Import CSV Into Worksheet Split Into Columns Then Copy Rows By Criteria

May 26, 2009

I have requirement to extact data into a spreadsheet. This data is extracted from CSV file which is huge normally over 7MB. I have found a macro on the internet which I have included with this post.

Sub split()
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
'Ask User for File's Name
FileName = InputBox("Please enter the Text File's name, e.g. test.txt")
'Check for no entry
If FileName = "" Then End
'Get Next Available File Handle Number
FileNum = FreeFile()
'Open Text File For Input
Open FileName For Input As #FileNum .................

I have also included reult data that I get after running the macro. I have cut down on data due to attachement restrictions. But usually there are multiple spreadsheets named "Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and so on". I have numerous requirements. First of all I want to be able to spreate data into columns. For now how I do that is by going to data -> text to columns and then selcting delmited and then selecting comma as my delimiter. Second thing I want to do is is only extract range of data from this output into a new worksheet. I am only interest in the name like for example ALBANY-Serial0/0/0 and data that is in the range of 8:00 AM to 6:00PM. So the new sheet should only have name and for that name data in the range of 8:00AM to 6:00PM for all the sheets "sheet1, sheet2 etc" until all data has been extracted.

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Prevent Text Being Split Down Rows On Import

Nov 22, 2007

I have a large sheet that I am having some problems with. The information comes from our database. In column A I have a client code and other information over to column D. In columns E I have dates. These dates have comments that are associated with them entered in column F. The problem is that sometimes these comments wrap into the next cell below. I have done this in the past. But the problem is that in column G there are dates of when the action took place, the issue is that there might be 1 or 10 of these dates per client. And then in Column H there are comments as well that spill into the next cell below.

What I need is to have everything in the first line, the client code over to column E, Combining of the cells in column F that were broken over multiple cells, then in Column G the first date and its combined actions to the right. The next row might have no client code but might have another date in Column G and comments in column H.

This is really hard to explain what I am looking for exactly. I have attached a small file that has an example of what might be downloaded and then a sheet of what I need it to look like when it is done.

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Import A Text File From A Specific Folder Into A Sheet Without Split It To Columns

Sep 26, 2007

I have a variable list. Each column will be 250 digits and numbers of rows will be variable. I want a macro to import a text file from a specific folder into a sheet without split it to columns. So we will work only in column A

Then macro will find B1002 wording in A1. if it is exist, it will copy the next 36 digits after B1002 wording if not then it will search A2 row. The next step will be to search and find another wording "B1001" if it finds it will replace copied 36 digits text. If it can not find B1001 wording it will go to upper row and search B1001 wording here and paste the text. This will go on till row shows #END. This means it reached the end of the list. And then macro will save this file as text file to another folder.

So macro will go to beginning to open other file in the folder and this will go on till last file in the folder.

This is the logic of the macro. Here is the sample of what I want.

Original Data: ....

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Copy Multiple Columns Based On Search Criteria To Another Worksheet

Sep 27, 2011

Rep Name is Column J Row 5. I need to find multiple columns based by the header which is row 5, if column range (j5:az5) is "Video - Actual" then copy column to sheet "Data", this needs to be repeated for about 8 more times for different criteria

Rep NameBundle - TargetBundle - ActualVideo - TargetVideo - ActualJoe, Jane, John, Chris, Adam, Gabriel, Will, Austin

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VBA Code To Copy Rows To A New Worksheet Based On Criteria

Dec 17, 2008

I need a macro that will search data from a range of cells in one column for multiple criterias and them copy the entire rows to a new worksheet.

Example I have a list of group names

Help Desk

I only want to choose all Network and Telcom rows copy to another worksheet.

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Copy Rows To Another Worksheet Based Upon Multiple Criteria

Apr 8, 2009

I have seen all kinds of copying routines, but haven't been able to get what I want.

1. Copy Row contents from activeworksheet

2. The activeworksheet will have various row counts

3. The activeworksheet has row 1 as header.

4. The criteria to use is in the current worksheet columns P through Z

5. The criteria to look for is the word inspect. only the word inspect, not words that contain inspect (i.e. "inspection") should not be found.

6. The word could be in column P and in S, but needs to be only copied once, becuase it has meet the criteria, but it also could only be in c

7. Copying the row into a Sheet named "Inspection"

As a bonus would be cool to be able to copy certain cells or the entire row.

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Macro To Copy Data From Columns And Paste In Rows After Given Criteria Matches?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a macro that would check data in Column A and validate if a particular number is repeating, then for that number go to column B, Take the Values from there go to a new sheet and paste the values in a row.

CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5001.USD18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5002.USD111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011

I get the data in the below format

CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD420.4240.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD420.4240.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011

I need to the macro to get the data not from the second cell.

Below is my macro

Sub test()
Dim idRange As Range, c As Range
Dim uniqueID As String
Dim destSht As Worksheet, sourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim map As Object, key, item


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Macro To Copy Data From Specific Columns And Rows To New Worksheet?

Apr 29, 2014

What I am trying to do is to look at specific columns, then copy the data in that column from specific rows from sheet 1 (named TIA) to sheet Macro1. I think uploading a sample of the spreadsheet would be useful.

Unfortunately the spreadsheet is a living document and continues to grow in both column and rows.. The data extracted at this point is from row 7, 23-60 and copied into the new worksheet starting at A1.


1) Row 5 states the macro the column will be associated with. There can be more that one macro associated to a column.

2) When column is found, data from row 7 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1 EX. If Cell G5 = macro1 then copy data from G7 to sheet macro1 at A1

3) When column is found, data from row 23 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1

4) repeat requirement 3 till no more Scenario's

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Split String Of Data Into Columns And Rows

Feb 22, 2010

I am looking for a way to split a large string (400 numeric value's, split by comma's) into a 20x20 field.

If possible, the field should be 600x400 pixels (30x20 squares), but this is just extra
Is there a way to do this in Excel (or any other program)?

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Split Worksheet, Seperated By Blank Rows, Into Several Worksheets

May 26, 2009

how to split one large worksheet into several worksheets using VBA. The only criteria I have to go on in the large worksheet is the existence of blank rows between each chunk of data I want on it's own worksheet.

Please see the attached zip file. There are 39 chunks of similar (but varying in number of rows) data that are separated by 3 blank rows, so I want my workbook be split into 39 new worksheets. My goal is to get the data into list/table format so I can work with it more easily and export into Access etc.

Also, just out of curiosity, is it possible to convert a HTM file into CSV? The attached data starts life as a HTM file that I just convert to XLS

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Split Line Break Multiple Columns Into New Rows?

Sep 17, 2013

I'm having troubles with a spreadsheet and unfortunately don't know enough VBA to fix it. I have two columns, each with data like so (standard text) separated by a line break:


And I need them separated like so:




with other items in the row from other columns applied to the new rows accordingly.

Any script/macro/tool (even non-Excel) to do this effectively (over 800 rows)?

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Split Single Column Into Multiple Columns And Rows

Aug 20, 2008

I have 300 rows worth of data that looks similar to this, all organized in one column:

John Q. Smith
2111 NW 13th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Joe P. Snider
5645 NW 45th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Patty Williams
6454 NW 34th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555

As you can see it is consistent with the name, position, address line 1, address line 2, Phone number, for every single entry. All my names are already alphabetized so I don't have to worry about it. What I want to do is have the information for each entry translated into 5 separate columns so it looks like this.

John Q. Smith Programmer 2111 NW 13th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Joe P. Small Organizer 5645 NW 45th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Patty Williams Accountant 6454 NW 34th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555

Supposing I started the sheet in the top left corner at A1, I was just going to have cell B1=A1 then Cell B2=A6 then just autofill down column B but it doesn't work. I have seen some people do something similar to what I want with VBA but I am convinced there has to be something simple in with an excel formula seeing as my information is already so organized and consistent.

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Split Up Rows In Worksheet Based On Value In Column And Rename New Sheet To Same Value

Jul 9, 2012

I'd like to split up the rows in a worksheet based on the values in one of the columns. Also, I'd like the sheets to be named after the values in the column. I have attached example excel sheets to explain this better. I think the vlookup and Sheets.Add and ActiveSheet.Name formulas can be used but I'm not quite sure how to put them together. The actual data has about 20 columns and about 500 rows.

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Data Rows Import To Access Columns

May 24, 2014

In Excel, we have multiple images for duplicate subjects: But when imported into Access, we run into a major problem:

How it is currently laid out in Excel:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Subject 1
Image 2.jpg


How Access requires it in order to do what we need:

Subject 1
Image 1.jpg
Image 2.jpg
Image 3.jpg


Duplicate rows vary from 2 to 15 of the same subject. There are about 40 columns, and the image data is in Column K:K

There are thousands of rows, and I am totally stuck on how merge, transpose or otherwise get this data the way Access requires it...

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Copy Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria On Multiple Columns

Dec 18, 2006

1. Copy data from original file (I do not want to do anything in the original file) into the spreadsheet (Target worksheet)where the code should run.
2. In sheet 1 of Target Worksheet, there are 2 columns which I need to set criterias on namely Column D and Column L
3. In Column D, I want to specify 3 criterias namely A, B and C
4. In Column L, I want to specify 5 criterias namely London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo
5. If Criterias in 3 and 4 are met, copy all rows into Sheet 2 of Target Worksheet

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Split Table And Import

Jul 30, 2009

I have a Table in my schema (Oracle Database) that has about 250,000 records (rows in excel speak), and we use Excel 2003 at work, so I can't import this there and then split it by Store Number (column).

Each Store number has less than 65K rows, so it should fit into a sheet.

Has anyone written some VBA script that will be able to look into my SCHEMA, and the Table in question (specific name) and then split it by Store number and import each store to it's own sheet.

So if the Table has 20 stores, there would be 20 sheets inside the workbook.

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Auto Copy Part Of Row In A Worksheet To Another Worksheet Based On Criteria

Dec 15, 2009

I'm a novice Excel 2007 user and appreciate all the help I can get. I have a workbook with monthly worksheets in it. When a certain data Type is selected from a drop down menu in that monthly worksheet than I would like to have it automatically enter specific data (Name, Date, Eval, Type) copied to another worksheet (CC) in the same workbook. I have been manually entering the data so far. Another thing, some of the data will be entered into the Monthly worksheets and some will only be manually entered into the CC worksheet so it would need to accomodate both methods of data entry. Please let me know if I need to clarify. I have attached the workbood, too.

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Locate CSV File With Open File Msgbox And Import Columns From CSV To Worksheet

Oct 28, 2011

Actually i've downloaded Tracking report of my SPO and this report is on 4-5 csv files (1 file per week). I have to gather data from these 4 files into one Worksheet. I have to do this with command button on my worksheet; with Open file dialogue box (i want to locate the csv files).

CSV files are something like that (I need only first 4 columns):

ABCDE1Name MSISDN Date Location MapLink 2M. Younus Safi "923***550577" "2011-10-07 20:36:18" "ACB Tower Badragah Chakwal. Badraga" "" 3M. Younus Safi "923***550577" "2011-10-07 19:36:26" "ACB Tower Badragah Chakwal. Badraga" "" 4M. Younus Safi "923***550577" "2011-10-07 16:39:58" "ACB Tower Badragah Chakwal. Badraga" "" 5M. Younus Safi "923***550577" "2011-10-07 15:37:23" "ACB Tower Badragah Chakwal. Badraga" "" 6M. Younus Safi "923***550577" "2011-10-07 14:37:05" "ACB Tower Badragah Chakwal. Badraga" ""

and my Worksheet is like that (With a command Button):

I want to import first 3 columns of csv file on first 3 columns on my worksheet; leave 2 columns blank and then import the 4th column... now for example i have done importing data from 1st csv file and the data is on 50 rows.. i click the command button again, locate the 2nd csv file.. do the same thing (import 1st 3 columns, 2 blank, then 4th) --from 51st Row-- and so on...

ABCDEF1NameMSISDN DatedBlankBlank Location2






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Import Multiple Text Files & Copy Each Import

Jan 29, 2008

I'm attempting to import around 200 (and growing!) separate text files into Excel. I am using the formula below to import the text file and then using a separate macro to select the information I need, copy it into another spreadsheet, and then run the import macro again.

However, I have a problem in that my import macro gives me 'Run-time error '1004:

Application defined or user defined error''. At first this wasn't a problem as the information is pasted into the spreadsheet despite the error anyway. However, now that I am looping the macro it is obviously causing more problems as it prevents the loop. I would really appreciate it if anyone knows of a work-around or can spot an error in the coding to resolve this!

The code below shows is for the import macro only:

Sub ImportTextFile(FName As String, Sep As String)

Dim RowNdx As Long
Dim ColNdx As Integer
Dim TempVal As Variant
Dim WholeLine As String
Dim Pos As Integer
Dim NextPos As Integer
Dim SaveColNdx As Integer

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To Copy And Paste Two Columns From A Worksheet To Another Worksheet Simultaneously

Dec 11, 2008

I would like to copy and paste two columns from a worksheet to another worksheet simultaneously. I would like to have a macro to do this function.

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Macro To Copy Six Specific Columns From One Worksheet To Another Worksheet

May 12, 2008

What I am trying to do is to write a macro that will automatically copy six columns from worksheet (Sheet 1) to another worksheet (Sheet 2). i.e. ‘Description of Project’, ‘WBS Code’, ‘Rate’, ‘Employee Name’, ‘Premium’, ‘Invoice’, ‘Status’, ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ from Worksheet (from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2)

The problem arises as I know the names of the columns to be copied in Sheet 1 (as details above) but they can be in any order in sheet 1.

In additional the columns ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ are total columns so when they are copied from ‘Sheet 1’ to ‘Sheet 2’ their values should be copied as opposed to the formulas

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VBA To Copy Selected Rows In One Worksheet To The End Of A Table In Another Worksheet

Jun 22, 2006

I would like to be able to select several non-sequential rows in a worksheet called "Data" (using a check box or just entering a value in Column A) and then be able to press a Command button to copy the selected rows to another worksheet called "Estimate" at the bottom of a table, and delete the designators in Column A (i.e. deletes the value, or unchecks the boxes) so I can repeat the process again if needed.

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Copy By Criteria To Another Worksheet

Aug 25, 2007

I have to create a macro that envolves a loop and not sure where i have to start. I have a sheet of data and my aim is to email sections of this data of to different email addresses in Lotus Notes. I have figured out how top do the latter just the former i am a little confused about. Basically on my sheet of data each row has a specific branch #, i want to be able to loop a formlua so that when ever it finds a number it creates a spreadsheet. The next aim which i can do is then in the macro email this sheet off to a specific address and then kill it.

The loop macro should then go down the spreadsheet again to find the next branch number and create another spreadsheet.. and the process repeats itself. I know it can be done, just not sure how..

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Sumproduct With Criteria In Columns And Rows

Nov 3, 2008

Sumproduct help with criteria in Columns and Rows

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Rows To Columns For Fixed Criteria

Jun 24, 2009

i have a unique problem. I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets.

Worksheet A

Dlr# Dlr Name Zip Code
X123 Dane's 50266
X123 Dane's 50266
X123 Dane's 53135
X983 Andy's 50254
X983 Andy's 50254
X348 Ryan's 45678

So, this spreadsheet has some duplicate rows and some unique ones. All are needed as duplicate zips mean that the dealer is sending out multiple mailings to the same zip code.

My task is to transfer these into Worksheet B so that duplicate zips go in different columns but unique zips don't. So this is what Worksheet B will look like:

Worksheet B

Dlr# Dlr Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
X123 Dane's 50266 50266
X123 Dane's 53135
X983 Andy's 50254 50254
X348 Ryan's 45678

My spreadsheet has over 500 dealers with over 1500 rows of data in it, so if there is an automated way to create spreadsheet B.

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Delete Rows By Criteria In 4 Columns

Jul 14, 2004

I have a large spreadsheet that is 65000 rows and colomns A thru W.
I need a macro to delete rows that if Date and Account and Type are
equal and the net of Quantity is zero delete those rows.

Col A = Date
Col C = Account
Col D = Type
Col J = Quantity

What the macro would do is if an account had 250 rows of activity on
say 7/7/2004 (Date) and same type of account and the net of all
Quantity is equal to zero delete those rows.

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Automatically Copy Row To Another Worksheet With Criteria

Feb 13, 2007

I'm looking for a formula that will automatically copy an entire row of data and paste it on one of many other pre-created sheets dependent on the data in a given column of the row.

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Copy Columns Depending On Criteria

Dec 6, 2007

I have attached a spreadsheet.

I have a dump of about 4000 calls (I have minimised the attachment for size sake) that I need to do certain reports on.

The second sheet (dump) has the data in its raw form from our call reporting tool. The 1st sheet (Report) is a broken down version the powers that be wish to see.

My formula needs to meet certain criteria, as you can see I only have 6 columns on the (Report) sheet where as the dump has lots !

The (report) sheet needs to list the Parent Case ID only if the Summary column has BSR at the beginning, if it meets this criteria then it lists the other relevant columns in the (report) sheet.

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Move Rows To Another Worksheet That Meet 2 Criteria?

Jun 13, 2013

I attached a spread. On the data tab, I have 2 criteria that I would like to use to move rows to another sheet. Columns U and W. An example would be that all rows that have a coil in Bay "B" and are allocated would go on the "B Allocated" sheet. I would also like this to automatically update when I delete the data in the data sheet and put new data in.

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Averaging Multiple Columns / Rows If Two Criteria Are Met

Apr 30, 2014

I have a dataset consisting of concentrations of parameters (alpha and beta) at different locations over multiple years. I've included an example dataset here.

I need to calculate an average and standard deviation for each parameter that spans multiple locations and years (but not all locations and years).

Example 1: Calculate the average and standard deviation of alpha values from years 2009 to 2012 at locations A and C.

Answer should be: Average of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.53. Standard deviation of {0.84, 0.47, 0.27, 0.14, 0.36, 0.65, 0.66, 0.85} is 0.26.

The real dataset is large, including 7 different parameters and more than 30 locations. I need to perform these calculations for many parameters, so am looking for a formula (or array formula) that will do this in as little cells as possible. Can this be done by formula or will I need a macro?







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