Import Data From A Single Cell In A Table On A Site
Jul 19, 2013
We have a list of around 800 clients containing client id, name and e-mail and i need to add contract number. I can only get the contract number by accessing the admin (password-protected) using a URL that looks like this admin/index.php?client=id.
1. if i use the From Web option in excel's data tab, i get the entire table not just the needed cell
2. if i get the data using the above mentioned option, i can only do it from one client at a time
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Oct 19, 2012
import data from a website that requires a login/password (no login page, it pops up in a separate window like when trying to log onto an FTP).
I've got the login/password, and it's a simple call to the page to import it, but each time it asks me to authenticate when connecting (get the "Windows Security" popup asking me to authenticate).
Even when I select "Remember my credentials", it doesn't seem to, and so every time I end up having to manually hit enter to get by it.
Is there any way to pass the login/password information via VBA, or to get the "remember my credentials" to stick?
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Aug 17, 2013
I have a website (National Lacrosse League - 2013 Regular Season - Standings), that I want to pull information off and automatically into Excel.
I have been using web queries on other websites, and they have worked beautifully, however the tables that I want aren't recognised by the web query wizard (no yellow/black arrows). I can import the whole page through a query, however that's not really practical.
Is there a way I can import just specific tables on this site?? I'd like both the 'east' and 'west' tables.
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Jan 4, 2012
Automating Excel from Access, I'm attempting to generate a single sheet workbook and save to a Sharepoint site. This process works fine on my machine (XL2007, XP), but on a coworkers computer (XL2003, XP), the code throws a 1004 error on the save as line. However, the really odd thing is that stepping through the code doesn't throw an error on the coworkers machine.
Here's the sub being ran; the line it errors out on is the first branch in the .saveas block.
Private Const csSharePointSaveAs = "\sharepoint-us.mycompany.comsitesfinance adminlah blahlah-blahCustomer Publication Tracking.xls"
Private Sub PublishXLtoMOSS()
Dim objXL As Excel.Application 'Object
Dim wb As Excel.workbook 'Object
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet 'Object
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long
'Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
[Code] ...........
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Feb 1, 2010
I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).
Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest)
The problem is i will get "....A file name already you want to overwrite.." prompt.
Which defeat the automate process.
Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?
Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?
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Aug 3, 2009
I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.
Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to run a macro to Import Entire Text File in Single Cell
I have some Text Files in a Directory
Eg: C:Records
Each Sub Folder will have 1 Text File
Eg: C:RecordsFolder1Text File1.txt
C:RecordsFolder2Text File2.txt
C:RecordsFolder3Text File3.txt
I want to import Each Text File into One Single Cell Like
Row Column A Column B
1 Text File1 Text File1 Content
2 Text File2 Text File2 Content
3 Text File3 Text File3 Content
Is it possible to this through VBA.
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Aug 15, 2014
I've attached a sample workbook. Data Table 2 on the Data Tables sheet is what I'm after. Basically I have a formula that sums up quantity 1 (Q1) and quantity 2 (Q2) for all widgets at a site name and month. So for example, go down through column site name and column month and add up all of Q1 for site1 in the month of Jun 2014 (all widgets). This works but it shows duplicate totals which makes sense as there are mutliple widget types at each site. I think the example workbook explains it better. Note the Pivot Table sheet is an example of what I'm showing currently and what I'd like to show. While I understand that depending on how I set up the Pivot Table I can get similar results using either Table 1 or Table 2 but the other thing is that my users like to do some filtering of the data sheet itself without regard to the Pivot Tables.
sum quantity and show total for each site.xlsx
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Jan 22, 2014
i attach the file so you can look after you read
i have soccer table 1 sheet is "teams" which is the table of the league. 1 sheet is "games" which is the table of games of the league the last sheet called "import by date". in the end of every game day i sent email with the results of current day. for now im copy and pate all results and its not that easy and convenient. i want to make some formula that when i click in import data sheet the date its shows me all the results from that date. i try to do it with pivot table but didnt like how it displayd
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Apr 25, 2006
I'm trying to set up a macro which will import data from one worksheet to a master sheet. I need it to copy the information into specific columns but not overwrite any existing information which is already in the Master Sheet, but I don't even know where to begin.
Just so you're clear on exactly what it is I'm trying to do... I have a Master Sheet which lists all of our suppliers prices, margins etc etc... However, when we use a new supplier we send them a greatly condensed version of the Master Sheet - We call it the Supplier Sheet (no big surprises there)!
When the supplier sends it back to me I have to type it all out manually which is kinda time consuming. I'd really like to set up a "push button" system which allows me to simply drag the Supplier Sheet into the workbook, add the info into the Master Sheet, then be able to delete the now useless Supplier Sheet.
(I have attached a test copy of the file - all of the columns in blue are the ones which need the data adding to).
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Apr 4, 2014
I'm having difficulty trying to get the second file appended to the bottom of the 1st imported file. I get "run-time error '13' type mismatch". There is no difference between the two files. I'm thinking there is a problem with my range statement in the second file import, but this range works fine in other macros. Here's my code so far:
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;\server1usersmydataIMPORT1.CSV", Destination _
.Name = "IMPORT1"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
[Code] .........
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Mar 9, 2014
I am trying to generate several pivot tables from one data source table. I have successfully created my first pivot table (A date field, and a water storage facility level reading) and subsequently a graph from this. I have worked out that I need to group my dates as I am supplied a daily reading, but only need monthly average. All worked great.
Now i need to create more pivot tables and graphs. The next one I want is to create one grouped by years. But when I create this new pivot table and change the grouping of the date field to yearly, it also changes the grouping on my first pivot table, which is undoing my work.How to tell excel that these pivots are independent, and I don't want them changing in unison? See screen grab of my source data and where I am up to...
Microsoft Excel - 401027_0100.00_0221.00.csv_2014-03-10_11-41-35.jpg
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Aug 13, 2014
I am trying to fine an easy way to sort the attached spread sheet. it is a down load from our supplier which has a lot af data that i am not interesed in the only ones i need are columns description (r) and units (o) and name (g).
I am wanting to split each waste i.e oil fitters, acid batteries etc and each site so that the total amount each site has returned can be tabled ,so that i can create graphs showing who has/ has not return their waste steams.
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May 19, 2009
I'm Importing Columns from one sheet to another in the same workbook. imports good But:
1- Some columns with first records/rows blank do not import at all.
2- I have a column with some letter/numbers combinations and single numbers at times. Those single numbers are not imported. And half my data in that column are single numbers.
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Sep 30, 2013
I have a workbook that contains
Tab 1 --a datatable with mulitiple suppliers. Data changes once a week.
Tab 2-25 --Report Tab for each client--to be sent out to client weekly to update status of deliveries.
Current process:
1. copy and paste data table into excel model Tab 1
2. use advanced filtering to pull data from the datatable into each tab one tab at a time--25 times!
3. Sort the date in the report tab--25 times
4. Format the report tab--25 times
5. Copy and Paste into a separate workbook--25 times
6. Send each report--25 times
How do I reduce the number of steps in this reporting process?
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Sep 6, 2006
The following code works great:
Sub send_to_UCC()
Dim upcCode
Dim myTextField As Object
[Code] .....
But when the following code for a different page, does not work.
Sub send_to_UCC2()
Dim upcCode
Dim myTextField As Object
[Code] .....
Everything is the same except the URL and the textbox name.
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Sep 6, 2006
The following code works great:
Sub send_to_UCC()
Dim upcCode
Dim myTextField As Object
upcCode = "0001234512345"
appIE.navigate ""
appIE.Visible = True
Do While appIE.busy
With appIE
Set myTextField = .Document.all.Item("queryByGtin_key")
myTextField.Value = upcCode
End With
Set myTextField = Nothing
End Sub...........................
Everything is the same except the URL and the textbox name.
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May 7, 2009
Is there any way to have a web query stay connected and get live data from a site while still being able to use excel at the same time?
Basically the site has information that changes by the second and i need to keep a running record of it, and when it hits the variables needed i want to be able to trigger a set of code.
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Jul 30, 2009
I've got a single folder for the year 2009 that contains multiple files, identical in nature but updated for each business-day. In other words, the same report is generated daily with updated info. The naming convention is the same for every file (i.e. Daily Net Debt Report 02.2.2009.xls)
My ultimate goal is to have a macro that is dynamic enough that if its run on any given day of the year, it pulls the data (specifically from the worksheet "Detailed Cash" cells C1:E26) from every file included in the folder and places it in a single worksheet in the master file. So, for example, data from 1/2/09 would go into cells A1:C26, data from 1/3/09 would go into cells D1:F26, etc...
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Apr 20, 2008
I am trying to get a VBA code to import multiple text files into an excel worksheet. The text files contain about 5,000 words each listed in a single column. I found this thread Import Multiple Text Files and the code listed there:
Sub test()
Dim myDir As String, fn As String, ff As Integer, txt As String
Dim delim As String, n As Long, b(), flg As Boolean, x, t As Integer
myDir = "c: est" '<- change to actual folder path
delim = vbTab '<- delimiter (assuming Tab delimited)
fn = Dir(myDir & "*.txt")
Do While fn <> ""
Redim b(1 To Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
ff = FreeFile
Open myDir & "" & fn For Input As #ff
Do While Not EOF(ff)..........................
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May 6, 2007
Cell A1 value is: B1 Value should automatically show "Possible"
Cell A1 value is: B1 Value should automatically show "Possible"
Cell A1 value is: www.jigarparekh.html B1 Value should automatically show "notvalid"
I need a formula which can automatically see the status of the website address and updated in B column. which means that one dose not need to go to the website page to see if it is correct or not.
I have lot of website in the one sheet and i don't want to go all this website and check if they are correct. I want the status of this website in b column once when i have the website name already in the A column.
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Feb 2, 2010
Hi everyone,
I've got several Excel files that need to be edited separately.
Once they have been edited, I need to paste the content of each file in a single separate Excel file.
Is there a way to retrieve the content from all the files in a folder, and merge it in a single file?
For example:
3 separate files > File1, File2, File3
Merged file, sheet1
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Nov 28, 2012
i'd like to be able to import a list of file names from a folder. sounds fairly straight forward to me, but example:
folder a has 10 files in it (let's say PDFs - numbered 1 through 10). I'd like to be able to open the spread sheet, and see the file names in column b. ideally, i'd also like subfolders to be listed, in the next column. but, let's start with just this.
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Apr 16, 2012
How to write a code to import all tables from a single word document into a single excel sheet? (we don't know exactly how many tables there will be,or how many rows in a table there will be , but the columns are certain, which is 9, from A to I.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a spreadsheet where raw data is entered ("RAW_DATA") for each month it is collected. There are 7 questions that are tallied and each of those responses are transfered to a separate data table for analysis (7 individual tabs within the spreadsheet). I'm currently manually data entering the values from the raw data tab to the other seven tabs.
I would like to have VBA code that could transfer the data from one month ("RAW_DATA") onto the other 7 tabs based on the date and facility identified in the raw data tab. I have not attempted the VBA since I do not know where to start with searching on two variables.
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Jul 18, 2014
I am looking for some VB to import multiple csv files, stored in a single directory, into a single excel worksheet. However I am looking to also include all or part of the filename, so to differentiate each file.
I've attached an example spreadsheet, inc the below code, of what I am trying to achieve.
Current code is (this parsers all .csv files in the specified folder into a single worksheet):
[Code] ......
Attached File : csv_loader.xlsm
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Apr 24, 2014
I do have a 2 tabs with certain sets of data which I need to compare. I have one tab called "NEW" and another one with "PREVIOUS" and unique values in column C in each of them.
I now look for a formular / macro which tries to find the value in cell C2 of the "NEW" tab in the "PREVIOUS" tab. In case there is a match, the cells of columns T to W (of the row where the value was found) should be copied from the "PREVIOUS" tab into the "NEW" tab just to the same place. When there is no success, "NEW PD" should be entered into cell T (of the respective row).
The lists are growing week by week. I can do an offset / match function which will import the plain data, but I cannot get the formats, too. I believe I will need a macro for that but I am too unexperienced to get this to work on my own.
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Nov 9, 2013
see sample file, i need a formula to do like B column,
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Nov 26, 2007
Is it possible to import the last row an Access table into Excel either through VBA or an excel function.
I need it to be only the last row, due to the size of the database, I have tried importing using a query but this takes a long time as it checks each row first.
Is there a way to find the last row automatically a bit like this in excel.
myendrow = sheets("sheet1").range("a65536").end(xlup).row
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a Table in my schema (Oracle Database) that has about 250,000 records (rows in excel speak), and we use Excel 2003 at work, so I can't import this there and then split it by Store Number (column).
Each Store number has less than 65K rows, so it should fit into a sheet.
Has anyone written some VBA script that will be able to look into my SCHEMA, and the Table in question (specific name) and then split it by Store number and import each store to it's own sheet.
So if the Table has 20 stores, there would be 20 sheets inside the workbook.
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