Display Times In ComboBox
Aug 10, 2007
I've got a form with a ComboBox the RowSource of which is embeded in the column A of a certain sheet in the workbook - the values stored in that column resemble time reference, like: 00:00 (stands for 12:00 AM) or 01:45 (stands for 01:45 AM). The problem now is that when I choose something from the list the value that is displayed is different form the one present on the list, like choosing 01:45 we get the number 7,29166666666667E-02. Is there a way to cause the ComboBox to display the proper values present on the list the RowSource is linked to?
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Feb 11, 2014
I have a user form that opens when you pick (team1) sheet, I made a chart after week 8.
is there anyway using the combobox's to do a count on who was who's partner? so at the end of the league I know which 2 played together the most?
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Jan 5, 2009
I am doing math on times and want to be able to SEE values of Negative times instead of the ########. This is happening in a time card because I am summing the weeks total and subtracting 20 from it (expected 20 hours per week) so it will ALWAYS be negative until the last day of the work week.
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Apr 15, 2014
In column A and B I have different times:
Col A Col B
09:00 18:00
What I would like to do is to is to show these times in Column E as following:
Col E
09:00 - 18:00
How do I do this without the use of Macros?
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Dec 19, 2012
I have number of items and many items appear more than once. I need a formula so that counts the number of item appearing maximum number of times and it displays the name of the text written NOT the number of times it is written. It should also calculate number of times it appears in a particular month.
For E.g.
Table 1-5-2012
Chair 1-5-2012
Fan 3-5-2012
Table 10-5-2012
Fan 1-6-2012
Window 1-6-2012
Glass 1-7-2012
Glass 9-7-2012
The formula should work as follows
Table 2 May-12
Glass 2 July-12
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Jan 25, 2012
I have a long column of 9-digit numbers which represent the swipe-card-ID's of patrons accessing a parking facility. Most of them occur more than once, some of them many times. There is an operational rule that bars them from using the facility more than x times. (I can't implement this limitation in the parking software/hardware, or I would happily do so.)
So my question is, is there a way to process through that column, identifying each unique ID, and reporting any that occur more than x times?
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Jul 21, 2014
I have a range from a column in my Excel table that is formatted ##-##/##. A number like 1.125 would look like 1-1/8.
I also have some values that are text, such as: #6 (I'm working with threads). I use # because it is not the same thing as 6, which could be 6 millimeters or 6 inches.
In combo box on my userform it just shows the decimal values of the range. How can I format the combobox to match Excel?
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Jan 22, 2013
I have set up a UserForm containing a ComboBox, listing all suppliers. Upon invocation, the form becomes visible and the user enters a letter on the CB window, to which the CB displays the first entry starting with the user's input.
What I'd like to do is to have the CB expand its window, so that upon entering a letter the window shows something like, say, 5 entries, of which the top one is the first occurrence starting with that letter. Normally, clicking on the down arrow would do that, but I wonder if I can save them the keystroke.
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Jan 5, 2009
I type random numbers into column B
I want cell E10 to read column B then display (number 26 for example) how many times number 26 appears in column B
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Oct 23, 2006
I have made a userform where I calculate how long time an operation takes. If the time fe.g. is 25 hours and 24 minutes then I get the result 1:24. I have attached my userform as it looks now. If you write 540 in the bar and 550 in volume and press "Beregn" then "Norm tid + 10%" will write 1:24 and not 25:24. Is it possible to have the Userform to write 25:24 or 1day and 1 hour and 24minutes?
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Apr 23, 2014
I created a data entry form that contains a ComboBox. The ComboBox is based on a range that has three columns and many rows. The purpose is to have the user select an item from the first column, and the other two columns are automatically filled in on the table.
The form works and the data is transferred to the table as it should. The issue is that when you select the ComboBox, it displays the data from all three columns wrapped in two columns. Some of the data is repeated and it looks confusing. How do I have the drop down show only the data in the first column?
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Jul 9, 2014
I am coding my first UserForm. I've gotten some of it working. I need to display a ComboBox that will display 3 different CSV files. Since these will be updated here and there, I didn't think AddItem would work. How i should script this?
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Jul 2, 2013
I have some vba code that opens up notepad and populates it with data from Access 2010. Everything works great including the notepad function, the database, and how the data is stored and displayed in the table/form.
The problem: I want to display the service name not the ID in notepad
I passed the field that I want to include in notepad as a string. However, it returns the ID and not the name of the person.
I don't want to change anything in the form or field property because it works perfect as is.
Is there a way to pick which column to display in the Email by vba code?
Column 0 = the ID and Column 1 = the name
^^That doesn't work for me
Here's my code (it works)
Private Sub cmdNoteAccept_Click()
Dim strCode As String
strCode = strCode & Me.Servicer & ": "
strCode = strCode & Format(Me.DateCreated, "MM/DD/YYYY")
strCode = strCode & "Insert message here"
Shell "Notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys strCode, True
End Sub
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May 15, 2008
If i have a multi-column combobox, how can i show all my columns in the display window after clicking on an item in the dropdown list? At the moment, only the first field will display :s (also, preferably keeping my first field as the 'value' property!)
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Jul 18, 2007
I would like to have a ComboBox on a worksheet (worksheet1) that is populated by a list on another worksheet (worksheet1). Each time I select something from the ComboBox, it would display text in a cell within worksheet1.
For example, the ComboBox would have "Cat", "Dog", "Cow". And when I select "Dog" from the ComboBox, it would display in a cell nearby "Woof".
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Feb 11, 2012
I have five comboboxes in userform1, they are link to Column A, Column B, COlumn E, Column G and Column Z of "Reference" worksheets respectively. The values in each column could contain duplicate values. However, I'd like to only display the unique values in those combo boxes and I have no clue how to achieve this.
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Nov 8, 2012
I am trying to display multiple columns in my combobox on my userform.
I have it where it will find and load the data but when i select from the data only 1 column shows is there a way to have all 4 columns show up?
Dim lrowzz As Integer
lrowzz = (Sheets("graphs").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row) - 1 'new row to enter data into NEXT AVAIABLE ROW
Me.capac.List = Sheets("graphs").Range("B43:e" & lrowzz).Value 'populates the capa combo box on change capa tab
that is my code to populate the combobox using a dynamic range from B43 - D & Lastrow with data
Column b Column C Column D Column E
333 infoa dateA LocationA
334 infob dateb locationb
335 infoc datec locationc
when it loads the combo box i can see:
333 infoa datea locationa
But when I select 1 of the lines all that is displayed is Column B Data. How do i get it to still show all of it?
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Jan 29, 2013
I have a combobox that returns me the names that are in a spreadsheet.
I need a return label, the index (address of that cell that the combobox returned), how do I do that?
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Jun 13, 2008
Im trying to add coloumn heads to my listbox but its just not working
i was using rowsource to use the first row of the sheet as the headings however this just set the values in the listbox to the rowsource. Here is my code
If Area = "" Then
Dim c As Range
Zip = "*" + Zip + "*"
For Each c In Range([e2], [e65000].End(xlUp))
If UCase(c) Like UCase(Zip) Then
With Me.ListBox1
.AddItem c
.List(.ListCount - 1, 0) = c.Offset(0, -4).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = c.Offset(0, -3).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = c.Offset(0, -2).Value.....................
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Feb 23, 2010
In my workbook I have about 20 sheets (less in the attached sample), and on most sheets I’d like to query data for each day and find an average value based on the time and then copy that result into another sheet. I’m not sure if I’ll need 2 macro’s for this or if one can be used.
Here’s a quick description:
Assuming that I am currently in the sheet I want to run the macro, then I will either input “1:45” or “0:45” into a popup box, or I could always simply input the 1:45 or 0:45 in the code itself. I’m flexible
If I input 1:45, then I’d like the macro to find the first 1:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation. Once 1:45 is located, then the macro moves up to find 22:45 in Column B and the value in the same row in Column F will be used in the calculation.....
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the difference in times between specific times while working with a 24 hr clock. Please see details below:
E3 provides the start time of 4:00
H3 provides an end time of 15:30
If an employee works betwen the hours of 0:00 (midnight) to 5:59, this is considered DIFF hours and is therefore the number I am seaking. So for the data noted above, the total DIFF hours worked is 2 hours.
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Mar 7, 2009
I need a formula in excel to convert start times and end times and minus out lunch time taken and then give total hours worked. For instance,
Column D Column E Column F Column G
Start End Lunch Total Hours Worked
10:01AM 7:08PM 1:01 (formula to convert hours worked)
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Mar 30, 2009
Am trying to get dynamic population of 2nd combobox based on match from criteria in combobox 1.
if column a = bears and column b = colours of bears then
when I select bears in combobox one, combobox 2 would populate with colors of bear.
I am think of having a combobox 1 change event that evaluates each row in a specific range (does it match the criteria?) if so, then add 2nd cell (column b) of that row to the combobox 2.
I know it would probably involve match and offset, add item and loop, but I am not sure what the syntax is.
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Mar 30, 2014
I need to populate two combo boxes from excel sheet, the data will be like below:
Column A Column B
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
B 100
B 101
B 102
So from the above data, one combo box should hold unique values A & B.
On selecting a value from the 1st combo box A or B, respective values should be populated in 2nd combo box.
So the data should be like below:
If A is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 1,2,3,4 & 5.
If B is selected in the 1st combo box, then 2nd combo box should only show the values 100,101 & 102.
Friends I need it in a macro and one important point is, this is dynamic and it is not static and the data can be more.
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Dec 8, 2009
When I make a comboBox selection from the dropdown menu, the menu stays down until the last statement of the comboBox code is finished. How do I make the dropdown disappear immediately after the selection is made?
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Jun 20, 2009
try and achive is when a user selects a item from the 1st Combobox the 2nd Combobox is the populated with the cell that is to the right of the selected item.
for Example if a user selects AAB from combobox1,, Combobox2 should populate with Belly.
Maby using combobox1_Exit for the excercise.
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Sep 28, 2013
I created a UserForm then linked ComboBox1 to range A2:A, TextBox2 to range E2:E, and ComboBox3 to range M2:M of the same worksheet, named Sheet3. The row contents in Column A, Column E, and Column M are associated. Therefore, when the UserForm is active I want to be able to select a row from Column A in ComboBox1 and have the UserForm pull the contents from the same row of Column E into TextBox2, and Column M into ComboBox3. Here is what I have so far, but its not quite doing it.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ColARange As Range
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Jun 12, 2006
I have a table, headers "FirstName" and "SurName".
Further a Userform with 2 Comboboxes "FirstName" and "SurName"
I'd like to choose the FirstName (say Jack) in the "FirstName" combobox, and based on that get the choice of the Surnames of all my Jacks in the "SurName" combobox.
Actually my sheet has much more fields and comboboxes, but i think my problem is just that I do not find a way to populate them dynamically.
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Feb 8, 2008
How can i Loop through a combobox's values and compare to a string value and then set the listindex of the combobox to that value?
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Nov 27, 2012
I have created a userform in which there are numerous Text and Combo boxes. In ComboBox 1 I have, in effect, a list of named ranges in a spreadsheet.
I want the RowSource for ComboBox 2 to equal the item selected (named range) in ComboBox 1.
Private Sub UserFormcriteria_Click()
Set ComboBox2.RowSource = ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
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