Look Up - List Of Invoices One On Sheet And A Column Next

Jun 5, 2006

I have one list of invoices one on sheet and a column next to them where it says paid or not paid. I am trying to pull only the "not paid" amounts into another sheet but want to do this without the zeroes or spaces in between rows.

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Statements Produced From A List Of Invoices

Jul 1, 2012

I have a large list of invoices from different suppliers in a workbook. What I would like to do is to produce statements using this list so that I don't have to type the information into each statement.

I have the following fields:

Customer Name:
Customer Address 1:
Customer Address 2:
Customer Address 3:
Customer Address 4:
Invoice Number:
Invoice Amount:

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Excel 2003 :: Log Sheet - Creating Invoices

Apr 20, 2014

I am using Win XP Pro, Excel 2003. In the workbook, I have a invoice spread sheet (lets call it sheet1) to create invoices. Once the invoice is completed, I save it with this macro which saves it to the contents of E3 and E7 for the file name:'

Sub SaveMeExtraQUOTE()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' Dialog's Title
strTitle = ""My Tite""
If MsgBox("WARNING !! STOP! Enter ALL your quotes information to be saved BEFORE saving the file!!!

[Code] .......

This is working just fine BUT it keeps saving it to a template file where the master template is kept. Why will it NOT save it to the QUOTES folder when I am using this:

Filename:="C:EXCELATX Concrete DesignQUOTES"

I am also trying to have a space between the contents of cell E3 and E7 when the file name is saved. Now it just puts them together.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Automate Emails And Invoices From Data Sheet

Apr 18, 2010

I have the office 2007 Suite.I have a small business, where i sell online mostly. I'm creating a simple spreadsheet using Excel 2007, a workbook that has simple financial statements.

I'm creating a list of customers along with what they order, what they paid, how they paid, (paypal, cheque) etc, The first column is the invoice number, and each is unique to each customer. I add as i get orders. so my list of invoices has the following fields as column headers


Invoice Number Customer Name, Paid by Paypal, Paid by Cheque, Amount, Cusotmer email, Customer address, There are more and i won't list them all. Now each time i send an order, i have to fill in the excel worksheet. I then create the invoice separately in Word 2007 which i print to send to the customer with the order in the mail. The third step is sending an email to the customer upon despatch, using Outlook 2007.

I don't want to use accounting software as that is too complicated for my simple little business. What i do want to do however is combine all three tasks instead of having to open different programs and copying and pasting between them. I'd like to be able to add the data to Excel either using a form (ideally) or direct, then i'd like to be able to click on the "customer email" field to send a confirmation email to the customer, and also to be able to have an automated invoice, either in excel or Word, which draws the information automatically for each invoice, so that i only have to print it.

At the moment i'm doing all 3 tasks separately, when i know they can be automated.

1. I have about 20 columns of data for each invoice, ideally i'd like to be able to enter them from a form as it gets cumbersome going through them all in Excel. The form could be either in Word or Excel, which would be easier?

2. Using the invoice number as the unique field, how can i create an invoice that would draw out the required fields from the Excel data automatically, just by clicking a button? I dont' mind using either Excel or Word, whichever is easier, and i do have Access too, but i don't know if i should use that, or not. I don't need to draw any other data. I only want to print invoices and send confirmation emails.

3. After printing the invoice and posting the order to the customer i sent them an email confirming. Again i have to manually enter or copy and paste data in the email, which i know could be automated, if i create a template, and have some fields that are automaitcally populated using the fields in the date already entered.

These fields ususally include the total paid, currency paid, address, name and how many ordered. All of this could be automated, but i'm not sure how to do it.

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Show List Of Data Based On Value In A Column On Another Sheet

Jun 26, 2014

formula to use in my report

Let's say I have a summary table on Sheet 1 6000 rows of data on sheet 2.

In Sheet 2 I have 3 columns, Name, Month and Score. Name Column (A) has names of students Month Column (B) has months January, February and so on. Score Column (C) has data from Green, Yellow and Red. Red is if they failed.

In the summary table on Sheet 1, I need to show all the names that got a "Red" Score. And their corresponding months.

It should look like this.

Month l Name l Score
January l Mike J l Red
March l Joe M l Red

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Active Invoices

Nov 6, 2008

In column A I have account numbers.

I press a button and the selected account number is transfered to another sheet (active invoices) and then is used as a criteria in a msquery.

heres the code ....

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Dropdown List On Sheet2 That Displays Unique Items In Column A On Sheet 1?

Feb 13, 2014

im looking to have a drop down list on sheet2 that displays unique items in column A on sheet 1.

then when an item is selected from the drop down list, i want to be able to display all unique values that correspond to that option. i have attached an example worksheet

data on sheet1 is ever changing

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Multiple Open Invoices?

May 12, 2014

I have an invoice set up to save the invoice as a pdf file and generate a new invoice number with a macro. How can I keep multiple open invoices open?

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VBA - Printing Sequential Invoices?

Dec 4, 2007

I have written some code for a friend of mine, but I cannot test it because I currently don't have a printer attached to this computer. I am confident that it will work, but I would like a second set of eyes to confirm that I havent missed anything.

I have a userform with two textboxes. One of them asks how many copies of the invoice to print out, and the second one asks what invoice number to start with. THe invoice numbers are recorded in Cell I1.


Also, for the future, in a situation like this, is there anyway to test if the code would work without a printer? I tried substituting printpreview, but my computer locked up.

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Create Invoices From Rows?

Jul 29, 2009

have a look at the attached file. I am trying to create invoices per each row of this sheet, where in Column C is the receipients' address, in D is the invoice number, in E is the item name, in F is the invoice date.

I am trying to create one invoice ( the invoice from I have also created in Excel ) for each row.

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VBA: Printing Sequential Invoices

Dec 4, 2007

I have written some code for a friend of mine, but I cannot test it because I currently don't have a printer attached to this computer. I am confident that it will work, but I would like a second set of eyes to confirm that I havent missed anything.

I have a userform with two textboxes. One of them asks how many copies of the invoice to print out, and the second one asks what invoice number to start with. THe invoice numbers are recorded in Cell I1.

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Create Invoices From Rows

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to create invoices per each row of this sheet, where in Column C is the receipients' address, in D is the invoice number, in E is the item name, in F is the invoice date.

I am trying to create one invoice ( the invoice from I have also created in Excel ) for each row.

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Auto Numbering In Invoices In

Nov 27, 2008

Could someone give me the exercise to be followed to create auto numbering in invoices in Excel as same urgently required.

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Auto-Populate Column Data From Source Sheet After Selecting From Dropdown List

Jan 11, 2013

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that can be used to easily build a collective list of steps, for a user to read and follow line-by-line.

I want a source sheet of "steps" that I can change over time, and the resulting tabs that reference the source sheet get updated/populated automatically.

I've pieced together some VBA code from other sources, which kind of does what I want it to:


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Set SourceSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Steps")
Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
Set TargetSheet = Target.Worksheet
Dim c As Integer
Dim Source As Range


But there are some problems:

1) The data auto-populates into a row. It would read better if each step was in the same column, meaning rows would need to be automatically added upon selecting something from the drop-down list. The number of rows that need to be added vary based on the number of steps in the source sheet, for the selection made from the drop-down list.

2) If you make a change to the source sheet, my goal is to have the other sheets referencing the source sheet's lists of steps update automatically, so you only need to update the steps in one spot and everything you've built from them gets updated instantly. Currently, you must select a different choice from the drop-down list, and then change it back, before it populates the "new" steps from the source sheet.

This is my first time using VBA.

What I have so far is attached: testAutoPopulate.xlsm

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VLookup Query: Seperate Sheet To Identify Entries That Have Today's Date In Column I And Then List Them In Worksheet 3

Nov 20, 2009

I have designed a spreadsheet and i want a seperate worksheet (sheet3 for arguments sake) to retrieve customer data from worksheet 2 - The data I required is the customer data currently contained on columns A - H and there are around 50 rows. (A2 - I51). I want the seperate sheet to identify entries that have today's date in column I and then list them in Worksheet 3.

Im having difficulties with the syntax for retrieving the data from a seperate worksheet. There may be several entries for the same date and I want to the seperate sheet to report all customer data in worksheet 3? Also, if the date falls on a weekend I would like to retrieve any data for the weekend on the Monday so all cases can be reviewed.

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Count The Number Of Invoices Excluding Duplicates

Jun 14, 2007

I have a list of invoices numbers in column B, some are duplicated

I want to count the the number of invoices excluding duplicates.

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Runtime Error 1004 :: Cut Invoices Out Of Several Workbooks

Jul 20, 2009

I'm currently trying to make a script that will cut invoices out of several finance workbooks, I have ommitted the main part of the processing as it happens later and does not have any bearing on this problem.

When it reaches the line I have marked, it breaks with the error "Runtime error '1004': Select method of worksheet class failed". I'm fairly sure the problem lies with the Workbook but at the time of break WbZ is set to a valid workbook (FinanceSheet_SP_Thomas.xls in this case) and the workbook contains a sheet called "Invoice Sheet".

Sub Extract() ...

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Formula To Subtract Invoices From Total Amount Available

Sep 25, 2009

I have 2 tables, one with invoices, the other with purchase orders. I would like to have a "PO Amount Remaining" column on the invoice table that looks up the PO listed on the invoice with the PO $ amount on the PO table. Once it is matched, I would like to subtract the total invoices to give me the amount of the PO that is left. Basically I would like the "PO Amount Remaining" column right now to have $4,200 listed in each row for invoices 1 & 2.....

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Copy Data From A List In The Next Column As Per The Current Column List

Mar 27, 2014

I am using Excel 2010. I need to copy a list from any Column on the right to the existing Column. See the sample file.

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Auto Fill Dates: The Sheet To List The Dates In A Column For Each Month Automatically

Jun 17, 2007

I have a sheet with a date and the number of months on it which will change. I need the sheet to list the dates in a column for each month automatically: e.g. Two cells contain date “jan07” and the period “10” months. The rows A1 to A10 should have jan07…jan16 listed automatically. If I change then change the number of month to 11 I would like the rows A1 to A11 to update automatically.

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Double Lookup Function: Find Total Invoices Billed In February For ABC Consulting Company

Apr 7, 2009

I have a spreadsheet in which I am trying to track invoices billed according to month in question. For example, I need to find total invoices billed in February for ABC Consulting Company. I have a database in the same spreadsheet that contains all invoices billed for an entire year for all companies. How do I pull invoices for a particular month only, in this case for the month of February? I have attached an example of spreadsheet in question. Included is a tab which indicates desired results.

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Using A List In A Pivot Table To Generate A List On Another Sheet

Jul 29, 2008

I have a set of accounts (general ledger accounts) that the accounting group posts expenses to. every once in awhile a new account is added. This is captured through a pivot that i have built (sheet A).

on another sheet (sheetB) i want to display the accounts that are shown in the pivot so that i can forecast their future activity.

What i am trying to figure out is how can i make the list on Sheet B change when new accounts are added to the pivot on Sheet A (without simply referencing the pivot table making one cell equal the other)? I am not looking for a data validation pull down, i want a full list of the accounts.

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Check All Column From One Sheet And Then Update Another Sheet If Column Match

May 14, 2013

I have a sheet1 with following column name Ab,Bb,Cb,Db,Eb,Fb and sheet two contains Ab,Xc,Eb,Sv,Db,Fb,Gm,Cb,Hb these headings are on 7 line of both excel sheet.

Now I want to check each cell under column name Ab in Sheet1 and compare it with all the cells under column name Ab in Sheet2. If both matches then update Cb,Db,Eb,Fb of Sheet1 to the corresponding columns in sheet2 for that column name.

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If Statement + Vlookup: Fill In The Third Column On Sheet 2 From The 3rd Column In Sheet 1??

Oct 7, 2009

I need to fill in the third column on sheet 2 from the 3rd column in sheet 1. do I need an IF statement combined with vlookup??

sheet 1
mark l XYZ l 45
katy l ABC l 3
mark l ABC l 6
katy l XYZ l 45
mark l DEFl 4

sheet 2:
mark l XYZ l
katy l ABC l
mark l ABC l
katy l XYZ l
mark l DEF l

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Copy Data From Column In One Sheet To Column In Another Sheet Until Blank In F

Mar 25, 2014

I have a worksheet, "District", that has names of team members from A2:A (The number of team members will vary, so I would need the macro to stop when the list ends). I need these to be distributed to column A on another sheet, "Input", from A11 down until it hits a row that has a blank cell in column F. I've tried a couple of things, but just can't seem to get it to work.

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Create Automatic List In Excel Sheet With Filtered Data From Another Sheet?

Dec 27, 2012

So I have a guest list workbook. There are two sheets. On the first one is a list of names on Column A. On Column B is a classification: 'C' if confirmed; "D" for declined; "I" for pending. I want to have all the names with "C" on sheet 1 appear on sheet 2 automatically.

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Find Print Range And Print Invoices From 250 Tabs

Feb 24, 2014

I have a pretty large spreadsheet set up that invoices our clients. A few tabs in the front allow us to globally invoice if we did certain services for all clients and then we can also go into each tab and invoice each client for specific services performed on their property. Some invoices are two pages long and other may be up to seven pages long and anywhere in between... So that's the first issue, how do you find how many pages to print and then set the print range for each invoice.

The second issue centers around being able to print all the invoices at one time.

The spreadsheet is set up in this manner: A recap sheet we print to check off that each invoice was printed; an IIF statement to get the Excel info into QuickBooks; a template to set up each invoice's information with dates, dates services were performed,etc.; then there are five Global billing tabs where I can invoice all accounts globally or by their type of account (Saturday or Sunday open, 24/7 etc.); then we get into the tabs for each account. Each account has its own tab with an invoice loaded inside where we can itemize the services they received. Inside all these individual account tabs we have set up 'Zone' tabs where we can invoice all the clients we set up within a zone. There are about twenty of these tabs. Then at the end I have a few more tabs that aren't used any longer, there are about ten tabs there...

Is there a way I can hit Print and get all of my invoices to print out at one time versus having to go into each and every tab, set the print range, and then hit Print for all 250ish invoices?

This is the biggest complaint I have right now about the invoicing program I have set up...

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Cant Pull Data From Another Sheet After Drop Down List Selection From Another Sheet

Jul 31, 2009

I have an excel workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of people names, rank, address, and phone numbers. Sheet 2 has boxes where a user can select a last name from all last names in sheet1. What I want to happen after the user selects the last name in sheet 2 is for it to automatically fill in the rest of the data (ie Rank, First Name, Address, city, Home phone number, Cell Phone number). What do I need to do in order for this to work?. Attached is a very small example of my much larger project.

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How To Get Unique List From A Column To Data Validation Dropdown List

Oct 28, 2011

I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?

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Update Horizontal List Based On Vertical List (ins Column)

Nov 26, 2007

1. I have a list of several items in sheet 1. Lets say 30-40 rows.

2. I do a frequently update of this list.

3. In sheet 2 I want to have a copy of this list in row 1 from column A to Column x (depends on how long the list in sheet 1 is.)

4. When I change the list in sheet 1, could be in first, middle or last row- mayby several rows. The list in sheet 2 should be updated

5. The update of sheet 2 should insert a new column on the right place, according to the list in sheet 1.

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