I am having a bit of trouble with something i am trying to do in my Excel workbook (which we will call the home workbook). Basically what the home workbook does is opens a number of different Excel workbooks that are located in a certain directory. It then finds the first blank cell in on the worksheet "Data Import" ...the cell adress is stored in a variable called found. I need to utilize the values that are in certain cells of the workbooks that the home workbook is opening, but I keep getting a 'subscript out of range' error. I am almost positive it has something to do with accessing the other workbooks. Here is the code I've come up with (well parts of it that are relevant):
Dim found As Range
Dim strFile As String
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "C:directoryPath" 'amend directory as appropriate
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xls") ' amend extension as appropriate
Do While strFile <> ""
I have two hundred workbooks in a folder located at "C:ozgrid". I'm trying to extract the information in cell B9 in each of these workbooks and input them into a new workbook starting in cell A1 and continue on down through cell A200. Each workbook name begins with "Summary" and has the format of "Summary XXXXXX.xls".
I have up to 50 workbooks in one folder with data in a specific range. I also have one workbook which includes additional data, including conditional formatting and dropdowns. I need to copy the desired range from the first workbook in the source folder to the second workbook, then save the latter to my destination folder, using the same name as the first. I need to repeat this process for all workbooks in the source folder.
code to create hyperlinks to all the workbooks in a folder? I Have about 52 workbooks in a folder and I like to place the links into another workbook so a user can open anyone they wish.
Is there a way to use a for next loop to open a workbook that is in a folder, then save and close the workbook then open the next workbook in the folder and do the same routine till all the workbooks have been updated?
I have a macro that opens all workbooks in a folder and searches for a few terms returning the appropriate rows, my problem is that someone has decided to protect some of the sheets so when the files are opened you get the password box popup. I have added the (filename, readonly) segment however this has not solved the issue, the macro displays an error stating a workbook is open.
Is there any way to resolve this without unprotecting the sheets?
I am using this code to save all files in folder as CSV . I would like to add a letter to the beginning of file name for each file starting with a for file 1, b for file 2 etc.
Code: strFile = Dir(mFolder & "*.xls*") Do While strFile "" Workbooks.Open mFolder & strFile Range("D1").EntireColumn.Insert
I have a series of workbooks created by my salesforce (from a master template that I created for them) which they then place into a folder for me to extract data and upload that data to SAP. I am writing a procedure, therefore, to do just that.
Essentially, I would like to open the file containing the data, extract what I need and then close it. I can do that. THEN, I want to move each data file to a folder (which would depend upon the data within the file) as part of the whole procedure. I can define the new path, but I don't know how to move the book.
In creating the master template of the data files, I built into it an auto-name-creation procedure which defines the name of the file that they create. This enables me to write a procedure to work out the file to open. In order to do this, I disabled the save function (but password protected it so that I could make changes to the master template). As such, I am unable to use Save/Save As to move the data files.
I have a large number of files (100+) contained in a directory with multiple subfolders that need to be made read-only at the end of an excel macro. Because of said length, I believe (open to correction) that the SetAttr method would not work (as I do not know the individual file names). It is also necessary to preserve all of the original files' other attributes.
I need a macro in a workbook to look at all the files in the same folder that have "*att*.xls" in the name and determine and copy from the range A15:W515 only the rows that have data in at least columns A, C and D. Each file will vary as to how many rows there will be and there are more than the files with "*att*.xls" in the folder. The data will be on the only worksheet in each file and the worksheet is named "G2WAttendee_xls" the data from all the files need to be copied to the file called "Consolidated webinar reports.xls" (I am using Excel 2003) and to a sheet called "Attendance Data" and added to the end of the last paste.
At the start of the macro the current file "Consolidated webinar report.xls" should be saved to a sub folder of the current directory and have the date saved added to the name. The sub folder is called "Completed reports". The data in the original file on worksheet "Attendance Data" should be deleted.
At the end of the process all the files that have had data copied from them should be moved to the sub folder "Attendance reports consolidated" (This could be done as each file is closed if that is easier).
I have headings in row 1 of the "Attendance Data" worksheet that match the headings in the various files in the folder (which will always be in row 14 of the individual "*att*.xls" files).
The folder with all the files and the "Consolidated webinar report.xls" file is at path "Z:P and S MEvaluationsWebinar series 2012-13TB".
I have a whole group of workbooks. Is there a way to make a new workbook that will look in the folder containing all of the other customer's books and pull information from them? In other words, I want a workbook where in Column A would contain all of the Customer's Names (Cell Info!G6), Column B would contain the Insurance Company (Cell Info!M14), etc. Is there a way to to that?
I have several workbooks in a folder with sub folders. How can I get the values located in C6, E6 and E9 and put in a new workbook the "file name" in Ai and those 3 values in Bi, Ci and Di respectively? Itīd be desirable get the values without open the files.
Is there any code that can look at all the workbooks in a folder and add up the certain cell values? All the workbook's titles will change through time but all the workbooks only use sheet1.
Example: I want to add up cell Q45 from all the workbooks that exist in the windows folder. Is there vba code for this?
If i have 25 different workbooks in one folder is it possible to open/merge all 25 workbooks into one workbook without having to copy and paste each individual workbook.
Each workbook only has a sheet1. I hope there is it would save a lot of time
1. I have a large number of Test Suites that are large documents with 1 (visible) sheet w/ test cases, and 1 (hidden) sheet w/ validations. Test Suite is saved with a unique name (that follows a naming convention we've set up on this project: <Project>_<Test Suite Category>_<Location in Software>_< date>.xls
2. I need to create a master document in which i can run a macro that will copy each "test suite" sheet from each of these documents, insert it into the master doc, and sort the sheets by name. then it needs to present the data from all of the sheets on the main page of the doc, and break down the results by Test Suite Category, and Location.
Is this possible?
Can I create a macro that will import sheets from (potentially) hundreds of different workbooks, and then sort them appropriately?
I've been looking all over the place, and while i've seen macros that can import specific data, rows, or columns, i havn't quite seen what i'm looking for.
I have 51 workbooks that I would like to combine into one workbook. Each workbook varies in number of rows, but have the same number of columns. There are 31 Columns (AE).
Is there a fast way of doing this or will I have to cut and Paste?
I'm using this simple code found on ozgrid to open all excel files in a folder...
Sub OpenAllWorkbooksInFolder() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Written by www.Ozgrid.com
'Open all found Workbooks in specified folder '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim i As Integer
With Application.FileSearch .LookIn = "C:Data" '* represents wildcard characters .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks If .Execute > 0 Then 'Workbook exists For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count Workbooks.Open (.FoundFiles(i)) Next i........
I want to ask about the network folder. The current systems that i develop contains about 15 excel workbooks and every workbooks link with each other. If i place all the workbooks into the network folder, does all the formula, link and vba will be changed to network too?
Such as the formula: ='G:systems[workA.xlsm]A1.
Does it will change the path of the formula? or i have to change all the formula, hyperlink and vba manually? second, how should i place the workbooks in network folder in a right way? do i need to change any setting at excel file?
I want a Macro to take a sheet (same named sheet) from several workbooks in one folder into a new workbook and paste each in one sheet in this new workbook. i want to rename the sheets in the new workbook based on the value in cell D2 ( i can manage that
How can i manage that by simple opening the folder or do i need to open all those workbook manually for that to be done.
I have a list of excel and word files in a folder...200+ of them. They all have the Author, Subject and Category populated under the File- Properties menu. From browsing through the site, I came across bits that suggest it is possible to do the following: Code that will run through a list of word/excel files in a designated folder, and extract the Excel(or Word) filename, Author, Subject and Category into a new excel file as a list?....................
I do multiple audits using excel, and would like to start a database as I put more audits into one folder. So it updates the values as I insert more audits into the folder.
My audit is a workbook which has multiple worksheets. But for each audit, it is the same worksheet with the same cell. The audit consists of yes and no questions, where you put in a x for either one. I would like to start a database, so for each question on my audit, I would have a percentage of yes or no for all my audits. For instance, question 1 , 7 out of my 10 audits, I had yes for that question.
How do I write a macro, so it counts the x's for multiple workbooks, and updates automatically for each question as I add more audits into that folder.
I have a folder named DATAENTRY (consist 90-100 password protected files & it may increase whenever the need arises).
I need to merge A2 to (data in last available row & last available column) of each file in that folder into a single sheet named MERGEDDATA of file named MASTER.XLS.
I got one excellent code to unlock/lock the files automatically without opening the concerned files. This is the Link [url]
I am trying to run the 'loop through a folder' code on multiple workbooks I receive.
The workbooks I receive are full of drop downs that have associated values of 1-3 on the first sheet. (About 100 in total) This particular workbook has the drop downs on one worksheet and the numeric results on another worksheet 'Results'
The second workbook 'Totals' (very basic) , just referenced each 'Results' worksheet and had equations that averaged all the drop downs cell by cell.
I would love to be able to use the 'loop through a folder' code to open them and then average them on the 'Totals' sheet. The main reason is that I am delegating this to another person and would like to eliminate the risk or human error. ( unless it is my own)
I am a total VBA n00b. Any assistance would be appreciated.
If needed I can upload the code or sheet as an example.
The base folder would always be the same. ie c: estresults*.xls
The naming would be very similar.
This loop code seemed relevant as it did not seem to require any file naming and would run through a folder and process all XLS files.
How would one loop through all the workbooks in a network folder and put all of the worksheet names from all of the workbooks into the cells of the current sheet (a local file).
I would like to copy all data from all workbooks stored in one particular folder and paste them into a masterlist. The masterlist and all other workbooks in that folder have the same table header. How do I write VBA codes do the following tasks?
Options (1 and 2 are mutually exclusive): 1. VBA will go to that folder, open all workbooks one by one, if the data is filtered, then deactivate filtermode, and copy all the data but not the header, and paste it into masterlist and loop to the next workbook.
2. Create an inputbox in masterlist that allows user to key in Week Number. Then VBA will take the value, go to the folder and open all the workbooks one by one, apply filtering using the InputBox value, and copy the related data excluding the header into masterlist and loop to the next workbook. (*If the workbook in the folder is filtered, deactivate filter and then only filter using the InputBox value).
I need to consolidate/summarize specific rows from various workbooks into a summary sheet on a new workbook. I get a daily workbook, and am currently manually copying and pasting the rows I need at the end of the month into a summary sheet.
All of the workbooks are in the same folder. All of the workbooks contain data in Sheet1 only, all have the same header row (A). I need to find and copy the entire row based on two values in column AH. If the column contains JAN LA or JAN LA 125, then I need to copy that entire row into my new summary sheet. Not all of the workbooks will contain data for me, but most will.
I have been trying some of the macros I found on here to try to copy every Sheet1 from all workbooks, but I can't get it to work. I was then going to filter through the data to find the ones I need. If I can get it to copy only the rows I need instead of the entire sheet,