Macro To Copy Six Specific Columns From One Worksheet To Another Worksheet
May 12, 2008
What I am trying to do is to write a macro that will automatically copy six columns from worksheet (Sheet 1) to another worksheet (Sheet 2). i.e. ‘Description of Project’, ‘WBS Code’, ‘Rate’, ‘Employee Name’, ‘Premium’, ‘Invoice’, ‘Status’, ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ from Worksheet (from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2)
The problem arises as I know the names of the columns to be copied in Sheet 1 (as details above) but they can be in any order in sheet 1.
In additional the columns ‘Total Cumulative Hours’, ‘Total Cumulative Amount’ are total columns so when they are copied from ‘Sheet 1’ to ‘Sheet 2’ their values should be copied as opposed to the formulas
What I am trying to do is to look at specific columns, then copy the data in that column from specific rows from sheet 1 (named TIA) to sheet Macro1. I think uploading a sample of the spreadsheet would be useful.
Unfortunately the spreadsheet is a living document and continues to grow in both column and rows.. The data extracted at this point is from row 7, 23-60 and copied into the new worksheet starting at A1.
1) Row 5 states the macro the column will be associated with. There can be more that one macro associated to a column.
2) When column is found, data from row 7 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1 EX. If Cell G5 = macro1 then copy data from G7 to sheet macro1 at A1
3) When column is found, data from row 23 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1
I want to run macro for copying specific cell values from worksheets according to their headers in one final worksheet of the same workbook. worksheets can go upto 30-31 ws as per the dates in the month. This would really save time and energy of copy paste.
I am trying to modify the macro listed below for the following example. It would work when I have only numerals in the cell but this new query, the cell has both letters and numbers.
I want to compare column "M" from worksheet one to column "B" in worksheet two. If the information matches, then copy the value adjacent from worksheet two column "A" to worksheet one column "L".
Here is the macro that worked for me using a search of only numerals.
figuring out why the data doesn't copy?
Sub merge_accession_PS_rad_productivity() Dim rng2 As Range, c2 As Range, cfind As Range Dim x, y With Worksheets("Imaging_Summary") 'N4=Accession on Imaging Summary worksheet
I have a worksheet with data in columns AW to columns QZ. I want to be able to copy a range of columns into another worksheet. The Columns AW to QZ have the same headings repeated every 10 columns. e.g. English, Maths, Science, Art & Design, Humanities, PSHE, History, ICT, RE and Attendance. Each block represents a different time period.
I want to be able to copy all the columns headed one subject (e.g. English) into another workbook. I used the following code to open the worksheet and paste the data into it, but there are so many columns for the 10 subjects that the code is too big to run so I need to shorten it and i don't know how to.
Sheets("On Roll Data & Levels").Select Range("AF2:AF99").Select 'KS2 English column Application.CutCopyMode = False
I have a worksheet that utilizes a Worksheet Change Event. I created a macro to copy the sheet and that works fine except for the fact that it doesn't contain the Worksheet Change event.
I have a workbook that contains 50 worksheets named 1-50. I need to add more worksheets. all the formulas in the worksheets always refers to the previous worksheet.
How can i make a copy of the worksheet named 50, name it 51 and have all the formulas in worksheet 51 refer back to worksheet 50?
I have a file that has various numbers of columns, some of which i need, some of which i do not. Under these columns, there are various rows, sometimes 50, sometimes 400. I need to write something that copies only the specific columns I need and pastes it into a new worksheet.
For example, in the data file there is are columns property type, loan balance current, and amortization type. I need them to be copied with the information in the rows below them to a new worksheet, to eliminate the unnecessary information in the data file.
I'm creating a simple program that copy one or more specific cell values and place it on a specific cell in another sheet using loop to make it easier... I'm having a difficult time trying to figure it out..
from sheet1 A1:A5 Sheet1 A | B | C 1 P45 2 P46 3 P47 4 P48 5 P49
and place P45, P47 and P48 on another cell, to be specific in C1,C2 and C3, in a different sheet
I need to get a function that can copy some rolls in a worksheet 1 to worksheet 2 by sorting worksheet 1 according to column A of that sheet. I have attached a sample of what i intent doing for bether understanding.
I have sheets named exactly the same as the entries of a listbox. Now I want excel to copy the value located in e35 in the worksheet previously chosen.
I tried th efollowing, but this doesn't seem to work. I simply recorded a macro doing what I wanted it to do (orange) but replaced the reference to the sheet with what I thought would be the choice the user made (green)
Objective: use VB to copy the first sheet (tab) from every Excel file in a specific folder to a new sheet/tab (for each) in a master spreadsheet. I will then aggregate this data into a summary table.
Following the advice of an old thread (Access: VBA combining multiple excel files to 1 new sheet), one time for each file in the folder. So with three excel files in the folder, I get 3 new tabs in my master spreadsheet but all are copies of the first tab in the master spreadsheet.
I'm wondering if maybe the code, which was in a post from 5 years ago, needs to be "modernized" for Excel 2007. Thanks for any help.
This is the code I'm using:
Sub Combine()
Fpath = "C: emp2" ' change to suit your directory Fname = Dir(FilePth & "*.xls")
Do While Fname <> "" Workbooks.Open Fpath & Fname Sheets(1).Copy After:=Workbooks("Master.xlsm").Sheets(Workbooks("Master.xlsm").Sheets.Count) Workbooks(Fname).Close SaveChanges:=False Fname = Dir Loop
I need to start with a worksheet without any objects, namely pictures. Without knowing the name of the object, is there a way to clear all objects on a worksheet?
Second: on a different worksheet there are products with pictures with the product number. When a user selects the product number I want to copy that picture and copy it to J42 of the first sheet. My issue is positioning the picture.
I'm trying to add some code so that it only runs on the specific sheet or a range of specific sheets - but this list might change in the future) as a worksheet event... When I have been doing this in the past, I have been copying the code to each of the individual sheets but this now seems to be incorrect.
This time, though, I have created the code on one sheet (with a Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() event) which launches a macro in a separate module - my logic being to have as little code as possible in each of the sheets for copying, pasting, editing purposes, and centralise the main code in the module. However, I've noticed that this code is actually being run on all the sheets - even those I do not want it to run on. I thought, while developing this code, that it would only run on the one sheet it had been added to (e.g. right click the worksheet name, view code).
I'm having a problem to use the macro for opening a specific worksheet in a workbook. My plan to setup the workbook to open the first worksheet no matter which worksheet that was last saved and close.
What i have in mind is like below macros but it is not working.
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Worksheets("Main").Activate End Sub
Attached is the sample for the workbook. Test file.xlsm‎
I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. I want to start from any worksheet and run a macro that will copy some columns (A:E) from another worksheet called TABLE1 into columns I:M of worksheet I was originally in. I don't want to specify which worksheet I am in when I start as they are all called different names and I want the generic macro to run from any sheet. I simply want the macro to register the worksheet I am in when I run the macro as the reference sheet, and copy columns/data from TABLE1 into the correct columns of the worksheet.
I would then select the next worksheet - run the macro again - and it would copy the same columns from TABLE1 into the worksheet I am in. I know the following is not right, but what I have so far is =
this successfully goes to TABLE1 sheet and copies columns A:E but does not go back to the sheet I was originally in - I don't know how to code so it knows what the starting sheet was - it tends to either fail or copy the columns back into TABLE1 sheet.
I am looking for a macro which will take specific data from one sheet to the 2nd. I have attached the sheet. The Input data in the 1st sheet and the consolidated dat ain the 2nd one. Kindly assist. In the Final Sheet:
The Description column shld contain the data from B7:C7 and the B10:C10 together in one cell and that shld be copied till the end
The Description (Design steps) and Expected Result coulmn shld take data from the Test Step Description and Expected Result. And the Step Name shld be counted automatically till the last input. Test Name column shld be the 1st woksheet name.
I've been using this macro to pull data from multiple files, but instead of it creating a new tab, how can I have the macro pull the data and save it on a specific tab name(ex. Comp Stores). Here's the code I have currently.
Private Declare Function SetCurrentDirectoryA Lib _ "kernel32" (ByVal lpPathName As String) As Long Sub ChDirNet(szPath As String) SetCurrentDirectoryA szPath End Sub Sub Combine_Workbooks_Select_Files() Dim MyPath As String
I want to create a macro that when selected will take me to a specific row and column in another worksheet, this will be the outcome of two cells, so far i have it to take me to the row but no reference to the column can anyone help.
code i have so far.
Sub Find_Todays_Date() Dim FindString As Date Dim Rng As Range FindString = Sheets("Dynamic Whereabouts").Range("B1:B1") With Sheets("whereabouts 08").Range("A:A") Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _ After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
look for a certain value in worksheet A and copy that row of data to Worksheet B.
However, it seems to be only copying the row in worksheet A and pasting it. Is there something that a noob VBA scripter has missed out?
PHP Private Sub GetInfo_Click() Dim r As Long, LastRow As Long, Status As Integer Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, MyValue As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MyValue = Range("A4").Value Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate LastRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Cells(r, 1).Value = MyValue Then Rows(r).EntireRow.Copy Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("B").Activate Rows("8").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Status = 1 Workbooks("invoice.xls").Worksheets("A").Activate Rows(r).EntireRow.Delete
Exit For End If Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Whenever I try to use Sheets("Volumes").Select or .Activate on a specific worksheet, my macro code will immediately terminate with no error message. Iv'e used F8 to step through several modules and found that this happens every time it hits that line. The wierd thing is that i can select this sheet when screenupdating is off and I select it from a called subroutine. No other worksheets in this workbook are having this problem.
Additional info : using Sheet1.Select will select it with no issues but I don't want to go this route since it's a workaround and not a solution to somthing that should work.This problem occurs in several modulesEverything used to work fine and just one day it decided that i couldn't select the "Volumes" sheet in VBA anymore.I can click on the sheet no problem and it is not protected or hidden.
I have searched the FAQ's but have not found a suitable answer to my problem. I have some code that works perfectly when it is run from the VB Editor but when I put it behind a command button it gives me an error almost straight away. I have read that when a command button is used the command button defaults the active sheet to the one that it is one therefore you always have to specify the active sheet but I have done this so am still confused as to why it is falling over. Below is my code, I have commented where it is tripping:
Sub FormattingAcutalReport() Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesMF Consolidated Risk DAILY LIVE DATA FROM BO.xls" Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesDaily Non Banks LIVE.xls" Dim myBorders() As Variant, item As Variant Set SEGNSEG = Workbooks("Todays Reports.xls").Worksheets("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary")............................
I want to copy 4 columns and one cell to different sheet. I have 'Main' sheet and 'Report' , 'Report(1), 'Report(2), 'Report(3)' and so on. In this 'Report', I'd like to copy column A,E,F, and J and paste to column B, C, D, and E in the 'Main' sheet. I also copy Cell C3 in 'Report' sheet and paste in column A. The cell C3 is ID.
[Code] .....
I need to check every 'Report' sheet for copying and put these records into 'Main' sheet.
The first row in 'Report' is 6 The first row in Main is 4
I am converting a xls workbook into a tab delimited text file, but instead of copying the entire workbook, I want to copy the first two columns of the workbook except for the header row.
This is my code which is copying the entire workbook -
Private Sub SaveAsTabDelimited(ByVal sFileName As String) With ActiveWorkbook .SaveAs FileName:=sFileName, FileFormat:=xlText, CreateBackup:=False End With End Sub
how can I achieve this in my macro. I tried using the range(A2:B100000).Select syntax, but it didn't work.
I’m trying to do is identify duplicates in a LARGE column of numeric data. As a matter of fact, it’s about 112,000 rows which won’t fit on one spreadsheet since a spreadsheet can only handle 65,536 rows. So the caveats are that the information needing scanned for duplicates is all ONE body of data even though it is on 2 spreadsheets so I am not comparing one sheet of information to the other rather all 112,000 lines need checked for duplicates as a whole. Once duplicates are found I would like them to be highlighted in yellow on the original 2 worksheets but then also have the duplicates copied to a new sheet.
Trying to compare data from two spread sheets, if there is similar data in column a, output all data (sheet1 & 2) to the 3rd sheet.
Sheet1 a b c d smith john 888 cicero king larry 123 syracuse
Sheet2 a b c d smith marge 777 liverpool king mike 458 dewitt
Sheet3 a b c d a b c d smith john 888 cicero smith marge 777 liverpool king larry 123 syracuse king mike 458 dewitt
The closest thing I can find to what I'm trying to accomplish is this link here: Compare Worksheets
I'm also would like the ability to change the columns I am comparing. The actual sheets may have more that 4 columns.I can somewhat read the formulas but have a hard time under standing them completely.
Sub Test() For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("J:J") If Cell.Value = "131125" Then
This works great except that it pastes formulas. I would like to paste values only. I've tried " PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False" and it gives me an error.