Display Format

Jun 28, 2006

I am trying to format cells so when i type in 343 it will display as 3:43 like a clock, i have tried all the time formats and they all read back to me as 0:00 or as 12:00, is there a macro or a formula i am missing?

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Display Of Marksheet Format

May 10, 2007

I am having a data of about 500 students and

each student has 6 subjects A,B,C,D,E,and F. Now the thing is that it is not necessary that a

student must give all papers to pass in exam, it depends on what options the student has

selected. We have made a table in a form given below

RollNO. Name. A Mark Grade B Mark Grade and so on till F Mark Grade.

In the next sheet we have used the function V lookup and printed a format of marksheet as


Roll No.


Subject Marks Grade

Vlookup Vlookup Vlookup

so when in the next sheet we enter the roll no. the name field and the subject marks and grade

field all Come automatically, now let me tell u the exact problem, if a student has not given C

and E subject, because of Vlook up function ans using if function the fields in place of C and E

subject are left blank and the marksheet is not looking good. Now what i want is that if a

student has not given C paper the subject, mark and grade of D paper should come in place of C

paper place,, so that there would be no gap.. if a student has only attempted paper F instead of

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Change Year Value In Dd/mm/yyyy Format Based On Combobox Choice

Jun 14, 2014

I have a TextBox and a ComboBox. the TextBox shows the current date

VB : TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")

The ComboBox has a list index of years say from 1991 to 2030. Is it possible Change only the "yyyy" in the TextBox based on the changed value in ComboBox.

Say the textbox1 shows today 14/06/2014. now if we select 2016 in ComboBox1 the TextBox1 date should changed to 14/06/2016.

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Format Cell To Display As All Caps?

Mar 21, 2005

Is there any way to format a cell so that text entered will always display in caps?

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Display Dates In A Specific Format

Apr 2, 2008

I'm in the process of setting up an Excel document and I need to be able to have it display dates in a specific format. I need it to express just a month and year such that the month is represented by a letter (A thru L) and the year is expressed as its last two digits such as in the these examples:

May 2012 = E12
Mar 2009 = C09
Nov 2011 = K11 etc.

I want the date to come out in this format regardless of how the user enters it.

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Display Data In Horizontal Format

Mar 5, 2009

I need to show data across the page, currently the data is arranged in column's, I need it displayed in row's.
Each material has a number of components, it is the components which I want to show across the page, with the different headings.

I have attached the current format and the required format.

Note the spreadsheet I will be working on has thousands of materials and hundreds of components.task.xls

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Format To Display Set Text Length

Sep 17, 2013

I'm trying to avoid using merged cells or text wrapping with altered row height to display some text in multiple rows - similar to using centre across selection to have a header across multiple columns without merging. The guys that use the sheet type a comment that is relevant to five rows and the easy solution here would be to just type the first portion of the comment in the first row (about 30 characters will display in the column width available), then put the next 30 characters in the next row and so on but the guys keep getting lazy and merging the cells so they can type the comments more easily. I can lock the sheet or force validation but I think there's a better solution.

I can effectively "wrap" the text across the five rows the header is relevant to by using a formula to pick up everything except the first 30 characters of each cell. Ie if they type whatever they want in cell B16 then I can use this formula to break it in to 30 character lengths to "wrap" it in to the next four rows:


And I'm sure it would be easy enough to use search with the formula to break it where there is a space in the text so partial words don't flow over.

BUT because the text ends up slightly different widths I want to use formats to force only 30 characters to display (whilst keeping the remainder of the text string intact). I can't figure out the syntax to format only 30 text characters to display but you can easily do it with numbers and dates and so on.

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Display Format Of Userform TextBox

May 12, 2013

A particular textbox in myuserform requires a displayed format of 000.000. I would like the user to enter a no less, and no more, than 6 digits. On tab, the textbox displays that value in the preferred format.

eg. enter 123456, TAB, results in textbox display of 123.456

I have tried ...


[Private Sub freq_AfterUpdate()
freq = Format(freq, "000.000")
End Sub
But this results in 123456.000

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Display Cell Format Dialog Box

Feb 9, 2010

How to use the xlDialogFormatMain dialog box in vba (Cell Format Dialog Box)?

I don't know the exact require parameters.


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Cell Number Format And Display - 2003

Dec 2, 2009

I enter in numbers, eg: 1, 2, 10, 24, 100, 1000 in a consecqutive cell range
They display as: 0.01, 0.02, 0.1, 0.24, 1, 10. Default cell format is general. If I change cell format to Number (with default display of 2 decimal points) it displays: 0.01, 0.02, 0.10, 0.24, 1.00, 10.00. If I also specify no decimal points, it displays: 0,0,0,0,1,10

The only way I can get the numbers I enter to display (and store) as 1,2,10,24, 100, 1000 is to change cell format to text and THEN retype th numbers into the cells. But, then it creates the green error comment in top left of each cell.

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How To Format Selected Blank Cells To Display 0

Feb 21, 2013

Would like to use formatting and no formulas.

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TextBox Display Format Currency Query?

May 22, 2014

When I enter a number, say 2456 in this textbox why does it display "$2.45" instead of "$2,456". I've tried fiddling with the ###'s and .'s but it just gets worse.

[Code] ....

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