Insert Shape When Matching Dates Are Found?
Jan 17, 2013
I have a list of chronological dates from left to right in a single row starting in H1 and going out to say BY1 or further
In a single column (C:C) I have random dates.
I want to insert a shape when the dates in column matches the chronological list of dates in (1:1).
I want the shape to be inserted on the row on the random date and the column of the matching chronological date.
I have this so far:
Sub Shape3()
' Shape3 Macro
This works OK but for some reason the shape changes when the next random date in column C is not found.
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Feb 3, 2009
I have a button (group containing and add and delete button).
I want to identify the row (position of shape/button calling the macro) to enable inserting a new row (1 row down from current row).
Then do the same to delete a row (position of shape/button calling the macro) to enable deletion of selected row.
This will allow me to add/insert rows by the button located at that row
The problem i have is getting the row property (row position of the button eg. TopLeftCell.Row) of the add button. The add button (RowBtnAdd) is a shape within a group (BtnGrp)
I also note that when a group is copied, it has the same shape name as that copied.
I want to keep the add and delete shape within the group (BtnGrp).
I do not want to select a cell or row or enter a row number to delete etc.
refer to sample workbook attached. Currently only has one record row.
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May 21, 2013
I have Excel and Outlook 2010 64-bit. I'm trying to develop HTML e-mails that are a mix of text drawn from cells on one sheet and picture objects on another. I have no problem with the HTML body text, but I cannot figure out how to reference and place the Shape objects. I am using:
.HTMLBody = "" & Range("F1").Offset(i) & Range("G1").Offset(i) & ""
and I want to embed, between the text brought in with cells F and G, a picture object like
Sheets("Images").Shapes("Picture 1")
I've found code that brings in a picture from a file but, for portability's sake, I really want to have the pictures maintained on the Images sheet and not in a separate file. However, I cannot figure out how to connect the HTML code with the spreadsheet object.
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Feb 12, 2009
I want to see if the people on list one are on list two. I need to come up with a formula that gives TRUE for each person on list one who is on list two and false for each person on list one who is not on list two. Several caveats: 1) there are people on list one who aren't on list two and vice versa, 2) the people have several defining characteristics which need to be met, and 3) dates are involved.
With respect to point three, TRUE should only appear if the people on list one are on list two and if they were employed by the organization on a specific date (ex: 3/5/1996); in order for the TRUE statement to appear in the G column, the person should not only be on list two but also be employed on a specific date. The specific date should fall within the start and end employment contract.
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Nov 3, 2006
I'm having problems with trying to find something in the spreadsheet and inserting a row before it. For example I would like write code that basically goes threw my rows and if it finds the "2800" then it inserts a row before that. I have now bought several books but I have yet to come up with an answer.
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Aug 12, 2009
This code inserts a new column to the left of Column CV ...
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Dec 7, 2010
I am trying to perform a simple insert macro. That will search column A for a value "Jack".
Once the value has been found insert a blank row, 2 rows up from that value. Not below.
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a code that copies rows to another sheet if a value in D:D is found. BUT I need to add a "create sheet" IF the value exist.
So if VBA finds the value "TWO" in Column D, then insert a sheet at the end named "Two"
Then the code below will copy all the values of "TWO" over to sheet "TWO"
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LR
If Range("D" & i).Value = "9" Then Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Next i
In essence, the VBA should:
Search for "ONE" in D:D, not find anything and move on.
Search for "TWO" in D:D, will find it, Create a New Sheet named TWO, then the above Code to copy all matching rows into sheet TWO.
Search for "THREE" D:D, not find anything and move on....
There will be roughly 12 sheets created on average, so if I create all sheets beforehand.
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Sep 4, 2013
I would like a macro to order the columns as per the hardcoded list. If the column is not found than add the column at the position as per the hardcoded list. Below macro does the first part of re-ordering however if the column is not found how do I add an empty column:
Sub Reorder_Columns()
Dim ColOrder As Variant, i As Integer, Found As Range
ColOrder = Array("LogicalFileName", "LogicalFilePath", "UploadedDate", "UploadedBy",
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Jan 22, 2014
I have data in cells B2:E2 and this can go down 100+ rows.
In column B i have invoice numbers but some cells contain the word "Deposit".
I have sorted this data so that the invoice numbers appear first and then all the Deposits.
I need a code to find the first instance of the word "Deposit" and to insert a row so that all the invoices and Deposits are seperated by a single row.
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Jul 18, 2012
I have been able to make a excel sheet which takes inputs from userform for First Name, Last Name, Address etc. I have included a duplicate check for column "B" for "First Name". This checks if any existing data is already which matches the new data input for "First Name" through userform.
The userform only checks for the "First Name" check as required and gives a message that duplicate has been found. Then I have to close the userform and do a Control Key+F ( to find the new name for example, James) in excel sheet and validate that new name is same or different from existing name "James". This I want to do since this new name "James" may be another "James" as his "Last Name" is different. So even though First Name is same, since Last Name is different I know they are two different persons. In that case I will add the entry manually in sheet, instead of userform, since I would not be able to input the new data for "James" since the duplicate check with the current code will not allow me to do so.
What I am current trying is -
1. If the new name say "James" is entered through userform, then excel should point me to the existing row where the record for existing name "James" is there, say row 4.
2. Now without closing userform I should be able to see in the background excel sheet the search results for "James", as excel is pointing to that now. There may be multiple "James" in the existing which should be pointed out.
3. Based on the results that I see in the background excel sheet I can now decide that, this new name "James" is different from old "James" (of row 4) since his Last Name is different. Accordingly excel code should then ask me to add this record or discard this new record.
4. Duplicate check for First Name is enough for me. I would not require "Last Name" duplicate check.
I hope I have been able to explain my problem. I have also attached my current code as I am not able to attach any sample test file.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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Jan 17, 2013
I have two sheets with data. I wont excel to look for a value in colum A in sheet 2 the value to look for is defined in colum a in shet 1. If value is found it should insert in sheet one the value that is in the cell next to the found value. The data is not sorted. I have attempted and failed with using different functions.
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Mar 4, 2009
when i run the below code i get an error 438 'object doesnt support this property or method'
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Feb 11, 2013
Attempting to match acct #s on source sheet with account numbers on Template but the numbers on the source are = to the cell value while the numbers on the template are equal to finding the source cell value in the template. Let me explain with code.
Set Source value:
Set FirstIO = zfir.Range("e8")
Set Template value:
Set CheckIO = Range("Accounts").Find(IO, LookIn:=xlValues)
When I get here:
If FirstIO = CheckIO.Value Then
I get a mismatch because
FirstIO = 3333333 and CheckIO = "3333333"
How do I make these 2 values Match?
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Nov 11, 2013
I'm trying to create a UDF that would be able to accept a column as an input range.
Match dates contained in two other cells and return the addreses so I can perform a function between the two addresses.
like Function multiplyrange(B2,B3,A:A)
B2= Start Date
B3= End Date
Column A is contains all the dates
sheet set up:
Start Date
End Date
[Code] ........
So it basically just multiplied all the values between the dates found.
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May 20, 2009
I have Column A with chronological dates. Some of them will be the same. If the dates are the same then the lowest row of those dates would need to add all the corresponding values in column D and print the total to column E
A1 through A3 = 2/12/2009
D1 through D3 would need to be added
E3 would display total for =d1:d3
it would then do this for each of the dates that match in Column A
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a column of Dates in Col B with corresponding X values in Col C. I specify a start date in Cell F14 and an end date in Cell F16. I then use the function shown in cell H6 to identify the starting row number (corresponding to start date) in Cell F6. If I used the same function to identify the end row (in this case 4/2/13), it would choose row 8 which is the first row in which it encounters that date. Unfortunately, I need the end row to identify the last row that date appears in. In this case, that would be row 11.
Excel 2010ABCDEFGHIJKLM1 Date and TimeX2
3/30/201334/1/2013 1:366.9744/1/2013 4:563.95 54/1/2013 4:573.27
Start Row64/1/2013 5:165.553=MATCH(DATE(YEAR(F14),MONTH(F14),DAY(F14)),$B:$B)+174/1/2013 5:172.35
End Row84/2/2013 17:191.59894/2/2013 17:192.81 104/2/2013 17:252.14 114/2/2013 17:262.05 124/3/2013 5:152.84 134/3/2013 5:154.11
Start Row144/3/2013 5:173.2404/01/13154/3/2013 5:173.45
End Row164/3/2013 17:124.0304/02/13174/3/2013 17:133.621819Sheet1
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a worksheet with a data sheet that has the values for a number of portfolios over a time period (one month)then I have a corresponding sheet for each portfolio (in the attached example I have included only portfolio 1). What I am trying to do is to make a formula in the sheet Portfolio 1 that matches the date in the Portfolio 1 sheet with the data sheet and by matching the date returning the value for the Portfolio 1 for the date ie date 2008-06-01 should return for portfolio 1 (from the data sheet) 500.
I have tried with varying Index and matching formulas and I do believe that this is the way to go.
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Jun 21, 2014
I have a data table on worksheet "Data" which has 2 dates (start and end) stored in columns in yyyymm format: (example 201204)
I also have a row/column table which is supposed to sum up balances which match both the start date in the column, and end date in the row, so that all unique combinations of start and end dates will have their own cells.
This is an example formula I am using
VB: =SUMIFS(Data!$K$2:$K$37233,Data!$F$2:$F$37233,"="&TEXT(R$6,"yyyymm"),Data!$H$2:$H$37233,"="&TEXT($B27,"yyyymm"))
I checked individually and the TEXT(R$6,"yyyymm") as well as the ($B27,"yyyymm") does return the yyyymm format.
The problem is that excel thinks that 201204 in the data table is different from the string "201204" and I keep getting zeros for that SUMIFS formula.
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Jan 9, 2013
i have 2 columns of number of cars using various roads, taken in the last 30 days. A macro has processed the data in these ranges and changed the outlier values to "Bad" so the formula ignores them.
However in the columns A and C , there are dates that the counts were taken on.
sometimes these dates aren't the same (no data available on christmas in some areas, boxing day in others etc. Obviously this destroys the correlation, as it puts the days out of synchronisation and the correlation falls apart.
Is there any way i can adapt the formula for it to check the dates are the same before correlating? It'd almost be like a vlookup, find the date, if match, add to calculation, if not then go to the next date. i'm happy for it to only correlate 26 of the 30 days if there are that many conflicts.
example for last 6 days performed on the 28th of december (looking for 6 calendar days up to but not including 28th dec.
22/12/2012 9 22/12/2012 Bad 23/12/2012 10 23/12/2012 22 24/12/2012 3 24/12/2012 21 25/12/2012 7 26/12/2012 18 26/12/2012 8 27/12/2012 15 27/12/2012 15 These 2 cells would be blank and this column would only contain values for 5 could only correlate the 3 days of 23, 24 and 27.
Given that i'm going to be correlating this information with a number of locations, each with different reporting dates, filtering the dates before correlating and deleting unmatched dates is not a great option, but I will consider it if there is no other way.
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Aug 4, 2009
I am looking for help. Sheet1 B1:1 has dates in each column in ascending order for one month. There are missing dates in between the days and they might look like this.
Example 1
Is there a code that will insert columns with the missing dates between the dates that already exist so that example 1 would become example 2?
Example 2
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Jan 14, 2014
I have not had time to explore the forums yet, but because it handles some books in excel Of course, if you can achieve what I need. I want the cell A1 have within two dates, so far I have something like this:
for example, a cell may be it; 14/01/14-18/01/14
The hyphen it can be anything. i don't want to work with the date every time i work with book.
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which has "Employee: [agent 1 name]" in column A and it may or may not have the word "Break" in the same column before it mentions "Employee: [agent 2 name]". The amount of data between agent 1 and agent 2 varies and am needing code which will insert a row above "Employee: [agent 2 name]" if "Break" is not found, and add the word "Break" in column A on the inserted row. I would need this to loop through the spreadsheet until all 100+ agents have been searched.
I'm also needing this done for the word "Meeting" and would insert a row 2 rows above the next agent.
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May 20, 2014
I need to insert blank row/s between the missing dates and fill the missing date & corresponding employees name. Let me explain in detail,
I have a start date in Cell E1 and end date in Cell G1. Need a macro to verify the date range in Col A with these start & end dates and insert blank row for missing date corresponding to employee names in Col B. This should be repeat till last used row of the sheet. Attached sample(Before&After) workbook.
Both missing date and respective names to be filled in the newly inserted rows.
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Jun 4, 2012
I have an issue with a userform that needs to pull and insert dates.
This hinges on several formulas and pivot tables plus eventually gets imported into access so my needs as shows will not be all that flexible.
this needs to be input as "05/01/2012" but read as "MAY", the userform needs to display the date in a method that makes sense to my temp/seasonal users (mmmm format preferred) but needs to be in the cell as mm/dd/yyyy so the formulas and pivot tables can make properly read them. I have been trying this for months and it seems i can get all the parts working independant but not all at once.
The default reads fine and it inputs fine but the drop down has excel date codes (40156, 40187, etc)
The default is fine and inputs the date AS "mmmm" format but cant be read by the forumalas or access.
I am open to examples like making the combo box populate another textbox or field on the form but haven't gotten that to work yet either. Example files and picture in the link [URL] .......
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Nov 27, 2007
I have a sequence(or a series is more proper) of dates(without the hours) for. exapmple: 10/22/2007,1025/2007,10/25/2007. What I need is to insert rows with the missing dates. I found a VBE code for a macro which does the work but now the problem is that in some rows the dates are the same and if I have two times 10/25/2007 it adds the row with the next date after the first one and all messes up.
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = Empty
If ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
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May 16, 2014
I need to insert blank row/s between the missing dates. Let me explain in detail,
I have a start date in Cell B1 and end date in Cell D1. Need a macro to verify the date range in Col B with these start & end dates and insert blank row for missing date corresponding to employee names in Col A. This should be repeat till last used row of the sheet.
Attached sample (Before&After) workbook.
Insert Missing Date.xlsx
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Jul 4, 2014
Attached is what I use as a Calendar Macro and it works great for single active cell use.
I have a column for 'Notes' and I can only use 1 cell per item so every time I have an update about a specific item I go the to notes section and put a date and leave few spaces then type in whatever the notes are. Currently I'm doing it manually and I tried to use my macro on the Notes column and what it does is to remove everything in the cell and replace it with whatever date I choose in the calendar.
find a way to use my current Calendar Macro to add a date in the cell instead replacing everything in the cell with a date.
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Jan 24, 2014
On the attached spreadsheet there is two irregular shapes. "Area1" & "Area2". I need to be able to determine which area the "ball" shape is located in. If the ball is in Area1 then "Multiply 8" gets the ball and "Multiply 9" moves to the blue cell "AH39". If the ball is in "AreaB" Multiply 9 gets the ball and "Multiply 8" runs to cell "S37"
I should be able to do the moving of the shapes using all the samples, its determining which area the ball is in is the problem.
In the real spreadsheet i will probably have around 10 different Areas.
Move Two Objects - Select Case.xlsm
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Sep 17, 2009
I have tried many different ways of coming up with a solution of this problem without writing a VBA program, however, Excel's date and time formatting scheme seem to be tripping me up. As a result, I am trying to figure out what direction to go.
I have seached the board up and down looking for a solution and I have found one problem that is midly similar but I do not fully understand the code. I have tried to modify it but to no avail.
Here is my problem:
I have 9 columns of data that are reported in 15 minute intervals for a little over 3 years. There are missing data in the data set and it would be infeasable for me to manually find and replace the missing data. (Over 110000 rows of data)
Example of data (Where "/" delienates column seperation):
Date / Temp 2m / Temp 10 m / Radiation / RH / WindAve / WindMax / WindMin / Rain
6-1-06 12:15 am / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-1-06 12:30 am / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-1-06 12:45 am / 45 / 35 / .0001/ 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-2-06 6:00 pm / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
6-2-06 6:15 pm / 45 / 35 / .0001 / 95 / 5 / 7 / 3 / 0
So what I need to do is this:
1) Find which data times are missing
2) Add the appropriate amount of rows in between where the missing data would be
3) Add the correct dates to the new rows
4) Add "N/A" to the columns that have no data
You can see that my date and time are formatted in mm/dd/yy hh:mm
I found this on the website and was trying to modify it to my needs:
Sub InsRow()
Dim c
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